scalaprops.Property.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalaprops
import scalaz._
final case class Property(f: (Int, Rand) => (Rand, Result)) {
def toCheck: Check =
def toCheckWith(endo: Endo[Param]): Check =
Check(this, endo)
def resize(size: Int): Property =
def mapSize(g: Int => Int): Property =
def gen: Gen[Result] = Gen.gen(f)
def and(p: Property): Property =
Apply[Gen].apply2(gen, p.gen)((res1, res2) =>
if(res1.isException || res1.isFalsified){
}else if(res2.isException || res2.isFalsified){
}else if(res1.isProven || res1.isUnfalsified){
}else if(res2.isProven || res2.isUnfalsified){
}else Result.NoResult
def or(p: Property): Property =
Apply[Gen].apply2(gen, p.gen)((res1, res2) =>
if(res1.isException || res1.isFalsified){
}else if(res2.isException || res2.isFalsified){
}else if(res1.isProven || res1.isUnfalsified){
}else if(res2.isProven || res2.isUnfalsified){
}else Result.NoResult
def sequence(p: Property): Property =
Apply[Gen].apply2(gen, p.gen)((res1, res2) =>
if(res1.isException || res1.isProven || res1.isUnfalsified) {
}else if(res2.isException || res2.isProven || res2.isUnfalsified){
}else if(res1.isFalsified){
}else if(res2.isFalsified){
}else Result.NoResult
// TODO remove `listener` parameter?
def check(param: Param, cancel: () => Boolean, listener: Int => Unit): CheckResult = {
import param.{rand => _, _}
def loop(s: Int, discarded: Int, sz: Float, random: Rand): CheckResult = if(cancel()) {
CheckResult.Timeout(s, discarded)
val size = {
if (s == 0 && discarded == 0) minSize
else sz + (maxSize - sz) / (minSuccessful - s)
val r = \/.fromTryCatchThrowable[(Rand, Result), Throwable](
f(math.round(size), random)
r match {
case \/-((nextRand, Result.NoResult)) =>
if (discarded + 1 >= maxDiscarded) {
CheckResult.Exhausted(s, discarded + 1)
} else {
loop(s, discarded + 1, size, nextRand)
case \/-((_, Result.Proven)) =>
CheckResult.Proven(s + 1, discarded)
case \/-((nextRand, Result.Unfalsified(args))) =>
if (s + 1 >= minSuccessful) {
CheckResult.Passed(s + 1, discarded)
} else {
loop(s + 1, discarded, size, nextRand)
case \/-((_, Result.Falsified(args))) =>
CheckResult.Falsified(s, discarded, args)
case \/-((_, Result.Exception(args, ex))) =>
CheckResult.PropException(s, discarded, args, ex)
case \/-((_, Result.Ignored(reason))) =>
CheckResult.Ignored(s, discarded, reason)
case -\/(e) =>
CheckResult.GenException(s, discarded, e)
loop(0, 0, minSize, param.rand)
def toProperties[A](id: A, param: Endo[Param] = Properties[A] =
Properties.single(id, Check(this, param))
def ignore(reason: String): Property =
Property((_, rand) => (rand, Result.Ignored(reason)))
object Property {
private[this] val noResult = propFromResult(Result.NoResult)
def implies(b: => Boolean, p: => Property): Property =
if(b) {
} else {
def fromGen(g: Gen[Result]): Property =
def propFromResultLazy(r: Need[Result]): Property =
Property((_, rand) => (rand, r.value))
def propFromResult(r: Result): Property =
Property((_, rand) => (rand, r))
val prop: Boolean => Property = b => propFromResult{
if(b) Result.Proven
else Result.Falsified(IList.empty)
private[this] def propLazy(result: Need[Boolean]): Property =
propFromResultLazy {
Functor[Need].map(result){ r =>
if (r) Result.Proven
else Result.Falsified(IList.empty)
def forall0[A](g: Gen[A], shrink: Shrink[A])(f: A => Property): Property =
Property((i, r) => {
def first(as: Stream[(Rand, A)], shrinks: Int): Maybe[(A, Result, Rand)] = {{ case (rr, a) =>
val x = exception(f(a)).f(i, rr) =>
(a, result.provenAsUnfalsified.addArg(Arg(a, shrinks)): Result, x._1)
} match {
case Stream() =>
case results @ (h #:: _)=>
first(Stream(g.f(i, r)), 0) match {
case Maybe.Just(xx @ (a, re, rand)) if re.failed =>
def loop(shrinks: Int, x: (A, Result, Rand)): (Rand, Result) =
first(shrink(x._1).map( -> _), shrinks) match {
case Maybe.Just((aa, result @ Result.Falsified(args), rr)) if args.count(_.value == aa) <= 1 =>
loop(shrinks + 1, (aa, result,
case _ =>
(x._3, x._2)
loop(1, xx)
case xx => => (t._3, t._2)).getOrElse((Rand.fromSeed(), Result.NoResult))
def exception(p: => Property): Property =
try {
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
Property((i, r) => (r, Result.Exception(IList.empty, t)))
def forAll(result: => Boolean): Property =
def forAll[A1](f: A1 => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1]): Property =
forAllS(f)(A1, Shrink.empty)
def forAll[A1, A2](f: (A1, A2) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2]): Property =
forAllS(f)(A1, A2, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty)
def forAll[A1, A2, A3](f: (A1, A2, A3) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3]): Property =
forAllS(f)(A1, A2, A3, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty)
def forAll[A1, A2, A3, A4](f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4]): Property =
forAllS(f)(A1, A2, A3, A4, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty)
def forAll[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4], A5: Gen[A5]): Property =
forAllS(f)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty, Shrink.empty)
/** `forAll` with explicit `Gen` */
def forAllG[A1](A1: Gen[A1])(f: A1 => Boolean): Property =
/** `forAll` with explicit `Gen` */
def forAllG[A1, A2](A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2])(f: (A1, A2) => Boolean): Property =
forAll[A1, A2](f)(A1, A2)
/** `forAll` with explicit `Gen` */
def forAllG[A1, A2, A3](A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3])(f: (A1, A2, A3) => Boolean): Property =
forAll[A1, A2, A3](f)(A1, A2, A3)
/** `forAll` with explicit `Gen` */
def forAllG[A1, A2, A3, A4](A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => Boolean): Property =
forAll[A1, A2, A3, A4](f)(A1, A2, A3, A4)
/** `forAll` with explicit `Gen` */
def forAllG[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4], A5: Gen[A5])(f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => Boolean): Property =
forAll[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](f)(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
def property1[A1](f: A1 => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], S1: Shrink[A1]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(f)
def property2[A1, A2](f: (A1, A2) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
f(a1, a2)
def property3[A1, A2, A3](f: (A1, A2, A3) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2], S3: Shrink[A3]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
forall0(A3, S3)(a3 =>
f(a1, a2, a3)
def property[A1](f: A1 => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], S1: Shrink[A1]): Property =
def property[A1, A2](f: (A1, A2) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2]): Property =
def property[A1, A2, A3](f: (A1, A2, A3) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2], S3: Shrink[A3]): Property =
object NoShrink {
def property1[A1](f: A1 => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], S1: Shrink[A1] = Shrink.empty[A1]): Property =
def property2[A1, A2](f: (A1, A2) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], S1: Shrink[A1] = Shrink.empty[A1], S2: Shrink[A2] = Shrink.empty[A2]): Property =
def property3[A1, A2, A3](f: (A1, A2, A3) => Property)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], S1: Shrink[A1] = Shrink.empty[A1], S2: Shrink[A2] = Shrink.empty[A2], S3: Shrink[A3] = Shrink.empty[A3]): Property =
def forAllS[A1](f: A1 => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], S1: Shrink[A1]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(f.andThen(prop))
def forAllS[A1, A2](f: (A1, A2) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
prop(f(a1, a2))
def forAllS[A1, A2, A3](f: (A1, A2, A3) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2], S3: Shrink[A3]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
forall0(A3, S3)(a3 =>
prop(f(a1, a2, a3))
def forAllS[A1, A2, A3, A4](f: (A1, A2, A3, A4) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2], S3: Shrink[A3], S4: Shrink[A4]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
forall0(A3, S3)(a3 =>
forall0(A4, S4)(a4 =>
prop(f(a1, a2, a3, a4))
def forAllS[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](f: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) => Boolean)(implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4], A5: Gen[A5], S1: Shrink[A1], S2: Shrink[A2], S3: Shrink[A3], S4: Shrink[A4], S5: Shrink[A5]): Property =
forall0(A1, S1)(a1 =>
forall0(A2, S2)(a2 =>
forall0(A3, S3)(a3 =>
forall0(A4, S4)(a4 =>
forall0(A5, S5)(a5 =>
prop(f(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5))
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