spinal.core.Mem.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core
import spinal.core.internals._
import spinal.idslplugin.Location
import scala.collection.Seq
trait ReadUnderWritePolicy {
def readUnderWriteString: String
trait DuringWritePolicy {
def duringWriteString: String
trait MemTechnologyKind{
def technologyKind: String
object dontCare extends ReadUnderWritePolicy with DuringWritePolicy{
override def readUnderWriteString: String = "dontCare"
override def duringWriteString: String = "dontCare"
object eitherFirst extends ReadUnderWritePolicy with DuringWritePolicy{
override def readUnderWriteString: String = "eitherFirst"
override def duringWriteString: String = "eitherFirst"
object writeFirst extends ReadUnderWritePolicy {
override def readUnderWriteString: String = "writeFirst"
object readFirst extends ReadUnderWritePolicy {
override def readUnderWriteString: String = "readFirst"
object dontRead extends DuringWritePolicy{
override def duringWriteString: String = "dontRead"
object doRead extends DuringWritePolicy{
override def duringWriteString: String = "doRead"
//object noChange extends ReadUnderWritePolicy {
// override def readUnderWriteString: String = "noChange"
object auto extends MemTechnologyKind{
override def technologyKind: String = "auto"
object ramBlock extends MemTechnologyKind {
override def technologyKind: String = "ramBlock"
object distributedLut extends MemTechnologyKind {
override def technologyKind: String = "distributedLut"
object registerFile extends MemTechnologyKind {
override def technologyKind: String = "registerFile"
object Mem {
def apply[T <: Data](wordType: HardType[T], wordCount: Int) = new Mem(wordType, wordCount)
def apply[T <: Data](wordType: HardType[T], wordCount: BigInt) = {
assert(wordCount <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
new Mem(wordType, wordCount.toInt)
def apply[T <: Data](wordType: HardType[T], initialContent: Seq[T]) = new Mem(wordType, initialContent.length) init(initialContent)
def apply[T <: Data](initialContent: Seq[T]) = new Mem(initialContent(0), initialContent.length) init(initialContent)
def fill[T <: Data](wordCount: Int)(wordType: HardType[T]) = new Mem(wordType, wordCount)
class MemWritePayload[T <: Data](dataType: T, addressWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val data = cloneOf(dataType)
val address = UInt(addressWidth bit)
object AllowPartialyAssignedTag extends SpinalTag
object AllowMixedWidth extends SpinalTag
trait MemPortStatement extends LeafStatement with StatementDoubleLinkedContainerElement[Mem[_], MemPortStatement] with Nameable {
var isVital = false
var mem: Mem[_] = null
class Mem[T <: Data](val wordType: HardType[T], val wordCount: Int) extends DeclarationStatement with StatementDoubleLinkedContainer[Mem[_], MemPortStatement] with WidthProvider with SpinalTagReady with InComponent{
if(parentScope != null) parentScope.append(this)
var preventMemToBlackboxTranslation = false
var forceMemToBlackboxTranslation = false
val _widths = wordType().flatten.map(t => t.getBitsWidth).toVector //Force to fix width of each wire
val width = _widths.sum
def byteCount = ((width+7)/8)*wordCount
var technology: MemTechnologyKind = auto
def setTechnology(tech: MemTechnologyKind) = this.technology = tech
// val ports = ArrayBuffer[Any]()
// def getWritePorts() = ports.filter(_.isInstanceOf[MemWrite]).map(_.asInstanceOf[MemWrite])
// def getReadSyncPorts() = ports.filter(_.isInstanceOf[MemReadSync]).map(_.asInstanceOf[MemReadSync])
// def getReadAsyncPorts() = ports.filter(_.isInstanceOf[MemReadAsync]).map(_.asInstanceOf[MemReadAsync])
// def getMemWriteOrReadSyncPorts() = ports.filter(_.isInstanceOf[MemWriteOrReadSync]).map(_.asInstanceOf[MemWriteOrReadSync])
// override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBits
// override def opName: String = "Mem"
override val getWidth : Int = width
def addressWidth = log2Up(wordCount)
def generateAsBlackBox(): this.type = {
forceMemToBlackboxTranslation = true
def preventAsBlackBox(): this.type = {
preventMemToBlackboxTranslation = true
override def getComponent(): Component = parentScope.component
var initialContent: Array[BigInt] = null
// private[core] def checkInferedWidth: Unit = {
// val maxLit = (BigInt(1) << getWidth)-1
// if(initialContent != null && initialContent.filter(v => v > maxLit || v < 0).nonEmpty){
// PendingError(s"$this as some initial content values doesn't fit in memory words.\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
// }
// }
def initBigInt(initialContent: Seq[BigInt], allowNegative : Boolean = false): this.type ={
assert(initialContent.length == wordCount, s"The initial content array size (${initialContent.length}) is not equals to the memory size ($wordCount).\n" + this.getScalaLocationLong)
assert(!(!allowNegative && initialContent.exists(_.signum == -1)), "initBigInt got a negative number to initialise the Mem, while allowNegative isn't set")
this.initialContent = initialContent.toArray
if(initialContent != null) for(e <- this.initialContent){
assert(e.bitLength <= width)
if(allowNegative) {
val mask = (BigInt(1) << getWidth)-1
this.initialContent = this.initialContent.map(_ & mask)
def init(initialContent: Seq[T]): this.type = {
assert(initialContent.length == wordCount, s"The initial content array size (${initialContent.length}) is not equals to the memory size ($wordCount).\n" + this.getScalaLocationLong)
// val bytePerWord = (getWidth + 7)/8
this.initialContent = new Array[BigInt](initialContent.length)
val widthsMasks = _widths.map(w => ((BigInt(1) << w) - 1))
var nextOffset = 0
val offsets = _widths.map(width => {
val w = nextOffset
nextOffset += width
for((word,wordIndex) <- initialContent.zipWithIndex){
val elements = word.flatten
var builder = BigInt(0)
for(elementId <- (0 until _widths.length)) {
val element = elements(elementId)
val offset = offsets(elementId)
val width = _widths(elementId)
val mask = widthsMasks(elementId)
def walk(that: BaseType): Unit = that.head match {
case AssignmentStatement(_, literal: Literal) if element.hasOnlyOneStatement =>
val value = (((literal match {
case literal: EnumLiteral[_] => elements(elementId).asInstanceOf[SpinalEnumCraft[_]].encoding.getValue(literal.senum)
case literal: BitVectorLiteral => {
if(literal.minimalValueBitWidth > width)
SpinalError(s"MEM_INIT error, literal at intex $elementId is too big. 0x${literal.getValue().toString(16).toUpperCase()} => ${literal.minimalValueBitWidth} bits (more than $width bits)")
case literal: Literal => literal.getValue()
}) & mask) << offset)
builder += value
case AssignmentStatement(_, input : BaseType) if element.hasOnlyOneStatement => walk(input)
case _ => SpinalError("ROM initial value should be provided from full literals value")
this.initialContent(wordIndex) = builder
// for((e,i) <- this.initialContent.zipWithIndex){
// if(e.bitLength > width) SpinalError(s"MEM_INIT error, literal at intex $i is too big (> $width bits). 0x${e.toString(16).toUpperCase()} => ${e.bitLength} bits ")
// }
def apply(address: UInt)(implicit loc: Location): T = {
val ret = readAsync(address)
val asyncPort = dlcLast.asInstanceOf[MemReadAsync]
ret.compositeAssign = new Assignable {
override protected def assignFromImpl(that: AnyRef, target: AnyRef, kind: AnyRef)(implicit loc: Location): Unit = {
write(address, that.asInstanceOf[T])
override def getRealSourceNoRec: Any = Mem.this
def apply(address : Int) : T = {
assert(Component.current.isFormalTester || GenerationFlags.formal, "Mem.apply(address : Int) purpose is only for formal testers")
assert(address >= 0 && address < wordCount, s"Address is out of the memory range. $address ")
component.rework(this.readAsync(U(address, addressWidth bits)))
def formalContains(word : T): Bool ={
(0 until wordCount).map(apply(_) === word).reduce(_ || _)
def formalContains(cond : T => Bool): Bool ={
(0 until wordCount).map(i => cond(apply(i))).reduce(_ || _)
val addressType = HardType(UInt(addressWidth bit))
// def addressTypeAt(initialValue: BigInt) = U(initialValue, addressWidth bit)
// private def addPort(port : Node with Nameable) : Unit = {
// port.setPartialName("port" + ports.length,true)
// port.setRefOwner(this)
// ports += port
// }
def readAsync(address: UInt, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare): T = {
val readWord = cloneOf(wordType)
// def readAsyncMixedWidth(address: UInt, data : Data, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare): Unit = readAsyncImpl(address,data,readUnderWrite,true)
def readAsyncImpl(address: UInt, data: Data,readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare, allowMixedWidth: Boolean): Unit = {
val readBits = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits))
val readPort = MemReadAsync(this, address, data.getBitsWidth, readUnderWrite)
if(allowMixedWidth) readPort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
readPort.elaborationReadBits = readBits
def readSync(address: UInt, enable: Bool = null, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare, clockCrossing: Boolean = false): T = {
val readWord = wordType()
def readSyncMixedWidth(address: UInt, data: Data, enable: Bool = null, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare, clockCrossing: Boolean = false): Unit ={
readSyncImpl(address, data, enable, readUnderWrite, clockCrossing, true)
def readSyncImpl(address: UInt, data : Data, enable: Bool = null, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare, clockCrossing: Boolean = false, allowMixedWidth: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val readBits = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits))
val readPort = MemReadSync(this, address, data.getBitsWidth, if(enable != null) enable else True, readUnderWrite, ClockDomain.current)
if(allowMixedWidth) readPort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
if(clockCrossing) readPort.addTag(crossClockDomain)
@deprecated("Use readSync with the corresponding arguments", "???")
def readSyncCC(address: UInt, enable: Bool = True, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare): T = {
readSync(address, enable, readUnderWrite, true)
def writeMixedWidth(address: UInt, data: Data, enable : Bool = null, mask: Bits = null): Unit = writeImpl(address, data, enable, mask, allowMixedWidth = true)
def write(address: UInt, data: T,enable : Bool = null, mask: Bits = null) : Unit = writeImpl(address, data, enable, mask, allowMixedWidth = false)
def writeImpl(address: UInt, data: Data, enable: Bool = null, mask: Bits = null, allowMixedWidth: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val whenCond = if(enable == null) ConditionalContext.isTrue() else enable
val writePort = MemWrite(this, address, data.asBits, mask, whenCond, if(allowMixedWidth) data.getBitsWidth else getWidth ,ClockDomain.current)
if(allowMixedWidth) writePort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
// val addressBuffer = (if(allowMixedWidth) UInt() else UInt(addressWidth bits)).dontSimplifyIt() //Allow resized address when mixedMode is disable
// addressBuffer := address
// val dataBuffer = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits)).dontSimplifyIt()
// dataBuffer := data.asBits
// val maskBuffer = if (mask != null) {
// val ret = Bits().dontSimplifyIt()
// ret := mask
// ret
// } else {
// null
// }
// val whenCond = if(enable == null) when.getWhensCond(this) else enable
// val whenBuffer = Bool.dontSimplifyIt()
// whenBuffer := whenCond
// val writePort = new MemWrite(this, addressBuffer, dataBuffer, maskBuffer,whenBuffer, ClockDomain.current)
// if(allowMixedWidth) writePort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
// inputs += writePort
// addressBuffer.setRefOwner(writePort)
// addressBuffer.setPartialName("address",true)
// dataBuffer.setRefOwner(writePort)
// dataBuffer.setPartialName("data",true)
// if(maskBuffer != null) {
// maskBuffer.setRefOwner(writePort)
// maskBuffer.setPartialName("mask", true)
// }
// whenBuffer.setRefOwner(writePort)
// whenBuffer.setPartialName("enable",true)
// addPort(writePort)
// Single port ram
def readWriteSync(address : UInt,
data : T,
enable : Bool,
write : Bool,
mask : Bits = null,
readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare,
clockCrossing : Boolean = false,
duringWrite : DuringWritePolicy = dontCare): T = {
readWriteSyncImpl(address,data,enable,write,mask,readUnderWrite,clockCrossing,false, duringWrite = duringWrite)
def readWriteSyncMixedWidth[U <: Data](address : UInt,
data : U,
enable : Bool,
write : Bool,
mask : Bits = null,
readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare,
clockCrossing : Boolean = false,
duringWrite : DuringWritePolicy = dontCare): U = {
readWriteSyncImpl(address, data, enable, write, mask, readUnderWrite, clockCrossing, true, duringWrite = duringWrite)
def readWriteSyncImpl[U <: Data](address : UInt,
data : U,
enable : Bool,
write : Bool,
mask : Bits = null,
readUnderWrite : ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare,
clockCrossing : Boolean = false,
allowMixedWidth : Boolean = false,
duringWrite : DuringWritePolicy = dontCare): U = {
val readWritePort = MemReadWrite(this, address, data.asBits, mask,enable, write, if(allowMixedWidth) data.getBitsWidth else getWidth ,ClockDomain.current, readUnderWrite, duringWrite)
val readWord = cloneOf(data)
val readBits = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits))
if(allowMixedWidth) readWritePort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
if(clockCrossing) readWritePort.addTag(crossClockDomain)
// val addressBuffer = (if(allowMixedWidth) UInt() else UInt(addressWidth bits)).dontSimplifyIt() //Allow resized address when mixedMode is disable
// addressBuffer := address
// val dataBuffer = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits)).dontSimplifyIt()
// dataBuffer := data.asBits
// val enableBuffer = Bool.dontSimplifyIt()
// enableBuffer := enable
// val writeBuffer = Bool.dontSimplifyIt()
// writeBuffer := write
// val maskBuffer = if (mask != null) {
// val ret = Bits().dontSimplifyIt()
// ret := mask
// ret
// } else {
// null
// }
// val writePort = new MemReadWrite_writePart(this, addressBuffer, dataBuffer,maskBuffer, enableBuffer, writeBuffer, ClockDomain.current)
// if(allowMixedWidth) writePort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
// inputs += writePort
// enableBuffer.setPartialName(writePort,"enable",true)
// writeBuffer.setPartialName(writePort,"write",true)
// addressBuffer.setPartialName(writePort,"address",true)
// dataBuffer.setPartialName(writePort,"writeData",true)
// if(maskBuffer != null) {
// maskBuffer.setPartialName(writePort,"mask", true)
// }
// val readBits = (if(allowMixedWidth) Bits() else Bits(getWidth bits)).dontSimplifyIt()
// val readWord = cloneOf(data)
// val readPort = new MemReadWrite_readPart(this, addressBuffer, readBits, enableBuffer, writeBuffer, readUnderWrite, ClockDomain.current)
// if(allowMixedWidth) readPort.addTag(AllowMixedWidth)
// readBits.input = readPort
// readBits.setPartialName(readPort,"readData",true)
// readWord.assignFromBits(readBits)
// if (clockCrossing)
// readPort.addTag(crossClockDomain)
// writePort.readPart = readPort;
// readPort.writePart = writePort
// readPort.setPartialName(this,"port" + ports.length,true)
// writePort.setPartialName(this,"port" + ports.length,true)
// ports += MemWriteOrReadSync(writePort,readPort)
// readWord
override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): this.type = addTag(attribute)
private[core] def getMemSymbolWidth(): Int = {
var symbolWidth = getWidth
var symbolWidthSet = false
case port: MemWrite =>
if(port.mask != null){
val portSymbolWidth = getWidth/port.mask.getWidth
if(symbolWidth != portSymbolWidth) SpinalError(s"Mem with different aspect ratio at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
symbolWidth = portSymbolWidth
symbolWidthSet = true
case port: MemReadWrite =>
if(port.mask != null){
val portSymbolWidth = getWidth/port.mask.getWidth
if(symbolWidth != portSymbolWidth) SpinalError(s"Mem with different aspect ratio at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
symbolWidth = portSymbolWidth
symbolWidthSet = true
case port: MemReadSync =>
case port: MemReadAsync =>
private[core] def getMemSymbolCount(): Int = getWidth / getMemSymbolWidth()
def randBoot(): this.type = {
if(!globalData.phaseContext.config.noRandBoot) addTag(spinal.core.randomBoot)
override def toString(): String = s"${component.getPath() + "/" + this.getDisplayName()} : ${getClassIdentifier}[${wordCount}*${getWidth} bits]"
object MemReadAsync{
def apply(mem : Mem[_],
address : Expression with WidthProvider,
width : Int,
readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy): MemReadAsync = {
val port = new MemReadAsync
port.width = width
port.readUnderWrite = readUnderWrite
port.address = address
port.mem = mem
class MemReadAsync extends MemPortStatement with WidthProvider with SpinalTagReady with ContextUser with Expression{
override def getWidth: Int = width
var width: Int = -1
var readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy = dontCare
var address: Expression with WidthProvider = null
var elaborationReadBits : Bits = null //Used only to cleanup mem(x) := y leftovers
def getWordsCount = mem.wordCount*mem.width/getWidth
def getAddressWidth = log2Up(getWordsCount)
override def opName = "Mem.readAsync(x)"
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def dlcParent = mem
override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): MemReadAsync.this.type = addTag(attribute)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
address = stabilized(func, address).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(getWidth == 0) return
val addressReq = mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)
address = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(address, addressReq, new ResizeUInt, address, this) //TODO better error messaging
if (readUnderWrite == readFirst) PendingError(s"readFirst mode for asynchronous read is not allowed\n ${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth != getWidth){
if(!hasTag(AllowMixedWidth)) {
PendingError(s"Read data width (${getWidth} bits) is not the same as the memory one ($mem) at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth / getWidth * getWidth != mem.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"The aspect ratio between readed data and the memory should be a power of two. currently it's ${mem.getWidth}/${getWidth}. Memory : $mem, written at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(address.getWidth != mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)) {
PendingError(s"Address used to read $mem doesn't match the required width, ${address.getWidth} bits in place of ${mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)} bits\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
def aspectRatio = mem.getWidth match{
case 0 => 1
case _ => mem.getWidth / getWidth
object MemReadSync{
def apply(mem: Mem[_], address: UInt, width: Int, enable: Bool, readUnderWrite: ReadUnderWritePolicy, clockDomain: ClockDomain): MemReadSync = {
val port = new MemReadSync
port.mem = mem
port.address = address
port.width = width
port.readEnable = enable
port.clockDomain = clockDomain
port.readUnderWrite = readUnderWrite
class MemReadSync() extends MemPortStatement with WidthProvider with SpinalTagReady with ContextUser with Expression {
var width : Int = -1
var address : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var readEnable : Expression = null
var clockDomain : ClockDomain = null
var readUnderWrite : ReadUnderWritePolicy = null
def getWordsCount = mem.wordCount*mem.width/getWidth
def getAddressWidth = log2Up(getWordsCount)
override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): this.type = addTag(attribute)
override def opName = "Mem.readSync(x)"
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
address = stabilized(func, address).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
readEnable = stabilized(func, readEnable)
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
// def useReadEnable: Boolean = {
// val lit = getReadEnable.getLiteral[BoolLiteral]
// return lit == null || lit.value == false
// }
// def sameAddressThan(write: MemWrite): Unit = {
// //Used by backed to symplify
// this.setInput(MemReadSync.getAddressId,write.getAddress)
// }
override def dlcParent = mem
override def getWidth: Int = width //getMem.getWidth >> (address.getWidth - mem.addressWidth)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(getWidth == 0) return
val addressReq = mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)
address = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(address,addressReq,new ResizeUInt,address, this) //TODO better error messaging
if(mem.getWidth != getWidth){
if(!hasTag(AllowMixedWidth)) {
PendingError(s"Read data width (${width} bits) is not the same than the memory one ($mem) at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth / getWidth * getWidth != mem.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"The aspect ratio between readed data and the memory should be a power of two. currently it's ${mem.getWidth}/${getWidth}. Memory : $mem, written at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(address.getWidth != mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)) {
PendingError(s"Address used to read $mem doesn't match the required width, ${address.getWidth} bits in place of ${mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)} bits\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
def aspectRatio = mem.getWidth/getWidth
override def foreachClockDomain(func: (ClockDomain) => Unit): Unit = func(clockDomain)
override def remapClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => ClockDomain) = clockDomain = func(clockDomain)
object MemWrite{
def apply(mem: Mem[_], address: UInt, data: Bits, mask: Bits, enable: Bool, width : Int, clockDomain: ClockDomain): MemWrite = {
val ret = new MemWrite
ret.mem = mem
ret.address = address
ret.mask = mask
ret.writeEnable = enable
ret.clockDomain = clockDomain
ret.width = width
ret.data = data
class MemWrite() extends MemPortStatement with WidthProvider with SpinalTagReady {
var width : Int = -1
var address : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var data : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var mask : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var writeEnable : Expression = null
var clockDomain : ClockDomain = null
def getSymbolWidth = if(mask != null) width / mask.getWidth else 1
def getWordsCount = mem.wordCount*mem.width/getWidth
def getAddressWidth = log2Up(getWordsCount)
override def dlcParent = mem
override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): this.type = addTag(attribute)
override def getWidth = width
override def remapExpressions(func: Expression => Expression): Unit = {
address = stabilized(func, address).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
data = stabilized(func, data).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
if(mask != null) mask = func(mask).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
writeEnable = func(writeEnable)
override def foreachExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {
if(mask != null) func(mask)
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {
if(mask != null) func(mask)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(getWidth == 0) return
val addressReq = mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)
address = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(address, addressReq, new ResizeUInt, address, this) //TODO better error messaging
if(!hasTag(AllowMixedWidth) && data.getWidth != width) {
PendingError(s"Write data width (${data.getWidth} bits) is not the same as the memory one ($mem) at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth != getWidth){
if(!hasTag(AllowMixedWidth)) {
PendingError(s"Write data width (${data.getWidth} bits) is not the same as the memory one ($mem) at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth / getWidth * getWidth != mem.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"The aspect ratio between written data and the memory should be a power of two. currently it's ${mem.getWidth}/${getWidth}. Memory : $mem, written at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mask != null && getWidth % mask.getWidth != 0) {
PendingError(s"Memory write_data_width % write_data_mask_width != 0 at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(address.getWidth != addressReq) {
PendingError(s"Address used to write $mem doesn't match the required width, ${address.getWidth} bits in place of ${mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)} bits\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
def aspectRatio = mem.getWidth match{
case 0 => 1
case _ => mem.getWidth / getWidth
override def foreachClockDomain(func: (ClockDomain) => Unit): Unit = func(clockDomain)
override def remapClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => ClockDomain) = clockDomain = func(clockDomain)
object MemReadWrite {
def apply(mem: Mem[_], address: UInt, data: Bits, mask: Bits, chipSelect: Bool, writeEnable: Bool, width: Int, clockDomain: ClockDomain, readUnderWrite : ReadUnderWritePolicy, duringWrite : DuringWritePolicy): MemReadWrite = {
val ret = new MemReadWrite
ret.mem = mem
ret.address = address
ret.mask = mask
ret.chipSelect = chipSelect
ret.writeEnable = writeEnable
ret.clockDomain = clockDomain
ret.width = width
ret.data = data
ret.readUnderWrite = readUnderWrite
ret.duringWrite = duringWrite
class MemReadWrite() extends MemPortStatement with WidthProvider with SpinalTagReady with ContextUser with Expression{
var width : Int = -1
var address : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var data : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var mask : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var chipSelect : Expression = null
var writeEnable : Expression = null
var clockDomain : ClockDomain = null
var readUnderWrite : ReadUnderWritePolicy = null
var duringWrite : DuringWritePolicy = null
def getSymbolWidth = if (mask != null) width / mask.getWidth else 1
def getWordsCount = mem.wordCount*mem.width/getWidth
def getAddressWidth = log2Up(getWordsCount)
override def opName = "Mem.readSync(x)"
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def dlcParent = mem
override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): this.type = addTag(attribute)
override def getWidth = width
override def remapExpressions(func: Expression => Expression): Unit = {
address = stabilized(func, address).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
data = stabilized(func, data).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
if(mask != null) mask = stabilized(func, mask).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
writeEnable = stabilized(func, writeEnable)
chipSelect = stabilized(func, chipSelect)
override def foreachExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {
if(mask != null) func(mask)
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {
if(mask != null) func(mask)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(getWidth == 0) return
val addressReq = mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)
address = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(address,addressReq,new ResizeUInt,address, this) //TODO better error messaging
if(mem.getWidth != getWidth){
if(!hasTag(AllowMixedWidth)) {
PendingError(s"Write data width (${data.getWidth} bits) is not the same as the memory one ($mem) at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mem.getWidth / getWidth * getWidth != mem.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"The aspect ratio between written data and the memory should be a power of two. currently it's ${mem.getWidth}/${getWidth}. Memory : $mem, written at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(mask != null && getWidth % mask.getWidth != 0) {
PendingError(s"Memory write_data_width % write_data_mask_width != 0 at\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
if(address.getWidth != addressReq) {
PendingError(s"Address used to write $mem doesn't match the required width, ${address.getWidth} bits in place of ${mem.addressWidth + log2Up(aspectRatio)} bits\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
def aspectRatio = mem.getWidth / getWidth
override def foreachClockDomain(func: (ClockDomain) => Unit): Unit = func(clockDomain)
override def remapClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => ClockDomain) = clockDomain = func(clockDomain)
case class MemSymbolesMapping(name : String, range: Range){
val width = range.size
val mask = BigInt(1 << width) - 1
case class MemSymbolesTag(mapping : Seq[MemSymbolesMapping]) extends SpinalTag
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