Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Starling Framework
// Copyright Gamua GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
// =================================================================================================
package starling.animation
import starling.core.starling_internal;
import starling.utils.Color;
/** A Tween animates numeric properties of objects. It uses different transition functions
* to give the animations various styles.
* The primary use of this class is to do standard animations like movement, fading,
* rotation, etc. But there are no limits on what to animate; as long as the property you want
* to animate is numeric (int, uint, Number
), the tween can handle it. For a list
* of available Transition types, look at the "Transitions" class.
* Here is an example of a tween that moves an object to the right, rotates it, and
* fades it out:
* var tween:Tween = new Tween(object, 2.0, Transitions.EASE_IN_OUT);
* tween.animate("x", object.x + 50);
* tween.animate("rotation", deg2rad(45));
* tween.fadeTo(0); // equivalent to 'animate("alpha", 0)'
* Starling.juggler.add(tween);
* Note that the object is added to a juggler at the end of this sample. That's because a
* tween will only be executed if its "advanceTime" method is executed regularly - the
* juggler will do that for you, and will remove the tween when it is finished.
* @see Juggler
* @see Transitions
public class Tween extends EventDispatcher implements IAnimatable
private static const HINT_MARKER:String = '#';
private var _target:Object;
private var _transitionFunc:Function;
private var _transitionName:String;
private var _properties:Vector.;
private var _startValues:Vector.;
private var _endValues:Vector.;
private var _updateFuncs:Vector.;
private var _onStart:Function;
private var _onUpdate:Function;
private var _onRepeat:Function;
private var _onComplete:Function;
private var _onStartArgs:Array;
private var _onUpdateArgs:Array;
private var _onRepeatArgs:Array;
private var _onCompleteArgs:Array;
private var _totalTime:Number;
private var _currentTime:Number;
private var _progress:Number;
private var _delay:Number;
private var _roundToInt:Boolean;
private var _nextTween:Tween;
private var _repeatCount:int;
private var _repeatDelay:Number;
private var _reverse:Boolean;
private var _currentCycle:int;
/** Creates a tween with a target, duration (in seconds) and a transition function.
* @param target the object that you want to animate
* @param time the duration of the Tween (in seconds)
* @param transition can be either a String (e.g. one of the constants defined in the
* Transitions class) or a function. Look up the 'Transitions' class for a
* documentation about the required function signature. */
public function Tween(target:Object, time:Number, transition:Object="linear")
reset(target, time, transition);
/** Resets the tween to its default values. Useful for pooling tweens. */
public function reset(target:Object, time:Number, transition:Object="linear"):Tween
_target = target;
_currentTime = 0.0;
_totalTime = Math.max(0.0001, time);
_progress = 0.0;
_delay = _repeatDelay = 0.0;
_onStart = _onUpdate = _onRepeat = _onComplete = null;
_onStartArgs = _onUpdateArgs = _onRepeatArgs = _onCompleteArgs = null;
_roundToInt = _reverse = false;
_repeatCount = 1;
_currentCycle = -1;
_nextTween = null;
if (transition is String)
this.transition = transition as String;
else if (transition is Function)
this.transitionFunc = transition as Function;
throw new ArgumentError("Transition must be either a string or a function");
if (_properties) _properties.length = 0; else _properties = new [];
if (_startValues) _startValues.length = 0; else _startValues = new [];
if (_endValues) _endValues.length = 0; else _endValues = new [];
if (_updateFuncs) _updateFuncs.length = 0; else _updateFuncs = new [];
return this;
/** Animates the property of the target to a certain value. You can call this method
* multiple times on one tween.
* Some property types are handled in a special way:
* - If the property contains the string
or Color
* it will be treated as an unsigned integer with a color value
* (e.g. 0xff0000
for red). Each color channel will be animated
* individually.
* - The same happens if you append the string
to the name.
* - If you append
, the property is treated as an angle in radians,
* making sure it always uses the shortest possible arc for the rotation.
* - The string
does the same for angles in degrees.
public function animate(property:String, endValue:Number):void
if (_target == null) return; // tweening null just does nothing.
var pos:int = _properties.length;
var updateFunc:Function = getUpdateFuncFromProperty(property);
_properties[pos] = getPropertyName(property);
_startValues[pos] = Number.NaN;
_endValues[pos] = endValue;
_updateFuncs[pos] = updateFunc;
/** Animates the 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' properties of an object simultaneously. */
public function scaleTo(factor:Number):void
animate("scaleX", factor);
animate("scaleY", factor);
/** Animates the 'x' and 'y' properties of an object simultaneously. */
public function moveTo(x:Number, y:Number):void
animate("x", x);
animate("y", y);
/** Animates the 'alpha' property of an object to a certain target value. */
public function fadeTo(alpha:Number):void
animate("alpha", alpha);
/** Animates the 'rotation' property of an object to a certain target value, using the
* smallest possible arc. 'type' may be either 'rad' or 'deg', depending on the unit of
* measurement. */
public function rotateTo(angle:Number, type:String="rad"):void
animate("rotation#" + type, angle);
/** @inheritDoc */
public function advanceTime(time:Number):void
if (time == 0 || (_repeatCount == 1 && _currentTime == _totalTime)) return;
var i:int;
var previousTime:Number = _currentTime;
var restTime:Number = _totalTime - _currentTime;
var carryOverTime:Number = time > restTime ? time - restTime : 0.0;
_currentTime += time;
if (_currentTime <= 0)
return; // the delay is not over yet
else if (_currentTime > _totalTime)
_currentTime = _totalTime;
if (_currentCycle < 0 && previousTime <= 0 && _currentTime > 0)
if (_onStart != null) _onStart.apply(this, _onStartArgs);
var ratio:Number = _currentTime / _totalTime;
var reversed:Boolean = _reverse && (_currentCycle % 2 == 1);
var numProperties:int = _startValues.length;
_progress = reversed ? _transitionFunc(1.0 - ratio) : _transitionFunc(ratio);
for (i=0; i= _totalTime)
if (_repeatCount == 0 || _repeatCount > 1)
_currentTime = -_repeatDelay;
if (_repeatCount > 1) _repeatCount--;
if (_onRepeat != null) _onRepeat.apply(this, _onRepeatArgs);
// save callback & args: they might be changed through an event listener
var onComplete:Function = _onComplete;
var onCompleteArgs:Array = _onCompleteArgs;
// in the 'onComplete' callback, people might want to call "tween.reset" and
// add it to another juggler; so this event has to be dispatched *before*
// executing 'onComplete'.
if (onComplete != null) onComplete.apply(this, onCompleteArgs);
if (_currentTime == 0) carryOverTime = 0; // tween was reset
if (carryOverTime)
// animation hints
private function getUpdateFuncFromProperty(property:String):Function
var updateFunc:Function;
var hint:String = getPropertyHint(property);
switch (hint)
case null: updateFunc = updateStandard; break;
case "rgb": updateFunc = updateRgb; break;
case "rad": updateFunc = updateRad; break;
case "deg": updateFunc = updateDeg; break;
trace("[Starling] Ignoring unknown property hint:", hint);
updateFunc = updateStandard;
return updateFunc;
/** @private */
internal static function getPropertyHint(property:String):String
// colorization is special; it does not require a hint marker, just the word 'color'.
if (property.indexOf("color") != -1 || property.indexOf("Color") != -1)
return "rgb";
var hintMarkerIndex:int = property.indexOf(HINT_MARKER);
if (hintMarkerIndex != -1) return property.substr(hintMarkerIndex+1);
else return null;
/** @private */
internal static function getPropertyName(property:String):String
var hintMarkerIndex:int = property.indexOf(HINT_MARKER);
if (hintMarkerIndex != -1) return property.substring(0, hintMarkerIndex);
else return property;
private function updateStandard(property:String, startValue:Number, endValue:Number):void
var newValue:Number = startValue + _progress * (endValue - startValue);
if (_roundToInt) newValue = Math.round(newValue);
_target[property] = newValue;
private function updateRgb(property:String, startValue:Number, endValue:Number):void
_target[property] = Color.interpolate(uint(startValue), uint(endValue), _progress);
private function updateRad(property:String, startValue:Number, endValue:Number):void
updateAngle(Math.PI, property, startValue, endValue);
private function updateDeg(property:String, startValue:Number, endValue:Number):void
updateAngle(180, property, startValue, endValue);
private function updateAngle(pi:Number, property:String, startValue:Number, endValue:Number):void
while (Math.abs(endValue - startValue) > pi)
if (startValue < endValue) endValue -= 2.0 * pi;
else endValue += 2.0 * pi;
updateStandard(property, startValue, endValue);
/** The end value a certain property is animated to. Throws an ArgumentError if the
* property is not being animated. */
public function getEndValue(property:String):Number
var index:int = _properties.indexOf(property);
if (index == -1) throw new ArgumentError("The property '" + property + "' is not animated");
else return _endValues[index] as Number;
/** Indicates if the tween is finished. */
public function get isComplete():Boolean
return _currentTime >= _totalTime && _repeatCount == 1;
/** The target object that is animated. */
public function get target():Object { return _target; }
/** The transition method used for the animation. @see Transitions */
public function get transition():String { return _transitionName; }
public function set transition(value:String):void
_transitionName = value;
_transitionFunc = Transitions.getTransition(value);
if (_transitionFunc == null)
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid transiton: " + value);
/** The actual transition function used for the animation. */
public function get transitionFunc():Function { return _transitionFunc; }
public function set transitionFunc(value:Function):void
_transitionName = "custom";
_transitionFunc = value;
/** The total time the tween will take per repetition (in seconds). */
public function get totalTime():Number { return _totalTime; }
/** The time that has passed since the tween was created (in seconds). */
public function get currentTime():Number { return _currentTime; }
/** The current progress between 0 and 1, as calculated by the transition function. */
public function get progress():Number { return _progress; }
/** The delay before the tween is started (in seconds). @default 0 */
public function get delay():Number { return _delay; }
public function set delay(value:Number):void
_currentTime = _currentTime + _delay - value;
_delay = value;
/** The number of times the tween will be executed.
* Set to '0' to tween indefinitely. @default 1 */
public function get repeatCount():int { return _repeatCount; }
public function set repeatCount(value:int):void { _repeatCount = value; }
/** The amount of time to wait between repeat cycles (in seconds). @default 0 */
public function get repeatDelay():Number { return _repeatDelay; }
public function set repeatDelay(value:Number):void { _repeatDelay = value; }
/** Indicates if the tween should be reversed when it is repeating. If enabled,
* every second repetition will be reversed. @default false */
public function get reverse():Boolean { return _reverse; }
public function set reverse(value:Boolean):void { _reverse = value; }
/** Indicates if the numeric values should be cast to Integers. @default false */
public function get roundToInt():Boolean { return _roundToInt; }
public function set roundToInt(value:Boolean):void { _roundToInt = value; }
/** A function that will be called when the tween starts (after a possible delay). */
public function get onStart():Function { return _onStart; }
public function set onStart(value:Function):void { _onStart = value; }
/** A function that will be called each time the tween is advanced. */
public function get onUpdate():Function { return _onUpdate; }
public function set onUpdate(value:Function):void { _onUpdate = value; }
/** A function that will be called each time the tween finishes one repetition
* (except the last, which will trigger 'onComplete'). */
public function get onRepeat():Function { return _onRepeat; }
public function set onRepeat(value:Function):void { _onRepeat = value; }
/** A function that will be called when the tween is complete. */
public function get onComplete():Function { return _onComplete; }
public function set onComplete(value:Function):void { _onComplete = value; }
/** The arguments that will be passed to the 'onStart' function. */
public function get onStartArgs():Array { return _onStartArgs; }
public function set onStartArgs(value:Array):void { _onStartArgs = value; }
/** The arguments that will be passed to the 'onUpdate' function. */
public function get onUpdateArgs():Array { return _onUpdateArgs; }
public function set onUpdateArgs(value:Array):void { _onUpdateArgs = value; }
/** The arguments that will be passed to the 'onRepeat' function. */
public function get onRepeatArgs():Array { return _onRepeatArgs; }
public function set onRepeatArgs(value:Array):void { _onRepeatArgs = value; }
/** The arguments that will be passed to the 'onComplete' function. */
public function get onCompleteArgs():Array { return _onCompleteArgs; }
public function set onCompleteArgs(value:Array):void { _onCompleteArgs = value; }
/** Another tween that will be started (i.e. added to the same juggler) as soon as
* this tween is completed. */
public function get nextTween():Tween { return _nextTween; }
public function set nextTween(value:Tween):void { _nextTween = value; }
// tween pooling
private static var sTweenPool:Vector. = new [];
/** @private */
starling_internal static function fromPool(target:Object, time:Number,
if (sTweenPool.length) return sTweenPool.pop().reset(target, time, transition);
else return new Tween(target, time, transition);
/** @private */
starling_internal static function toPool(tween:Tween):void
// reset any object-references, to make sure we don't prevent any garbage collection
tween._onStart = tween._onUpdate = tween._onRepeat = tween._onComplete = null;
tween._onStartArgs = tween._onUpdateArgs = tween._onRepeatArgs = tween._onCompleteArgs = null;
tween._target = null;
tween._transitionFunc = null;