spinal.core.Bundle.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import spinal.core.internals._
import spinal.idslplugin.{Location, ValCallback}
import scala.collection.mutable
* The Bundle is a composite type that defines a group of named signals (of any SpinalHDL basic type) under a single name.
* The Bundle can be used to model data structures, buses and interfaces.
* @example {{{
* val cmd = new Bundle{
* val init = in Bool()
* val start = in Bool()
* val result = out Bits(32 bits)
* }
* }}}
* @see [[http://spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc/spinal/core/types/Bundle Bundle Documentation]]
trait ValCallbackRec extends ValCallback{
// final override def valCallback(fieldRef: Any, name: String): Unit = {
// val refs = mutable.Set[Any]()
// valCallbackOn(fieldRef,name, refs)
// }
def valCallbackOn(ref: Any, name: String, refs : mutable.Set[Any]): Unit = {
if (ref != null && !refs.contains(ref)) {
refs += ref
ref match {
case range : Range =>
case vec: Vec[_] =>
case seq: Seq[_] =>
for ((e, i) <- seq.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case seq: Array[_] =>
for ((e, i) <- seq.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case seq: Set[_] =>
for ((e, i) <- seq.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case seq: mutable.LinkedHashSet[_] =>
for ((e, i) <- seq.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case seq: mutable.LinkedHashMap[_, _] =>
for ((e, i) <- seq.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e._2, name + "_" + i, refs)
case prod : Tuple2[_,_] if !name.contains("$")=> //$ check to avoid trigerring on val (x,y)
for ((e, i) <- prod.productIterator.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case prod : Tuple3[_,_,_] if !name.contains("$") =>
for ((e, i) <- prod.productIterator.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case prod : Tuple4[_,_,_,_] if !name.contains("$") =>
for ((e, i) <- prod.productIterator.zipWithIndex) {
valCallbackOn(e, name + "_" + i, refs)
case Some(x) => valCallbackOn(x, name, refs)
case _ =>
valCallbackRec(ref, name)
def valCallbackRec(ref: Any, name: String): Unit
override def valCallback[T](ref: T, name: String): T = {
val refs = mutable.Set[Any]()
valCallbackOn(ref, name, refs)
class Bundle extends MultiData with Nameable with ValCallbackRec {
var hardtype: HardType[_] = null
override def clone: Bundle = {
if (hardtype != null) {
val ret = hardtype().asInstanceOf[this.type]
ret.hardtype = hardtype
return ret
/** Assign the bundle with an other bundle by name */
def assignAllByName(that: Bundle): Unit = {
for ((name, element) <- elements) {
val other = that.find(name)
if (other == null)
LocatedPendingError(s"Bundle assignment is not complete. Missing $name")
else element match {
case b: Bundle => b.assignAllByName(other.asInstanceOf[Bundle])
case _ => element := other
/** Assign all possible signal fo the bundle with an other bundle by name */
def assignSomeByName(that: Bundle): Unit = {
for ((name, element) <- elements) {
val other = that.find(name)
if (other != null) {
element match {
case b: Bundle => b.assignSomeByName(other.asInstanceOf[Bundle])
case _ => element := other
def bundleAssign(that : Bundle)(f : (Data, Data) => Unit): Unit ={
for ((name, element) <- elements) {
val other = that.find(name)
if (other == null) {
LocatedPendingError(s"Bundle assignment is not complete. $this need '$name' but $that doesn't provide it.")
else {
f(element, other)
protected override def assignFromImpl(that: AnyRef, target: AnyRef, kind: AnyRef)(implicit loc: Location): Unit = {
that match {
case that: Bundle =>
if (!this.getClass.isAssignableFrom(that.getClass)) SpinalError("Bundles must have the same final class to" +
" be assigned. Either use assignByName or assignSomeByName at \n" + ScalaLocated.long)
bundleAssign(that)((to, from) => to.compositAssignFrom(from,to,kind))
case _ => throw new Exception("Undefined assignment")
* for interface find modport
def checkDir(that: Bundle): Boolean = {
var ret= true
for ((name, element) <- elements) {
val other = that.find(name)
if (other == null)
LocatedPendingError(s"Bundle assignment is not complete. Missing $name")
else element match {
case b: Bundle => ret = b.checkDir(other.asInstanceOf[Bundle]) && ret
case b => ret = (b.dir == other.dir) && ret
var elementsCache = ArrayBuffer[(String, Data)]()
override def valCallbackRec(ref: Any, name: String): Unit = ref match {
case ref : Data => {
elementsCache += name -> ref
ref.parent = this
if(OwnableRef.proposal(ref, this)) ref.setPartialName(name, Nameable.DATAMODEL_WEAK)
case ref =>
override def elements: ArrayBuffer[(String, Data)] = elementsCache
private[core] def rejectOlder = true
def getTypeString = getClass.getSimpleName
override def toString(): String = s"${component.getPath() + "/" + this.getDisplayName()} : $getTypeString"
class BundleCase extends Bundle {
private[core] override def rejectOlder = false
trait IConnectable[T <: IConnectable[T]] {
def connectFrom(that: T): T
def <<(that: T): T = connectFrom(that)
def >>(into: T): T = {
into << this.asInstanceOf[T]
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