slib.graph.algo.reduction.dag.GraphReduction_DAG_Ranwez_2011 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright or © or Copr. Ecole des Mines d'Alès (2012-2014)
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide
* several functionalities for the processing of semantic data
* sources such as ontologies or text corpora.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
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package slib.graph.algo.reduction.dag;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import slib.graph.algo.accessor.GraphAccessor;
import slib.graph.algo.traversal.classical.DFS;
import slib.graph.algo.validator.dag.ValidatorDAG;
import slib.graph.model.graph.G;
import slib.graph.model.graph.elements.E;
import slib.graph.model.graph.utils.Direction;
import slib.graph.model.graph.utils.WalkConstraint;
import slib.graph.utils.WalkConstraintGeneric;
import slib.utils.ex.SLIB_Ex_Critic;
import slib.utils.ex.SLIB_Ex_Warning;
import slib.utils.ex.SLIB_Exception;
import slib.utils.impl.SetUtils;
* Algorithm used to extract a subgraph from a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
Implementation of Ranwez et al. 2011 algorithm.
* original paper:
* Ranwez V, Ranwez S, Janaqi S: Sub-Ontology Extraction Using Hyponym and
* Hypernym Closure on is-a Directed Acyclic Graphs. IEEE Transactions on
* Knowledge and Data Engineering 2011, 99:1-14.
* @author Sébastien Harispe
public class GraphReduction_DAG_Ranwez_2011 {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
G graph;
G graph_reduction;
Set selectedURIs;
Set verticesRed;
List traversalOrder;
Set predicatesTC;
private Set predicatesToAdd;
public GraphReduction_DAG_Ranwez_2011(G graph) throws SLIB_Exception {
this(graph, SetUtils.buildSet(RDFS.SUBCLASSOF), SetUtils.buildSet(RDFS.SUBCLASSOF), true);
* Method used to perform the subGraph extraction of an acyclic graph based
* on top-down and bottom-up transitive closures.
* The reduction is performed considering:
* -
* A set of URIs corresponding to the vertices on which must be based the
* reduction.
* -
* A collection of predicate (edge type). The reduction is based on the
* transitive closure considering a top-down and a bottom-up query
* extensions considering the given predicates to consider as taxonomic
* predicates.
* All directed relationships between of other types of predicates can also
* be added between the nodes which compose the reduction (in a
* post-treatment).
* @param graph the graph
* @param predicatesTC set of predicates to consider as taxonomic predicate
* for the transitive closures
* @param predicateToAdd defines which predicate relationships must be
* considered in the post treatment. if nodes x and y compose the reduction
* and x,y are linked by a relationship of type p, p must be specified in
* the predicateToAdd set in order to specified that the relationship x,p,y
* must be expressed in the reduction.
* @param validateDAGproperty boolean if true DAG property of the graph
* induced by the given parameters is checked
* @throws SLIB_Exception
public GraphReduction_DAG_Ranwez_2011(
G graph,
Set predicatesTC,
Set predicateToAdd,
boolean validateDAGproperty) throws SLIB_Exception {
this.graph = graph;
this.predicatesTC = predicatesTC;
this.predicatesToAdd = predicateToAdd;
logger.debug("Selected predicate(s): " + predicatesTC);
logger.debug("Predicate to add (post Treatment): " + predicateToAdd);
if (validateDAGproperty) {
* @param selectedURIs
* @param g_reduction
* @throws SLIB_Ex_Critic
* @throws SLIB_Ex_Warning
public void exec(Set selectedURIs, G g_reduction) throws SLIB_Ex_Critic, SLIB_Ex_Warning {
this.graph_reduction = g_reduction;
this.selectedURIs = selectedURIs;
verticesRed = new HashSet();
logger.debug("Query composed of " + selectedURIs.size() + " elements");
logger.debug("Edges types " + predicatesTC.size() + " elements");
// Selection of the vertices part of the reduction
for (URI type : predicatesTC) {
Set types = SetUtils.buildSet(type);
verticesRed.addAll(reduce(traversalOrder, types, Direction.OUT));
logger.debug("Reduction: "+verticesRed);
logger.debug("Reduction Vertices : " + verticesRed.size());
for (URI type : predicatesTC) {
Set types = SetUtils.buildSet(type);
verticesRed.addAll(reduce(traversalOrder, types, Direction.IN));
logger.debug("Reduction: "+verticesRed);
logger.debug("Reduction Vertices : " + verticesRed.size());
// Bottom Up
double vReductionP = 100 - (verticesRed.size() * 100 / graph.getV().size()); //percentage of vertices reduction
logger.debug("Reduction Vertices : " + verticesRed.size() + " ( ~" + vReductionP + "% of " + graph.getURI() + ")");
logger.debug("Reduction : " + verticesRed);
for (URI e : predicatesTC) {
addEdges(traversalOrder, e);
logger.debug("Adding direct edges considering " + predicatesToAdd);
logger.debug("Adding direct edges considering " + predicatesToAdd.size() + " eType(s)");
logger.debug("" + predicatesToAdd);
// Add Direct edges
for (URI v : verticesRed) {
Collection edgesV = graph.getE(v, Direction.BOTH);
for (E e : edgesV) {
if (verticesRed.contains(e.getSource()) && verticesRed.contains(e.getTarget()) && predicatesToAdd.contains(e.getURI())) {
double eReductionP = 100 - (graph_reduction.getE().size() * 100 / graph.getE().size()); // same for edges
logger.debug("Reduction Edges : " + verticesRed.size() + " ( ~" + (eReductionP) + "% of " + graph.getURI() + ")");"Reduction performed");
private void computeTraversalRestriction() throws SLIB_Ex_Critic {
WalkConstraint wc = new WalkConstraintGeneric();
for (URI edgesType : predicatesTC) {
wc.addAcceptedTraversal(edgesType, Direction.IN);
Set roots = new HashSet();
for (URI uri : GraphAccessor.getClasses(graph)) {
boolean valid = true;
for (URI p : predicatesTC) {
if (!graph.getE(p, uri, Direction.OUT).isEmpty()) { // the URI doesn't refer to a root
valid = false;
if (valid) {
if (roots.isEmpty()) {
throw new SLIB_Ex_Critic("Cannot identify any root...");
DFS dfs = new DFS(graph, roots, wc);
traversalOrder = dfs.getTraversalOrder(); // rootID as last element
private void addEdges(List traversalOrder, URI edgeType) {
logger.debug("Adding Edges of transitive type : " + edgeType);
logger.debug("verticesRed : " + verticesRed);
logger.debug("Starting from : " + traversalOrder.get(0));
HashMap> vrra = new HashMap>();
for (int i = 0; i < traversalOrder.size(); i++) {
URI u = traversalOrder.get(i);
// logger.debug("**************** Processing : " + u);
// leaf or root init
if (!vrra.containsKey(u)) {
vrra.put(u, new HashSet());
// logger.debug("Set : " + vrra.get(u));
if (verticesRed.contains(u)) {
for (URI r : vrra.get(u)) {
URI source = u;
URI target = r;
graph_reduction.addE(target, edgeType, source);
// logger.debug("\tAdding edge... " + target + " " + edgeType + " " + source);
vrra.put(u, new HashSet());
Collection edges = graph.getE(edgeType, u, Direction.OUT);
for (E e : edges) {
URI f = e.getTarget();
if (!vrra.containsKey(f)) {
vrra.put(f, new HashSet());
vrra.put(f, SetUtils.union(vrra.get(u), vrra.get(f)));
if (verticesRed.contains(u)) {
* Retrieve the vertices selected during a reduction Used to perform
* top-down and bottom up expansion of the query vertices
* @param order an ArrayList of IVertex vertices order to consider during
* the expansion first element treated first
* @param edgeTypes a Collection of edge type used for the expansion
* @return a collection of vertices corresponding to the expansion of the
* query
private Set reduce(List order, Set edgeTypes, Direction dir) {
logger.debug("'Transitive Closure' considering EdgeTypes : " + edgeTypes);
logger.debug("Direction: " + dir);
logger.debug("Propogation started from : " + order.get(0));
logger.debug("Size traversal ordering: "+order.size());
Map> sd = new HashMap>(order.size());
Map maxSd = new HashMap();
Set verticesReduction = new HashSet();
for (URI v : order) {
sd.put(v, new HashSet());
maxSd.put(v, 0);
for (URI v : order) {
if (selectedURIs.contains(v)) {
// logger.debug("* "+v+" max single gain: "+maxSd.get(v)+" total gain: "+sd.get(v).size());
if (sd.get(v).size() > maxSd.get(v)) {
// logger.debug("- Add "+v);
for (E e : graph.getE(edgeTypes, v, dir)) {
URI t;
if(dir == Direction.OUT){
t = e.getTarget();
t = e.getSource();
// check that the vertex is contained in the traversal
// restriction defined by the root selected
if (sd.containsKey(t)) {
Set union = new HashSet(SetUtils.union(sd.get(t), sd.get(v)));
sd.put(t, union);
maxSd.put(t, Math.max(sd.get(v).size(), maxSd.get(t)));
logger.debug(" "+verticesReduction.toString());
logger.debug("-reduction contains "+verticesReduction.size());
return verticesReduction;
* Check the parameters of the current configuration
* @throws SLIB_Ex_Critic
* @throws SLIB_Ex_Warning
private void checkQueryValidity() throws SLIB_Ex_Critic, SLIB_Ex_Warning {
if (selectedURIs == null || selectedURIs.size() < 2) {
throw new SLIB_Ex_Warning("Warning: Query skipped, a minimim of two URI have to be specified to build a query");
for (URI uri : selectedURIs) {
if (!graph.containsVertex(uri)) {
throw new SLIB_Ex_Warning("No vertex associated to URI: " + uri);
private void checkGraphProperties() throws SLIB_Ex_Critic {
logger.debug("Checking DAG property");
ValidatorDAG vdag = new ValidatorDAG();
WalkConstraint wc = new WalkConstraintGeneric();
for (URI edgeType : predicatesTC) {
wc.addAcceptedTraversal(edgeType, Direction.IN);
boolean isDag = vdag.isDag(graph, wc);
logger.debug("is DAG: " + isDag);
if (!isDag) {
throw new SLIB_Ex_Critic(
"Treatment can only be performed on a DAG, traversal "
+ "respecting your parameters define a cyclic graph.");
// ValidatorDAG validator = new ValidatorDAG();
// boolean uniqueRoot = validator.isUniqueRootedTaxonomicDag(graph, rootURI);
// if (!uniqueRoot) {
//"Specified root is not a unique Root: " + rootVertex);
//"Roots : " + validator.getTaxonomicDAGRoots(graph));
// }
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