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scalax.file.path-set.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2009-2010, Jesse Eichar          **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scalax.file
import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel
import collection.{Iterator, IterableView}
import annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

object PathFinder {
  def empty = new BasicPathSet[Nothing](Nil,PathMatcher.All, -1,false, (_:PathMatcher[Nothing],_:Nothing) => Iterator.empty)
trait PathFinder[+T] {
  /**The union of the paths found by this PathSet with the paths found by 'paths'.
   * Note that if the same element is added twice it will be present twice in the PathFinder
   * (in most implementations).  Consider: (Path("a") +++ Path("a")).iterator.  the iterator
   * will return Path("a") twice. */
  def +++[U >: T](includes: PathFinder[U]): PathFinder[U]

  /**Excludes all paths from excludes from the paths selected by this PathSet.*/
  def ---[U >: T](excludes: PathFinder[U]): PathFinder[T]

  /**Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches filter and are
   * descendants of paths selected by this finder.
  def **[F](filter: F)(implicit factory:PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathFinder[T]

  def *** : PathFinder[T]

  /**Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches filter and are
   * immediate children of paths selected by this finder.
  def *[F](filter: F)(implicit factory:PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathFinder[T]

  /**Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name literal that are immediate children
   * of paths selected by this finder.
  def /(literal: String): PathFinder[T]

  /**Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name literal that are immediate children
   * of paths selected by this finder.
  def \(literal: String) : PathFinder[T]

   * Makes the paths selected by this finder into base directories.
//  def asBase: PathFinder[T]

  def iterator : Iterator[T]

 * Directory stream implementation to assist in implementing
 * DirectoryStreams that are based on Paths.
 * @parent
 *          the path from where the PathSet is derived.  The first entry
 *          of the PathSet is the first child of the parent path
 * @pathFilter
 *          A filter to restrict the contents of the PathSet
 * @depth
 *          The depth that the stream should traverse
 * @children
 *          A function to use for retrieving the children of a particular path
 *          This method is used to retrieve the children of each directory
final class BasicPathSet[+T <: Path](srcFiles: Iterable[T],
                               pathFilter : PathMatcher[T],
                               children : (PathMatcher[T],T) => Iterator[T])
  extends PathSet[T] {

  def this (parent : T,
            pathFilter : PathMatcher[T],
            children : (PathMatcher[T],T) => Iterator[T]) = this(List(parent), pathFilter, depth, self, children)

  override def filter(f: T => Boolean) = {
    if(pathFilter == PathMatcher.All) {
      val newFilter = new PathMatcher.FunctionMatcher(f)
      new BasicPathSet[T](srcFiles,newFilter,depth,self,children)
    } else {
  override def collect [B, That] (pf: PartialFunction[T, B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[PathSet[T], B, That]): That = {

  def **[F](filter: F)(implicit factory:PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = {
    val nextFilter = factory(filter)
      new BasicPathSet(this, nextFilter, -1, false, children)

    def *[F](filter: F)(implicit factory:PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = {
      val nextFilter = factory(filter)
      new BasicPathSet(this, nextFilter, 1, false, children)
    def *** = ** (PathMatcher.All)

    def / (literal: String): PathSet[T] = new BasicPathSet(this, new PathMatcher.NameIs(literal), 1, false, children)

    /**The union of the paths found by this PathSet with the paths found by 'paths'.*/
    def +++[U >: T](includes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[U] = new IterablePathSet[U](iterator).+++(includes)

    /**Excludes all paths from excludePaths from the paths selected by this PathSet.*/
    def ---[U >: T](excludes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[T] = new IterablePathSet[T](iterator).---(excludes)

  def iterator: Iterator[T] = new Iterator[T] {
    private[this] val roots = srcFiles.toSet
    private[this] val toVisit = if(self) new PathsToVisit(roots.toIterator) else new PathsToVisit(roots.flatMap {p => children(pathFilter,p)}.toIterator)
    private[this] var nextElem : Option[T] = None

    private[this] def root(p:T) = p.parents.find(p => roots.exists(_.path == p.path))

    private[this] def currentDepth(p:Path, root:Option[Path]) = {
      val basicDepth = {r =>
        } getOrElse Int.MaxValue
      if(self) basicDepth - 1 else basicDepth

    def hasNext() = if(nextElem.isDefined) true
                    else {
                      nextElem = loadNext()

    private[this] def loadNext() : Option[T] = {
      if(toVisit.isEmpty) None
      else if(toVisit.head.isDirectory) {
        val path =
        if(depth < 0) {
        } else {
          val currDepth = currentDepth(path, root(path))
          if( depth > currDepth)
        if (pathFilter(path)) Some(path) else loadNext
      }else {
        val file =
        if (pathFilter(file)) Some(file) else loadNext

    def next() = {
      def error() = throw new NoSuchElementException("There are no more children in this stream")
      if(!hasNext) error()
      val t = nextElem
      nextElem = None

      t match {
        case None => error()
        case Some(p) => p

    override def toString = "PathSetIterator("+(roots map (_.toString) mkString ",")+")"

  override lazy val toString = getClass().getSimpleName+"(Roots:"+srcFiles+")"

private class PathsToVisit[T <: Path](startingIter:Iterator[T]) {
  private[this] var curr = startingIter.buffered
  private[this] var iterators:List[Iterator[T]] = Nil
  def head = curr.head
  final def isEmpty = !hasNext
  final def hasNext:Boolean =
    if(curr.hasNext) true
    else if(iterators.isEmpty) false
    else {
      curr = iterators.head.buffered
      iterators = iterators.tail

  final def next() =

  final def prepend(iter:Iterator[T]) = {
    val tmp = curr
    curr = iter.buffered
      iterators = tmp :: iterators

private class IterablePathSet[T](iter: => Iterator[T]) extends PathSet[T] {
  def iterator = iter
  def mapping[U >: T](f: PathFinder[T] => PathFinder[_]):PathSet[U] = new IterablePathSet(iter.flatMap {
    case pf:PathFinder[T] => f(pf).asInstanceOf[PathFinder[U]].iterator
    case o:U => Iterator.empty
  def /(literal: String): PathSet[T] = mapping {
    case p : Path if !(p / literal exists) => PathFinder.empty
    case other => other / literal

  def *[F](filter: F)(implicit factory: PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = mapping(_ * factory(filter))

  def ***  = mapping{_ ***}

  def **[F](filter: F)(implicit factory: PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = mapping{_ ** factory(filter)}

  def ---[U >: T](excludes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[T] = {
    val excludeSet = excludes.iterator.toSet
    new IterablePathSet(iter filterNot (excludeSet.contains))

  def +++[U >: T](includes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[U] = new IterablePathSet[U](iter ++ includes.iterator)

 private[file] trait SourceBasedPathSet[+T <: PathSet[_]] {
  self:PathSet[T] =>

  override def force : Iterable[T] = Iterable.empty ++ this
  def /(literal: String): PathSet[T] = mapSources{_ / literal}

  def *[F](filter: F)(implicit factory: PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = mapSources{_ * factory(filter)}

  def ***  = mapSources{_ ***}

  def **[F](filter: F)(implicit factory: PathMatcherFactory[F]): PathSet[T] = mapSources{_ ** factory(filter)}

  def ---[U >: T](excludes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[T] = new SubtractivePathSet[T,U](this,excludes)

  def +++[U >: T <: PathFinder[_]](includes: PathFinder[U]): PathSet[U] = new AdditivePathSet[U](this, includes)

  def mapSources[U >: T <: PathSet[_]](f: PathFinder[U] => PathFinder[U]):PathSet[U]

private class MappablePathSet[+T <: PathSet[_]](original:PathFinder[T])
    extends PathSet[T] with SourceBasedPathSet[T] {
  def iterator: Iterator[T] = original.iterator
  def mapSources[U >: T](f: PathFinder[U] => PathFinder[U]):PathSet[U] = new MappablePathSet[U](f(original))
private class AdditivePathSet[+T <: PathSet[_]](original:PathFinder[T], more:PathFinder[T])
        extends PathSet[T] with SourceBasedPathSet[T] {
  def iterator: Iterator[T] = original.iterator ++ more.iterator

  def mapSources[U >: T <: PathSet[_]](f: PathFinder[U] => PathFinder[U]):PathSet[U] = new AdditivePathSet[U](f(original),f(more))

private class SubtractivePathSet[+T <: PathSet[_],U >: T](original:PathFinder[T], excludes:PathFinder[U])
        extends PathSet[T] with SourceBasedPathSet[T] {
  self =>
  def iterator: Iterator[T] = {
    val excludeSet = excludes.iterator.toSet
    original.iterator filterNot (excludeSet.contains)
  def mapSources[U >: T <: PathSet[_]](f: PathFinder[U] => PathFinder[U]):PathSet[U] = new MappablePathSet[U](f(self))

 * Will uncomment this for the jdk7 version
trait SecuredPath[T] {
  val path: T
   * Deletes a directory.
  def deleteDirectory(path:T): Unit
   * Deletes a file.
  def deleteFile(path:T): Unit
   * Move a file from this directory to another directory.
   * @TODO verify that this method is possible
  def move(srcpath:T, targetdir:SecuredPath[T], targetpath:T): Unit

   * Opens or creates a file in this directory, returning a seekable byte channel to access the file.
  def newByteChannel(path:T, options:Set[OpenOption] /*FileAttribute... attrs*/): ByteChannel

   * Opens the directory identified by the given path, returning a PathSet[SecuredPath] to iterate over the entries in the directory.
  def newDirectoryStream(path:T /*LinkOption... options*/): PathSet[T]


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