spinal.core.Spinal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import java.io.{BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter}
import spinal.core.internals._
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.io.Source
import scala.util.matching.Regex
// undefined
trait SpinalMode
object VHDL extends SpinalMode
object Verilog extends SpinalMode
object SystemVerilog extends SpinalMode
case class DumpWaveConfig(depth: Int = 0, vcdPath: String = "wave.vcd")
* target device
case class Device(vendor: String = "?",
family: String = "?",
name: String = "?",
supportBootResetKind : Boolean = true){
def isVendorDefault = vendor == "?"
object Device{
val ALTERA = Device(vendor = "altera")
val XILINX = Device(vendor = "xilinx")
val LATTICE = Device(vendor = "lattice")
val ACTEL = Device(vendor = "actel")
val ASIC = Device(vendor = "asic", supportBootResetKind = false)
val NONE = Device(vendor = "none")
def get = GlobalData.get.config.device
trait MemBlackboxingPolicy {
def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean
def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit
def generateUnblackboxableError(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = {
PendingError(s"${this.getClass} is not able to blackbox ${topology.mem}\n write ports : ${topology.writes.size} \n readAsync ports : ${topology.readsAsync.size} \n readSync ports : ${topology.readsSync.size} \n readWrite ports : ${topology.readWriteSync.size}\n -> $message")
object blackboxAllWhatsYouCan extends MemBlackboxingPolicy {
override def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean = true
override def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = {}
object blackboxAll extends MemBlackboxingPolicy {
override def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean = true
override def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = generateUnblackboxableError(topology, who, message)
object blackboxRequestedAndUninferable extends MemBlackboxingPolicy {
override def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean = {
if(blackboxOnlyIfRequested.translationInterest(topology)) return true
if(topology.readsAsync.exists(_.readUnderWrite != writeFirst)) return true
if(topology.readsSync.exists(_.readUnderWrite != readFirst)) return true
if(topology.writeReadSameAddressSync.exists(_._2.readUnderWrite != readFirst)) return true
// if(topology.readWriteSync.exists(_._2.readUnderWrite != readFirst)) return true
return false
override def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = generateUnblackboxableError(topology, who, message)
object blackboxOnlyIfRequested extends MemBlackboxingPolicy{
override def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean = {
override def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = generateUnblackboxableError(topology, who, message)
object blackboxByteEnables extends MemBlackboxingPolicy{
override def translationInterest(topology: MemTopology): Boolean = {
if(topology.writes.exists(_.mask != null) && topology.mem.initialContent == null) return true
if(topology.readWriteSync.exists(_.mask != null) && topology.mem.initialContent == null) return true
override def onUnblackboxable(topology: MemTopology, who: Any, message: String): Unit = generateUnblackboxableError(topology, who, message)
* Spinal configuration for the generation of the RTL
case class SpinalConfig(mode : SpinalMode = null,
flags : mutable.HashSet[Any] = mutable.HashSet[Any](),
debugComponents : mutable.HashSet[Class[_]] = mutable.HashSet[Class[_]](),
keepAll : Boolean = false,
defaultConfigForClockDomains : ClockDomainConfig = ClockDomainConfig(),
onlyStdLogicVectorAtTopLevelIo : Boolean = false,
defaultClockDomainFrequency : IClockDomainFrequency = UnknownFrequency(),
var targetDirectory : String = SpinalConfig.defaultTargetDirectory,
oneFilePerComponent : Boolean = false,
var netlistFileName : String = null,
dumpWave : DumpWaveConfig = null,
globalPrefix : String = "",
var privateNamespace : Boolean = false,
var formalAsserts : Boolean = false,
anonymSignalPrefix : String = null,
device : Device = Device(),
inlineRom : Boolean = false,
caseRom : Boolean = false,
romReuse : Boolean = false,
genVhdlPkg : Boolean = true,
verbose : Boolean = false,
mergeAsyncProcess : Boolean = false,
mergeSyncProcess : Boolean = true,
asyncResetCombSensitivity : Boolean = false,
anonymSignalUniqueness : Boolean = false,
inlineConditionalExpression : Boolean = false,
nameWhenByFile : Boolean = true,
var genLineComments : Boolean = false,
noRandBoot : Boolean = false,
randBootFixValue : Boolean = true,
noAssert : Boolean = false,
fixToWithWrap : Boolean = true,
headerWithDate : Boolean = false,
headerWithRepoHash : Boolean = true,
removePruned : Boolean = false,
allowOutOfRangeLiterals : Boolean = false,
dontCareGenAsZero : Boolean = false,
obfuscateNames : Boolean = false,
var normalizeComponentClockDomainName : Boolean = false,
var devicePhaseHandler : PhaseDeviceHandler = PhaseDeviceDefault,
phasesInserters : ArrayBuffer[(ArrayBuffer[Phase]) => Unit] = ArrayBuffer[(ArrayBuffer[Phase]) => Unit](),
transformationPhases : ArrayBuffer[Phase] = ArrayBuffer[Phase](),
memBlackBoxers : ArrayBuffer[Phase] = ArrayBuffer[Phase] (/*new PhaseMemBlackBoxerDefault(blackboxNothing)*/),
rtlHeader : String = null,
scopeProperties : mutable.LinkedHashMap[ScopeProperty[_], Any] = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ScopeProperty[_], Any](),
private [core] var _withEnumString : Boolean = true,
var enumPrefixEnable : Boolean = true,
var enumGlobalEnable : Boolean = false,
bitVectorWidthMax : Int = 4096,
var singleTopLevel : Boolean = true,
var noAssertAtTimeZero : Boolean = false,
var cutLongExpressions : Boolean = true,
var withTimescale : Boolean = true,
var printFilelist : Boolean = true,
var emitFullComponentBindings : Boolean = true,
var svInterface : Boolean = false
def generate [T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(this)(gen)
def generateVhdl [T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(this.copy(mode = VHDL))(gen)
def generateVerilog[T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(this.copy(mode = Verilog))(gen)
def generateSystemVerilog[T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(this.copy(mode = SystemVerilog))(gen)
def apply[T <: Component](gen : => T): SpinalReport[T] = {
def applyToGlobalData(globalData: GlobalData): Unit = {
globalData.scalaLocatedEnable = debugComponents.nonEmpty
globalData.scalaLocatedComponents ++= debugComponents
globalData.commonClockConfig = defaultConfigForClockDomains
for((p, v) <- scopeProperties){
def dumpWave(depth: Int = 0, vcdPath: String = "wave.vcd"): SpinalConfig = this.copy(dumpWave=DumpWaveConfig(depth,vcdPath))
def addTransformationPhase(phase: Phase): SpinalConfig = {
transformationPhases += phase
def isSystemVerilog = mode == SystemVerilog
def withPrivateNamespace : this.type = { privateNamespace = true; this }
def addStandardMemBlackboxing(policy: MemBlackboxingPolicy): this.type = {
memBlackBoxers += new PhaseMemBlackBoxingDefault(policy)
def withoutAssert : SpinalConfig = this.copy(noAssert = true)
def withoutEnumString() : this.type = {
_withEnumString = false
def includeSynthesis : this.type = {flags += GenerationFlags.synthesis; this}
def includeFormal : this.type = {flags += GenerationFlags.formal; formalAsserts = true; this}
def includeSimulation : this.type = {flags += GenerationFlags.simulation; this}
def setScopeProperty[T](scopeProperty: ScopeProperty[T], value : T): this.type ={
scopeProperties(scopeProperty) = value
def setScopeProperty[T](value: ScopePropertyValue): this.type ={
scopeProperties(value.dady) = value
def withGlobalEnum: this.type ={
enumGlobalEnable = true
def withoutLineComment: this.type = {
genLineComments = false
def withLineComment: this.type = {
genLineComments = true
def addOptions(parser: scopt.OptionParser[Unit]): Unit = {
import parser._
opt[String]("target-directory") action { (v, c) => targetDirectory = v }
class GenerationFlags {
def isEnabled = GlobalData.get.config.flags.contains(this)
def apply[T](block : => T) : T = if(isEnabled) block else null.asInstanceOf[T]
object GenerationFlags{
object synthesis extends GenerationFlags
object formal extends GenerationFlags
object simulation extends GenerationFlags
implicit def generationFlagsToBoolean(flag : GenerationFlags) : Boolean = flag.isEnabled
object SpinalConfig{
def shell[T <: Component](args: Seq[String]): SpinalConfig = {
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[SpinalConfig]("SpinalCore") {
opt[Unit]("vhdl") action { (_, c) => c.copy(mode = VHDL) } text("Select the VHDL mode")
opt[Unit]("verilog") action { (_, c) => c.copy(mode = Verilog) } text("Select the Verilog mode")
opt[String]('o', "targetDirectory") action { (v, c) => c.copy(targetDirectory = v) } text("Set the target directory")
parser.parse(args, SpinalConfig()) match {
case Some(config) => config
case None => ???
def addOptions(): Unit = {
var defaultTargetDirectory: String = System.getenv().getOrDefault("SPINAL_TARGET_DIR", ".")
* Spinal report give after the generation of the RTL
class SpinalReport[T <: Component]() {
var toplevel: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
val prunedSignals = mutable.Set[BaseType]()
val unusedSignals = mutable.Set[BaseType]()
var counterRegister = 0
var toplevelName: String = null
var globalData : GlobalData = null
val generatedSourcesPaths = mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
val blackboxesSourcesPaths = mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
val blackboxesIncludeDir = mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
def rtlSourcesPaths = generatedSourcesPaths ++ blackboxesSourcesPaths
def rtlIncludeDirs = blackboxesIncludeDir
def printUnused() : this.type = {
unusedSignals.foreach(bt => SpinalWarning(s"Unused wire detected : $bt"))
def printPruned() : this.type = {
prunedSignals.foreach(bt => SpinalWarning(s"Pruned wire detected : $bt"))
def printPrunedIo() : this.type = {
prunedSignals.filter(_.dir != null).foreach(bt => SpinalWarning(s"Pruned wire detected : $bt"))
def printRtl() : this.type = {
for(f <- generatedSourcesPaths){
def printZeroWidth() : this.type = {
if(globalData.zeroWidths.isEmpty) return this
globalData.zeroWidths.foreach{case (c, n) =>
def mergeRTLSource(fileName: String = null): Unit = {
val bb_vhdl = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
val bb_verilog = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
/** Split verilog/vhdl path */
blackboxesSourcesPaths.foreach{ path =>
val vhdl_regex = """.*\.(vhdl|vhd)""".r
val verilog_regex = """.*\.(v)""".r
val systemVerilog_regex = """.*\.(sv)""".r
path.toLowerCase match {
case vhdl_regex(f) => bb_vhdl += path
case verilog_regex(f) => bb_verilog += path
case systemVerilog_regex(f) => bb_verilog += path
case _ => SpinalWarning(s"Merging blackbox sources : Extension file not supported (${path})")
/** Merge a list of path into one file */
def mergeFile(listPath: mutable.LinkedHashSet[String], fileName: String) {
val str = new StringBuilder() //We use a temporary string to build the result, allowing overriding on input file as output
listPath.foreach{ path =>
if( new File(path).exists ) {
val buffer = Source.fromFile(path)
buffer.getLines.foreach{ line => str. ++= (line + "\n") }
SpinalWarning(s"Merging blackbox sources : Path (${new File(path).getAbsolutePath}) not found ")
val fw = new FileWriter(new File(s"${globalData.config.targetDirectory}/$fileName"))
val bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)
// Merge vhdl/verilog file
val nameFile = if(fileName == null) s"${toplevel.definitionName}_bb" else fileName
if(bb_vhdl.size > 0) { mergeFile(bb_vhdl, s"${nameFile}.vhd") }
if (globalData.config.mode == Verilog) {
if(bb_verilog.size > 0){ mergeFile(bb_verilog, s"${nameFile}.v") }
} else if (globalData.config.mode == SystemVerilog) {
if(bb_verilog.size > 0){ mergeFile(bb_verilog, s"${nameFile}.sv") }
def getRtlString(): String = {
assert(generatedSourcesPaths.size == 1)
object Spinal{
val version = (if(Character.isDigit(spinal.core.Info.version(0))) "v" else "") + spinal.core.Info.version
def apply[T <: Component](config: SpinalConfig)(gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = {
val configPatched = config.copy(targetDirectory = if(config.targetDirectory.startsWith("~")) System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + config.targetDirectory.drop(1) else config.targetDirectory)
SpinalLog.tag("Runtime", Console.YELLOW)
} + s" SpinalHDL $version git head : ${spinal.core.Info.gitHash}")
val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
SpinalLog.tag("Runtime", Console.YELLOW)
} + s" JVM max memory : ${f"${(runtime.maxMemory()).toFloat / 1048576f}%1.1f"}MiB")
val curDate: Date = new Date()
val dateFmt: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss")
SpinalLog.tag("Runtime", Console.YELLOW)
} + s" Current date : ${dateFmt.format(curDate)}")
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(config.targetDirectory))
val report = configPatched.mode match {
case `VHDL` => SpinalVhdlBoot(configPatched)(gen)
case `Verilog` => SpinalVerilogBoot(configPatched)(gen)
case `SystemVerilog` => SpinalVerilogBoot(configPatched)(gen)
case null => throw new Exception("Please specify mode in SpinalConfig (mode=[Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL])")
println({SpinalLog.tag("Done", Console.GREEN)} + s" at ${f"${Driver.executionTime}%1.3f"}")
object SpinalVhdl {
def apply[T <: Component](config: SpinalConfig)(gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(config.copy(mode = VHDL))(gen)
def apply[T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = SpinalConfig(mode = VHDL).generate(gen)
object SpinalVerilog {
def apply[T <: Component](config: SpinalConfig)(gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(config.copy(mode = Verilog))(gen)
def apply[T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = SpinalConfig(mode = Verilog).generate(gen)
object SpinalSystemVerilog {
def apply[T <: Component](config: SpinalConfig)(gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = Spinal(config.copy(mode = SystemVerilog))(gen)
def apply[T <: Component](gen: => T): SpinalReport[T] = SpinalConfig(mode = SystemVerilog).generate(gen)
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