scalikejdbc.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.sql.{ Timestamp => sqlTimestamp, Time => sqlTime, Date => sqlDate }
import java.util.{ Calendar, Date => utilDate }
import org.joda.time._
* ScalikeJDBC - A thin JDBC wrapper in Scala
* Just write SQL:
* This is a thin JDBC wrapper library which just uses java.sql.PreparedStatement internally.
* Users only need to write SQL and map from java.sql.ResultSet objects to Scala objects.
* It's pretty simple, really.
* Basic Usage:
* Using [[scalikejdbc.DBSession]]:
* {{{
* import scalikejdbc._
* import org.joda.time.DateTime
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, birthday: Option[DateTime])
* val activeUsers: List[User] = DB readOnly { session =>
* session.list("select * from user where active = ?", true) { rs =>
* User(
* id = rs.long("id"),
* name = rs.string("name"),
* birthday = Option("birthday")).map(_.toDateTime)
* )
* }
* }
* }}}
* Using [[scalikejdbc.SQL]]:
* {{{
* import scalikejdbc._
* import org.joda.time.DateTime
* case class User(id: Long, name: String, birthday: Option[DateTime])
* val activeUsers: List[User] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
* SQL("select * from user where active = ?").bind(true)
* .map { rs => User(
* id = rs.long("id"),
* name = rs.string("name"),
* birthday = Option("birthday")).map(_.toDateTime))
* }.list.apply()
* }
* }}}
* or
* {{{
* val activeUsers: List[User] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
* SQL("select * from user where active = /*'active*/true")
* .bindByName('active -> true)
* .map { rs => User(
* id = rs.long("id"),
* name = rs.string("name"),
* birthday = Option("birthday")).map(_.toDateTime))
* }.list.apply()
* }
* }}}
package object scalikejdbc {
// -----
// enable to use using anywhere
type Closable = { def close() }
def using[R <: Closable, A](resource: R)(f: R => A): A = LoanPattern.using(resource)(f)
// -----
// enable implicit conversions for date/time
* Unix Time Converter to several types.
* @param t something has #getTime(): Long
class UnixTimeInMillisConverter(t: { def getTime(): Long }) {
def toJavaUtilDate: utilDate = new java.util.Date(t.getTime)
def toDateTime: DateTime = new DateTime(t.getTime)
def toDateTimeWithTimeZone(timezone: DateTimeZone): DateTime = new DateTime(t.getTime, timezone)
def toLocalDateTime: LocalDateTime = new LocalDateTime(t.getTime)
def toLocalDateTimeWithTimeZone(timezone: DateTimeZone): LocalDateTime = new LocalDateTime(t.getTime, timezone)
def toLocalDate: LocalDate = new LocalDate(t.getTime)
def toLocalDateWithTimeZone(timezone: DateTimeZone): LocalDate = new LocalDate(t.getTime, timezone)
def toLocalTime: LocalTime = new LocalTime(t.getTime)
def toLocalTimeWithTimeZone(timezone: DateTimeZone): LocalTime = new LocalTime(t.getTime, timezone)
def toSqlDate: java.sql.Date = {
// @see
// -----
// To conform with the definition of SQL DATE,
// the millisecond values wrapped by a java.sql.Date instance must be 'normalized'
// by setting the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to zero
// in the particular time zone with which the instance is associated.
// -----
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
new java.sql.Date(cal.getTimeInMillis)
def toSqlTime: java.sql.Time = new java.sql.Time(t.getTime)
def toSqlTimestamp: java.sql.Timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(t.getTime)
implicit def convertJavaUtilDateToConverter(t: utilDate): UnixTimeInMillisConverter = new UnixTimeInMillisConverter(t)
implicit def convertJavaSqlDateToConverter(t: sqlDate): UnixTimeInMillisConverter = new UnixTimeInMillisConverter(t)
implicit def convertJavaSqlTimeToConverter(t: sqlTime): UnixTimeInMillisConverter = new UnixTimeInMillisConverter(t)
implicit def convertJavaSqlTimestampToConverter(t: sqlTimestamp): UnixTimeInMillisConverter = new UnixTimeInMillisConverter(t)
* [[org.joda.time.LocalTime]] converter.
* @param t LocalTime object
class LocalTimeConverter(t: LocalTime) {
def toSqlTime: sqlTime = new java.sql.Time(t.toDateTimeToday.getMillis)
def toSqlTimestamp: sqlTimestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(t.toDateTimeToday.getMillis)
implicit def convertLocalTimeToConverter(t: LocalTime): LocalTimeConverter = new LocalTimeConverter(t)
* BigDecimal converter.
* @param bd big decimal value
class ScalaBigDecimalConverter(bd: java.math.BigDecimal) {
def toScalaBigDecimal: scala.math.BigDecimal = {
if (bd == null) null.asInstanceOf[scala.math.BigDecimal]
else new scala.math.BigDecimal(bd)
implicit def convertBigDecimal(bd: java.math.BigDecimal): ScalaBigDecimalConverter = {
new ScalaBigDecimalConverter(bd)
* [[scala.Option]] value converter.
* @param v nullable raw value
* @tparam A raw type
* @return optional value
def opt[A](v: Any): Option[A] = Option(v.asInstanceOf[A])