Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.rendering
import flash.display3D.Context3DTriangleFace;
import flash.display3D.textures.TextureBase;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import starling.display.BlendMode;
import starling.textures.Texture;
import starling.utils.MatrixUtil;
import starling.utils.Pool;
import starling.utils.RectangleUtil;
/** The RenderState stores a combination of settings that are currently used for rendering.
* This includes modelview and transformation matrices as well as context3D related settings.
* Starling's Painter instance stores a reference to the current RenderState.
* Via a stack mechanism, you can always save a specific state and restore it later.
* That makes it easy to write rendering code that doesn't have any side effects.
* Beware that any context-related settings are not applied on the context
* right away, but only after calling painter.prepareToDraw()
* However, the Painter recognizes changes to those settings and will finish the current
* batch right away if necessary.
* Matrix Magic
* On rendering, Starling traverses the display tree, constantly moving from one
* coordinate system to the next. Each display object stores its vertex coordinates
* in its local coordinate system; on rendering, they must be moved to a global,
* 2D coordinate space (the so-called "clip-space"). To handle these calculations,
* the RenderState contains a set of matrices.
* By multiplying vertex coordinates with the modelviewMatrix
, you'll get the
* coordinates in "screen-space", or in other words: in stage coordinates. (Optionally,
* there's also a 3D version of this matrix. It comes into play when you're working with
* Sprite3D
* By feeding the result of the previous transformation into the
* projectionMatrix
, you'll end up with so-called "clipping coordinates",
* which are in the range [-1, 1]
(just as needed by the graphics pipeline).
* If you've got vertices in the 3D space, this matrix will also execute a perspective
* projection.
* Finally, there's the mvpMatrix
, which is short for
* "modelviewProjectionMatrix". This is simply a combination of modelview-
* projectionMatrix
, combining the effects of both. Pass this matrix
* to the vertex shader and all your vertices will automatically end up at the right
* position.
* @see Painter
* @see starling.display.Sprite3D
public class RenderState
private var _alpha:Number;
private var _blendMode:String;
private var _renderTarget:Texture;
private var _renderTargetOptions:uint;
private var _culling:String;
private var _clipRect:Rectangle;
private var _onDrawRequired:Function;
private var _modelviewMatrix:Matrix;
private var _modelviewMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
private var _projectionMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
private var _mvpMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
// helper objects
private static var sMatrix3D:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
/** Creates a new render state with the default settings. */
public function RenderState()
/** Duplicates all properties of another instance on the current instance. */
public function copyFrom(renderState:RenderState):void
if (_onDrawRequired != null)
var currentTarget:TextureBase = _renderTarget ? _renderTarget.base : null;
var nextTarget:TextureBase = renderState._renderTarget ? renderState._renderTarget.base : null;
var clipRectChanges:Boolean = _clipRect || renderState._clipRect ?
!, renderState._clipRect) : false;
if (_blendMode != renderState._blendMode || _culling != renderState._culling ||
currentTarget != nextTarget || clipRectChanges)
_alpha = renderState._alpha;
_blendMode = renderState._blendMode;
_renderTarget = renderState._renderTarget;
_renderTargetOptions = renderState._renderTargetOptions;
_culling = renderState._culling;
if (_modelviewMatrix3D || renderState._modelviewMatrix3D)
this.modelviewMatrix3D = renderState._modelviewMatrix3D;
if (_clipRect || renderState._clipRect)
this.clipRect = renderState._clipRect;
/** Resets the RenderState to the default settings.
* (Check each property documentation for its default value.) */
public function reset():void
this.alpha = 1.0;
this.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
this.culling = Context3DTriangleFace.NONE;
this.modelviewMatrix3D = null;
this.renderTarget = null;
this.clipRect = null;
if (_modelviewMatrix) _modelviewMatrix.identity();
else _modelviewMatrix = new Matrix();
if (_projectionMatrix3D) _projectionMatrix3D.identity();
else _projectionMatrix3D = new Matrix3D();
if (_mvpMatrix3D == null) _mvpMatrix3D = new Matrix3D();
// matrix methods / properties
/** Prepends the given matrix to the 2D modelview matrix. */
public function transformModelviewMatrix(matrix:Matrix):void
MatrixUtil.prependMatrix(_modelviewMatrix, matrix);
/** Prepends the given matrix to the 3D modelview matrix.
* The current contents of the 2D modelview matrix is stored in the 3D modelview matrix
* before doing so; the 2D modelview matrix is then reset to the identity matrix.
public function transformModelviewMatrix3D(matrix:Matrix3D):void
if (_modelviewMatrix3D == null)
_modelviewMatrix3D = Pool.getMatrix3D();
_modelviewMatrix3D.prepend(MatrixUtil.convertTo3D(_modelviewMatrix, sMatrix3D));
/** Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering.
* The first 4 parameters define which area of the stage you want to view (the camera
* will 'zoom' to exactly this region). The final 3 parameters determine the perspective
* in which you're looking at the stage.
* The stage is always on the rectangle that is spawned up between x- and y-axis (with
* the given size). All objects that are exactly on that rectangle (z equals zero) will be
* rendered in their true size, without any distortion.
* If you pass only the first 4 parameters, the camera will be set up above the center
* of the stage, with a field of view of 1.0 rad.
public function setProjectionMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number,
stageWidth:Number=0, stageHeight:Number=0,
x, y, width, height, stageWidth, stageHeight, cameraPos, _projectionMatrix3D);
/** Changes the modelview matrices (2D and, if available, 3D) to identity matrices.
* An object transformed an identity matrix performs no transformation.
public function setModelviewMatricesToIdentity():void
if (_modelviewMatrix3D) _modelviewMatrix3D.identity();
/** Returns the current 2D modelview matrix.
* CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
* @default identity matrix */
public function get modelviewMatrix():Matrix { return _modelviewMatrix; }
public function set modelviewMatrix(value:Matrix):void { _modelviewMatrix.copyFrom(value); }
/** Returns the current 3D modelview matrix, if there have been 3D transformations.
* CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
* @default null */
public function get modelviewMatrix3D():Matrix3D { return _modelviewMatrix3D; }
public function set modelviewMatrix3D(value:Matrix3D):void
if (value)
if (_modelviewMatrix3D == null) _modelviewMatrix3D = Pool.getMatrix3D(false);
else if (_modelviewMatrix3D)
_modelviewMatrix3D = null;
/** Returns the current projection matrix. You can use the method 'setProjectionMatrix3D'
* to set it up in an intuitive way.
* CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
* @default identity matrix */
public function get projectionMatrix3D():Matrix3D { return _projectionMatrix3D; }
public function set projectionMatrix3D(value:Matrix3D):void { _projectionMatrix3D.copyFrom(value); }
/** Calculates the product of modelview and projection matrix and stores it in a 3D matrix.
* CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance. */
public function get mvpMatrix3D():Matrix3D
if (_modelviewMatrix3D) _mvpMatrix3D.prepend(_modelviewMatrix3D);
_mvpMatrix3D.prepend(MatrixUtil.convertTo3D(_modelviewMatrix, sMatrix3D));
return _mvpMatrix3D;
// other methods
/** Changes the the current render target.
* @param target Either a texture or null
to render into the back buffer.
* @param enableDepthAndStencil Indicates if depth and stencil testing will be available.
* This parameter affects only texture targets.
* @param antiAlias The anti-aliasing quality (0
meaning: no anti-aliasing).
* This parameter affects only texture targets. Note that at the time
* of this writing, AIR supports anti-aliasing only on Desktop.
public function setRenderTarget(target:Texture, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean=true,
var currentTarget:TextureBase = _renderTarget ? _renderTarget.base : null;
var newTarget:TextureBase = target ? target.base : null;
var newOptions:uint = uint(enableDepthAndStencil) | antiAlias << 4;
if (currentTarget != newTarget || _renderTargetOptions != newOptions)
if (_onDrawRequired != null) _onDrawRequired();
_renderTarget = target;
_renderTargetOptions = newOptions;
// other properties
/** The current, cumulated alpha value. Beware that, in a standard 'render' method,
* this already includes the current object! The value is the product of current object's
* alpha value and all its parents. @default 1.0
public function get alpha():Number { return _alpha; }
public function set alpha(value:Number):void { _alpha = value; }
/** The blend mode to be used on rendering. A value of "auto" is ignored, since it
* means that the mode should remain unchanged.
* @default BlendMode.NORMAL
* @see starling.display.BlendMode
public function get blendMode():String { return _blendMode; }
public function set blendMode(value:String):void
if (value != BlendMode.AUTO && _blendMode != value)
if (_onDrawRequired != null) _onDrawRequired();
_blendMode = value;
/** The texture that is currently being rendered into, or null
* to render into the back buffer. On assignment, calls setRenderTarget
* with its default parameters. */
public function get renderTarget():Texture { return _renderTarget; }
public function set renderTarget(value:Texture):void { setRenderTarget(value); }
/** @private */
internal function get renderTargetBase():TextureBase
return _renderTarget ? _renderTarget.base : null;
/** Sets the triangle culling mode. Allows to exclude triangles from rendering based on
* their orientation relative to the view plane.
* @default Context3DTriangleFace.NONE
public function get culling():String { return _culling; }
public function set culling(value:String):void
if (_culling != value)
if (_onDrawRequired != null) _onDrawRequired();
_culling = value;
/** The clipping rectangle can be used to limit rendering in the current render target to
* a certain area. This method expects the rectangle in stage coordinates. To prevent
* any clipping, assign null
* @default null
public function get clipRect():Rectangle { return _clipRect; }
public function set clipRect(value:Rectangle):void
if (!, value))
if (_onDrawRequired != null) _onDrawRequired();
if (value)
if (_clipRect == null) _clipRect = Pool.getRectangle();
else if (_clipRect)
_clipRect = null;
/** The anti-alias setting used when setting the current render target
* via setRenderTarget
. */
public function get renderTargetAntiAlias():int
return _renderTargetOptions >> 4;
/** Indicates if the render target (set via setRenderTarget
* has its depth and stencil buffers enabled. */
public function get renderTargetSupportsDepthAndStencil():Boolean
return (_renderTargetOptions & 0xf) != 0;
/** Indicates if there have been any 3D transformations.
* Returns true
if the 3D modelview matrix contains a value. */
public function get is3D():Boolean { return _modelviewMatrix3D != null; }
/** @private
* This callback is executed whenever a state change requires a draw operation.
* This is the case if blend mode, render target, culling or clipping rectangle
* are changing. */
internal function get onDrawRequired():Function { return _onDrawRequired; }
internal function set onDrawRequired(value:Function):void { _onDrawRequired = value; }