scalaprops.Gen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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pure functional random value generator
The newest version!
package scalaprops
import Gen.gen
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Isomorphism.{<~>, IsoFunctorTemplate}
final case class Gen[A] private(f: (Int, Rand) => (Rand, A)) {
def map[B](g: A => B): Gen[B] =
gen{ (i, r) =>
val (r0, a) = f(i, r)
(r0, g(a))
def mapOrId(g: PartialFunction[A, A]): Gen[A] =
map(a => g.applyOrElse(a, (_: A) => a))
def flatMap[B](g: A => Gen[B]): Gen[B] =
gen{ (i, r) =>
val (r0, a) = f(i, r)
g(a).f(i, r0)
def resize(s: Int): Gen[A] =
def mapSize(g: Int => Int): Gen[A] =
gen((s, r) => f(g(s), r))
/** convenience method for get sample values */
def samples(size: Int = Gen.defaultSize, listSize: Int = 100, seed: Long = Rand.defaultSeed): List[A] =
Gen.sequenceNList(listSize, this).f(size, Rand.standard(seed))._2
def sample(size: Int = Gen.defaultSize, seed: Long = Rand.defaultSeed): A =
f(size, Rand.standard(seed))._2
def infiniteIterator(size: Int = Gen.defaultSize, seed: Long = Rand.defaultSeed): Iterator[A] =
Gen.infinite(size, Rand.standard(seed), this)
def infiniteStream(size: Int = Gen.defaultSize, seed: Long = Rand.defaultSeed): Stream[A] =
Gen.infinite(size, Rand.standard(seed), this).toStream
def toReaderState: Kleisli[({type l[a] = State[Rand, a]})#l, Int, A] =
def toStateReader: StateT[({type l[a] = Reader[Int, a]})#l, Rand, A] =
def widen[B](implicit A: Liskov[A, B]): Gen[B] =
Gen(Liskov.co[({type l[+a] = (Int, Rand) => (Rand, a)})#l, A, B](A)(f))
sealed abstract class GenInstances0 extends GenInstances1 {
implicit final def endomorphicGen[F[_, _], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A, A]]): Gen[Endomorphic[F, A]] =
object Gen extends GenInstances0 {
private[scalaprops] val defaultSize = Platform.genSize
private[this] val iListFromList = IList.fromList[Any] _
private[scalaprops] def IListFromList[A]: List[A] => IList[A] =
iListFromList.asInstanceOf[List[A] => IList[A]]
private[scalaprops] val Int2Byte = (_: Int).toByte
private[scalaprops] val Int2Short = (_: Int).toShort
private[this] val Int2Char = (_: Int).toChar
def gen[A](f: (Int, Rand) => (Rand, A)): Gen[A] =
new Gen(f)
def apply[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[A] = A
def from[A1, Z](f: A1 => Z)(implicit A1: Gen[A1]): Gen[Z] =
def from1[A1, Z](f: A1 => Z)(implicit A1: Gen[A1]): Gen[Z] =
def value[A](a: A): Gen[A] =
gen((_, r) => (r, a))
implicit def f0[Z](implicit Z: Gen[Z]): Gen[Function0[Z]] =
Z.map(z => () => z)
implicit def f1[A1, Z](implicit A1: Cogen[A1], Z: Gen[Z]): Gen[A1 => Z] =
Gen.gen{ (i, r) =>
(r.next, a => A1.cogen(a, CogenState(r, Z)).gen.f(i, r)._2)
val isoReaderState: Gen <~> ({type x[a] = Kleisli[({type y[b] = State[Rand, b]})#y, Int, a]})#x =
new IsoFunctorTemplate[Gen, ({type x[a] = Kleisli[({type y[b] = State[Rand, b]})#y, Int, a]})#x] {
override def to[A](fa: Gen[A]) =
Kleisli[({type l[a] = State[Rand, a]})#l, Int, A] { size =>
State { rand =>
fa.f(size, rand)
override def from[A](ga: Kleisli[({type l[a] = State[Rand, a]})#l, Int, A]) =
gen((size, rand) => ga.run(size).run(rand))
val isoStateReader: Gen <~> ({type x[a] = StateT[({type y[b] = Reader[Int, b]})#y, Rand, a]})#x =
new IsoFunctorTemplate[Gen, ({type x[a] = StateT[({type y[b] = Reader[Int, b]})#y, Rand, a]})#x] {
override def to[A](fa: Gen[A]) =
StateT[({type l[a] = Reader[Int, a]})#l, Rand, A] { rand =>
Reader { size =>
fa.f(size, rand)
override def from[A](ga: StateT[({type y[b] = Reader[Int, b]})#y, Rand, A]) =
gen((size, rand) => ga.run(rand).run(size))
val isoRWS: Gen <~> ({type l[a] = RWS[Int, Unit, Rand, a]})#l =
new IsoFunctorTemplate[Gen, ({type l[a] = RWS[Int, Unit, Rand, a]})#l] {
override def to[A](fa: Gen[A]) =
RWS{ (size, rand) =>
val a = fa.f(size, rand)
((), a._2, a._1)
override def from[A](ga: RWS[Int, Unit, Rand, A]) =
Gen{ (size, rand) =>
val a = ga.run(size, rand)
(a._3, a._2)
val isoFunction: Gen <~> ({type l[a] = (Int, Rand) => (Rand, a)})#l =
new IsoFunctorTemplate[Gen, ({type l[a] = (Int, Rand) => (Rand, a)})#l] {
override def to[A](fa: Gen[A]) = fa.f
override def from[A](ga: (Int, Rand) => (Rand, A)) = Gen(ga)
def oneOf[A](x: Gen[A], xs: Gen[A]*): Gen[A] = {
val array = (x +: xs).toArray[Any]
choose(0, xs.length).flatMap(array(_).asInstanceOf[Gen[A]])
def oneOfLazy[A](x: Need[Gen[A]], xs: Need[Gen[A]]*): Gen[A] = {
val array = (x +: xs).toArray[Need[Any]]
choose(0, xs.length).flatMap(array(_).asInstanceOf[Need[Gen[A]]].value)
private[this] def sequenceN[F[_], A](n: Int, g: Gen[A], f: List[A] => F[A]): Gen[F[A]] =
sequenceNList(n, g).map(f)
private[this] def sequenceNIList[A](n: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[IList[A]] =
sequenceN[IList, A](n, g, IListFromList)
def sequenceNArray[A: reflect.ClassTag](n: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[Array[A]] = {
val array = new Array[A](n)
def loop(size: Int, i: Int, next: Rand): (Rand, Array[A]) = {
if (i < n) {
val r = g.f(size, next)
array(i) = r._2
loop(size, i + 1, r._1)
} else {
(next, array)
gen{ (size, r) =>
loop(size, 0, r)
def sequenceNList[A](n: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[List[A]] = {
def loop(size: Int, i: Int, next: Rand, acc: List[A]): (Rand, List[A]) = {
if (i < n) {
val r = g.f(size, next)
loop(size, i + 1, r._1, r._2 :: acc)
} else {
(next, acc.reverse)
gen{ (size, r) =>
loop(size, 0, r, List.empty[A])
def infinite[A](genSize: Int, r: Rand, g: Gen[A]): Iterator[A] =
new Iterator[A] {
private[this] var rand = r
override def next(): A = {
val x = g.f(genSize, rand)
rand = x._1
override def hasNext = true
def parameterised[A](f: (Int, Rand) => Gen[A]): Gen[A] =
gen((i, r) => f(i, r).f(i, r))
def sized[A](f: Int => Gen[A]): Gen[A] =
parameterised((i, _) => f(i))
def chooseLong(from: Long, to: Long): Gen[Long] =
gen{ (_, r) => r.chooseLong(from, to) }
def choose(from: Int, to: Int): Gen[Int] =
gen{ (_, r) => r.choose(from, to) }
def chooseR(from: Int, to: Int, r: Rand): Gen[Int] =
gen{ (_, _) =>
r.choose(from, to)
private[this] def pick0[B](n: Int, gs: IList[(Int, B)]): B = gs match {
case INil() => sys.error(s"bug? $n $gs")
case ICons(h, t) =>
val k = h._1
if (n <= k) h._2
else pick0(n - k, t)
private[this] def frequency0[F[_], A](gs: NonEmptyList[(Int, F[Gen[A]])])(implicit C: Comonad[F]): Gen[A] = {
import std.anyVal._
val F = Foldable[NonEmptyList]
choose(1, F.foldMap(gs)(_._1)).flatMap{ i =>
C.copoint(pick0(i, F.toIList(gs)))
def frequency[A](gs: NonEmptyList[(Int, Gen[A])]): Gen[A] =
frequency0[Id.Id, A](gs)
def frequency[A](g: (Int, Gen[A]), gs: (Int, Gen[A]) *): Gen[A] =
frequency(NonEmptyList.nels(g, gs: _*))
def lazyFrequency[A](gs: NonEmptyList[(Int, Need[Gen[A]])]): Gen[A] =
def lazyFrequency[A](g: (Int, Need[Gen[A]]), gs: (Int, Need[Gen[A]]) *): Gen[A] =
lazyFrequency(NonEmptyList.nels(g, gs: _*))
def elemFrequency[A](as: NonEmptyList[(Int, A)]): Gen[A] =
frequency(as.map{case (i, a) => i -> Gen.value(a)})
def elements[A](a: A, as: A*): Gen[A] = {
val xs = (a +: as).toArray[Any]
choose(0, as.length).map{xs(_).asInstanceOf[A]}
private[this] def listOf_[F[_], A](g: Gen[A], min: Int, f: List[A] => F[A]): Gen[F[A]] =
parameterised{ (size, r) =>
chooseR(min, size.max(min), r).flatMap{ n =>
sequenceN(n, g, f)
private[this] def arrayOf[A: reflect.ClassTag](g: Gen[A], min: Int): Gen[Array[A]] =
parameterised{ (size, r) =>
chooseR(min, size.max(min), r).flatMap{ n =>
sequenceNArray(n, g)
private[this] def listOfCBF[F[_], A](g: Gen[A], min: Int)(implicit F: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, F[A]]): Gen[F[A]] =
listOf_[F, A](g, min, _.to[F])
private[this] def listOfCBF0[F[_], A](g: Gen[A])(implicit F: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, A, F[A]]): Gen[F[A]] =
listOfCBF[F, A](g, 0)
def listOf[A](g: Gen[A], min: Int = 0): Gen[IList[A]] =
listOf_[IList, A](g, min, IListFromList)
def listOfN[A](maxSize: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[List[A]] =
choose(0, maxSize).flatMap{ n =>
sequenceNList(n, g)
def arrayOfN[A: reflect.ClassTag](maxSize: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[Array[A]] =
choose(0, maxSize).flatMap{ n =>
sequenceNArray(n, g)
implicit def ilist[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[IList[A]] =
implicit def vector[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Vector[A]] =
listOfCBF0[Vector, A](A)
implicit def mapGen[A: Gen, B: Gen]: Gen[Map[A, B]] =
list[(A, B)].map(_.toMap)
implicit def setGen[A: Gen]: Gen[Set[A]] =
implicit def streamGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Stream[A]] =
listOfCBF0[Stream, A](A)
implicit def list[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[List[A]] =
listOfCBF0[List, A](A)
implicit def arrayGen[A: reflect.ClassTag: Gen]: Gen[Array[A]] =
arrayOf(Gen[A], 0)
def listOf1[A](g: Gen[A]): Gen[IList[A]] =
listOf(g, 1)
private[this] def pick[A](n: Int, as: IList[A]): Gen[IList[A]] = {
val len = as.length
if(n < 0 || n > len) {
sys.error(s"bug $n $as")
} else {
sequenceNIList(n, choose(0, len - 1)).map{ is =>
def loop(iis: IList[Int], aas: IList[(A, Int)], acc: IList[A]): IList[A] =
(iis, aas) match {
case (ICons(h1, t1), ICons(h2, t2)) =>
if(h1 == h2._2) loop(t1, t2, acc)
else loop(iis, t2, h2._1 :: acc)
case _ =>
import std.anyVal._
loop(is.sorted, as.zipWithIndex, IList.empty[A])
def someOf[A](as: IList[A]): Gen[IList[A]] =
choose(0, as.length).flatMap(i => pick(i, as))
implicit val instance: Monad[Gen] =
new Monad[Gen] {
override def bind[A, B](fa: Gen[A])(f: A => Gen[B]) =
fa flatMap f
override def map[A, B](fa: Gen[A])(f: A => B) =
fa map f
override def point[A](a: => A) =
implicit val genBoolean: Gen[Boolean] =
elements(true, false)
val genIntSized: Gen[Int] =
parameterised((i, r) => chooseR(-i, i, r))
val genIntAll: Gen[Int] =
gen((_, r) => r.nextInt)
val genLongAll: Gen[Long] =
gen((_, r) => r.nextLong)
def chooseIntBitsToFloat(from: Int, to: Int): Gen[Float] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(from, to).map(java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat)
val negativeFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(0x80000000, 0xff800000)
val positiveFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(1, 0x7f800000)
val nonNegativeFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(0, 0x7f800000)
val negativeFiniteFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(0x80000000, 0xff7fffff)
val positiveFiniteFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(1, 0x7f7fffff)
val nonNegativeFiniteFloat: Gen[Float] =
chooseIntBitsToFloat(0, 0x7f7fffff)
val genFiniteFloat: Gen[Float] =
Gen.oneOf(negativeFiniteFloat, nonNegativeFiniteFloat)
def chooseLongBitsToDouble(from: Long, to: Long): Gen[Double] =
Choose[Long].withBoundaries(from, to).map(java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble)
val negativeDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(0x8000000000000000L, 0xfff0000000000000L)
val positiveDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(1L, 0x7ff0000000000000L)
val nonNegativeDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(0L, 0x7ff0000000000000L)
val negativeFiniteDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(0x8000000000000000L, 0xffefffffffffffffL)
val positiveFiniteDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(1L, 0x7fefffffffffffffL)
val nonNegativeFiniteDouble: Gen[Double] =
chooseLongBitsToDouble(0L, 0x7fefffffffffffffL)
val genFiniteDouble: Gen[Double] =
Gen.oneOf(negativeFiniteDouble, nonNegativeFiniteDouble)
val genSmallBigInt: Gen[BigInt] =
val genLargeBigInt: Gen[BigInt] =
for {
n <- genIntAll
x <- genSmallBigInt
} yield x << (n & 0x7f)
val genSmallBigDecimal: Gen[BigDecimal] =
for {
n <- genLongAll
d <- genLongAll
} yield BigDecimal(n) / (if (d == 0L) 1 else d)
val genLargeBigDecimal: Gen[BigDecimal] =
for {
n <- genIntAll
x <- genLargeBigInt
} yield BigDecimal(x, ~(n & 0x7f))
val genByteAll: Gen[Byte] =
val genCharAll: Gen[Char] =
val genShortAll: Gen[Short] =
val genByteSized: Gen[Byte] =
val genCharSized: Gen[Char] =
val genShortSized: Gen[Short] =
val positiveByte: Gen[Byte] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(1, Byte.MaxValue).map(Int2Byte)
val positiveShort: Gen[Short] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(1, Short.MaxValue).map(Int2Short)
val positiveInt: Gen[Int] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(1, Int.MaxValue)
val positiveLong: Gen[Long] =
Choose[Long].withBoundaries(1, Long.MaxValue)
val negativeByte: Gen[Byte] =
Choose[Byte].withBoundaries(Byte.MinValue, -1)
val negativeShort: Gen[Short] =
Choose[Short].withBoundaries(Short.MinValue, -1)
val negativeInt: Gen[Int] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(Int.MinValue, -1)
val negativeLong: Gen[Long] =
Choose[Long].withBoundaries(Long.MinValue, -1)
val nonNegativeByte: Gen[Byte] =
Choose[Byte].withBoundaries(0, Byte.MaxValue)
val nonNegativeShort: Gen[Short] =
Choose[Short].withBoundaries(0, Short.MaxValue)
val nonNegativeInt: Gen[Int] =
Choose[Int].withBoundaries(0, Int.MaxValue)
val nonNegativeLong: Gen[Long] =
Choose[Long].withBoundaries(0, Long.MaxValue)
val asciiChar: Gen[Char] =
choose('!', '~').map(Int2Char)
implicit val genAsciiChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.Ascii] =
val numChar: Gen[Char] =
choose('0', '9').map(Int2Char)
implicit val genNumChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.Num] =
val alphaUpperChar: Gen[Char] =
choose('A', 'Z').map(Int2Char)
implicit val genAlphaUpperChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.AlphaUpper] =
val alphaLowerChar: Gen[Char] =
choose('a', 'z').map(Int2Char)
implicit val genAlphaLowerChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.AlphaLower] =
val alphaChar: Gen[Char] =
Gen.oneOf(alphaLowerChar, alphaUpperChar)
implicit val genAlphaChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.Alpha] =
val alphaNumChar: Gen[Char] =
Gen.oneOf(alphaLowerChar, alphaUpperChar, numChar)
implicit val genAlphaNumChar: Gen[Char @@ GenTags.AlphaNum] =
def genString(g: Gen[Char], min: Int = 0): Gen[String] =
arrayOf(g, min.max(0)).map(String.valueOf)
/** alias for `genString(g, min = 1)` */
def nonEmptyString(g: Gen[Char]): Gen[String] =
genString(g, 1)
val numString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genNumString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.Num] =
val alphaUpperString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genAlphaUpperString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.AlphaUpper] =
val alphaLowerString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genAlphaLowerString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.AlphaLower] =
val alphaString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genAlphaString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.Alpha] =
val alphaNumString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genAlphaNumString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.AlphaNum] =
val asciiString: Gen[String] =
implicit val genAsciiString: Gen[String @@ GenTags.Ascii] =
implicit val genUnit: Gen[Unit] =
implicit def maybe[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Maybe[A]] =
1 -> Gen.value(Maybe.empty[A]),
20 -> A.map(Maybe.just)
implicit def option[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Option[A]] =
implicit val genIntBoundaries: Gen[Int] =
1 -> value(0),
1 -> value(1),
1 -> value(-1),
1 -> value(Int.MaxValue),
1 -> value(Int.MaxValue - 1),
1 -> value(Int.MinValue),
1 -> value(Int.MinValue + 1),
93 -> choose(Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
implicit val genLongBoundaries: Gen[Long] =
1 -> value(0L),
1 -> value(1L),
1 -> value(-1L),
1 -> value(Long.MaxValue),
1 -> value(Long.MaxValue - 1),
1 -> value(Long.MinValue),
1 -> value(Long.MinValue + 1),
93 -> genLongAll
implicit val genFloatBoundaries: Gen[Float] =
1 -> value(Float.NaN),
1 -> value(Float.PositiveInfinity),
1 -> value(Float.NegativeInfinity),
1 -> value(0F),
1 -> value(-0F),
1 -> value(1F),
1 -> value(-1F),
1 -> value(Float.MinPositiveValue),
1 -> value(-Float.MinPositiveValue),
50 -> genIntAll.map(_.toFloat),
41 -> genFiniteFloat
implicit val genDoubleBoundaries: Gen[Double] =
1 -> value(Double.NaN),
1 -> value(Double.PositiveInfinity),
1 -> value(Double.NegativeInfinity),
1 -> value(0F),
1 -> value(-0F),
1 -> value(1F),
1 -> value(-1F),
1 -> value(Double.MinPositiveValue),
1 -> value(-Double.MinPositiveValue),
50 -> genLongAll.map(_.toDouble),
41 -> genFiniteDouble
implicit val genBigIntBoundaries: Gen[BigInt] =
1 -> value(BigInt(0)),
1 -> value(BigInt(1)),
1 -> value(BigInt(-1)),
1 -> value(BigInt(Int.MaxValue) + 1),
1 -> value(BigInt(Int.MinValue) - 1),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MaxValue) - 1),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MinValue) + 1),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MaxValue)),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MinValue)),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MaxValue) + 1),
1 -> value(BigInt(Long.MinValue) - 1),
70 -> genSmallBigInt,
19 -> genLargeBigInt
implicit val genBigInteger: Gen[java.math.BigInteger] =
implicit val genBigDecimalBoundaries: Gen[BigDecimal] =
1 -> value(BigDecimal(0)),
1 -> value(BigDecimal("1e-600")),
1 -> value(BigDecimal("-1e-600")),
1 -> value(BigDecimal(1)),
1 -> value(BigDecimal(-1)),
1 -> value(BigDecimal(Double.MaxValue) * 10),
1 -> value(BigDecimal(Double.MinValue) * 10),
70 -> genSmallBigDecimal,
19 -> genLargeBigDecimal
implicit val genJavaBigDecimal: Gen[java.math.BigDecimal] =
implicit val genByteBoundaries: Gen[Byte] =
1 -> value(0: Byte),
1 -> value(1: Byte),
1 -> value(-1: Byte),
1 -> value(Byte.MaxValue),
1 -> value(126: Byte),
1 -> value(Byte.MinValue),
1 -> value(-127: Byte),
93 -> genByteAll
implicit val genShortBoundaries: Gen[Short] =
1 -> value(0: Short),
1 -> value(1: Short),
1 -> value(-1: Short),
1 -> value(Short.MaxValue),
1 -> value((Short.MaxValue - 1).asInstanceOf[Short]),
1 -> value(Short.MinValue),
1 -> value((Short.MinValue + 1).asInstanceOf[Short]),
93 -> genShortAll
implicit val javaIntegerGen: Gen[java.lang.Integer] =
implicit val javaLongGen: Gen[java.lang.Long] =
implicit val javaByteGen: Gen[java.lang.Byte] =
implicit val javaShortGen: Gen[java.lang.Short] =
implicit val javaDoubleGen: Gen[java.lang.Double] =
implicit val javaFloatGen: Gen[java.lang.Float] =
implicit val javaBooleanGen: Gen[java.lang.Boolean] =
Gen.elements(java.lang.Boolean.TRUE, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)
implicit def lazyTuple2[A1, A2](implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2]): Gen[LazyTuple2[A1, A2]] =
Apply[Gen].apply2(A1, A2)(LazyTuple2(_, _))
implicit def lazyTuple3[A1, A2, A3](implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3]): Gen[LazyTuple3[A1, A2, A3]] =
Apply[Gen].apply3(A1, A2, A3)(LazyTuple3(_, _, _))
implicit def lazyTuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4](implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3], A4: Gen[A4]): Gen[LazyTuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]] =
Apply[Gen].apply4(A1, A2, A3, A4)(LazyTuple4(_, _, _, _))
implicit def lazyOptionGen[A: Gen]: Gen[LazyOption[A]] =
case Maybe.Just(a) => LazyOption.lazySome(a)
case Maybe.Empty() => LazyOption.lazyNone[A]
implicit def lazyEitherGen[A1, A2](implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2]): Gen[LazyEither[A1, A2]] =
implicit def tuple1[A1](implicit A1: Gen[A1]): Gen[Tuple1[A1]] =
implicit def imapGen[A: Order: Gen, B: Gen]: Gen[A ==>> B] =
Gen[List[(A, B)]].map(==>>.fromList(_))
implicit def isetGen[A: Order: Gen]: Gen[ISet[A]] =
implicit def kleisli[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[A => F[B]]): Gen[Kleisli[F, A, B]] =
implicit def cokleisli[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[A] => B]): Gen[Cokleisli[F, A, B]] =
implicit def nullResult[A, B](implicit F: Gen[A => Option[B]]): Gen[NullResult[A, B]] =
implicit def nullArgument[A, B](implicit F: Gen[Option[A] => B]): Gen[NullArgument[A, B]] =
implicit def nonEmptyList[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[NonEmptyList[A]] =
Apply[Gen].apply2(A, Gen[IList[A]])((x, xs) => NonEmptyList.nel(x, xs.drop(1)))
implicit def oneAnd[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]], A: Gen[A]): Gen[OneAnd[F, A]] =
Apply[Gen].apply2(A, F)(OneAnd(_, _))
implicit def oneOr[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]], A: Gen[A]): Gen[OneOr[F, A]] =
Gen[F[A] \/ A].map(OneOr.apply)
implicit def dequeueGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Dequeue[A]] =
Apply[Gen].apply2(Gen[NonEmptyIList[A]], Gen[NonEmptyIList[A]])(
(x, y) => Dequeue.fromFoldable(x) ++ Dequeue.fromFoldable(y)
implicit def disjunction[A, B](implicit A: Gen[A], B: Gen[B]): Gen[A \/ B] =
oneOf(A.map(\/.left), B.map(\/.right))
implicit def eitherGen[A, B](implicit A: Gen[A], B: Gen[B]): Gen[A Either B] =
oneOf(B.map(Right(_)), A.map(Left(_)))
implicit def lazyEitherTGen[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[LazyEither[A, B]]]): Gen[LazyEitherT[F, A, B]] =
implicit def eitherTGen[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[A \/ B]]): Gen[EitherT[F, A, B]] =
implicit def theseTGen[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[A \&/ B]]): Gen[TheseT[F, A, B]] =
F.map(TheseT.theseT[F, A, B](_))
implicit def maybeTGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[Maybe[A]]]): Gen[MaybeT[F, A]] =
implicit def optionTGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[Option[A]]]): Gen[OptionT[F, A]] =
implicit def lazyOptionTGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[LazyOption[A]]]): Gen[LazyOptionT[F, A]] =
implicit def idTGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]]): Gen[IdT[F, A]] =
implicit def coproductGen[F[_], G[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A] \/ G[A]]): Gen[Coproduct[F, G, A]] =
implicit def constGen[A, B](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Const[A, B]] =
implicit def writerTGen[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[(A, B)]]): Gen[WriterT[F, A, B]] =
implicit def unwriterTGen[F[_], A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[(A, B)]]): Gen[UnwriterT[F, A, B]] =
implicit def indexedStateTGen[F[_]: Monad, S1, S2, A](implicit F: Gen[S1 => F[(S2, A)]]): Gen[IndexedStateT[F, S1, S2, A]] =
implicit def indexedContsTGen[W[_], M[_], R, O, A](implicit F: Gen[W[A => M[O]] => M[R]]): Gen[IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, A]] =
implicit def indexedReaderWriterStateTGen[F[_], R, W, S1, S2, A](implicit F: Gen[(R, S1) => F[(W, A, S2)]]): Gen[IndexedReaderWriterStateT[F, R, W, S1, S2, A]] =
implicit def streamTGen[F[_]: Applicative, A](implicit F: Gen[F[Stream[A]]]): Gen[StreamT[F, A]] =
implicit def theseGen[A, B](implicit A: Gen[A], B: Gen[B]): Gen[A \&/ B] =
Apply[Gen].apply2(A, B)(\&/.Both.apply)
implicit def listTGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[List[A]]]): Gen[ListT[F, A]] =
implicit def dlistGen[A: Gen]: Gen[DList[A]] =
implicit def heapGen[A: Gen: Order]: Gen[Heap[A]] =
implicit def ephemeralStreamGen[A: Gen]: Gen[EphemeralStream[A]] =
implicit def monoidCoproduct[A: Gen, B: Gen]: Gen[A :+: B] =
Gen[Vector[A \/ B]].map(new :+:(_))
implicit def indexedStoreTGen[F[_], I: Gen, A, B](implicit F: Gen[F[A => B]]): Gen[IndexedStoreT[F, I, A, B]] =
Gen[(F[A => B], I)].map(IndexedStoreT(_))
implicit def tracedTGen[W[_], A, B](implicit W: Gen[W[A => B]]): Gen[TracedT[W, A, B]] =
implicit val orderingGen: Gen[Ordering] =
implicit def validationGen[A: Gen, B: Gen]: Gen[Validation[A, B]] =
Gen[A \/ B].map(_.validation)
implicit def zipperGen[A: Gen]: Gen[Zipper[A]] =
Gen[(Stream[A], A, Stream[A])].map{case (a, b, c) => Zipper(a, b, c)}
implicit def coyonedaGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]]): Gen[Coyoneda[F, A]] =
implicit def codensityGen[F[_]: Monad, A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]], A: Gen[A]): Gen[Codensity[F, A]] =
F.map(Codensity.rep[F, A]),
implicit def indSeqGen[A: Gen]: Gen[IndSeq[A]] =
implicit def dievGen[A: Gen: Enum]: Gen[Diev[A]] =
implicit def either3Gen[A1, A2, A3](implicit A1: Gen[A1], A2: Gen[A2], A3: Gen[A3]): Gen[Either3[A1, A2, A3]] =
implicit def immutableArrayGen[A: Gen: reflect.ClassTag]: Gen[ImmutableArray[A]] =
implicit def nameGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Name[A]] =
implicit def valueGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Value[A]] =
implicit def needGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Need[A]] =
implicit def futureGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Future[A]] =
implicit def endoGen[A: Gen: Cogen]: Gen[Endo[A]] =
Gen[A => A].map(Endo(_))
implicit def kleisliLikeEndoGen[G[_[_], _, _], F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[G[F, A, A]]): Gen[Endomorphic[({type l[a, b] = G[F, a, b]})#l, A]] =
endomorphicGen[({type l[a, b] = G[F, a, b]})#l, A]
implicit def contravariantCoyonedaGen[F[_], A](implicit F: Gen[F[A]]): Gen[ContravariantCoyoneda[F, A]] =
implicit def fingerGen[V, A](implicit A: Gen[A], R: Reducer[A, V]): Gen[Finger[V, A]] =
A.map(FingerTree.one[V, A]),
Apply[Gen].apply2(A, A)(FingerTree.two[V, A]),
Apply[Gen].apply3(A, A, A)(FingerTree.three[V, A]),
Apply[Gen].apply4(A, A, A, A)(FingerTree.four[V, A])
private[scalaprops] def strictTreeGenSized[A: NotNothing](size: Int)(implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[StrictTree[A]] =
size match {
case n if n <= 1 =>
A.map(a => StrictTree.Leaf(a))
case 2 =>
Gen[(A, A)].map{case (a1, a2) =>
StrictTree.Node(a1, Vector(StrictTree.Leaf(a2)))
case 3 =>
Gen[(A, A, A)].flatMap{case (a1, a2, a3) =>
StrictTree.Node(a1, Vector(StrictTree.Leaf(a2), StrictTree.Leaf(a3))),
StrictTree.Node(a1, Vector(StrictTree.Node(a2, Vector(StrictTree.Leaf(a3)))))
case _ =>
withSize(size - 1)(strictTreeGenSized[A]).flatMap{ as =>
A.map(a => StrictTree.Node(a, as.toVector))
implicit def strictTreeGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[StrictTree[A]] =
Gen.sized(n =>
Gen.choose(0, n).flatMap(strictTreeGenSized[A])
private[this] def withSize[A](size: Int)(f: Int => Gen[A]): Gen[Stream[A]] = {
import scalaz.std.stream._
Stream.fill(size)(Gen.choose(1, size))
).flatMap { s =>
val ns = Traverse[Stream].traverseS(s) { n =>
for {
sum <- State.get[Int]
r <- if (sum >= size) {
State.state[Int, Option[Int]](None)
} else if ((sum + n) > size) {
State((s: Int) => (s + n) -> Option(size - sum))
} else {
State((s: Int) => (s + n) -> Option(n))
} yield r
private[scalaprops] def treeGenSized[A: NotNothing](size: Int)(implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Tree[A]] =
size match {
case n if n <= 1 =>
A.map(a => Tree.Leaf(a))
case 2 =>
Gen[(A, A)].map{case (a1, a2) =>
Tree.Node(a1, Stream(Tree.Leaf(a2)))
case 3 =>
Gen[(A, A, A)].flatMap{case (a1, a2, a3) =>
Tree.Node(a1, Stream(Tree.Leaf(a2), Tree.Leaf(a3))),
Tree.Node(a1, Stream(Tree.Node(a2, Stream(Tree.Leaf(a3)))))
case _ =>
withSize(size - 1)(treeGenSized[A]).flatMap{ as =>
A.map(a => Tree.Node(a, as))
implicit def treeGen[A](implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[Tree[A]] = {
Gen.sized(n =>
Gen.choose(0, n).flatMap(treeGenSized[A])
private[scalaprops] def treeLocGenSized[A](size: Int)(implicit A: Gen[A]): Gen[TreeLoc[A]] = {
def forest(n: Int): Gen[TreeLoc.TreeForest[A]] =
val parent: Int => Gen[TreeLoc.Parent[A]] = { n =>
Gen.choose(0, n - 1).flatMap { x1 =>
forest(x1), A, forest(n - x1 - 1)
a <- Gen.choose(1, size)
b = size - a
aa <- Gen.choose(1, a)
ba <- Gen.choose(0, b)
t <- Apply[Gen].apply4(
forest(a - aa),
withSize(b - ba)(parent)
} yield t
implicit def treeLocGen[A: Gen]: Gen[TreeLoc[A]] =
implicit def partialFunctionGen[A: Cogen, B: Gen]: Gen[PartialFunction[A, B]] =
Gen[A => Option[B]].map(Function.unlift)
implicit def bijectionTGen[F[_], G[_], A, B](implicit A: Cogen[A], B: Cogen[B], F: Gen[F[B]], G: Gen[G[A]]): Gen[BijectionT[F, G, A, B]] =
Gen[(A => F[B], B => G[A])].map{ case (f, g) => BijectionT.bijection(f, g) }
implicit def freeTGen[S[_]: Functor, M[_]: Applicative, A: Gen](implicit
G1: Gen[S[A]], G2: Gen[M[A]]
): Gen[FreeT[S, M, A]] =
Gen[A].map(FreeT.point[S, M, A](_)),
G2.map(FreeT.liftM[S, M, A](_)),
G1.map(FreeT.liftF[S, M, A](_))
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