scalaprops.derive.MkGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalaprops
package derive
import shapeless.*
* Derives `Gen[T]` instances for `T` an `HList`, a `Coproduct`,
* a case class or an ADT (or more generally, a type represented
* `Generic`ally as an `HList` or a `Coproduct`).
* Use like
* val gen: Gen[T] = MkGen[T].gen
* or look up for an implicit `MkGen[T]`.
trait MkGen[T] {
/** `Gen[T]` instance built by this `MkGen[T]` */
def gen: Gen[T]
abstract class MkGenLowPriority {
implicit def genericNonRecursiveCoproduct[S, C <: Coproduct](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[S, C],
mkGen: shapeless.Lazy[MkCoproductGen[C]]
): MkGen[S] =
object MkGen extends MkGenLowPriority {
def apply[T](implicit mkGen: MkGen[T]): MkGen[T] = mkGen
def instance[T](g: => Gen[T]): MkGen[T] =
new MkGen[T] {
def gen = g
implicit def genericProduct[P, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[P, L],
mkGen: shapeless.Lazy[MkHListGen[L]]
): MkGen[P] =
implicit def genericRecursiveCoproduct[S, C <: Coproduct](implicit
rec: Recursive[S],
gen: Generic.Aux[S, C],
mkGen: shapeless.Lazy[MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C]]
): MkGen[S] =
Gen.delay(mkGen.value.gen).flatMap {
_.valueOpt match {
case None =>
case Some(c) =>
trait MkHListGen[L <: HList] { self =>
/** `Gen[T]` instance built by this `MkGenHList[T]` */
def gen: Gen[L]
object MkHListGen {
def apply[L <: HList](implicit mkGen: MkHListGen[L]): MkHListGen[L] = mkGen
def instance[L <: HList](g: => Gen[L]): MkHListGen[L] =
new MkHListGen[L] {
def gen = g
implicit val hnil: MkHListGen[HNil] =
implicit def hcons[H, T <: HList, N <: Nat](implicit
headGen: Strict[Gen[H]],
tailGen: MkHListGen[T],
length: ops.hlist.Length.Aux[T, N],
n: ops.nat.ToInt[N]
): MkHListGen[H :: T] =
Gen.sized { size0 =>
if (size0 < 0)
// unlike positive values, don't split negative sizes any further, and let subsequent Gen handle them
for {
head <-
tail <- Gen.delay(tailGen.gen).resize(size0)
} yield head :: tail
else {
// take a fraction of approximately 1 / (n + 1) from size for the head, leave the
// remaining for the tail
val size = size0 max 0
val remainder = size % (n() + 1)
val fromRemainderGen =
if (remainder > 0)
Gen.choose(1, n()).map(r => if (r <= remainder) 1 else 0)
for {
fromRemainder <- fromRemainderGen
headSize = size / (n() + 1) + fromRemainder
head <-
tail <- Gen.delay(tailGen.gen).resize(size - headSize)
} yield head :: tail
trait MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C <: Coproduct] {
/** `Gen[T]` instance built by this `MkRecursiveCoproductGen[T]` */
def gen: Gen[Recursive.Value[C]]
object MkRecursiveCoproductGen {
def apply[C <: Coproduct](implicit mkGen: MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C]): MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C] = mkGen
def instance[C <: Coproduct](g: => Gen[Recursive.Value[C]]): MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C] =
new MkRecursiveCoproductGen[C] {
def gen = g
implicit val cnil: MkRecursiveCoproductGen[CNil] =
instance(Gen.gen((_, r) => (r, ???)))
implicit def ccons[H, T <: Coproduct, N <: Nat](implicit
headGen: Strict[Gen[H]],
tailGen: MkRecursiveCoproductGen[T],
length: ops.coproduct.Length.Aux[T, N],
n: ops.nat.ToInt[N]
): MkRecursiveCoproductGen[H :+: T] =
instance[H :+: T](
Gen.sized[Recursive.Value[H :+: T]] {
case x if x < 0 =>
case size =>
val nextSize = size - 1
1 -> scalaprops.Lazy(headGen.value.resize(nextSize).map(h => Recursive.Value(Some[H :+: T](Inl(h))))),
n() -> scalaprops.Lazy(Gen.delay(tailGen.gen).resize(nextSize).map( (H :+: T))))
trait MkCoproductGen[C <: Coproduct] { self =>
/** `Gen[T]` instance built by this `MkCoproductGen[T]` */
def gen: Gen[C]
object MkCoproductGen {
def apply[C <: Coproduct](implicit mkArb: MkCoproductGen[C]): MkCoproductGen[C] = mkArb
def instance[C <: Coproduct](g: => Gen[C]): MkCoproductGen[C] =
new MkCoproductGen[C] {
def gen = g
implicit val cnil: MkCoproductGen[CNil] =
instance(Gen.gen((_, r) => (r, ???)))
implicit def ccons[H, T <: Coproduct, N <: Nat](implicit
headGen: Strict[Gen[H]],
tailGen: MkCoproductGen[T],
length: ops.coproduct.Length.Aux[T, N],
n: ops.nat.ToInt[N]
): MkCoproductGen[H :+: T] =
Gen.sized { size =>
* Unlike MkCoproductGen above, try to generate a value no matter what (no
* This can blow the stack for recursive types, so should be avoided for those.
val nextSize = (size - 1) max 0
1 -> scalaprops.Lazy( (H :+: T)).resize(nextSize)).value),
n() -> scalaprops.Lazy(Gen.delay(tailGen.gen).map(Inr(_): (H :+: T)).resize(nextSize))