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scalikejdbc.ConnectionPool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2011 Kazuhiro Sera
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package scalikejdbc

import javax.sql.DataSource
import java.sql.Connection

 * Connection Pool
 * Using Commons DBCP internally.
 * @see
object ConnectionPool extends LogSupport {

  type MutableMap[A, B] = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[A, B]
  type CPSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings
  type CPFactory = ConnectionPoolFactory

  val DEFAULT_NAME: Symbol = 'default

  private[this] val pools = new MutableMap[Any, ConnectionPool]()

   * Returns true when the specified Connection pool is already initialized.
   * @param name pool name
   * @return is initialized
  def isInitialized(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME) = pools.synchronized {

  private def ensureInitialized(name: Any): Unit = {
    if (!isInitialized(name)) {
      val message = ErrorMessage.CONNECTION_POOL_IS_NOT_YET_INITIALIZED + "(name:" + name + ")"
      throw new IllegalStateException(message)

   * Returns Connection pool. If the specified Connection pool does not exist, returns null.
   * @param name pool name
   * @return connection pool
  def apply(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME): ConnectionPool = get(name)

   * Returns Connection pool. If the specified Connection pool does not exist, returns null.
   * @param name pool name
   * @return connection pool
  def get(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME): ConnectionPool = pools.synchronized {

  // Heroku support
  private val HerokuPostgresRegexp = "^postgres://([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([^@]+)@([^/]+)/([^\\s]+)$".r
  private val HerokuMySQLRegexp = "^mysql://([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([^@]+)@([^/]+)/([^\\s]+)$".r
  private val MysqlCustomProperties = ".*\\?(.*)".r

   * Register new named Connection pool.
   * @param name pool name
   * @param url JDBC URL
   * @param user JDBC username
   * @param password JDBC password
   * @param settings Settings
  def add(name: Any, url: String, user: String, password: String,
    settings: CPSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings())(implicit factory: CPFactory = CommonsConnectionPoolFactory) {

    pools.synchronized {
      pools.get(name).foreach { pool => pool.close() }
      // Heroku support 
      val pool = url match {
        case HerokuPostgresRegexp(_user, _password, _host, _dbname) =>
          val _url = "jdbc:postgresql://%s/%s".format(_host, _dbname)
          factory.apply(_url, _user, _password, settings)
        case url @ HerokuMySQLRegexp(_user, _password, _host, _dbname) =>
          val defaultProperties = """?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&connectionCollation=utf8_general_ci"""
          val addDefaultPropertiesIfNeeded = MysqlCustomProperties.findFirstMatchIn(url).map(_ => "").getOrElse(defaultProperties)
          val _url = "jdbc:mysql://%s/%s".format(_host, _dbname + addDefaultPropertiesIfNeeded)
          factory.apply(_url, _user, _password, settings)
        case _ =>
          factory.apply(url, user, password, settings)
      pools.update(name, pool)

      // wait a little because rarely NPE occurs when immediately accessed.
    log.debug("Registered connection pool : " + get(name).toString())

   * Register the default Connection pool.
   * @param url JDBC URL
   * @param user JDBC username
   * @param password JDBC password
   * @param settings Settings
  def singleton(url: String, user: String, password: String,
    settings: CPSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings())(implicit factory: CPFactory = CommonsConnectionPoolFactory): Unit = {
    add(DEFAULT_NAME, url, user, password, settings)(factory)
    log.debug("Registered singleton connection pool : " + get().toString())

   * Returns [[javax.sql.DataSource]].
   * @param name pool name
   * @return datasource
  def dataSource(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME): DataSource = {

   * Borrows a [[java.sql.Connection]] from the specified connection pool.
   * @param name pool name
   * @return connection
  def borrow(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME): Connection = {
    val pool = get(name)
    log.debug("Borrowed a new connection from " + pool.toString())

   * Close a pool by name
   * @param name pool name
  def close(name: Any = DEFAULT_NAME): Unit = {
    pools.synchronized {
      val removed = pools.remove(name)
      removed.foreach { pool => pool.close() }

   * Close all connection pools
  def closeAll(): Unit = {
    pools.synchronized {
      pools.foreach {
        case (name, pool) =>


 * Connection Pool
abstract class ConnectionPool(
    val url: String,
    val user: String,
    password: String,
    val settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings()) {

   * Borrows [[java.sql.Connection]] from pool.
   * @return connection
  def borrow(): Connection

   * Returns [[javax.sql.DataSource]] object.
   * @return datasource
  def dataSource: DataSource

   * Returns num of active connections.
   * @return num
  def numActive: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

   * Returns num of idle connections.
   * @return num
  def numIdle: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

   * Returns max limit of active connections.
   * @return num
  def maxActive: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

   * Returns max limit of idle connections.
   * @return num
  def maxIdle: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

   * Returns self as a String value.
   * @return printable String value
  override def toString() = "ConnectionPool(url:" + url + ", user:" + user + ")"

   * Close this connection pool.
  def close(): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException


 * Commons DBCP Connection Pool
 * @see
class CommonsConnectionPool(
  override val url: String,
  override val user: String,
  password: String,
  override val settings: ConnectionPoolSettings = ConnectionPoolSettings())
    extends ConnectionPool(url, user, password, settings) {

  import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool
  import org.apache.commons.dbcp.{ PoolingDataSource, PoolableConnectionFactory, DriverManagerConnectionFactory }

  private[this] val _pool = new GenericObjectPool(null)

  // Initialize Connection Factory
  // (not read-only, auto-commit)
  new PoolableConnectionFactory(
    new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, user, password),

  private[this] val _dataSource: DataSource = new PoolingDataSource(_pool)

  override def dataSource: DataSource = _dataSource

  override def borrow(): Connection = dataSource.getConnection()

  override def numActive: Int = _pool.getNumActive

  override def numIdle: Int = _pool.getNumIdle

  override def maxActive: Int = _pool.getMaxActive

  override def maxIdle: Int = _pool.getMaxIdle

  override def close(): Unit = _pool.close()


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