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import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* 泛型工具
* @author shepherdviolet
public class GenericClassUtils {
* 获取一个类的父类/接口类的泛型实际类型. 无缓存.
* 例如, 有个类A, 继承了类B(可以是多层), 类B定义了一个泛型, 而类A继承类B时指定了泛型, 获取这个泛型类型的代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualClasses(A.class, B.class);
* 例如, 有个类A, 实现了接口C(可以是多层), 类C定义了一个泛型, 而类A实现接口C时指定了泛型, 获取这个泛型类型的代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualClasses(A.class, C.class);
* 例如, 有个父类P, 会被其他类继承, 父类P定义了一个泛型, P想要获得自己的泛型最终被指定成了什么, 代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualClasses(this.getClass(), P.class);
* 在Spring中使用时, 对象有可能是个代理类, 在获取泛型前先获取代理类持有的实际类:
* Class> rawClass = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(bean);
* @param type 类
* @param targetGenericClass 泛型定义类, 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口
* @return 不为空, NonNull, 类型: Class
* @throws TargetGenericClassNotFoundException 异常情况: 给定类的父类或接口中找不到泛型定义类
public static Map> getActualClasses(Type type, Class> targetGenericClass) throws TargetGenericClassNotFoundException {
checkInput(type, targetGenericClass);
if (targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters().length <= 0) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
//如果是数组类型/泛型数组类型(T[]), 脱壳处理
Type componentType = getComponentType(type);
Type[] actualTypes;
if (componentType instanceof Class) {
//当前类 / 当前类对于子类的泛型对象 / 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口 / 是否转成Class
actualTypes = getActualTypes0((Class>) componentType, null, targetGenericClass, true);
} else if (componentType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
//当前类 / 当前类对于子类的泛型对象 / 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口 / 是否转成Class
actualTypes = getActualTypes0((Class>) ((ParameterizedType) componentType).getRawType(), componentType, targetGenericClass, true);
} else {
throw new TargetGenericClassNotFoundException("The targetGenericClass '" + targetGenericClass.getName() +
"' was not found in the super classes or interfaces of given type '" + type +
"', We can only handle Class and ParameterizedType");
if (actualTypes == null) {
throw new TargetGenericClassNotFoundException("The targetGenericClass '" + targetGenericClass.getName() +
"' was not found in the super classes or interfaces of given type '" + type + "'");
filterActualTypes(actualTypes, true);
Map> actualTypeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
TypeVariable>[] typeVariables = targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0 ; i < actualTypes.length ; i++) {
actualTypeMap.put(typeVariables[i].getName(), (Class>) actualTypes[i]);
return actualTypeMap;
* 获取一个类的父类/接口类的泛型实际类型. 无缓存.
* 例如, 有个类A, 继承了类B(可以是多层), 类B定义了一个泛型, 而类A继承类B时指定了泛型, 获取这个泛型类型的代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualTypes(A.class, B.class);
* 例如, 有个类A, 实现了接口C(可以是多层), 类C定义了一个泛型, 而类A实现接口C时指定了泛型, 获取这个泛型类型的代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualTypes(A.class, C.class);
* 例如, 有个父类P, 会被其他类继承, 父类P定义了一个泛型, P想要获得自己的泛型最终被指定成了什么, 代码如下:
* GenericClassUtils.getActualTypes(this.getClass(), P.class);
* 在Spring中使用时, 对象有可能是个代理类, 在获取泛型前先获取代理类持有的实际类:
* Class> rawClass = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(bean);
* @param type 类
* @param targetGenericClass 泛型定义类, 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口
* @return 不为空, NonNull, 类型: Class/ParameterizedType, 返回null表示未找到指定的声明泛型的类, 暂不支持GenericArrayType
* @throws TargetGenericClassNotFoundException 异常情况: 给定类的父类或接口中找不到泛型定义类
public static Map getActualTypes(Type type, Class> targetGenericClass) throws TargetGenericClassNotFoundException {
checkInput(type, targetGenericClass);
if (targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters().length <= 0) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
//如果是数组类型/泛型数组类型(T[]), 脱壳处理
Type componentType = getComponentType(type);
Type[] actualTypes;
if (componentType instanceof Class) {
//当前类 / 当前类对于子类的泛型对象 / 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口 / 是否转成Class
actualTypes = getActualTypes0((Class>) componentType, null, targetGenericClass, false);
} else if (componentType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
//当前类 / 当前类对于子类的泛型对象 / 指定要获取的泛型定义在哪个类/接口 / 是否转成Class
actualTypes = getActualTypes0((Class>) ((ParameterizedType) componentType).getRawType(), componentType, targetGenericClass, false);
} else {
throw new TargetGenericClassNotFoundException("The targetGenericClass '" + targetGenericClass.getName() +
"' was not found in the super classes or interfaces of given type '" + type +
"', We can only handle Class and ParameterizedType");
if (actualTypes == null) {
throw new TargetGenericClassNotFoundException("The targetGenericClass '" + targetGenericClass.getName() +
"' was not found in the super classes or interfaces of given type '" + type + "'");
filterActualTypes(actualTypes, false);
Map actualTypeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
TypeVariable>[] typeVariables = targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0 ; i < actualTypes.length ; i++) {
actualTypeMap.put(typeVariables[i].getName(), actualTypes[i]);
return actualTypeMap;
* 输入检查
private static void checkInput(Type type, Class> targetGenericClass) {
if (type == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("clazz is null");
if (targetGenericClass == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("targetGenericClass is null");
if (targetGenericClass.isArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetGenericClass is an array Class");
* 如果是数组, 或者泛型数组(T[]), 脱壳处理
private static Type getComponentType(Type type) {
if (type instanceof Class) {
// 如果是数组类型的话, 脱壳得到类
Class> componentType = (Class>) type;
while (componentType.isArray()) {
componentType = componentType.getComponentType();
return componentType;
if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
// 如果是泛型数组类型(例如: T[])的话, 脱壳得到T
Type componentType = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType();
while (componentType instanceof GenericArrayType) {
componentType = ((GenericArrayType) componentType).getGenericComponentType();
return componentType;
return type;
* 过滤结果
private static void filterActualTypes(Type[] actualTypes, boolean preferRawClass) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < actualTypes.length ; i++) {
Type type = actualTypes[i];
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
//到最后还是没有找到实际类型的话, 就视为Object.class
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
} else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
if (preferRawClass) {
actualTypes[i] = ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType();
} else if (!(type instanceof Class)){
//未实现的情况: GenericArrayType, 泛型实际类型是一个数组类型, 例如: . 这个如果要实现, 得脱壳以后, 再创建一个GenericArrayType, 得复制GenericArrayTypeImpl的源码.
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
* 递归主逻辑
private static Type[] getActualTypes0(Class> currentClass, Type currentGenericType, Class> targetGenericClass, boolean preferRawClass) {
Type[] actualTypes = null;
Type genericSuperClass = currentClass.getGenericSuperclass();
if (genericSuperClass instanceof ParameterizedType &&
targetGenericClass.equals(((ParameterizedType) genericSuperClass).getRawType())) {
//找到指定类, 且确定了泛型
actualTypes = ((ParameterizedType) genericSuperClass).getActualTypeArguments();
} else if (targetGenericClass.equals(genericSuperClass)){
//找到指定类, 未确定泛型
TypeVariable>[] targetTypeParameters = targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters();
actualTypes = new Type[targetTypeParameters.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < targetTypeParameters.length ; i++) {
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
} else if (genericSuperClass != null && !genericSuperClass.equals(Object.class)) {
actualTypes = getActualTypes0(currentClass.getSuperclass(), genericSuperClass, targetGenericClass, preferRawClass);
if (actualTypes == null) {
Type[] genericInterfaces = currentClass.getGenericInterfaces();
if (genericInterfaces != null && genericInterfaces.length > 0) {
for (Type genericInterface : genericInterfaces) {
if (genericInterface instanceof ParameterizedType &&
targetGenericClass.equals(((ParameterizedType) genericInterface).getRawType())) {
//找到指定类, 且确定了泛型
actualTypes = ((ParameterizedType) genericInterface).getActualTypeArguments();
} else if (targetGenericClass.equals(genericInterface)){
//找到指定类, 未确定泛型
TypeVariable>[] targetTypeParameters = targetGenericClass.getTypeParameters();
actualTypes = new Type[targetTypeParameters.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < targetTypeParameters.length ; i++) {
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
} else {
Class> interface0 = null;
if (genericInterface instanceof Class) {
interface0 = (Class>) genericInterface;
} else if (genericInterface instanceof ParameterizedType) {
interface0 = (Class>) ((ParameterizedType) genericInterface).getRawType();
if (interface0 != null) {
actualTypes = getActualTypes0(interface0, genericInterface, targetGenericClass, preferRawClass);
if (actualTypes != null) {
if (actualTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < actualTypes.length ; i++) {
Type type = actualTypes[i];
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
if (currentGenericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
如果发现有一个父类/接口的泛型没有在当前类被确定具体的类型, 就要查找当前类的泛型定义(就是public class Name ),
找到未确定的泛型对应当前类的第几个泛型定义, 然后在"当前类对于子类的泛型对象(currentGenericType)"中查找当前类定义的泛型
//获取当前类的泛型定义(就是public class Name )
TypeVariable>[] currentTypeVariables = currentClass.getTypeParameters();
boolean matched = false;
if (currentTypeVariables != null) {
for (int offset = 0 ; offset < currentTypeVariables.length ; offset++) {
//泛型名称相同, 找到对应位置
if (((TypeVariable>) type).getName().equals(currentTypeVariables[offset].getName())) {
Type[] currentActualTypeArgs = ((ParameterizedType) currentGenericType).getActualTypeArguments();
if (currentActualTypeArgs == null || offset >= currentActualTypeArgs.length) {
//特殊: 正常情况是不可能找不到的, 会编译不通过, 这里简单的将类型赋值为Object
actualTypes[i] = currentActualTypeArgs[offset];
matched = true;
if (!matched) {
//特殊: 正常情况是不可能找不到的, 会编译不通过, 这里简单的将类型赋值为Object
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
} else {
//如果"当前类对于子类的泛型对象(currentGenericType)"不是ParameterizedType, 就没有办法继续查找了, 这说明子类没有确定类型, 视为Object
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
} else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
if (preferRawClass) {
actualTypes[i] = ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType();
} else if (!(type instanceof Class)){
//未实现的情况: GenericArrayType, 泛型实际类型是一个数组类型, 例如: . 这个如果要实现, 得脱壳以后, 再创建一个GenericArrayType, 得复制GenericArrayTypeImpl的源码.
actualTypes[i] = Object.class;
return actualTypes;
* 指定的泛型定义类没有在父类和接口中找到. 通俗地讲, 就是遍历了类的所有父类和接口, 都没有找到匹配第二个参数targetGenericClass
* 的, 所以无法获取到泛型具体类型
public static class TargetGenericClassNotFoundException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8233374476663138140L;
public TargetGenericClassNotFoundException(String message) {
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Type转Class.
* @param type Type
* @return Class
public static Class> typeToRawClass(Type type) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
// 如果是泛型数组类型(例如: T[])的话, 脱壳得到T
Type componentType = type;
int arrayDepth = 0;
while (componentType instanceof GenericArrayType) {
componentType = ((GenericArrayType) componentType).getGenericComponentType();
// Type 转 Class
Class> componentClass;
if (componentType instanceof Class) {
componentClass = (Class>) componentType;
} else if (componentType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
componentClass = (Class>) ((ParameterizedType) componentType).getRawType();
} else {
componentClass = Object.class;
// 如果不是泛型数组类型, 直接返回
if (arrayDepth <= 0) {
return componentClass;
// 如果是泛型数组类型, 再转成数组类型
StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder("[");
for (int i = 1; i < arrayDepth; i++) {
try {
return Class.forName(prefix.toString() + "L" + componentClass.getName() + ";");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// 一般不会报错的, 因为componentClass存在
throw new RuntimeException("Error while creating array Class", e);
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