awscala.stepfunctions.Execution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package awscala.stepfunctions
import java.util
import awscala.stepfunctions.ArnFormat.TypedResourceArn
import awscala.stepfunctions.ExecutionEventDetails.{ EventFailed, StateFailed, StateStarted, StateSucceeded }
import awscala.stepfunctions.ExecutionStatus.{ ExecutionStatus, Failed, NotStarted, Running, Succeeded }
import awscala.{ DateTime, Sequencer }
import{ DescribeExecutionRequest, GetExecutionHistoryRequest, GetExecutionHistoryResult, HistoryEvent }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Execution(arn: String, startTime: DateTime) {
val name: String = ArnFormat.parseArn(arn, TypedResourceArn)
def details()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): ExecutionDetails = {
val details = steps.describeExecution(new DescribeExecutionRequest().withExecutionArn(arn))
Option(details.getStopDate).map(new DateTime(_)),
def stepStatus(name: String)(implicit steps: StepFunctions): ExecutionStatus = {
val hist = history()
def getById(id: Long): Option[ExecutionEvent] = hist.find( == id)
def startedByEvent(id: Long): Boolean =
getById(id) match {
case Some(ExecutionEvent(_, _, _, StateStarted(`name`))) => true
case Some(ExecutionEvent(_, _, _, StateStarted(_))) => false
case None => false
case Some(ExecutionEvent(_, prev, _, _)) => startedByEvent(prev)
val started = hist.exists {
case ExecutionEvent(_, _, _, StateStarted(`name`)) => true
case _ => false
val succeeded = hist.exists {
case ExecutionEvent(_, _, _, StateSucceeded(`name`, _)) => true
case _ => false
val failedId = hist.collect {
case ExecutionEvent(id, _, _, StateFailed(`name`, _, _)) => Some(id)
case ExecutionEvent(id, prev, _, EventFailed(_, _, _)) if startedByEvent(prev) => id
if (!started) {
} else if (succeeded) {
} else {
.map { id =>
val nextEvent = hist.find {
case ExecutionEvent(_, `id`, _, _) => true
case _ => false
nextEvent match {
case Some(ExecutionEvent(_, _, _, StateStarted(_))) => Running // We retried the failure
case _ => Failed
.getOrElse(Running) // This could still be retried
def history()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): Seq[ExecutionEvent] = {
object HistorySequencer extends Sequencer[HistoryEvent, GetExecutionHistoryResult, String] {
private val base = new GetExecutionHistoryRequest().withExecutionArn(arn)
def getInitial: GetExecutionHistoryResult = steps.getExecutionHistory(base)
def getMarker(r: GetExecutionHistoryResult): String = r.getNextToken
def getFromMarker(marker: String): GetExecutionHistoryResult =
def getList(r: GetExecutionHistoryResult): util.List[HistoryEvent] = r.getEvents
HistorySequencer.sequence.flatMap { rawEvent =>
ExecutionEventDetails.fromEvent(rawEvent).map { event =>
ExecutionEvent(rawEvent.getId, rawEvent.getPreviousEventId, new DateTime(rawEvent.getTimestamp), event)
def status()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): ExecutionStatus = details().status
def endTime()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): Option[DateTime] = details().endTime
def input()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): String = details().input
def output()(implicit steps: StepFunctions): Option[String] = details().output
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