Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright 2011-2015 Gamua. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.utils
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import starling.errors.AbstractClassError;
/** A utility class containing methods related to the Matrix class. */
public class MatrixUtil
// helper objects
private static var sRawData:Vector. =
new [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
private static var sRawData2:Vector. = new Vector.(16, true);
private static var sPoint3D:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var sMatrixData:Vector. =
new [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
/** @private */
public function MatrixUtil() { throw new AbstractClassError(); }
/** Converts a 2D matrix to a 3D matrix. If you pass an out
* the result will be stored in this matrix instead of creating a new object. */
public static function convertTo3D(matrix:Matrix, out:Matrix3D=null):Matrix3D
if (out == null) out = new Matrix3D();
sRawData[ 0] = matrix.a;
sRawData[ 1] = matrix.b;
sRawData[ 4] = matrix.c;
sRawData[ 5] = matrix.d;
sRawData[12] = matrix.tx;
sRawData[13] = matrix.ty;
return out;
/** Converts a 3D matrix to a 2D matrix. Beware that this will work only for a 3D matrix
* describing a pure 2D transformation. */
public static function convertTo2D(matrix3D:Matrix3D, out:Matrix=null):Matrix
if (out == null) out = new Matrix();
out.a = sRawData2[ 0];
out.b = sRawData2[ 1];
out.c = sRawData2[ 4];
out.d = sRawData2[ 5];
out.tx = sRawData2[12];
out.ty = sRawData2[13];
return out;
/** Determines if the matrix is an identity matrix. */
public static function isIdentity(matrix:Matrix):Boolean
return matrix.a == 1.0 && matrix.b == 0.0 && matrix.c == 0.0 && matrix.d == 1.0 &&
matrix.tx == 0.0 && matrix.ty == 0.0;
/** Determines if the 3D matrix is an identity matrix. */
public static function isIdentity3D(matrix:Matrix3D):Boolean
var data:Vector. = sRawData2;
return data[ 0] == 1.0 && data[ 1] == 0.0 && data[ 2] == 0.0 && data[ 3] == 0.0 &&
data[ 4] == 0.0 && data[ 5] == 1.0 && data[ 6] == 0.0 && data[ 7] == 0.0 &&
data[ 8] == 0.0 && data[ 9] == 0.0 && data[10] == 1.0 && data[11] == 0.0 &&
data[12] == 0.0 && data[13] == 0.0 && data[14] == 0.0 && data[15] == 1.0;
/** Transform a point with the given matrix. */
public static function transformPoint(matrix:Matrix, point:Point,
return transformCoords(matrix, point.x, point.y, out);
/** Transforms a 3D point with the given matrix. */
public static function transformPoint3D(matrix:Matrix3D, point:Vector3D,
return transformCoords3D(matrix, point.x, point.y, point.z, out);
/** Uses a matrix to transform 2D coordinates into a different space. If you pass an
* out
-point, the result will be stored in this point instead of creating
* a new object. */
public static function transformCoords(matrix:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number,
if (out == null) out = new Point();
out.x = matrix.a * x + matrix.c * y + matrix.tx;
out.y = matrix.d * y + matrix.b * x + matrix.ty;
return out;
/** Uses a matrix to transform 3D coordinates into a different space. If you pass a
* 'resultVector', the result will be stored in this vector3D instead of creating a
* new object. */
public static function transformCoords3D(matrix:Matrix3D, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number,
if (out == null) out = new Vector3D();
out.x = x * sRawData2[0] + y * sRawData2[4] + z * sRawData2[ 8] + sRawData2[12];
out.y = x * sRawData2[1] + y * sRawData2[5] + z * sRawData2[ 9] + sRawData2[13];
out.z = x * sRawData2[2] + y * sRawData2[6] + z * sRawData2[10] + sRawData2[14];
out.w = x * sRawData2[3] + y * sRawData2[7] + z * sRawData2[11] + sRawData2[15];
return out;
/** Appends a skew transformation to a matrix (angles in radians). The skew matrix
* has the following form:
* | cos(skewY) -sin(skewX) 0 |
* | sin(skewY) cos(skewX) 0 |
* | 0 0 1 |
public static function skew(matrix:Matrix, skewX:Number, skewY:Number):void
var sinX:Number = Math.sin(skewX);
var cosX:Number = Math.cos(skewX);
var sinY:Number = Math.sin(skewY);
var cosY:Number = Math.cos(skewY);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cosY - matrix.b * sinX,
matrix.a * sinY + matrix.b * cosX,
matrix.c * cosY - matrix.d * sinX,
matrix.c * sinY + matrix.d * cosX,
matrix.tx * cosY - matrix.ty * sinX,
matrix.tx * sinY + matrix.ty * cosX);
/** Prepends a matrix to 'base' by multiplying it with another matrix. */
public static function prependMatrix(base:Matrix, prep:Matrix):void
base.setTo(base.a * prep.a + base.c * prep.b,
base.b * prep.a + base.d * prep.b,
base.a * prep.c + base.c * prep.d,
base.b * prep.c + base.d * prep.d,
base.tx + base.a * prep.tx + base.c * prep.ty,
base.ty + base.b * prep.tx + base.d * prep.ty);
/** Prepends an incremental translation to a Matrix object. */
public static function prependTranslation(matrix:Matrix, tx:Number, ty:Number):void
matrix.tx += matrix.a * tx + matrix.c * ty;
matrix.ty += matrix.b * tx + matrix.d * ty;
/** Prepends an incremental scale change to a Matrix object. */
public static function prependScale(matrix:Matrix, sx:Number, sy:Number):void
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * sx, matrix.b * sx,
matrix.c * sy, matrix.d * sy,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Prepends an incremental rotation to a Matrix object (angle in radians). */
public static function prependRotation(matrix:Matrix, angle:Number):void
var sin:Number = Math.sin(angle);
var cos:Number = Math.cos(angle);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cos + matrix.c * sin, matrix.b * cos + matrix.d * sin,
matrix.c * cos - matrix.a * sin, matrix.d * cos - matrix.b * sin,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Prepends a skew transformation to a Matrix object (angles in radians). The skew matrix
* has the following form:
* | cos(skewY) -sin(skewX) 0 |
* | sin(skewY) cos(skewX) 0 |
* | 0 0 1 |
public static function prependSkew(matrix:Matrix, skewX:Number, skewY:Number):void
var sinX:Number = Math.sin(skewX);
var cosX:Number = Math.cos(skewX);
var sinY:Number = Math.sin(skewY);
var cosY:Number = Math.cos(skewY);
matrix.setTo(matrix.a * cosY + matrix.c * sinY,
matrix.b * cosY + matrix.d * sinY,
matrix.c * cosX - matrix.a * sinX,
matrix.d * cosX - matrix.b * sinX,
matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
/** Converts a Matrix3D instance to a String, which is useful when debugging. Per default,
* the raw data is displayed transposed, so that the columns are displayed vertically. */
public static function toString3D(matrix:Matrix3D, transpose:Boolean=true,
if (transpose) matrix.transpose();
if (transpose) matrix.transpose();
return "[Matrix3D rawData=\n" + formatRawData(sRawData2, 4, 4, precision) + "\n]";
/** Converts a Matrix instance to a String, which is useful when debugging. */
public static function toString(matrix:Matrix, precision:int=3):String
sRawData2[0] = matrix.a; sRawData2[1] = matrix.c; sRawData2[2] = matrix.tx;
sRawData2[3] = matrix.b; sRawData2[4] = matrix.d; sRawData2[5] = matrix.ty;
return "[Matrix rawData=\n" + formatRawData(sRawData2, 3, 2, precision) + "\n]";
private static function formatRawData(data:Vector., numCols:int, numRows:int,
precision:int, indent:String=" "):String
var result:String = indent;
var numValues:int = numCols * numRows;
var highestValue:Number = 0.0;
var valueString:String;
var value:Number;
for (var i:int=0; i highestValue) highestValue = value;
var numChars:int = highestValue.toFixed(precision).length + 1;
for (var y:int=0; yThe first 4 parameters define which area of the stage you want to view (the camera
* will 'zoom' to exactly this region). The final 3 parameters determine the perspective
* in which you're looking at the stage.
* The stage is always on the rectangle that is spawned up between x- and y-axis (with
* the given size). All objects that are exactly on that rectangle (z equals zero) will be
* rendered in their true size, without any distortion.
* If you pass only the first 4 parameters, the camera will be set up above the center
* of the stage, with a field of view of 1.0 rad.
public static function createPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number,
stageWidth:Number=0, stageHeight:Number=0, cameraPos:Vector3D=null,
if (out == null) out = new Matrix3D();
if (stageWidth <= 0) stageWidth = width;
if (stageHeight <= 0) stageHeight = height;
if (cameraPos == null)
cameraPos = sPoint3D;
stageWidth / 2, stageHeight / 2, // -> center of stage
stageWidth / Math.tan(0.5) * 0.5); // -> fieldOfView = 1.0 rad
const focalLength:Number = Math.abs(cameraPos.z);
const offsetX:Number = cameraPos.x - stageWidth / 2;
const offsetY:Number = cameraPos.y - stageHeight / 2;
const far:Number = focalLength * 20;
const near:Number = 1;
const scaleX:Number = stageWidth / width;
const scaleY:Number = stageHeight / height;
// set up general perspective
sMatrixData[ 0] = 2 * focalLength / stageWidth; // 0,0
sMatrixData[ 5] = -2 * focalLength / stageHeight; // 1,1 [negative to invert y-axis]
sMatrixData[10] = far / (far - near); // 2,2
sMatrixData[14] = -far * near / (far - near); // 2,3
sMatrixData[11] = 1; // 3,2
// now zoom in to visible area
sMatrixData[0] *= scaleX;
sMatrixData[5] *= scaleY;
sMatrixData[8] = scaleX - 1 - 2 * scaleX * (x - offsetX) / stageWidth;
sMatrixData[9] = -scaleY + 1 + 2 * scaleY * (y - offsetY) / stageHeight;
-stageWidth /2.0 - offsetX,
-stageHeight/2.0 - offsetY,
return out;
/** Creates a orthographic projection matrix suitable for 2D rendering. */
public static function createOrthographicProjectionMatrix(
x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, out:Matrix=null):Matrix
if (out == null) out = new Matrix();
out.setTo(2.0/width, 0, 0, -2.0/height,
-(2*x + width) / width, (2*y + height) / height);
return out;