inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6Address Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2016-2018 Sean C Foley
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or at
* https://github.com/seancfoley/IPAddress/blob/master/LICENSE
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package inet.ipaddr.ipv6;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.Inet6Address;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;
import inet.ipaddr.Address;
import inet.ipaddr.AddressConversionException;
import inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork.PrefixConfiguration;
import inet.ipaddr.AddressPositionException;
import inet.ipaddr.AddressValueException;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddress;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressConverter;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressSection.IPStringBuilderOptions;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressSection.IPStringOptions;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressSegmentSeries;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString;
import inet.ipaddr.IPAddressStringParameters;
import inet.ipaddr.IncompatibleAddressException;
import inet.ipaddr.PrefixLenException;
import inet.ipaddr.format.string.IPAddressStringDivisionSeries;
import inet.ipaddr.format.util.AddressComponentRangeSpliterator;
import inet.ipaddr.format.util.AddressComponentSpliterator;
import inet.ipaddr.format.util.IPAddressPartStringCollection;
import inet.ipaddr.format.validate.Validator;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv4.IPv4Address;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv4.IPv4Address.IPv4AddressConverter;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv4.IPv4AddressNetwork;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv4.IPv4AddressNetwork.IPv4AddressCreator;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv4.IPv4AddressSection;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressNetwork.IPv6AddressCreator;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressSection.IPv6AddressCache;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressSection.IPv6StringBuilderOptions;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressSection.IPv6StringCache;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressSection.IPv6StringCollection;
import inet.ipaddr.ipv6.IPv6AddressSection.IPv6StringOptions;
import inet.ipaddr.mac.MACAddress;
import inet.ipaddr.mac.MACAddressNetwork;
import inet.ipaddr.mac.MACAddressNetwork.MACAddressCreator;
import inet.ipaddr.mac.MACAddressSection;
import inet.ipaddr.mac.MACAddressSegment;
* An IPv6 address, or a subnet of multiple IPv6 addresses. Each segment can represent a single value or a range of values.
* You can construct an IPv6 address from a byte array, from a BigInteger, from a {@link inet.ipaddr.Address.SegmentValueProvider},
* from Inet6Address, from MACAddress, from an {@link IPv6AddressSection} of 8 segments, or from an array of 8 {@link IPv6AddressSegment} objects.
* To construct one from a {@link java.lang.String} use
* {@link inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString#toAddress()} or {@link inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString#getAddress()}, {@link inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString#toHostAddress()} or {@link inet.ipaddr.IPAddressString#getHostAddress()}
* An IPv6 address can have an associated zone, typically either a network interface name or a positive integer.
* An IPv6 zone distinguishes two IPv6 addresses that are the same.
* - They are used with link-local addresses fe80::/10 to distinguish two interfaces to the link-local network, this is known as the zone id.
- They are used with site-local addresses to distinguish sites, using the site id, also known as the scope id.
* A zone that consists of a scope id is called a scoped zone.
* @custom.core
* @author sfoley
* rfc 6890 and the earlier 5156 has details on some of the special addresses
* For some of the various pre-specified IPv6 address formats (IPv4 mapped, IPv4 translated, IPv4 compatible, etc),
* see gestioip.net/docu/ipv6_address_examples.html
* A nice summary of IPV6 formats at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc757359(v=ws.10).aspx
* https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd379548(v=ws.10).aspx
public class IPv6Address extends IPAddress implements Iterable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
public static final char SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = ':';
public static final char ZONE_SEPARATOR = '%';
public static final char ALTERNATIVE_ZONE_SEPARATOR = '\u00a7';//'§'; javadoc whines about this char
public static final char UNC_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = '-';
public static final char UNC_ZONE_SEPARATOR = 's';
public static final String UNC_RANGE_SEPARATOR_STR = String.valueOf(UNC_RANGE_SEPARATOR);
public static final String UNC_SUFFIX = ".ipv6-literal.net";
public static final String REVERSE_DNS_SUFFIX = ".ip6.arpa";
public static final String REVERSE_DNS_SUFFIX_DEPRECATED = ".ip6.int";
public static final int BITS_PER_SEGMENT = 16;
public static final int BYTES_PER_SEGMENT = 2;
public static final int SEGMENT_COUNT = 8;
public static final int BYTE_COUNT = 16;
public static final int BIT_COUNT = 128;
public static final int DEFAULT_TEXTUAL_RADIX = 16;
public static final int BASE_85_RADIX = 85;
public static final int MAX_VALUE_PER_SEGMENT = 0xffff;
* An IPv6 zone distinguishes two IPv6 addresses that are the same.
* They are used with link-local addresses fe80::/10 and distinguishes two interfaces to the link-local network, this is known as the zone id.
* They are used with site-local addresses to distinguish sites, using the site id, also known as the scope id.
* A zone that consists of a scope id is called a scoped zone.
private final IPv6Zone zone;
* A reference to a scope id by number or a network interface by name.
* An IPv6 zone distinguishes two IPv6 addresses that are the same.
* They are used with link-local addresses fe80::/10 to distinguish two interfaces to the link-local network, this is known as the zone id.
* They are used with site-local addresses to distinguish sites, using the site id, also known as the scope id.
* A zone that consists of a scope id is called a scoped zone.
* An IPv6 zone will reference an interface by a scoped identifier number or by interface name based on how it was constructed.
* If constructed with a numeric identifier, whether integer or string, it will always reference by scoped identifier.
* Otherwise, it will always reference by interface name.
* Once constructed, it will always reference using the same method, either interface name or scope id.
* To reference by the other method you must use a different IPv6Zone instance.
* Even though it will always reference using the same method,
* you can use the IPv6Zone instance to look up the scope id if the instance references by interface name,
* or to look up the associated interface if the instance references by scope id.
* @custom.core
* @author scfoley
public static class IPv6Zone implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
String zoneStr;
private int scopeId;
private transient NetworkInterface networkInterface;
private Boolean referencesInterface;
* Constructs a zone that will use the given zone string,
* either a non-negative integer indicating a scope identifier,
* or the name of a network interface.
* A scope identifier is indicated by a sequence of decimal digits.
* To create an InetAddress by pairing this zone with an IPv6Address instance,
* an interface name must reference an existing interface, otherwise the InetAddress cannot be created.
* See {@link java.net.NetworkInterface} to get a list of existing interfaces or to look up interfaces by name.
* @param zoneStr
public IPv6Zone(String zoneStr) {
if(zoneStr == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.zoneStr = zoneStr.trim();
scopeId = -1;
* Constructs a zone that will use a scope identifier with the address.
* @param scopeId
public IPv6Zone(int scopeId) {
if(scopeId < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.scopeId = scopeId;
referencesInterface = Boolean.FALSE;
* Constructs a zone that will use an interface name with the address.
* @param networkInterface
public IPv6Zone(NetworkInterface networkInterface) {
if(networkInterface == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
this.networkInterface = networkInterface;
referencesInterface = Boolean.TRUE;
scopeId = -1;
zoneStr = networkInterface.getName();
* Whether this zone references a network interface.
* @return
public boolean referencesIntf() {
if(referencesInterface == null) {
scopeId = checkIfScope(zoneStr);
referencesInterface = scopeId < 0;
return referencesInterface;
* Whether this zone references a scope identifier.
* @return
public boolean referencesScopeId() {
return !referencesIntf();
* If this zone references a network interface, returns that interface,
* or null if no interface with the given name exists on the system.
* If this zone references a scope id, returns the associated interface.
* @return
public NetworkInterface getAssociatedIntf() {
try {
if(referencesIntf()) {
if(networkInterface == null) {
networkInterface = NetworkInterface.getByName(zoneStr);
} else {
if(networkInterface == null) {
Enumeration interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while(interfaces.hasMoreElements()) {
NetworkInterface nif = interfaces.nextElement();
Enumeration addrs = nif.getInetAddresses();
while(addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement();
if(addr instanceof Inet6Address) {
Inet6Address inetAddr = (Inet6Address) addr;
if(inetAddr.getScopeId() == scopeId) {
networkInterface = nif;
break top;
} catch(SocketException e) {}
return networkInterface;
* Returns the MAC address of the associated interface
* @return
public MACAddress getAssociatedIntfMacAddr() {
NetworkInterface intf = getAssociatedIntf();
try {
if(intf != null) {
byte bytes[] = intf.getHardwareAddress();
if(bytes != null) {
return new MACAddress(bytes);
} catch(SocketException e) {}
return null;
* If this zone references a scoped identifier, returns that identifier.
* If this zone references a network interface, returns the scope identifier for the addresses of that interface,
* or -1 if the referenced interface cannot be found on the system, or no single scope identifier was assigned.
* @return
public int getAssociatedScopeId() {
if(referencesIntf()) {
if(scopeId == -1) {
NetworkInterface nif = getAssociatedIntf();
if(nif != null) {
Enumeration addrs = nif.getInetAddresses();
int newScopeId = -1;
while(addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement();
if(addr instanceof Inet6Address) {
Inet6Address inetAddr = (Inet6Address) addr;
int sid = inetAddr.getScopeId();
if(sid != 0) {
if(newScopeId != -1 && sid != newScopeId) {
// multiple scope ids for the interface
newScopeId = -1;
newScopeId = sid;
if(newScopeId != -1) {
this.scopeId = newScopeId;
return scopeId;
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof IPv6Zone && toString().equals(o.toString());
public String getName() {
if(zoneStr == null) {
if(referencesIntf()) {
zoneStr = networkInterface.getName();
} else {
zoneStr = IPv6AddressSegment.toUnsignedString(scopeId, 10,
new StringBuilder(IPv6AddressSegment.toUnsignedStringLength(scopeId, 10))).toString();
return zoneStr;
public String toString() {
return getName();
static int checkIfScope(String zoneStr) {
long digits = 0;
for(int i = 0, len = zoneStr.length(); i < len; i++) {
char c = zoneStr.charAt(i);
int digit = Character.digit(c, 10);
if(digit < 0) {
return -1;
digits = (digits * 10) + digit;
if(digits > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return -1;
return (int) digits;
private transient IPv6StringCache stringCache;
transient IPv6AddressCache addressCache;
IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, CharSequence zone, boolean checkZone) throws AddressValueException {
this(section, checkZone ?
checkZone(zone) :
(zone != null && zone.length() > 0 ?
new IPv6Zone(zone.toString()) :
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8 or zone is invalid
* @param section
* @param zone
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
if(section.getSegmentCount() != SEGMENT_COUNT) {
throw new AddressValueException("ipaddress.error.ipv6.invalid.segment.count", section.getSegmentCount());
if(section.addressSegmentIndex != 0) {
throw new AddressPositionException(section.addressSegmentIndex);
this.zone = zone;
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection, IPv6Zone)}
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8 or zone is invalid
* @param section
* @param zone
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(section, zone, true);
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section) throws AddressValueException {
this(section, (CharSequence) null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8
* @param segments the address segments
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[] segments) throws AddressValueException {
this(segments, null, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or a set of addresses.
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8
* @param segments the address segments
* @param networkPrefixLength
* @throws AddressValueException if network prefix length invalid
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[] segments, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(segments, networkPrefixLength, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or a set of addresses.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[], IPv6Zone)}
* @param segments the address segments
* @param zone the zone or scope id
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8 or the zone invalid
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[] segments, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(segments, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address or a set of addresses.
* @param segments the address segments
* @param zone the zone or scope id
* @throws AddressValueException if segment count is not 8 or the zone invalid
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[] segments, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(segments, null, zone);
private IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSegment[] segments, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator().createSection(segments, networkPrefixLength));
if(segments.length != SEGMENT_COUNT) {
throw new AddressValueException("ipaddress.error.ipv6.invalid.segment.count", segments.length);
this.zone = zone;
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* @param inet6Address the java.net address object
public IPv6Address(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
this(inet6Address, inet6Address.getAddress(), null, getZone(inet6Address));
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* @param inet6Address the java.net address object
public IPv6Address(Inet6Address inet6Address, Integer networkPrefixLength) {
this(inet6Address, inet6Address.getAddress(), networkPrefixLength, getZone(inet6Address));
private IPv6Address(Inet6Address inet6Address, byte[] bytes, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator().createSection(bytes, 0, bytes.length, IPv6Address.SEGMENT_COUNT, networkPrefixLength));
this.zone = zone;
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte array can be a 16 byte IPv6 address, but may have additional zero-valued bytes, or it may be fewer than 16 bytes.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(byte[], IPv6Zone)}
* @throws AddressValueException if bytes not equivalent to a 16 byte address
* @param bytes the 16 byte IPv6 address in network byte order - if longer than 16 bytes the additional bytes must be zero (and are ignored), if shorter than 16 bytes then the bytes are sign-extended to 16 bytes.
* @throws AddressValueException if byte range invalid or zone invalid
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte array can be a 16 byte IPv6 address, but may have additional zero-valued bytes, or it may be fewer than 16 bytes.
* @throws AddressValueException if bytes not equivalent to a 16 byte address
* @param bytes the 16 byte IPv6 address in network byte order - if longer than 16 bytes the additional bytes must be zero (and are ignored), if shorter than 16 bytes then the bytes are sign-extended to 16 bytes.
* @throws AddressValueException if byte range invalid or zone invalid
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, null, zone);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte array can be a 16 byte IPv6 address, but may have additional zero-valued bytes, or it may be fewer than 16 bytes.
* @throws AddressValueException if bytes not equivalent to a 16 byte address
* @param bytes the 16 byte IPv6 address in network byte order - if longer than 16 bytes the additional bytes must be zero (and are ignored), if shorter than 16 bytes then the bytes are sign-extended to 16 bytes.
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, null, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* Similar to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[])} except that you can specify the start and end of the address in the given byte array.
* @throws AddressValueException if byte range invalid
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, int byteStartIndex, int byteEndIndex) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, byteStartIndex, byteEndIndex, null, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* The byte array can be a 16 byte IPv6 address, but may have additional zero-valued bytes, or it may be fewer than 16 bytes.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @param bytes the 16 byte IPv6 address in network byte order - if longer than 16 bytes the additional bytes must be zero (and are ignored), if shorter than 16 bytes then the bytes are sign-extended to 16 bytes.
* @param networkPrefixLength the CIDR prefix, which can be null for no prefix length
* @throws AddressValueException if bytes not equivalent to a 16 byte address
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, networkPrefixLength, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* Similar to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[], Integer)} except that you can specify the start and end of the address in the given byte array.
public IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, int byteStartIndex, int byteEndIndex, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, byteStartIndex, byteEndIndex, networkPrefixLength, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte representation from {@link BigInteger#toByteArray()} is used, and the byte array follows the rules according to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[])}.
* Either it must be exactly 16 bytes, or if larger then any extra bytes must be significant leading zeros,
* or if smaller it is sign-extended to the required 16 byte length.
* This means that you can end up with the same address from two different values of BigInteger, one positive and one negative.
* For instance, -1 and ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff are represented by the two's complement byte arrays [ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff]
* and [0,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff] respectively.
* Both create the address ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
* In fact, the two's complement byte array [ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff] can be shortened to [ff], the former being the sign-extension of the latter.
* So the byte array [ff] also creates the address ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.
* When using positive integers you end up with the results you expect, the magnitude of the big integer becomes the address.
* When ranging over all 16-byte arrays and constructing BigInteger from those arrays, you range over all possible addresses.
* @throws AddressValueException if value is outside the range of potential values
* @param val must be an IPv6 address value.
* @throws AddressValueException if val is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val) throws AddressValueException {
this(val, null, (IPv6Zone) null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte representation from {@link BigInteger#toByteArray()} is used, and the byte array follows the rules according to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[])}.
* Either it must be exactly 16 bytes, or if larger then any extra bytes must be significant leading zeros,
* or if smaller it is sign-extended to the required 16 byte length.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @param val
* @param networkPrefixLength
* @throws AddressValueException if val is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(val, networkPrefixLength, (IPv6Zone) null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte representation from {@link BigInteger#toByteArray()} is used, and the byte array follows the rules according to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[])}.
* Either it must be exactly 16 bytes, or if larger then any extra bytes must be significant leading zeros,
* or if smaller it is sign-extended to the required 16 byte length.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(BigInteger, IPv6Zone)}
* @param val
* @param zone
* @throws AddressValueException if val is invalid or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(val, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* The byte representation from {@link BigInteger#toByteArray()} is used, and the byte array follows the rules according to {@link #IPv6Address(byte[])}.
* Either it must be exactly 16 bytes, or if larger then any extra bytes must be significant leading zeros,
* or if smaller it is sign-extended to the required 16 byte length.
* @param val
* @param zone
* @throws AddressValueException if val is invalid or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(val, null, zone);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(BigInteger, Integer, IPv6Zone)}
* @param val must be an IPv6 address value
* @param networkPrefixLength the CIDR prefix length, which can be null for no prefix length
* @param zone the zone or scope id
* @throws AddressValueException if value is outside the range of potential values, or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val, Integer networkPrefixLength, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(val, networkPrefixLength, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @param val must be an IPv6 address value
* @param networkPrefixLength the CIDR prefix length, which can be null for no prefix length
* @param zone the zone or scope id
* @throws AddressValueException if value is outside the range of potential values, or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(BigInteger val, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator().createSectionInternal(val.toByteArray(), IPv6Address.SEGMENT_COUNT, networkPrefixLength, false));
this.zone = zone;
private IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(bytes, 0, bytes.length, networkPrefixLength, zone);
private IPv6Address(byte[] bytes, int byteStartIndex, int byteEndIndex, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator().createSection(bytes, byteStartIndex, byteEndIndex, IPv6Address.SEGMENT_COUNT, networkPrefixLength));
this.zone = zone;
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @param lowerValueProvider supplies the 2 byte lower values for each segment
* @param upperValueProvider supplies the 2 byte upper values for each segment
* @param networkPrefixLength the CIDR network prefix length, which can be null for no prefix
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, networkPrefixLength, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address or subnet.
* @param lowerValueProvider supplies the 2 byte lower values for each segment
* @param upperValueProvider supplies the 2 byte upper values for each segment
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider) {
this(lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, null, null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* When networkPrefixLength is non-null, depending on the prefix configuration (see {@link inet.ipaddr.AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration()},
* this object may represent either a single address with that network prefix length, or the prefix subnet block containing all addresses with the same network prefix.
* @param valueProvider supplies the 2 byte value for each segment
* @param networkPrefixLength the CIDR network prefix length, which can be null for no prefix
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider valueProvider, Integer networkPrefixLength) throws AddressValueException {
this(valueProvider, valueProvider, networkPrefixLength);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* @param valueProvider supplies the 2 byte value for each segment
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider valueProvider) {
this(valueProvider, (Integer) null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(Address.SegmentValueProvider, Address.SegmentValueProvider, IPv6Zone)}
* @param lowerValueProvider supplies the 2 byte lower values for each segment
* @param upperValueProvider supplies the 2 byte upper values for each segment
* @throws AddressValueException if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider, CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address.
* @param lowerValueProvider supplies the 2 byte lower values for each segment
* @param upperValueProvider supplies the 2 byte upper values for each segment
* @throws AddressValueException if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
this(lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, null, zone);
private IPv6Address(SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider, Integer networkPrefixLength, IPv6Zone zone) throws AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator().createFullSectionInternal(lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, networkPrefixLength));
this.zone = zone;
* Constructs an IPv6 address from a modified EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) address section and an IPv6 address section network prefix.
* If the supplied MAC section is an 8 byte EUI-64, then it must match the required EUI-64 format of xx-xx-ff-fe-xx-xx
* with the ff-fe section in the middle.
* If the supplied section is a 6 byte MAC-48 or EUI-48, then the ff-fe pattern will be inserted.
* If the supplied section neither 6 nor 8 bytes, or if the 8-byte section does not have required EUI-64 format of xx-xx-ff-fe-xx-xx,
* {@link IncompatibleAddressException} will be thrown.
* The constructor will toggle the MAC U/L (universal/local) bit as required with EUI-64.
* Only the first 8 bytes (4 segments) of the IPv6Address are used to construct the address.
* Any prefix length in the MAC address is ignored, while a prefix length in the IPv6 address is preserved but only up to the first 4 segments.
* @throws IncompatibleAddressException if the MACAddress is an 8 byte MAC address incompatible with EUI-64 IPv6 format
* @param prefix an address from which the first four segments will be used as the same initial segments in the returned address
* @param eui
public IPv6Address(IPv6Address prefix, MACAddress eui) throws IncompatibleAddressException {
this(prefix.getSection(), eui.getSection());
* Constructs an IPv6 address from a modified EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) address section and an IPv6 address section network prefix.
* If the supplied MAC section is an 8 byte EUI-64, then it must match the required EUI-64 format of xx-xx-ff-fe-xx-xx
* with the ff-fe section in the middle.
* If the supplied section is a 6 byte MAC-48 or EUI-48, then the ff-fe pattern will be inserted.
* If the supplied section neither 6 nor 8 bytes, or if the 8-byte section does not have required EUI-64 format of xx-xx-ff-fe-xx-xx,
* {@link IncompatibleAddressException} will be thrown.
* The constructor will toggle the MAC U/L (universal/local) bit as required with EUI-64.
* The IPv6 address section must be 8 bytes.
* Any prefix length in the MAC address is ignored, while a prefix length in the IPv6 address is preserved but only up to the first 4 segments.
* @throws IncompatibleAddressException if the MACAddress is an 8 byte MAC address incompatible with EUI-64 IPv6 format
* @throws AddressValueException if the IPv6 section is the wrong size or structure
* @param section
* @param eui
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, MACAddress eui) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressValueException {
this(section, eui.getSection());
* Constructs an IPv6 address from a modified EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) address and an IPv6 address section network prefix.
* If the supplied address is an 8 byte EUI-64, then it must match the required EUI-64 format of xx-xx-ff-fe-xx-xx
* with the ff-fe section in the middle.
* If the supplied address is a 6 byte MAC-48 or EUI-48, then the ff-fe pattern will be inserted.
* The constructor will toggle the MAC U/L (universal/local) bit as required with EUI-64.
* The IPv6 address section must be 8 bytes.
* Any prefix length in the MAC address is ignored, while a prefix length in the IPv6 address is preserved but only up to the first 4 segments.
* @throws IncompatibleAddressException if the MACAddress is an 8 byte MAC address incompatible with EUI-64 IPv6 format
* @throws AddressValueException if the MACAddress or IPv6 sections are the wrong size or structure
* @param section
* @param eui
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, MACAddressSection eui) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressValueException {
this(section, eui, (IPv6Zone) null);
* Constructs an IPv6 address from a modified EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) address and an IPv6 address section network prefix.
* @deprecated use {@link #IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection, MACAddressSection, IPv6Zone)}
* @param section
* @param eui
* @param zone
* @throws IncompatibleAddressException if the MACAddress is an 8 byte MAC address incompatible with EUI-64 IPv6 format
* @throws AddressValueException if the MACAddress or IPv6 sections are the wrong size or structure, or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, MACAddressSection eui, CharSequence zone) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressValueException {
this(section, eui, checkZone(zone));
* Constructs an IPv6 address from a modified EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) address and an IPv6 address section network prefix.
* @param section
* @param eui
* @param zone
* @throws IncompatibleAddressException if the MACAddress is an 8 byte MAC address incompatible with EUI-64 IPv6 format
* @throws AddressValueException if the MACAddress or IPv6 sections are the wrong size or structure, or if zone is invalid
public IPv6Address(IPv6AddressSection section, MACAddressSection eui, IPv6Zone zone) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressValueException {
super(thisAddress -> toFullEUI64Section(section, eui, ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getDefaultCreator(), ((IPv6Address) thisAddress).getMACNetwork().getAddressCreator()));
this.zone = zone;
static IPv6Zone checkZone(CharSequence zone) throws AddressValueException {
if(zone == null) {
return null;
String zoneStr = zone.toString().trim();
if(zone.length() == 0) {
return null;
int invalidIndex = Validator.validateZone(zoneStr);
if(invalidIndex >= 0) {
throw new AddressValueException("ipaddress.error.invalid.zone", invalidIndex);
return new IPv6Zone(zoneStr);
IPv6AddressCreator getDefaultCreator() {
return getNetwork().getAddressCreator();
IPv6AddressCreator getCreator() {
IPv6AddressCreator defaultCreator = getDefaultCreator();
if(!hasZone()) {
return defaultCreator;
IPv6AddressCreator creator = new IPv6AddressCreator(getNetwork(), defaultCreator.cache) {// using a lambda for this one results in a big performance hit, so we use anonymous class
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
protected IPv6Address createAddressInternal(IPv6AddressSegment segments[]) {
IPv6AddressCreator creator = getDefaultCreator();
return creator.createAddress(segments, zone); /* address creation */
public IPv6Address createAddress(IPv6AddressSection section) {
IPv6AddressCreator creator = getDefaultCreator();
return creator.createAddress(section, zone); /* address creation */
creator.useSegmentCache = defaultCreator.useSegmentCache;
return creator;
private static IPv6Zone getZone(Inet6Address inet6Address) {
NetworkInterface networkInterface = inet6Address.getScopedInterface();
if(networkInterface != null) {
return new IPv6Zone(networkInterface);
int scopeId = inet6Address.getScopeId();
if(scopeId != 0) {
return new IPv6Zone(scopeId);
return null;
private static IPv6AddressSection toFullEUI64Section(IPv6AddressSection section, MACAddressSection eui, IPv6AddressCreator creator, MACAddressCreator macCreator) throws AddressValueException, IncompatibleAddressException {
boolean euiIsExtended = eui.isExtended();
if(eui.addressSegmentIndex != 0) {
throw new AddressPositionException(eui, eui.addressSegmentIndex);
if(section.addressSegmentIndex != 0) {
throw new AddressPositionException(section, section.addressSegmentIndex);
if(section.getSegmentCount() < 4) {
throw new AddressValueException(section, "ipaddress.mac.error.not.eui.convertible");
throw new AddressValueException(eui, "ipaddress.mac.error.not.eui.convertible");
IPv6AddressSegment segments[] = creator.createSegmentArray(8);
section.getSegments(0, 4, segments, 0);
Integer prefLength = section.getNetworkPrefixLength();
Integer prefixLength = prefLength != null && (prefLength <= 64) ? prefLength : null;
toEUI64Segments(segments, 4, eui, 0, eui.isExtended(), creator, macCreator, prefixLength);
return creator.createSectionInternal(segments);
static IPv6AddressSegment[] toEUI64Segments(
IPv6AddressSegment segments[],
int ipv6StartIndex,
MACAddressSection eui,
int euiStartIndex,
boolean isExtended,
IPv6AddressCreator creator,
MACAddressCreator macCreator,
Integer prefixLength)
throws IncompatibleAddressException {
int euiSegmentIndex = 0;
int euiSegmentCount = eui.getSegmentCount();
MACAddressSegment seg0, seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4, seg5, seg6, seg7;
seg0 = (euiStartIndex == 0 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg1 = (euiStartIndex <= 1 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg2 = (euiStartIndex <= 2 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg3 = (euiStartIndex <= 3 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg4 = (euiStartIndex <= 4 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg5 = (euiStartIndex <= 5 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg6 = (euiStartIndex <= 6 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex++) : null;
seg7 = (euiStartIndex <= 7 && euiSegmentIndex < euiSegmentCount) ? eui.getSegment(euiSegmentIndex) : null;
boolean isNotNull;
MACAddressSegment zeroSegment = macCreator.createSegment(0);
MACAddressSegment ffSegment = macCreator.createSegment(0xff);
MACAddressSegment feSegment = macCreator.createSegment(0xfe);
Integer currentPrefix = null;
if(prefixLength != null) {
//since the prefix comes from the ipv6 section and not the MAC section, any segment prefix for the MAC section is 0 or null
//prefixes across segments have the pattern: null, null, ..., null, 0-16, 0, 0, ..., 0
//So if the overall prefix is 0, then the prefix of every segment is 0
currentPrefix = 0;
if((isNotNull = (seg0 != null)) || seg1 != null) {
if(isNotNull) {
if(seg1 == null) {
seg1 = zeroSegment;
} else {
seg0 = zeroSegment;
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, seg0, seg1, true /* only this first one gets the flipped bit */, currentPrefix);
//join 2 and 3
if(isExtended) {
if((isNotNull = (seg2 != null)) || seg3 != null) {
if(!isNotNull) {
seg2 = zeroSegment;
if(!seg3.matches(0xff)) {
throw new IncompatibleAddressException(eui, "ipaddress.mac.error.not.eui.convertible");
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, seg2, ffSegment, currentPrefix);
if((isNotNull = (seg4 != null)) || seg5 != null) {
if(isNotNull) {
if(!seg4.matches(0xfe)) {
throw new IncompatibleAddressException(eui, "ipaddress.mac.error.not.eui.convertible");
if(seg5 == null) {
seg5 = zeroSegment;
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, feSegment, seg5, currentPrefix);
} else {
if(seg2 != null) {
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, seg2, ffSegment, currentPrefix);
if(seg3 != null) {
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, feSegment, seg3, currentPrefix);
if((isNotNull = (seg4 != null)) || seg5 != null) {
if(isNotNull) {
if(seg5 == null) {
seg5 = zeroSegment;
} else {
seg4 = zeroSegment;
segments[ipv6StartIndex++] = join(creator, seg4, seg5, currentPrefix);
if((isNotNull = (seg6 != null)) || seg7 != null) {
if(isNotNull) {
if(seg7 == null) {
seg7 = zeroSegment;
} else {
seg6 = zeroSegment;
segments[ipv6StartIndex] = join(creator, seg6, seg7, currentPrefix);
return segments;
private static IPv6AddressSegment join(IPv6AddressCreator creator, MACAddressSegment macSegment0, MACAddressSegment macSegment1, Integer prefixLength) {
return join(creator, macSegment0, macSegment1, false, prefixLength);
private static IPv6AddressSegment join(IPv6AddressCreator creator, MACAddressSegment macSegment0, MACAddressSegment macSegment1, boolean flip, Integer prefixLength) {
if(macSegment0.isMultiple()) {
// if the high segment has a range, the low segment must match the full range,
// otherwise it is not possible to create an equivalent range when joining
if(!macSegment1.isFullRange()) {
throw new IncompatibleAddressException(macSegment0, macSegment1, "ipaddress.error.invalidMACIPv6Range");
int lower0 = macSegment0.getSegmentValue();
int upper0 = macSegment0.getUpperSegmentValue();
if(flip) {
int mask2ndBit = 0x2;
if(!macSegment0.matchesWithMask(mask2ndBit & lower0, mask2ndBit)) {
throw new IncompatibleAddressException(macSegment0, "ipaddress.mac.error.not.eui.convertible");
lower0 ^= mask2ndBit;//flip the universal/local bit
upper0 ^= mask2ndBit;
return creator.createSegment(
(lower0 << 8) | macSegment1.getSegmentValue(),
(upper0 << 8) | macSegment1.getUpperSegmentValue(),
public IPv6AddressNetwork getNetwork() {
return defaultIpv6Network();
public MACAddressNetwork getMACNetwork() {
return defaultMACNetwork();
public IPv4AddressNetwork getIPv4Network() {
return defaultIpv4Network();
public IPv6AddressSection getSection() {
return (IPv6AddressSection) super.getSection();
public IPv6AddressSection getSection(int index) {
return getSection().getSection(index);
public IPv6AddressSection getSection(int index, int endIndex) {
return getSection().getSection(index, endIndex);
public IPv6AddressSegment getDivision(int index) {
return getSegment(index);
public IPv6AddressSegment getSegment(int index) {
return getSection().getSegment(index);
public IPv6AddressSegment[] getSegments() {
return getSection().getSegments();
public boolean isEUI64() {
return getSection().isEUI64();
public MACAddress toEUI(boolean extended) {
MACAddressSection section = getSection().toEUI(extended);
if(section == null) {
return null;
MACAddressCreator creator = getMACNetwork().getAddressCreator();
return creator.createAddress(section);
public IPAddressStringDivisionSeries[] getParts(IPStringBuilderOptions options) {
return getParts(IPv6StringBuilderOptions.from(options));
public IPAddressStringDivisionSeries[] getParts(IPv6StringBuilderOptions options) {
IPAddressStringDivisionSeries parts[] = getSection().getParts(options);
IPv4Address ipv4Addr = getConverted(options);
if(ipv4Addr != null) {
IPAddressStringDivisionSeries ipv4Parts[] = ipv4Addr.getParts(options.ipv4ConverterOptions);
IPAddressStringDivisionSeries tmp[] = parts;
parts = new IPAddressStringDivisionSeries[tmp.length + ipv4Parts.length];
System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, parts, 0, tmp.length);
System.arraycopy(ipv4Parts, 0, parts, tmp.length, ipv4Parts.length);
return parts;
public int getSegmentCount() {
public int getByteCount() {
return BYTE_COUNT;
public int getBitCount() {
return BIT_COUNT;
void cache(IPv6Address lower, IPv6Address upper) {
if((lower != null || upper != null) && getSection().getSingleLowestOrHighestSection() == null) {
getSection().cache(lower != null ? lower.getSection() : null, upper != null ? upper.getSection() : null);
IPv6AddressCache cache = addressCache;
if(cache == null || (lower != null && cache.lower == null) || (upper != null && cache.upper == null)) {
synchronized(this) {
cache = addressCache;
boolean create = (cache == null);
if(create) {
addressCache = cache = new IPv6AddressCache();
cache.lower = lower;
cache.upper = upper;
} else {
if(cache.lower == null) {
cache.lower = lower;
if(cache.upper == null) {
cache.upper = upper;
private IPv6Address getLowestOrHighest(boolean lowest, boolean excludeZeroHost) {
IPv6AddressSection currentSection = getSection();
IPv6AddressSection sectionResult = currentSection.getLowestOrHighestSection(lowest, excludeZeroHost);
if(sectionResult == currentSection) {
return this;
} else if(sectionResult == null) {
return null;
IPv6Address result = null;
IPv6AddressCache cache = addressCache;
if(cache == null ||
(result = lowest ? (excludeZeroHost ? cache.lowerNonZeroHost : cache.lower) : cache.upper) == null) {
synchronized(this) {
cache = addressCache;
boolean create = (cache == null);
if(create) {
addressCache = cache = new IPv6AddressCache();
} else {
if(lowest) {
if(excludeZeroHost) {
create = (result = cache.lowerNonZeroHost) == null;
} else {
create = (result = cache.lower) == null;
} else {
create = (result = cache.upper) == null;
if(create) {
result = getCreator().createAddress(sectionResult);
if(lowest) {
if(excludeZeroHost) {
cache.lowerNonZeroHost = result;
} else {
cache.lower = result;
} else {
cache.upper = result;
return result;
public IPv6Address getLowerNonZeroHost() {
return getLowestOrHighest(true, true);
public IPv6Address getLower() {
return getLowestOrHighest(true, false);
public IPv6Address getUpper() {
return getLowestOrHighest(false, false);
* Replaces segments starting from startIndex and ending before endIndex with the same number of segments starting at replacementStartIndex from the replacement section
* @param startIndex
* @param endIndex
* @param replacement
* @param replacementIndex
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @return
public IPv6Address replace(int startIndex, int endIndex, IPv6Address replacement, int replacementIndex) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().replace(startIndex, endIndex, replacement.getSection(), replacementIndex, replacementIndex + (endIndex - startIndex)));
public IPv6Address reverseBits(boolean perByte) {
return getCreator().createAddress(getSection().reverseBits(perByte));
public IPv6Address reverseBytes() {
return checkIdentity(getSection().reverseBytes());
public IPv6Address reverseBytesPerSegment() {
return checkIdentity(getSection().reverseBytesPerSegment());
public IPv6Address reverseSegments() {
return checkIdentity(getSection().reverseSegments());
public Iterator segmentsNonZeroHostIterator() {
return getSection().segmentsNonZeroHostIterator();
public Iterator segmentsIterator() {
return getSection().segmentsIterator();
public AddressComponentRangeSpliterator segmentsSpliterator() {
return getSection().segmentsSpliterator(this, getCreator());
public Stream segmentsStream() {
return StreamSupport.stream(segmentsSpliterator(), false);
public Iterator prefixBlockIterator() {
return getSection().prefixIterator(this, getCreator(), true);
public AddressComponentSpliterator prefixBlockSpliterator() {
return getSection().prefixSpliterator(this, getCreator(), true);
public Stream prefixBlockStream() {
return StreamSupport.stream(prefixBlockSpliterator(), false);
public Iterator prefixBlockIterator(int prefixLength) {
return getSection().prefixIterator(this, getCreator(), true, prefixLength);
public AddressComponentSpliterator prefixBlockSpliterator(int prefixLength) {
return getSection().prefixSpliterator(this, getCreator(), true, prefixLength);
public Stream prefixBlockStream(int prefixLength) {
return StreamSupport.stream(prefixBlockSpliterator(prefixLength), false);
public Iterator prefixIterator() {
return getSection().prefixIterator(this, getCreator(), false);
public AddressComponentSpliterator prefixSpliterator() {
return getSection().prefixSpliterator(this, getCreator(), false);
public Stream prefixStream() {
return StreamSupport.stream(prefixSpliterator(), false);
public Iterator prefixIterator(int prefixLength) {
return getSection().prefixIterator(this, getCreator(), false, prefixLength);
public AddressComponentSpliterator prefixSpliterator(int prefixLength) {
return getSection().prefixSpliterator(this, getCreator(), false, prefixLength);
public Stream prefixStream(int prefixLength) {
return StreamSupport.stream(prefixSpliterator(prefixLength), false);
public Iterator blockIterator(int segmentCount) {
return getSection().blockIterator(this, getCreator(), segmentCount);
public AddressComponentSpliterator blockSpliterator(int segmentCount) {
return getSection().blockSpliterator(this, getCreator(), segmentCount);
public Stream blockStream(int segmentCount) {
return StreamSupport.stream(blockSpliterator(segmentCount), false);
public Iterator sequentialBlockIterator() {
return (Iterator) super.sequentialBlockIterator();
public AddressComponentSpliterator sequentialBlockSpliterator() {
return (AddressComponentSpliterator) super.sequentialBlockSpliterator();
public Stream sequentialBlockStream() {
return (Stream) super.sequentialBlockStream();
public Iterator iterator() {
return getSection().iterator(this, getCreator(), null);
public AddressComponentSpliterator spliterator() {
return getSection().spliterator(this, getCreator(), false);
public Stream stream() {
return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false);
public Iterator nonZeroHostIterator() {
Predicate excludeFunc = null;
if(includesZeroHost()) {
int prefLength = getNetworkPrefixLength();
excludeFunc = segments -> getSection().isZeroHost(segments, prefLength);
return getSection().iterator(this, getCreator(), excludeFunc);
public Iterable getIterable() {
return this;
public IPv6Address increment(long increment) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().increment(increment));
public IPv6Address incrementBoundary(long increment) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().incrementBoundary(increment));
* If this address is IPv4 convertible, returns that address.
* Otherwise, returns null.
* You can also use {@link #isIPv4Convertible()} to determine convertibility. Both use an instance of {@link IPAddressConverter.DefaultAddressConverter} which uses IPv4-mapped address mappings from rfc 4038.
* Override this method and {@link IPv6Address#isIPv4Convertible()} if you wish to map IPv6 to IPv4 according to the mappings defined by
* in {@link IPv6Address#isIPv4Compatible()}, {@link IPv6Address#isIPv4Mapped()}, {@link IPv6Address#is6To4()} or by some other mapping.
* For the reverse mapping, see {@link IPv4Address#toIPv6()}
public IPv4Address toIPv4() {
return conv.toIPv4(this);
public IPv6Address toIPv6() {
return this;
public boolean isIPv6() {
return true;
* Determines whether this address can be converted to IPv4.
* Override this method to convert in your own way.
* The default behaviour is to use isIPv4Mapped()
* You should also override {@link #toIPv4()} to match the conversion.
* @return
public boolean isIPv4Convertible() {
return conv.isIPv4Convertible(this);
public boolean isIPv6Convertible() {
return true;
* ::ffff:x:x/96 indicates IPv6 address mapped to IPv4
public IPv4AddressSection toMappedIPv4Segments() {
if(isIPv4Mapped()) {
return getSection().getEmbeddedIPv4AddressSection();
return null;
* Returns the second and third segments as an {@link IPv4Address}.
* This can be used for IPv4 or for IPv6 6to4 addresses convertible to IPv4.
* @return the address
public IPv4Address get6To4IPv4Address() {
return getEmbeddedIPv4Address(2);
* Returns the embedded {@link IPv4Address} in the lowest (least-significant) two segments.
* This is used by IPv4-mapped, IPv4-compatible, ISATAP addresses and 6over4 addresses
* @return the embedded {@link IPv4Address}
public IPv4Address getEmbeddedIPv4Address() {
IPv4AddressCreator creator = getIPv4Network().getAddressCreator();
return creator.createAddress(getSection().getEmbeddedIPv4AddressSection()); /* address creation */
* Produces an IPv4 address from any sequence of 4 bytes in this IPv6 address.
* @param byteIndex the byte index to start
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is less than zero or bigger than 7
* @return
public IPv4Address getEmbeddedIPv4Address(int byteIndex) {
return getEmbeddedIPv4Address();
IPv4AddressCreator creator = getIPv4Network().getAddressCreator();
return creator.createAddress(getSection().getEmbeddedIPv4AddressSection(byteIndex, byteIndex + IPv4Address.BYTE_COUNT)); /* address creation */
public boolean isLocal() {
if(isMulticast()) {
scope 4 bits
1 Interface-Local scope
2 Link-Local scope
3 Realm-Local scope
4 Admin-Local scope
5 Site-Local scope
8 Organization-Local scope
E Global scope
IPv6AddressSegment firstSeg = getSegment(0);
if(firstSeg.matchesWithMask(8, 0xf)) {
return true;
if(firstSeg.getValueCount() <= 5 &&
(firstSeg.getSegmentValue() & 0xf) >= 1 && (firstSeg.getUpperSegmentValue() & 0xf) <= 5) {
//all values fall within the range from interface local to site local
return true;
//source specific multicast
//rfc4607 and https://www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses/multicast-addresses.xhtml
//FF3X::8000:0 - FF3X::FFFF:FFFF Reserved for local host allocation [RFC4607]
if(firstSeg.matchesWithPrefixMask(0xff30, 12) && getSegment(6).matchesWithPrefixMask(0x8000, 1)) {
return true;
return isLinkLocal() || isSiteLocal() || isUniqueLocal() || isAnyLocal();
* @see java.net.InetAddress#isLinkLocalAddress()
public boolean isLinkLocal() {
IPv6AddressSegment firstSeg = getSegment(0);
return (isMulticast() && firstSeg.matchesWithMask(2, 0xf)) || // ffx2::/16
//1111 1110 10 .... fe8x currently only in use
firstSeg.matchesWithPrefixMask(0xfe80, 10);
* @see java.net.InetAddress#isSiteLocalAddress()
public boolean isSiteLocal() {
IPv6AddressSegment firstSeg = getSegment(0);
return (isMulticast() && firstSeg.matchesWithMask(5, 0xf)) || // ffx5::/16
//1111 1110 11 ...
firstSeg.matchesWithPrefixMask(0xfec0, 10); // deprecated RFC 3879
public boolean isUniqueLocal() {
//RFC 4193
return getSegment(0).matchesWithPrefixMask(0xfc00, 7);
* Whether the address is IPv4-mapped
* ::ffff:x:x/96 indicates IPv6 address mapped to IPv4
public boolean isIPv4Mapped() {
//::ffff:x:x/96 indicates IPv6 address mapped to IPv4
if(getSegment(5).matches(IPv6Address.MAX_VALUE_PER_SEGMENT)) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if(!getSegment(i).isZero()) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Whether the address is IPv4-compatible
* @see java.net.Inet6Address#isIPv4CompatibleAddress()
public boolean isIPv4Compatible() {
return getSegment(0).isZero() && getSegment(1).isZero() && getSegment(2).isZero() &&
getSegment(3).isZero() && getSegment(4).isZero() && getSegment(5).isZero();
* Whether the address is IPv6 to IPv4 relay
* @see #get6To4IPv4Address()
public boolean is6To4() {
return getSegment(0).matches(0x2002);
* Whether the address is 6over4
public boolean is6Over4() {
return getSegment(0).matches(0xfe80) &&
getSegment(1).isZero() && getSegment(2).isZero() &&
getSegment(3).isZero() && getSegment(4).isZero() &&
* Whether the address is Teredo
public boolean isTeredo() {
return getSegment(0).matches(0x2001) && getSegment(1).isZero();
* Whether the address is ISATAP
public boolean isIsatap() {
// 0,1,2,3 is fe80::
// 4 can be 0200
return getSegment(0).matches(0xfe80) &&
getSegment(1).isZero() &&
getSegment(2).isZero() &&
getSegment(3).isZero() &&
(getSegment(4).isZero() || getSegment(4).matches(0x200)) &&
* @return Whether the address is IPv4 translatable as in rfc 2765
public boolean isIPv4Translatable() { //rfc 2765
//::ffff:0:x:x/96 indicates IPv6 addresses translated from IPv4
return getSegment(4).matches(0xffff) &&
getSegment(5).isZero() &&
getSegment(0).isZero() &&
getSegment(1).isZero() &&
getSegment(2).isZero() &&
* Whether the address has the well-known prefix for IPv4 translatable addresses as in rfc 6052 and 6144
* @return
public boolean isWellKnownIPv4Translatable() { //rfc 6052 rfc 6144
//64:ff9b::/96 prefix for auto ipv4/ipv6 translation
if(getSegment(0).matches(0x64) && getSegment(1).matches(0xff9b)) {
for(int i=2; i<=5; i++) {
if(!getSegment(i).isZero()) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
public boolean isMulticast() {
// 11111111...
return getSegment(0).matchesWithPrefixMask(0xff00, 8);
* @see java.net.InetAddress#isLoopbackAddress()
public boolean isLoopback() {
int i=0;
for(; i < getSegmentCount() - 1; i++) {
if(!getSegment(i).isZero()) {
return false;
return getSegment(i).matches(1);
public IPv6Address intersect(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
IPv6AddressSection thisSection = getSection();
IPv6Address otherAddr = convertArg(other);
IPv6AddressSection section = thisSection.intersect(otherAddr.getSection());
if(section == null) {
return null;
//if they have the same zone, then use it in the intersection, otherwise ignore the zones
IPv6AddressCreator creator = isSameZone(otherAddr) ? getCreator() : getDefaultCreator();
IPv6Address result = creator.createAddress(section);
return result;
public IPv6Address[] subtract(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
IPv6AddressSection thisSection = getSection();
IPv6AddressSection sections[] = thisSection.subtract(convertArg(other).getSection());
if(sections == null) {
return null;
IPv6Address result[] = new IPv6Address[sections.length];
for(int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = getCreator().createAddress(sections[i]); /* address creation */
return result;
private IPv6Address checkIdentity(IPv6AddressSection newSection) {
if(newSection == getSection()) {
return this;
return getCreator().createAddress(newSection);
public IPv6Address adjustPrefixBySegment(boolean nextSegment) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().adjustPrefixBySegment(nextSegment));
public IPv6Address adjustPrefixBySegment(boolean nextSegment, boolean zeroed) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().adjustPrefixBySegment(nextSegment, zeroed));
public IPv6Address adjustPrefixLength(int adjustment) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().adjustPrefixLength(adjustment));
public IPv6Address adjustPrefixLength(int adjustment, boolean zeroed) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().adjustPrefixLength(adjustment, zeroed));
public IPv6Address setPrefixLength(int prefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return setPrefixLength(prefixLength, true);
public IPv6Address setPrefixLength(int prefixLength, boolean zeroed) throws PrefixLenException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().setPrefixLength(prefixLength, zeroed));
public IPv6Address setPrefixLength(int prefixLength, boolean zeroed, boolean zeroHostIsBlock) throws PrefixLenException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().setPrefixLength(prefixLength, zeroed, zeroHostIsBlock));
public IPv6Address applyPrefixLength(int networkPrefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().applyPrefixLength(networkPrefixLength));
@Override @Deprecated
public IPv6Address removePrefixLength() {
return removePrefixLength(true);
public IPv6Address withoutPrefixLength() {
return removePrefixLength(false);
@Override @Deprecated
public IPv6Address removePrefixLength(boolean zeroed) {
return checkIdentity(getSection().removePrefixLength(zeroed));
protected IPv6Address convertArg(IPAddress arg) throws AddressConversionException {
IPv6Address converted = arg.toIPv6();
if(converted == null) {
throw new AddressConversionException(this, arg);
return converted;
public IPv6Address toZeroHost() {
return toZeroHost(false);
protected IPv6Address toZeroHost(boolean boundariesOnly) {
if(!isPrefixed()) {
IPv6AddressNetwork network = getNetwork();
PrefixConfiguration config = network.getPrefixConfiguration();
IPv6Address addr = network.getNetworkMask(0, !config.allPrefixedAddressesAreSubnets());
if(config.zeroHostsAreSubnets()) {
addr = addr.getLower();
return addr;
if(includesZeroHost() && isSingleNetwork()) {
return getLower();//cached
return checkIdentity(getSection().createZeroHost(boundariesOnly));
public IPv6Address toZeroHost(int prefixLength) {
if(isPrefixed() && prefixLength == getNetworkPrefixLength()) {
return toZeroHost();
return checkIdentity(getSection().toZeroHost(prefixLength));
public IPv6Address toZeroNetwork() {
if(!isPrefixed()) {
return getNetwork().getHostMask(getBitCount());
return checkIdentity(getSection().createZeroNetwork());
public IPv6Address toMaxHost() {
if(!isPrefixed()) {
IPv6Address resultNoPrefix = getNetwork().getHostMask(0);
if(getNetwork().getPrefixConfiguration().allPrefixedAddressesAreSubnets()) {
return resultNoPrefix;
return resultNoPrefix.setPrefixLength(0);
if(includesMaxHost() && isSingleNetwork()) {
return getUpper();
return checkIdentity(getSection().createMaxHost());
public IPv6Address toMaxHost(int prefixLength) {
if(isPrefixed() && prefixLength == getNetworkPrefixLength()) {
return toMaxHost();
return checkIdentity(getSection().toMaxHost(prefixLength));
public IPv6Address mask(IPAddress mask, boolean retainPrefix) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressConversionException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().mask(convertArg(mask).getSection(), retainPrefix));
public IPv6Address mask(IPAddress mask) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressConversionException {
return mask(mask, false);
public IPv6Address maskNetwork(IPAddress mask, int networkPrefixLength) throws IncompatibleAddressException, PrefixLenException, AddressConversionException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().maskNetwork(convertArg(mask).getSection(), networkPrefixLength));
public IPv6Address bitwiseOr(IPAddress mask, boolean retainPrefix) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressConversionException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().bitwiseOr(convertArg(mask).getSection(), retainPrefix));
public IPv6Address bitwiseOr(IPAddress mask) throws IncompatibleAddressException, AddressConversionException {
return bitwiseOr(mask, false);
public IPv6Address bitwiseOrNetwork(IPAddress mask, int networkPrefixLength) throws IncompatibleAddressException, PrefixLenException, AddressConversionException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().bitwiseOrNetwork(convertArg(mask).getSection(), networkPrefixLength));
public IPv6Address getHostMask() {
return (IPv6Address) super.getHostMask();
public IPv6Address getNetworkMask() {
return (IPv6Address) super.getNetworkMask();
public IPv6AddressSection getNetworkSection() {
return getSection().getNetworkSection();
public IPv6AddressSection getNetworkSection(int networkPrefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return getSection().getNetworkSection(networkPrefixLength);
public IPv6AddressSection getNetworkSection(int networkPrefixLength, boolean withPrefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return getSection().getNetworkSection(networkPrefixLength, withPrefixLength);
public IPv6AddressSection getHostSection(int networkPrefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return getSection().getHostSection(networkPrefixLength);
public IPv6AddressSection getHostSection() {
return getSection().getHostSection();
public IPv6Address toPrefixBlock() {
Integer prefixLength = getNetworkPrefixLength();
if(prefixLength == null || getNetwork().getPrefixConfiguration().allPrefixedAddressesAreSubnets()) {
return this;
return toPrefixBlock(prefixLength);
public IPv6Address toPrefixBlock(int networkPrefixLength) throws PrefixLenException {
return checkIdentity(getSection().toPrefixBlock(networkPrefixLength));
public IPv6Address assignPrefixForSingleBlock() {
return (IPv6Address) super.assignPrefixForSingleBlock();
public IPv6Address assignMinPrefixForBlock() {
return (IPv6Address) super.assignMinPrefixForBlock();
public IPv6Address coverWithPrefixBlock() {
return (IPv6Address) IPv6AddressSection.coverWithPrefixBlock(this, getLower(), getUpper());
public IPv6Address coverWithPrefixBlock(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
return IPv6AddressSection.coverWithPrefixBlock(
* Produces an array of prefix blocks that cover the same set of addresses as this.
* Unlike {@link #spanWithPrefixBlocks(IPAddress)} this method only includes addresses that are a part of this subnet.
public IPv6Address[] spanWithPrefixBlocks() {
if(isSequential()) {
if(isSinglePrefixBlock()) {
return new IPv6Address[] {removeZone()};
return spanWithPrefixBlocks(this);
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) removeZone().spanWithBlocks(true);
return list.toArray(new IPv6Address[list.size()]);
public IPv6Address[] spanWithPrefixBlocks(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
return IPAddress.getSpanningPrefixBlocks(
* Produces an array of blocks that are sequential that cover the same set of addresses as this.
* This array can be shorter than that produced by {@link #spanWithPrefixBlocks()} and is never longer.
* Unlike {@link #spanWithSequentialBlocks(IPAddress)} this method only includes addresses that are a part of this subnet.
public IPv6Address[] spanWithSequentialBlocks() throws AddressConversionException {
if(isSequential()) {
return new IPv6Address[] { withoutPrefixLength().removeZone() };
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) removeZone().spanWithBlocks(false);
return list.toArray(new IPv6Address[list.size()]);
public IPv6Address[] spanWithSequentialBlocks(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
return IPAddress.getSpanningSequentialBlocks(
public IPv6AddressSeqRange spanWithRange(IPAddress other) throws AddressConversionException {
return toSequentialRange(other);
public IPv6Address[] mergeToPrefixBlocks(IPAddress ...addresses) throws AddressConversionException {
if(addresses.length == 0) {
if(isSinglePrefixBlock()) {
return new IPv6Address[] {removeZone()};
IPAddress[] converted = getConverted(addresses);
List blocks = getMergedPrefixBlocks(converted);
return blocks.toArray(new IPv6Address[blocks.size()]);
private IPAddress[] getConverted(IPAddress... addresses) {
IPAddress converted[] = new IPAddress[addresses.length + 1];
for(int i = 0, j = 1; i < addresses.length; i = j++) {
converted[j] = convertArg(addresses[i]).removeZone();
converted[0] = removeZone();
return converted;
public IPv6Address[] mergeToSequentialBlocks(IPAddress ...addresses) throws AddressConversionException {
if(addresses.length == 0) {
if(isSequential()) {
return new IPv6Address[] {removeZone()};
addresses = addresses.clone();
for(int i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
addresses[i] = convertArg(addresses[i]).removeZone();
IPAddress[] converted = getConverted(addresses);
List blocks = getMergedSequentialBlocks(converted, getDefaultCreator());
return blocks.toArray(new IPv6Address[blocks.size()]);
* Returns whether {@link #getZone()} returns a non-null value
* @return
public boolean hasZone() {
return zone != null;
* The zone or scope id string, which as a string is typically appended to an address with a '%', eg fe80::71a3:2b00:ddd3:753f%16
* If there is no zone or scope id, returns null.
* See {@link #getIPv6Zone()}
* @return
public String getZone() {
return getZoneString();
* Returns a new address with the same address values but with the supplied zone.
* If the supplied zone is null, equivalent to calling {@link #removeZone()}
* @param newZone
* @return
public IPv6Address setZone(IPv6Zone newZone) {
if(newZone == null) {
return removeZone();
return getDefaultCreator().createAddress(getSection(), newZone); /* address creation */
* Returns the zone or scope id, consisting of a network interface name or a positive integer scope identifier.
* If there is no zone or scope id, returns null
* An IPv6 zone distinguishes two IPv6 addresses that are the same.
* They are used with link-local addresses fe80::/10 and distinguishes two interfaces to the link-local network, this is known as the zone id.
* They are used with site-local addresses to distinguish sites, using the site id, also known as the scope id.
* A zone that consists of a scope id is called a scoped zone.
* See {@link #getZone()}
* @return
public IPv6Zone getIPv6Zone() {
return zone;
* Returns the equivalent address but with no zone.
* @return
public IPv6Address removeZone() {
if(hasZone()) {
return getDefaultCreator().createAddress(getSection()); /* address creation */
return this;
protected boolean hasNoValueCache() {
if(addressCache == null) {
synchronized(this) {
if(addressCache == null) {
addressCache = new IPv6AddressCache();
return true;
return false;
* Converts the lowest value of this address and the associated zone to an Inet6Address.
* Address with a zone should check for null.
* This will return null if this IPv6 Address has a zone (available from {@link #getIPv6Zone()}),
* that zone references a network interface ({@link IPv6Zone#referencesInterface} is true)
* and that network interface (from {@link IPv6Zone#getAssociatedIntf()}) is an IPv4-only interface,
* or that interface is not entirely link-local and this address is link-local,
* or that interface is not entirely site-local and this address is site-local.
* This will return null if this IPv6 Address has a zone (available from {@link #getIPv6Zone()}) and:
* - the zone is a scoped id and the address is a global IPv6 address.
* - the zone specifies an interface that does not exist on this host.
* - the zone specifies an interface that is IPv4 only.
* - the zone specifies an interface that is not entirely link-local and this address is link-local.
* - the zone specifies an interface that is not entirely site-local and this address is site-local.
* In those cases, the corresponding Java SDK methods such as {@link Inet6Address#getByAddress(String, byte[], NetworkInterface)}
* will throw UnknownHostException when constructed with the same network interface.
* If this address is IPv4-mapped, then any associated zone will be discarded,
* because it is not possible to create an IPv4-mapped Inet6Address with a zone.
public Inet6Address toInetAddress() {
if(hasZone()) {
//we cache the address in here and not in the address section if there is a zone
Inet6Address result;
if(hasNoValueCache() || (result = addressCache.inetAddress) == null) {
addressCache.inetAddress = result = (Inet6Address) toInetAddressImpl();
return result;
return (Inet6Address) super.toInetAddress();
public Inet6Address toUpperInetAddress() {
return (Inet6Address) super.toUpperInetAddress();
protected Inet6Address toInetAddressImpl() {
Inet6Address result;
byte bytes[] = getSection().getBytesInternal();
try {
if(hasZone()) {
if(zone.referencesScopeId()) {
result = Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, bytes, zone.getAssociatedScopeId());
} else if(zone.referencesIntf() && zone.getAssociatedIntf() != null) {
result = Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, bytes, zone.getAssociatedIntf());
} else {
// When the original zone was provided as a string, we use that here.
// There is no related function that takes a string as third arg, so we reconstruct the address string.
// When interface name is not known as an interface on the current host, this throws UnknownHostException
// We need to drop the prefix, and we also need to use the lower address so no wildcards
// Note that this call to getLower() assumes we want the lower address.
// Since toUpperInetAddress calls getUpper().toInetAddress, this works.
IPv6Address adjusted = getLower().withoutPrefixLength();
InetAddress resultIP = InetAddress.getByName(adjusted.toNormalizedString());
if(resultIP instanceof Inet6Address) {
result = (Inet6Address) resultIP;
} else {
// the InetAddress code is throwing away the interface name because the address is IPv4-mapped
// so the only way to get an IPv6 address, any address at all in fact, requires that we throw it away
result = Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, bytes, null);
} else {
result = Inet6Address.getByAddress(null, bytes, null);
} catch(UnknownHostException e) {
result = null;
return result;
public IPv6AddressSeqRange toSequentialRange(IPAddress other) {
return new IPv6AddressSeqRange(this, convertArg(other));
public IPv6AddressSeqRange toSequentialRange() {
IPv6Address thiz = removeZone().withoutPrefixLength();
return new IPv6AddressSeqRange(thiz.getLower(), thiz.getUpper(), true);
public int hashCode() {
int result = super.hashCode();
if(hasZone()) {
result *= zone.getName().hashCode();
return result;
public boolean isSameAddress(Address other) {
return other instanceof IPv6Address && super.isSameAddress(other) && isSameZone((IPv6Address) other);
private boolean isSameZone(IPv6Address otherIPv6Address) {
return Objects.equals(zone, otherIPv6Address.zone);
* @param other
* @return whether this subnet contains the given address
public boolean contains(Address other) {
if(super.contains(other)) {
//must check the zone too
if(other != this) {
if(hasZone()) {
//if it has a zone, then it does not contain addresses from other zones
return isSameZone((IPv6Address) other);
return true;
return false;
//////////////// string creation below ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected IPAddressStringParameters createFromStringParams() {
return new IPAddressStringParameters.Builder().
private boolean hasNoStringCache() {
if(stringCache == null) {
synchronized(this) {
if(stringCache == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache = new IPv6StringCache();
return true;
} else {
//when there is no zone, the section and address strings are the same, so we use the same cache
IPv6AddressSection section = getSection();
boolean result = section.hasNoStringCache();
stringCache = section.getStringCache();
return result;
return false;
* Produces a string in which the lower 4 bytes are expressed as an IPv4 address and the remaining upper bytes are expressed in IPv6 format.
* This the mixed IPv6/IPv4 format described in RFC 1884 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1884
* @return
public String toMixedString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.mixedString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.mixedString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.mixedParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toMixedString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
* This produces a canonical string.
* RFC 5952 describes canonical representations.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address#Recommended_representation_as_text
* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952
* If this has a prefix length, that will be included in the string.
public String toCanonicalString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.canonicalString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.canonicalString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.canonicalParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toCanonicalString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toFullString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.fullString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.fullString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.fullParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toFullString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
* Creates the normalized string for an address without having to create the address objects first.
* @param lowerValueProvider
* @param upperValueProvider
* @param prefixLength
* @param zone
* @param network use {@link #defaultIpv6Network()} if there is no custom network in use
* @return
public static String toNormalizedString(IPv6AddressNetwork network, SegmentValueProvider lowerValueProvider, SegmentValueProvider upperValueProvider, Integer prefixLength, CharSequence zone) {
return toNormalizedString(network.getPrefixConfiguration(), lowerValueProvider, upperValueProvider, prefixLength, SEGMENT_COUNT, BYTES_PER_SEGMENT, BITS_PER_SEGMENT, MAX_VALUE_PER_SEGMENT, SEGMENT_SEPARATOR, DEFAULT_TEXTUAL_RADIX, zone);
* The normalized string returned by this method is consistent with java.net.Inet6address.
* IPs are not compressed nor mixed in this representation. If this has a prefix length, that will be included in the string.
public String toNormalizedString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.normalizedString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.normalizedString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.normalizedParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toNormalizedString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
* This compresses the maximum number of zeros and/or host segments with the IPv6 compression notation '::'
public String toCompressedString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.compressedString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.compressedString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.compressedParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toCompressedString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toSubnetString() {
return toPrefixLengthString();
//note this string is used by hashCode
public String toNormalizedWildcardString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.normalizedWildcardString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.normalizedWildcardString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.wildcardNormalizedParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toNormalizedWildcardString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
* The base 85 string is described by RFC 1924
* @return
public String toBase85String() throws IncompatibleAddressException {
//first we see if we obtained this address from a base 85 string
//in the case of a prefix, applying the prefix changes the value
IPAddressString originator = getAddressfromString();
if(originator != null && (!isPrefixed() || getNetworkPrefixLength() == IPv6Address.BIT_COUNT) &&
originator.isBase85IPv6()) {
return originator.toString();
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.base85String) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.base85String = result = getSection().toBase85String(getZone());
} else {
result = getSection().toBase85String();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toCanonicalWildcardString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.canonicalWildcardString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.canonicalWildcardString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.wildcardCanonicalParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toCanonicalWildcardString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toCompressedWildcardString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.compressedWildcardString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.compressedWildcardString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.wildcardCompressedParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toCompressedWildcardString();//the cache is shared with the section, so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toSQLWildcardString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.sqlWildcardString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.sqlWildcardString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.sqlWildcardParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toSQLWildcardString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toHexString(boolean with0xPrefix) throws IncompatibleAddressException {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = (with0xPrefix ? stringCache.hexStringPrefixed : stringCache.hexString)) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
result = getSection().toHexString(with0xPrefix, zone.getName());
if(with0xPrefix) {
stringCache.hexStringPrefixed = result;
} else {
stringCache.hexString = result;
} else {
result = getSection().toHexString(with0xPrefix);//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
private String getZoneString() {
return hasZone() ? zone.getName() : null;
public String toBinaryString() throws IncompatibleAddressException {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.binaryString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
result = getSection().toBinaryString(zone.getName());
stringCache.binaryString = result;
} else {
result = getSection().toBinaryString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toSegmentedBinaryString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.segmentedBinaryString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
result = getSection().toSegmentedBinaryString(zone.getName());
stringCache.segmentedBinaryString = result;
} else {
result = getSection().toSegmentedBinaryString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toOctalString(boolean with0Prefix) throws IncompatibleAddressException {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = (with0Prefix ? stringCache.octalStringPrefixed : stringCache.octalString)) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
result = getSection().toOctalString(with0Prefix, zone.getName());
if(with0Prefix) {
stringCache.octalStringPrefixed = result;
} else {
stringCache.octalString = result;
} else {
result = getSection().toOctalString(with0Prefix);//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toPrefixLengthString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.networkPrefixLengthString) == null) {
if(hasZone()) {
stringCache.networkPrefixLengthString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.networkPrefixLengthParams);
} else {
result = getSection().toPrefixLengthString();//the cache is shared so no need to update it here
return result;
public String toConvertedString() {
if(isIPv4Convertible()) {
return toMixedString();
return toNormalizedString();
public String toNormalizedString(IPStringOptions params) {
return getSection().toNormalizedString(params, getZoneString());
public String toNormalizedString(IPv6StringOptions params) {
return getSection().toNormalizedString(params, getZoneString());
* Constructs a string representing this address according to the given parameters
* @param keepMixed if this address was constructed from a string with mixed representation (a:b:c:d:e:f:, whether to keep it that way (ignored if makeMixed is true in the params argument)
* @param params the parameters for the address string
public String toNormalizedString(boolean keepMixed, IPv6StringOptions params) {
if(keepMixed && fromString != null && getAddressfromString().isMixedIPv6() && !params.makeMixed()) {
params = new IPv6StringOptions(
return toNormalizedString(params);
public String toUNCHostName() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.uncString) == null) {
//it seems for unc hosts we not only replace the zone character % with s and the segment separator : with -,
//we do the same for any such characters appearing in the zone itself as well
//see https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20100915-00/?p=12863/
String newZone;
if(hasZone()) {
newZone = zone.getName().replace(IPv6Address.ZONE_SEPARATOR, IPv6Address.UNC_ZONE_SEPARATOR).replace(IPv6Address.SEGMENT_SEPARATOR, IPv6Address.UNC_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR);
} else {
newZone = null;
stringCache.uncString = result = getSection().toNormalizedString(IPv6StringCache.uncParams, newZone);
return result;
public IPAddressPartStringCollection toStandardStringCollection() {
return toStringCollection(IPv6StringBuilderOptions.STANDARD_OPTS);
public IPAddressPartStringCollection toAllStringCollection() {
return toStringCollection(IPv6StringBuilderOptions.ALL_OPTS);
public IPAddressPartStringCollection toStringCollection(IPStringBuilderOptions opts) {
return toStringCollection(IPv6StringBuilderOptions.from(opts));
private IPv4Address getConverted(IPv6StringBuilderOptions opts) {
if(!hasZone() && opts.includes(IPv6StringBuilderOptions.IPV4_CONVERSIONS)) {//we cannot convert to ipv4 if there is a zone
IPv4AddressConverter converter = opts.converter;
return converter.toIPv4(this);
return null;
public IPAddressPartStringCollection toStringCollection(IPv6StringBuilderOptions opts) {
IPv6StringCollection coll = getSection().toStringCollection(opts, getZoneString());
IPv4Address ipv4Addr = getConverted(opts);
if(ipv4Addr != null) {
IPAddressPartStringCollection ipv4StringCollection = ipv4Addr.toStringCollection(opts.ipv4ConverterOptions);
return coll;
* @custom.core
* @author sfoley
public interface IPv6AddressConverter {
* If the given address is IPv6, or can be converted to IPv6, returns that {@link IPv6Address}. Otherwise, returns null.
IPv6Address toIPv6(IPAddress address);