spinal.core.internals.ComponentEmitterVhdl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core.internals
import spinal.core._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random
class ComponentEmitterVhdl(
val c : Component,
vhdlBase : VhdlBase,
override val algoIdIncrementalBase : Int,
override val mergeAsyncProcess : Boolean,
asyncResetCombSensitivity : Boolean,
anonymSignalPrefix : String,
emitedComponentRef : java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Component,Component],
pc : PhaseContext,
override val spinalConfig : SpinalConfig
) extends ComponentEmitter{
import vhdlBase._
override def component = c
val portMaps = ArrayBuffer[String]()
val portAttributes = ArrayBuffer[String]()
val declarations = new StringBuilder()
val logics = new StringBuilder()
override def readedOutputWrapEnable = true
def getTrace() = new ComponentEmitterTrace(declarations :: logics :: Nil, portMaps ++ portAttributes)
def emitLibrary(ret: StringBuilder): Unit = {
val libs = mutable.HashSet[String]()
for(child <- c.children)child match {
case bb : BlackBox if bb.isBlackBox => libs ++= bb.librariesUsages
case _ =>
for(lib <- libs){
ret ++= s"library $lib;\n"
ret ++= s"use $lib.all;\n"
def result: String = {
val ret = new StringBuilder()
ret ++= commentTagsToString(component.definition, "--")
ret ++= s"\nentity ${c.definitionName} is\n"
if (portMaps.length > 0) {
ret ++= s" port("
var first = true
for (portMap <- portMaps) {
if (first) {
ret ++= s"\n $portMap"
first = false
} else {
ret ++= s";\n $portMap"
ret ++= "\n );\n"
for(e <- portAttributes){
ret ++= e
ret ++= s"end ${c.definitionName};\n"
ret ++= s"\n"
ret ++= s"architecture arch of ${c.definitionName} is\n"
ret ++= declarations
ret ++= s"begin\n"
ret ++= logics
ret ++= s"end arch;\n"
ret ++= s"\n"
def emitEntity(): Unit = {
val attributeBuilder = new StringBuilder()
emitAttributesDef(attributeBuilder, true)
component.getOrdredNodeIo.foreach(baseType =>
if (!baseType.isSuffix) {
portMaps += s"${baseType.getName()} : ${emitDirection(baseType)} ${emitDataType(baseType)}${getBaseTypeSignalInitialisation(baseType)}"
emitAttributes(baseType, baseType.instanceAttributes(Language.VHDL), "signal", attributeBuilder)
portAttributes += attributeBuilder.toString
def emitLocation(that : AssignmentStatement) : String = if(that.locationString != null) " --" + that.locationString else ""
override def wrapSubInput(io: BaseType): Unit = {
if (referencesOverrides.contains(io))
var name: String = null
if (!io.isSuffix) {
name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(io.component.getName() + "_" + io.getName())
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitDataType(io)};\n"
} else {
var parentName: String = ""
referencesOverrides(io.parent) match {
case s: String => parentName = s
case n: Nameable => parentName = n.getNameElseThrow
case _ => throw new Exception(s"Could not determine name of ${io}")
name = parentName + "." + io.getPartialName()
referencesOverrides(io) = name
def emitArchitecture(): Unit = {
for(mem <- mems){
var portId = 0
mem.foreachStatements(s => {
case e: BaseType =>
case e => expressionToWrap += e
val portName = mem.getName() + "_spinal_port" + portId
portId = portId + 1
s match {
case s: MemReadSync =>
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(portName)
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitType(s)};\n"
wrappedExpressionToName(s) = name
case s: MemReadAsync =>
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(portName)
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitType(s)};\n"
wrappedExpressionToName(s) = name
case s: MemReadWrite =>
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(portName)
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitType(s)};\n"
wrappedExpressionToName(s) = name
case s: MemWrite =>
for(output <- outputsToBufferize){
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(output.getName() + "_read_buffer")
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitDataType(output)}${getBaseTypeSignalInitialisation(output)};\n"
logics ++= s" ${emitReference(output, false)} <= $name;\n"
referencesOverrides(output) = name
for((select, muxes) <- multiplexersPerSelect){
expressionToWrap += select._1
expressionToWrap ++= muxes
component.children.foreach(sub => {
val structSignals = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[SpinalStruct]()
sub.getAllIo.foreach(_io => {
var io = _io
if (io.isOutput) {
// If output is a suffix'd type emit the parent exactly once
if (io.isInstanceOf[SpinalStruct]) {
structSignals += io.asInstanceOf[SpinalStruct]
if (io.isSuffix) {
val structParent = io.parent.asInstanceOf[SpinalStruct]
if (!structSignals.contains(structParent)) {
structSignals += structParent
io = structParent
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(sub.getNameElseThrow + "_" + io.getNameElseThrow)
if (!io.isSuffix)
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitDataType(io)};\n"
referencesOverrides(io) = name
//Wrap expression which need it
expressionToWrap --= wrappedExpressionToName.keysIterator
component.dslBody.walkStatements { s =>
s.walkExpression { e =>
if (!e.isInstanceOf[DeclarationStatement] && expressionToWrap.contains(e)) {
val sName = s match {
case s: AssignmentStatement => "_" + s.dlcParent.getName()
case _: WhenStatement => "_when"
case _: SwitchContext => "_switch"
case s: MemPortStatement => "_" + s.dlcParent.getName() + "_port"
case s: Nameable => "_" + s.getName()
case _ => ""
val name = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(anonymSignalPrefix + sName)
declarations ++= s" signal $name : ${emitType(e)};\n"
wrappedExpressionToName(e) = name
for(e <- expressionToWrap if !e.isInstanceOf[DeclarationStatement] && !e.isInstanceOf[Multiplexer]){
logics ++= s" ${wrappedExpressionToName(e)} <= ${emitExpressionNoWrappeForFirstOne(e)};\n"
//Wrap inout
// analogs.foreach(io => {
// io.foreachStatements{
// case AssignmentStatement(target, source: BaseType) =>
// referencesOverrides(source) = emitAssignedExpression(target)
// case _ =>
// }
// })
//Flush all that mess out ^^
emitAttributesDef(declarations, false)
processes.foreach(p => {
if(p.leafStatements.nonEmpty) {
p.leafStatements.head match {
case AssignmentStatement(target: DeclarationStatement, _) if subComponentInputToNotBufferize.contains(target) =>
case _ => emitAsynchronous(p)
} else {
syncGroups.valuesIterator.foreach(emitSynchronous(component, _))
case s: TreeStatement => s.algoIncrementale = algoIdIncrementalBase
case s =>
def emitAnalogs(): Unit ={
analogs.foreach(analog => {
case AssignmentStatement(target, source: AnalogDriver) =>
source.getTypeObject match {
case `TypeBool` => logics ++= s" ${emitAssignedExpression(target)} <= ${emitExpression(source.data)} when ${emitExpression(source.enable)} = '1' else 'Z';\n"
case `TypeBits` | `TypeUInt` | `TypeSInt` => logics ++= s" ${emitAssignedExpression(target)} <= ${emitExpression(source.data)} when ${emitExpression(source.enable)} = '1' else (others => 'Z');\n"
case `TypeEnum` => SpinalError("???")
case s =>
def emitSubComponents(openSubIo: mutable.HashSet[BaseType]): Unit = {
for(child <- component.children){
emitAttributes(child.getName(), child.instanceAttributes, "label", declarations, "")
val analogDrivers = mutable.LinkedHashMap[BaseType, ArrayBuffer[AssignmentStatement]]()
for(analog <- analogs) analog.foreachStatements{s =>
case e : BaseType => analogDrivers.getOrElseUpdate(e, ArrayBuffer[AssignmentStatement]()) += s
case _ =>
for (children <- component.children) {
val isBB = children.isInstanceOf[BlackBox] && children.asInstanceOf[BlackBox].isBlackBox
val isBBUsingULogic = isBB && children.asInstanceOf[BlackBox].isUsingULogic
val isBBUsingNoNumericType = isBB && children.asInstanceOf[BlackBox].isUsingNoNumericType
val definitionString = if (isBB) children.definitionName else s"entity work.${getOrDefault(emitedComponentRef, children, children).definitionName}"
val postBb = new StringBuilder()
logics ++= commentTagsToString(children, " --")
logics ++= s" ${
} : $definitionString\n"
def addCasting(bt: BaseType, io: String, logic: String, dir: IODirection): String = {
def wrapIo(t : String, body : String => String): String ={
val wrap = s"${children.getName()}_${logic}_bb_wrap"
declarations ++= s" signal $wrap : $t${if(!bt.isInstanceOf[Bool]) s"(${bt.getBitsWidth-1} downto 0)" else ""};\n"
postBb ++= s" ${body(wrap)};\n"
s" $io => $wrap,\n"
def wrapTo(t : String) = wrapIo(t, w => s"$w <= $t($logic)")
def wrapFrom(t : String, t2 : String) = wrapIo(t, w => s"$logic <= $t2($w)")
if (isBBUsingULogic || isBBUsingNoNumericType) {
if (dir == in) {
bt match {
case _: Bool if isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_ulogic")
case _: Bits if isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_ulogic_vector")
case _: UInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && !isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_logic_vector")
case _: UInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_ulogic_vector")
case _: SInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && !isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_logic_vector")
case _: SInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && isBBUsingULogic => return wrapTo("std_ulogic_vector")
case _ => return s" $io => $logic,\n"
} else if (dir == out) {
bt match {
case _: Bool if isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_ulogic", "std_logic")
case _: Bits if isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_ulogic_vector", "std_logic_vector")
case _: UInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && !isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_logic_vector", "unsigned")
case _: UInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_ulogic_vector", "unsigned")
case _: SInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && !isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_logic_vector", "signed")
case _: SInt if isBBUsingNoNumericType && isBBUsingULogic => return wrapFrom("std_ulogic_vector", "signed")
case _ => return s" $io => $logic,\n"
SpinalError("It is not possible to cast an inout")
}else {
return s" $io => $logic,\n"
if (isBB) {
val bb = children.asInstanceOf[BlackBox]
val genericFlat = bb.genericElements
if (genericFlat.nonEmpty) {
logics ++= s" generic map( \n"
for (e <- genericFlat) {
e match {
case (name: String, bt: BaseType) => logics ++= addCasting(bt, name, emitExpression(bt.getTag(classOf[GenericValue]).get.e), in)
case (name: String, s: String) => logics ++= s" ${name} => ${"\""}${s}${"\""},\n"
case (name: String, i: Int) => logics ++= s" ${name} => $i,\n"
case (name: String, d: Double) => logics ++= s" ${name} => $d,\n"
case (name: String, boolean: Boolean) => logics ++= s" ${name} => $boolean,\n"
case (name: String, t: TimeNumber) =>
val d = t.decompose
logics ++= s" ${name} => ${d._1} ${d._2},\n"
logics.setCharAt(logics.size - 2, ' ')
logics ++= s" )\n"
logics ++= s" port map ( \n"
for (data <- children.getOrdredNodeIo) {
if (!data.isInstanceOf[SpinalStruct]) {
val logic = if(openSubIo.contains(data)) "open" else emitReference(data, false)
val buf = new mutable.StringBuilder()
analogDrivers.get(data) match {
case Some(statements) => {
case class Mapping(offset : Int, width : Int, dst : Expression)
val mapping = statements.map{ s =>
val subio = s.source match {
case bt : BaseType => emitExpression(bt)
case e : BitVectorBitAccessFixed => s"${emitExpression(e.source)}(${e.bitId})"
case e : BitVectorRangedAccessFixed => s"${emitExpression(e.source)}(${e.hi} downto ${e.lo})"
logics ++= addCasting(data, subio, emitAssignedExpression(s.target), data.dir)
case None =>
} else {
logics ++= addCasting(data, emitReferenceNoOverrides(data), logic, data.dir)
logics.setCharAt(logics.size - 2, ' ')
logics ++= s" );"
logics ++= s"\n"
if(postBb.nonEmpty) {
logics ++= postBb.toString()
logics ++= s"\n"
def emitClockedProcess(emitRegsLogic : (String, StringBuilder) => Unit,
emitRegsInitialValue : (String, StringBuilder) => Unit,
b : mutable.StringBuilder,
clockDomain : ClockDomain,
withReset : Boolean): Unit = {
val clock = component.pulledDataCache.getOrElse(clockDomain.clock, throw new Exception("???")).asInstanceOf[Bool]
val reset = if (null == clockDomain.reset || !withReset) null else component.pulledDataCache.getOrElse(clockDomain.reset, throw new Exception("???")).asInstanceOf[Bool]
val softReset = if (null == clockDomain.softReset || !withReset) null else component.pulledDataCache.getOrElse(clockDomain.softReset, throw new Exception("???")).asInstanceOf[Bool]
val clockEnable = if (null == clockDomain.clockEnable) null else component.pulledDataCache.getOrElse(clockDomain.clockEnable, throw new Exception("???")).asInstanceOf[Bool]
val asyncReset = (null != reset) && clockDomain.config.resetKind == ASYNC
val syncReset = (null != reset) && clockDomain.config.resetKind == SYNC
var tabLevel = 1
def tabStr = " " * tabLevel
def inc = tabLevel = tabLevel + 1
def dec = tabLevel = tabLevel - 1
val initialStatlementsGeneration = new StringBuilder()
if (withReset) {
val initSensitivity = asyncResetCombSensitivity && asyncReset
if(!initSensitivity) referenceSetPause()
emitRegsInitialValue(" ", initialStatlementsGeneration)
if(!initSensitivity) referenceSetResume()
referenceSetAdd(emitReference(clock, false))
if (asyncReset) {
referenceSetAdd(emitReference(reset, false))
b ++= s"${tabStr}process(${referenceSetSorted.mkString(", ")})\n"
b ++= s"${tabStr}begin\n"
if (asyncReset) {
b ++= s"${tabStr}if ${emitReference(reset, false)} = \'${if (clockDomain.config.resetActiveLevel == HIGH) 1 else 0}\' then\n"
b ++= initialStatlementsGeneration
b ++= s"${tabStr}elsif ${emitClockEdge(emitReference(clock, false), clockDomain.config.clockEdge)} then\n"
} else {
b ++= s"${tabStr}if ${emitClockEdge(emitReference(clock, false), clockDomain.config.clockEdge)} then\n"
if (clockEnable != null) {
b ++= s"${tabStr}if ${emitReference(clockEnable, false)} = \'${if (clockDomain.config.clockEnableActiveLevel == HIGH) 1 else 0}\' then\n"
if (syncReset || softReset != null) {
var condList = ArrayBuffer[String]()
if(syncReset) condList += s"${emitReference(reset, false)} = \'${if (clockDomain.config.resetActiveLevel == HIGH) 1 else 0}\'"
if(softReset != null) condList += s"${emitReference(softReset, false)} = \'${if (clockDomain.config.softResetActiveLevel == HIGH) 1 else 0}\'"
b ++= s"${tabStr}if ${condList.reduce(_ + " or " + _)} then\n"
for(str <- initialStatlementsGeneration.toString.linesWithSeparators){
b ++= " "
b ++= str
b ++= s"${tabStr}else\n"
b ++= s"${tabStr}end if;\n"
} else {
while(tabLevel != 1) {
b ++= s"${tabStr}end if;\n"
b ++= s"${tabStr}end process;\n"
b ++= s"${tabStr}\n"
def emitSynchronous(component: Component, group: SyncGroup): Unit = {
import group._
def withReset = hasInit
def emitRegsInitialValue(tab: String, b: StringBuilder): Unit = {
emitLeafStatements(group.initStatements, 0, group.scope, "<=", b , tab)
def emitRegsLogic(tab: String, b: StringBuilder): Unit = {
emitLeafStatements(group.dataStatements, 0, group.scope, "<=", b , tab)
emitRegsLogic = emitRegsLogic,
emitRegsInitialValue = emitRegsInitialValue,
b = logics,
clockDomain = group.clockDomain,
withReset = withReset
def emitMuxes(): Unit ={
val tmp = new StringBuilder()
for(((select, length), muxes) <- multiplexersPerSelect){
tmp ++= s" begin\n"
tmp ++= s" case ${emitExpression(select)} is\n"
for(i <- 0 until length){
val key = Integer.toBinaryString(i)
if(i != length-1)
tmp ++= s""" when "${"0" * (select.getWidth - key.length)}${key}" =>\n"""
tmp ++= s" when others =>\n"
for(mux <- muxes){
tmp ++= s" ${wrappedExpressionToName(mux)} <= ${emitExpression(mux.inputs(i))};\n"
tmp ++= s" end case;\n"
tmp ++= s" end process;\n\n"
logics ++= s" process(${referenceSetSorted.mkString(",")})\n"
logics ++= tmp
def emitFormals(): Unit = {
val usedLabels = ArrayBuffer[String]()
def getTrigger(component: Component, clockDomain: ClockDomain): String = {
val clock = component.pulledDataCache.getOrElse(clockDomain.clock, throw new Exception("???")).asInstanceOf[Bool]
s"${emitClockEdge(emitReference(clock, false), clockDomain.config.clockEdge)}"
def getAbort(component: Component, clockDomain: ClockDomain): String = {
val reset = component.pulledDataCache.get(clockDomain.reset) match {
case Some(x) => x.asInstanceOf[Bool]
case None => return ""
val abortCond = clockDomain.config.resetActiveLevel match {
case HIGH => emitReference(reset, false)
case LOW => s"(not ${emitReference(reset, false)})"
val abortKind = clockDomain.config.resetKind match {
case ASYNC => "async_abort"
case SYNC | BOOT => "sync_abort"
s" $abortKind $abortCond"
def getScopeConditional(statement: LeafStatement): String = {
def walkScopeConditionals(scope: ScopeStatement, conditions: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (scope.parentStatement == null) {
conditions // Reached root scope, back out.
} else if (scope.parentStatement.isInstanceOf[WhenStatement]) {
val w = scope.parentStatement.asInstanceOf[WhenStatement]
val cond = scope match {
case w.whenTrue => s"${emitExpression(w.cond)} = '1'"
case w.whenFalse => s"${emitExpression(w.cond)} = '0'"
case _ => ""
cond :: walkScopeConditionals(scope.parentStatement.parentScope, conditions)
} else if (scope.parentStatement.isInstanceOf[SwitchStatement]) {
val s = scope.parentStatement.asInstanceOf[SwitchStatement]
if (scope == s.defaultScope) SpinalError(s"Formal statement $statement is not supported in default switch case with VHDL/GHDL.")
val cond = s.elements.find(scope == _.scopeStatement).get.keys.map(
ex => s"${emitExpression(s.value)} = ${emitExpression(ex)}"
).mkString(" or ")
cond :: walkScopeConditionals(scope.parentStatement.parentScope, conditions)
} else {
walkScopeConditionals(scope.parentStatement.parentScope, conditions)
walkScopeConditionals(statement.parentScope, Nil).mkString(" and ")
def getLabel(statement: AssertStatement): String = {
val basicLabel = s"${statement.loc.file}_L${statement.loc.line}"
var label: String = null
if (!usedLabels.contains(basicLabel)) {
label = basicLabel
} else {
var count = 2
do {
label = s"${basicLabel}_$count"
count = count + 1
} while (usedLabels.contains(label))
usedLabels += label
// VHDL formal assertions are special and can't exist in clocked processes.
// They have either their own clocked attribute or a common global clock.
if (spinalConfig.formalAsserts) {
val multiclock = syncGroups.size == 0 || syncGroups.map(_._1._1).toSeq.length > 1
if (!multiclock) {
val group = syncGroups.valuesIterator.next()
declarations ++= s" default clock is ${getTrigger(component, group.clockDomain)};\n"
syncGroups.valuesIterator.foreach { group =>
for (statement <- group.dataStatements) {
statement match {
case assertStatement: AssertStatement =>
val scopeCond = getScopeConditional(assertStatement)
val concatOperator = if (assertStatement.kind == AssertStatementKind.COVER) ":" else "->"
val preCond = if (scopeCond.length > 0) s"$scopeCond $concatOperator " else ""
val cond = emitExpression(assertStatement.cond)
val trigger = if (multiclock) " @" + getTrigger(component, group.clockDomain) else ""
val abort = getAbort(component, group.clockDomain)
val statement = assertStatement.kind match {
case AssertStatementKind.ASSERT => s"assert (always $preCond$cond$abort)$trigger"
case AssertStatementKind.ASSUME => s"assume (always $preCond$cond)$trigger"
case AssertStatementKind.COVER => s"cover {$preCond$cond}$trigger"
val label = getLabel(assertStatement)
logics ++= s" $label: $statement; -- ${assertStatement.loc.file}.scala:L${assertStatement.loc.line}\n"
case _ =>
initials.foreach {
case assertStatement: AssertStatement =>
require(assertStatement.kind == AssertStatementKind.ASSUME)
val cond = emitExpression(assertStatement.cond)
val trigger = if (multiclock) " @" + getTrigger(component, assertStatement.clockDomain) else ""
val label = getLabel(assertStatement)
logics ++= s" $label: assume ($cond = '1')$trigger; -- ${assertStatement.loc.file}.scala:L${assertStatement.loc.line}\n"
case _ =>
def emitAsynchronous(process: AsyncProcess): Unit = {
process match {
case _ if process.leafStatements.size == 1 && process.leafStatements.head.parentScope == process.nameableTargets.head.rootScopeStatement => process.leafStatements.head match {
case s: AssignmentStatement =>
logics ++= emitAssignment(s, " ", "<=")
case _ =>
val tmp = new StringBuilder
emitLeafStatements(process.leafStatements, 0, process.scope, "<=", tmp, " ")
if (referenceSetSorted.nonEmpty) {
logics ++= s" process(${referenceSetSorted.mkString(",")})\n"
logics ++= " begin\n"
logics ++= tmp.toString()
logics ++= " end process;\n\n"
} else {
//assert(process.nameableTargets.size == 1)
for(node <- process.nameableTargets) node match {
case node: BaseType =>
val localDeclaration = new StringBuilder
val funcName = "zz_" + emitReference(node, false).replace(".", "_")
val varName = emitReference(node, false)
localDeclaration ++= s" function $funcName return ${emitDataType(node, false)} is\n"
localDeclaration ++= s" variable ${varName} : ${emitDataType(node, true)};\n"
localDeclaration ++= s" begin\n"
val statements = ArrayBuffer[LeafStatement]()
node.foreachStatements(s => statements += s.asInstanceOf[LeafStatement])
emitLeafStatements(statements, 0, process.scope, ":=", localDeclaration, " ")
localDeclaration ++= s" return ${varName};\n"
localDeclaration ++= s" end function;\n"
localDeclaration.toString().split("\n").foreach(line => {
if (line.contains(":=")) {
val parts = line.split(":=")
declarations ++= parts.head.replace(".", "_") + ":="
parts.tail.foreach {
declarations ++= _
declarations ++= "\n"
} else {
declarations ++= line.replace(".", "_") + "\n"
logics ++= s" ${emitReference(node, false)} <= ${funcName};\n"
def emitLeafStatements(statements: ArrayBuffer[LeafStatement], statementIndexInit: Int, scope: ScopeStatement, assignmentKind: String, b: StringBuilder, tab: String): Int = {
var statementIndex = statementIndexInit
var lastWhen: WhenStatement = null
def closeSubs(): Unit = {
if(lastWhen != null) {
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
lastWhen = null
while(statementIndex < statements.length){
val leaf = statements(statementIndex)
val statement = leaf
val targetScope = statement.parentScope
if(targetScope == scope){
statement match {
case assignment: AssignmentStatement => b ++= emitAssignment(assignment,tab, assignmentKind)
case assertStatement: AssertStatement =>
if (!spinalConfig.formalAsserts) {
val cond = emitExpression(assertStatement.cond)
val message = assertStatement.message
.map {
case m: String =>
"\"" +
m .replace("\"", "\"\"")
.replace("\n", "\" & LF & \"")+
case m: SpinalEnumCraft[_] =>
m.getEncoding == native,
s"VHDL emitter can format only natively encoded enums! Located at:\n${statement.getScalaLocationLong}"
case m @ (_: Bits | _: UInt | _: SInt) =>
case m: Bool => s"std_logic'image(${emitExpression(m)})"
case `REPORT_TIME` => "time'image(now)"
case m: Data => s""""""""
case x =>
s"""L\"\" can't manage the parameter '${x}' type for VHDL. Located at:\n${statement.getScalaLocationLong}"""
.mkString(" & ")
val severity = "severity " + (assertStatement.severity match{
case `NOTE` => "NOTE"
case `ERROR` => "ERROR"
b ++= s"""${tab}assert $cond = '1' report ($message) $severity;\n"""
statementIndex += 1
} else {
var scopePtr = targetScope
while(scopePtr.parentStatement != null && scopePtr.parentStatement.parentScope != scope){
scopePtr = scopePtr.parentStatement.parentScope
if(scopePtr.parentStatement == null) {
return statementIndex
val treeStatement = scopePtr.parentStatement
if(treeStatement != lastWhen) {
treeStatement match {
case treeStatement: WhenStatement =>
if(scopePtr == treeStatement.whenTrue){
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(treeStatement.cond)} = '1' then\n"
} else if(lastWhen == treeStatement){
// if(scopePtr.sizeIsOne && scopePtr.head.isInstanceOf[WhenStatement]){
// b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(treeStatement.cond)} = '1' then\n"
// } else {
b ++= s"${tab}else\n"
// }
} else {
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(treeStatement.cond)} = '0' then\n"
lastWhen = treeStatement
statementIndex = emitLeafStatements(statements,statementIndex, scopePtr, assignmentKind,b, tab + " ")
case switchStatement: SwitchStatement =>
val isPure = switchStatement.elements.foldLeft(true)((carry, element) => carry && !(element.keys.exists(!_.isInstanceOf[Literal])))
//Generate the code
def findSwitchScopeRec(scope: ScopeStatement): ScopeStatement = scope.parentStatement match {
case null => null
case s if s == switchStatement => scope
case s => findSwitchScopeRec(s.parentScope)
def findSwitchScope(): ScopeStatement = {
if(statementIndex < statements.length)
var nextScope = findSwitchScope()
//Generate the code
if(isPure) {
def emitIsCond(that: Expression): String = that match {
case lit: BitVectorLiteral => '"' + lit.getBitsStringOnNoPoison(lit.getWidth) + '"'
case lit: BoolLiteral => if(lit.value) "'1'" else "'0'"
case lit: EnumLiteral[_] => emitEnumLiteral(lit.senum, lit.encoding)
b ++= s"${tab}case ${emitExpression(switchStatement.value)} is\n"
switchStatement.elements.foreach(element => {
val hasStuff = nextScope == element.scopeStatement
if(hasStuff || switchStatement.defaultScope != null) {
b ++= s"${tab} when ${element.keys.map(e => emitIsCond(e)).mkString(" | ")} =>\n"
if (hasStuff || switchStatement.defaultScope != null) {
statementIndex = emitLeafStatements(statements, statementIndex, element.scopeStatement, assignmentKind, b, tab + " ")
nextScope = findSwitchScope()
b ++= s"${tab} when others =>\n"
if (switchStatement.defaultScope != null) {
if(nextScope == switchStatement.defaultScope) {
statementIndex = emitLeafStatements(statements, statementIndex, switchStatement.defaultScope, assignmentKind, b, tab + " ")
nextScope = findSwitchScope()
b ++= s"${tab}end case;\n"
} else {
def emitIsCond(that: Expression): String = that match {
case that: SwitchStatementKeyBool => s"(${emitExpression(that.cond)} = '1')"
case that => s"(${emitExpression(switchStatement.value)} = ${emitExpression(that)})"
var index = 0
switchStatement.elements.foreach(element => {
b ++= s"${tab}${if(index == 0) "if" else "elsif"} ${element.keys.map(e => emitIsCond(e)).mkString(" or ")} then\n"
if(nextScope == element.scopeStatement) {
statementIndex = emitLeafStatements(statements, statementIndex, element.scopeStatement, assignmentKind, b, tab + " ")
nextScope = findSwitchScope()
index += 1
if(switchStatement.defaultScope != null){
b ++= s"${tab}else\n"
if(nextScope == switchStatement.defaultScope) {
statementIndex = emitLeafStatements(statements, statementIndex, switchStatement.defaultScope, assignmentKind, b, tab + " ")
nextScope = findSwitchScope()
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
return statementIndex
def emitAssignment(assignment: AssignmentStatement, tab: String, assignmentKind: String): String = {
assignment match {
case r if r.source.isInstanceOf[Operator.Formal.RandomExp] => "" // handled via attributes
case _ =>
if (!assignment.target.isInstanceOf[SpinalStruct])
s"$tab${emitAssignedExpression(assignment.target)} ${assignmentKind} ${emitExpression(assignment.source)};${emitLocation(assignment)}\n"
def referenceSetStart(): Unit ={
_referenceSetEnabled = true
def referenceSetStop(): Unit ={
_referenceSetEnabled = false
def referenceSetPause(): Unit ={
_referenceSetEnabled = false
def referenceSetResume(): Unit ={
_referenceSetEnabled = true
def referenceSetAdd(str : String): Unit ={
if(_referenceSetEnabled) {
def referenceSetSorted() = _referenceSet
var _referenceSetEnabled = false
val _referenceSet = mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
def emitReference(that: DeclarationStatement, sensitive: Boolean): String ={
val name = referencesOverrides.getOrElse(that, that.getNameElseThrow) match {
case x: String => x
case x: DeclarationStatement => emitReference(x,false)
case x: Literal => emitExpression(x)
if(sensitive) referenceSetAdd(name)
def emitReferenceNoOverrides(that: DeclarationStatement): String ={
def emitAssignedExpression(that : Expression): String = that match{
case that: BaseType => emitReference(that, false)
case that: BitAssignmentFixed => s"${emitReference(that.out, false)}(${that.bitId})"
case that: BitAssignmentFloating => s"${emitReference(that.out, false)}(to_integer(${emitExpression(that.bitId)}))"
case that: RangedAssignmentFixed => s"${emitReference(that.out, false)}(${that.hi} downto ${that.lo})"
case that: RangedAssignmentFloating => s"${emitReference(that.out, false)}(${that.bitCount - 1} + to_integer(${emitExpression(that.offset)}) downto to_integer(${emitExpression(that.offset)}))"
def emitExpression(that: Expression): String = {
wrappedExpressionToName.get(that) match {
case Some(name) =>
case None => dispatchExpression(that)
def emitExpressionNoWrappeForFirstOne(that: Expression): String = {
val attributeDefSet = mutable.LinkedHashSet[String]()
def emitAttributesDef(into : StringBuilder, io : Boolean): Unit = {
val map = mutable.Map[String, Attribute]()
def walk(that : Any) : Unit = that match{
case s: SpinalTagReady =>
for (attribute <- s.instanceAttributes(Language.VHDL)) {
val key = attribute.getName
attributeDefSet += attribute.getName
val mAttribute = map.getOrElseUpdate(attribute.getName, attribute)
if (!mAttribute.sameType(attribute)) SpinalError(s"There is some attributes with different nature (${attribute} and ${mAttribute} at\n${component}})")
case s =>
} else {
case bt: BaseType if !bt.isDirectionLess =>
case s => walk(s)
for (attribute <- map.values) {
val typeString = attribute match {
case _: AttributeString => "string"
case _: AttributeInteger => "integer"
case _: AttributeFlag => "boolean"
into ++= s" attribute ${attribute.getName} : $typeString;\n"
into ++= "\n"
def getBaseTypeSignalInitialisation(signal: BaseType): String = {
if(signal.clockDomain.config.resetKind == BOOT && signal.hasInit) {
var initExpression: Literal = null
var needFunc = false
signal.foreachStatements {
case s: InitAssignmentStatement =>
assert(s.target == signal, s"Partial init not supported on $signal")
if(initExpression != null)
needFunc = true
def findLiteral(that : Expression): Literal = that match{
case that : Literal => that
case that : BaseType => {
SpinalError(s"Can't resolve the literal value of $that")
initExpression = s match {
case s : Literal => s
case _ => findLiteral(s.source)
case s =>
else {
// assert(initStatement.parentScope == signal.parentScope)
return " := " + emitExpressionNoWrappeForFirstOne(initExpression)
}else if (signal.hasTag(randomBoot)) {
return signal match {
case b: Bool =>
" := " + { if(pc.config.randBootFixValue) {"'0'"} else { if(Random.nextBoolean()) "'1'" else "'0'"} }
case bv: BitVector =>
val rand = (if(pc.config.randBootFixValue) {BigInt(0)} else { BigInt(bv.getBitsWidth, Random)}).toString(2)
" := \"" + "0" * (bv.getWidth - rand.length) + rand + "\""
case e: SpinalEnumCraft[_] =>
val vec = e.spinalEnum.elements.toVector
val rand = if(pc.config.randBootFixValue) vec(0) else vec(Random.nextInt(vec.size))
" := " + emitEnumLiteral(rand, e.getEncoding)
var memBitsMaskKind : MemBitsMaskKind = MULTIPLE_RAM
def emitSignals(): Unit = {
component.dslBody.walkDeclarations {
case signal: BaseType =>
if (!signal.isIo && !signal.isSuffix) {
declarations ++= s" signal ${emitReference(signal, false)} : ${emitDataType(signal)}${getBaseTypeSignalInitialisation(signal)};\n"
if(signal.isDirectionLess) emitAttributes(signal, signal.instanceAttributes(Language.VHDL), "signal", declarations)
case mem: Mem[_] =>
def emitMems(mems: ArrayBuffer[Mem[_]]): Unit = {
for(mem <- mems) emitMem(mem)
def emitMem(mem: Mem[_]): Unit = {
def emitDataType(mem: Mem[_], constrained: Boolean = true) = s"${emitReference(mem, constrained)}_type"
//ret ++= emitSignal(mem, mem);
val symbolWidth = mem.getMemSymbolWidth()
val symbolCount = mem.getMemSymbolCount
val initAssignmentBuilder = for(i <- 0 until symbolCount) yield {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
val mask = (BigInt(1) << symbolWidth) - 1
if (mem.initialContent != null) {
builder ++= " := ("
var first = true
for ((value, index) <- mem.initialContent.zipWithIndex) {
if (!first)
builder ++= ","
first = false
if ((index & 15) == 0) {
builder ++= "\n "
val unfilledValue = ((value>>(i*symbolWidth)) & mask).toString(2)
val filledValue = "0" * (symbolWidth-unfilledValue.length) + unfilledValue
builder ++= "\"" + filledValue + "\""
builder ++= ")"
}else if(mem.hasTag(randomBoot)){
val value = if(pc.config.randBootFixValue) {"'1'"} else { if(Random.nextBoolean()) "'1'" else "'0'"}
builder ++= s" := (others => (others => $value))"
if(memBitsMaskKind == MULTIPLE_RAM && symbolCount != 1) {
//if(mem.initialContent != null) SpinalError("Memory with multiple symbol per line + initial contant are not suported currently")
val mappings = ArrayBuffer[MemSymbolesMapping]()
declarations ++= s" type ${emitReference(mem,false)}_type is array (0 to ${mem.wordCount - 1}) of std_logic_vector(${symbolWidth - 1} downto 0);\n"
for(i <- 0 until symbolCount) {
val postfix = "_symbol" + i
val symbolName = s"${emitReference(mem,false)}$postfix"
declarations ++= s" signal $symbolName : ${emitDataType(mem)}${initAssignmentBuilder(i).toString()};\n"
mappings += MemSymbolesMapping(symbolName, i*symbolWidth until (i+1)*symbolWidth)
emitAttributes(mem,mem.instanceAttributes(Language.VHDL), "signal", declarations,postfix = postfix)
declarations ++= s" type ${emitReference(mem,false)}_type is array (0 to ${mem.wordCount - 1}) of std_logic_vector(${mem.getWidth - 1} downto 0);\n"
declarations ++= s" signal ${emitReference(mem,false)} : ${emitDataType(mem)}${initAssignmentBuilder.head.toString()};\n"
emitAttributes(mem, mem.instanceAttributes(Language.VHDL), "signal", declarations)
def emitWrite(b: StringBuilder, mem: Mem[_], writeEnable: String, address: Expression, data: Expression, mask: Expression with WidthProvider, symbolCount: Int, bitPerSymbole: Int, tab: String): Unit = {
if(memBitsMaskKind == SINGLE_RAM || symbolCount == 1) {
val ramAssign = s"$tab${emitReference(mem, false)}(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)})) <= ${emitExpression(data)};\n"
if (writeEnable != null) {
b ++= s"${tab}if ${writeEnable} then\n "
b ++= ramAssign
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
} else {
b ++= ramAssign
} else {
def maskCount = mask.getWidth
for(i <- 0 until symbolCount) {
var conds = if(writeEnable != null) List(writeEnable) else Nil
val range = s"(${(i + 1) * bitPerSymbole - 1} downto ${i * bitPerSymbole})"
if(mask != null)
conds = s"${emitExpression(mask)}($i) = '1'" :: conds
b ++= s"${tab}if ${conds.mkString(" and ")} then\n"
if (memBitsMaskKind == SINGLE_RAM || symbolCount == 1)
b ++= s"$tab ${emitReference(mem, false)}(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)}))$range <= ${emitExpression(data)}$range;\n"
b ++= s"$tab ${emitReference(mem, false)}_symbol${i}(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)})) <= ${emitExpression(data)}$range;\n"
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
def emitRead(b: StringBuilder, mem: Mem[_], address: Expression, target: Expression, tab: String) = {
val ramRead = {
val symbolCount = mem.getMemSymbolCount
if(memBitsMaskKind == SINGLE_RAM || symbolCount == 1)
b ++= s"$tab${emitExpression(target)} <= ${emitReference(mem, false)}(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)}));\n"
val symboleReadDataNames = for(i <- 0 until symbolCount) yield {
val symboleReadDataName = component.localNamingScope.allocateName(anonymSignalPrefix)
declarations ++= s" signal $symboleReadDataName : std_logic_vector(${mem.getMemSymbolWidth()-1} downto 0);\n"
b ++= s"$tab$symboleReadDataName <= ${emitReference(mem,false)}_symbol$i(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)}));\n"
logics ++= s" process (${symboleReadDataNames.mkString(", " )})\n"
logics ++= s" begin\n"
logics ++= s" ${emitExpression(target)} <= ${symboleReadDataNames.reverse.mkString(" & " )};\n"
logics ++= s" end process;\n"
// (0 until symbolCount).reverse.map(i => (s"${emitReference(mem, false)}_symbol$i(to_integer(${emitExpression(address)}))")).reduce(_ + " & " + _)
def emitPort(port: MemPortStatement, tab: String, b: mutable.StringBuilder): Unit = port match {
case memWrite: MemWrite =>
if(memWrite.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memWrite.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
emitWrite(b, memWrite.mem, if (memWrite.writeEnable != null) emitExpression(memWrite.writeEnable) + " = '1'" else null.asInstanceOf[String], memWrite.address, memWrite.data, memWrite.mask, memWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount, memWrite.mem.getMemSymbolWidth(), tab)
case memReadSync: MemReadSync =>
if(memReadSync.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memReadSync.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
if(memReadSync.readUnderWrite == writeFirst) SpinalError(s"Can't translate a memReadSync with writeFirst into VHDL $memReadSync")
if(memReadSync.readUnderWrite == dontCare) SpinalWarning(s"memReadSync with dontCare is as readFirst into VHDL $memReadSync")
if(memReadSync.readEnable != null) {
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(memReadSync.readEnable)} = '1' then\n"
emitRead(b, memReadSync.mem, memReadSync.address, memReadSync, tab + " ")
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
} else {
emitRead(b, memReadSync.mem, memReadSync.address, memReadSync, tab)
case memReadWrite: MemReadWrite =>
if(memReadWrite.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memReadWrite.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
// if (memReadWrite.readUnderWrite == writeFirst) SpinalError(s"Can't translate a MemWriteOrRead with writeFirst into VHDL $memReadWrite")
// if (memReadWrite.readUnderWrite == dontCare) SpinalWarning(s"MemWriteOrRead with dontCare is as readFirst into VHDL $memReadWrite")
val symbolCount = memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount
emitWrite(b, memReadWrite.mem,s"${emitExpression(memReadWrite.chipSelect)} = '1' and ${emitExpression(memReadWrite.writeEnable)} = '1'", memReadWrite.address, memReadWrite.data, memReadWrite.mask, memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount, memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolWidth(),tab)
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(memReadWrite.chipSelect)} = '1' then\n"
emitRead(b, memReadWrite.mem, memReadWrite.address, memReadWrite, tab + " ")
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
val cdTasks = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ClockDomain, ArrayBuffer[MemPortStatement]]()
val tmpBuilder = new StringBuilder()
case memWrite: MemWrite =>
emitClockedProcess((tab, b) => {
if(memWrite.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memWrite.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
emitWrite(b, memWrite.mem, if (memWrite.writeEnable != null) emitExpression(memWrite.writeEnable) + " = '1'" else null.asInstanceOf[String], memWrite.address, memWrite.data, memWrite.mask, memWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount, memWrite.mem.getMemSymbolWidth(), tab)
}, null, tmpBuilder, memWrite.clockDomain, false)
case memReadWrite: MemReadWrite =>
if(memReadWrite.readUnderWrite != dontCare) SpinalError(s"memReadWrite can only be emited as dontCare into VHDL $memReadWrite")
if(memReadWrite.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memReadWrite.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
emitClockedProcess((tab, b) => {
val symbolCount = memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount()
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(memReadWrite.chipSelect)} = '1' then\n"
emitRead(b, memReadWrite.mem, memReadWrite.address, memReadWrite, tab + " ")
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
}, null, tmpBuilder, memReadWrite.clockDomain, false)
emitClockedProcess((tab, b) => {
val symbolCount = memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount()
emitWrite(b, memReadWrite.mem,s"${emitExpression(memReadWrite.chipSelect)} = '1' and ${emitExpression(memReadWrite.writeEnable)} = '1'", memReadWrite.address, memReadWrite.data, memReadWrite.mask, memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolCount, memReadWrite.mem.getMemSymbolWidth(),tab)
}, null, tmpBuilder, memReadWrite.clockDomain, false)
case memReadSync: MemReadSync =>
if(memReadSync.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${memReadSync.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
if(memReadSync.readUnderWrite == writeFirst) SpinalError(s"memReadSync with writeFirst is as dontCare into VHDL $memReadSync")
if(memReadSync.readUnderWrite == readFirst) SpinalError(s"memReadSync with readFirst is as dontCare into VHDL $memReadSync")
emitClockedProcess((tab, b) => {
if(memReadSync.readEnable != null) {
b ++= s"${tab}if ${emitExpression(memReadSync.readEnable)} = '1' then\n"
emitRead(b, memReadSync.mem, memReadSync.address, memReadSync, tab + " ")
b ++= s"${tab}end if;\n"
} else {
emitRead(b, memReadSync.mem, memReadSync.address, memReadSync, tab)
}, null, tmpBuilder, memReadSync.clockDomain, false)
case port: MemReadAsync =>
if(port.aspectRatio != 1) SpinalError(s"VHDL backend can't emit ${port.mem} because of its mixed width ports")
if (port.readUnderWrite != writeFirst) SpinalWarning(s"memReadAsync can only be write first into VHDL")
val symbolCount = port.mem.getMemSymbolCount
if(memBitsMaskKind == SINGLE_RAM || symbolCount == 1)
tmpBuilder ++= s" ${emitExpression(port)} <= ${emitReference(port.mem, false)}(to_integer(${emitExpression(port.address)}));\n"
(0 until symbolCount).foreach(i => tmpBuilder ++= s" ${emitExpression(port)}(${(i + 1) * symbolWidth - 1} downto ${i * symbolWidth}) <= ${emitReference(port.mem, false)}_symbol$i(to_integer(${emitExpression(port.address)}));\n")
for((cd, ports) <- cdTasks){
for(port <- ports){
def syncLogic(tab: String, b: StringBuilder): Unit = port match{
case port: MemWrite => emitPort(port, tab, b)
case port: MemReadSync => if(port.readUnderWrite != dontCare) emitPort(port, tab, b)
case port: MemReadWrite => emitPort(port, tab, b)
emitClockedProcess(syncLogic, null, tmpBuilder, cd, false)
logics ++= tmpBuilder
def emitAttributes(node: DeclarationStatement, attributes: Iterable[Attribute], vhdlType: String, ret: StringBuilder, postfix: String = ""): Unit = {
emitAttributes(emitReference(node, false), attributes,vhdlType,ret,postfix)
def emitAttributes(node: String, attributes: Iterable[Attribute], vhdlType: String, ret: StringBuilder, postfix: String): Unit = {
for (attribute <- attributes){
val value = attribute match {
case attribute: AttributeString => "\"" + attribute.value.replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\""
case attribute: AttributeInteger => attribute.value.toString
case attribute: AttributeFlag => "true"
ret ++= s" attribute ${attribute.getName} of $node$postfix : $vhdlType is $value;\n"
def emitBlackBoxComponents(): Unit = {
val emited = mutable.Set[String]()
for (c <- component.children) c match {
case blackBox: BlackBox if blackBox.isBlackBox =>
if (!emited.contains(blackBox.definitionName)) {
emited += blackBox.definitionName
case _ =>
def blackBoxReplaceTypeRegardingTag(b: BlackBox, str: String): String = {
var str_tmp = str
str_tmp = str_tmp.replace("unsigned", "std_logic_vector")
str_tmp = str_tmp.replace("signed", "std_logic_vector")
if (b.isUsingULogic) {
str_tmp = str_tmp.replace("std_logic", "std_ulogic")
return str_tmp
def emitBlackBoxComponent(component: BlackBox): Unit = {
declarations ++= s"\n component ${component.definitionName} is\n"
val genericFlat = component.genericElements
if (genericFlat.size != 0) {
declarations ++= s" generic( \n"
for (e <- genericFlat) {
e match {
case (name: String, bt: BaseType) => declarations ++= s" $name : ${emitDataType(bt, true)} ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= ${emitExpression(bt.head.source)}" else "")};\n"
case (name: String, s: String) => declarations ++= s" $name : string ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= ${"\""}${s}${"\""}" else "")};\n"
case (name: String, i: Int) => declarations ++= s" $name : integer ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= $i" else "")};\n"
case (name: String, d: Double) => declarations ++= s" $name : real ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= $d" else "")};\n"
case (name: String, boolean: Boolean) => declarations ++= s" $name : boolean ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= $boolean" else "")};\n"
case (name: String, t: TimeNumber) => declarations ++= s" $name : time ${(if(component.isDefaultGenericValue) s":= ${t.decompose._1} ${t.decompose._2}" else "")};\n"
declarations.setCharAt(declarations.size - 2, ' ')
declarations ++= s" );\n"
declarations ++= s" port( \n"
component.getOrdredNodeIo.foreach {
case baseType: BaseType =>
if (baseType.isIo && !baseType.isSuffix) {
declarations ++= s" ${baseType.getName()} : ${emitDirection(baseType)} ${blackBoxReplaceTypeRegardingTag(component, emitDataType(baseType, false))};\n"
case _ =>
declarations.setCharAt(declarations.size - 2, ' ')
declarations ++= s" );\n"
declarations ++= s" end component;\n"
declarations ++= s" \n"
def refImpl(e: BaseType): String = emitReference(e, true)
def operatorImplAsBinaryOperator(vhd: String)(e: BinaryOperator): String = {
s"(${emitExpression(e.left)} $vhd ${emitExpression(e.right)})"
def operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast(vhd: String)(e: BinaryOperator): String = {
s"pkg_toStdLogic(${emitExpression(e.left)} $vhd ${emitExpression(e.right)})"
def boolLiteralImpl(e: BoolLiteral): String = s"pkg_toStdLogic(${e.value})"
def moduloImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.Mod): String = {
s"resize(${emitExpression(e.left)} mod ${emitExpression(e.right)},${e.getWidth})"
def operatorImplAsUnaryOperator(vhd: String)(e: UnaryOperator): String = {
s"($vhd ${emitExpression(e.source)})"
def opImplAsCast(vhd: String)(e: Cast): String = {
def binaryOperatorImplAsFunction(vhd: String)(e: BinaryOperator): String = {
def unaryOperatorImplAsFunction(vhd: String)(e: UnaryOperator): String = {
def muxImplAsFunction(vhd: String)(e: BinaryMultiplexer): String = {
def shiftRightByIntImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftRightByInt): String = {
def shiftLeftByIntImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftLeftByInt): String = {
def shiftRightByIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftLeftByIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftRightBitsByIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftLeftBitsByIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftLeftByUIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftLeftBitsByUIntFixedWidthImpl(e: Operator.BitVector.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth): String = {
def shiftSIntLeftByUInt(e: Operator.SInt.ShiftLeftByUInt): String = {
s"pkg_shiftLeft(${emitExpression(e.left)}, ${emitExpression(e.right)}, ${e.getWidth})"
def resizeFunction(vhdlFunc: String)(e: Resize): String = {
def emitBitsLiteral(e: BitsLiteral): String = {
s"pkg_stdLogicVector(${'\"'}${e.getBitsStringOn(e.getWidth, if(spinalConfig.dontCareGenAsZero) '0' else 'X')}${'\"'})"
def emitUIntLiteral(e: UIntLiteral): String = {
s"pkg_unsigned(${'\"'}${e.getBitsStringOn(e.getWidth, if(spinalConfig.dontCareGenAsZero) '0' else 'X')}${'\"'})"
def emitSIntLiteral(e : SIntLiteral): String = {
s"pkg_signed(${'\"'}${e.getBitsStringOn(e.getWidth, if(spinalConfig.dontCareGenAsZero) '0' else 'X')}${'\"'})"
def emitEnumLiteralWrap(e: EnumLiteral[_ <: SpinalEnum]): String = {
emitEnumLiteral(e.senum, e.encoding)
def enumEgualsImpl(eguals: Boolean)(e: BinaryOperator with EnumEncoded): String = {
val enumDef = e.getDefinition
val encoding = e.getEncoding
encoding match {
// case `binaryOneHot` => s"pkg_toStdLogic((${emitExpression(binOp.left)} and ${emitExpression(binOp.right)}) ${if (eguals) "/=" else "="} ${'"' + "0" * encoding.getWidth(enumDef) + '"'})"
case _ => s"pkg_toStdLogic(${emitExpression(e.left)} ${if (eguals) "=" else "/="} ${emitExpression(e.right)})"
def operatorImplAsBitsToEnum(e: CastBitsToEnum): String = {
val enumDef = e.getDefinition
val encoding = e.encoding
if (!encoding.isNative) {
} else {
def operatorImplAsEnumToBits(e: CastEnumToBits): String = {
val enumDef = e.input.getDefinition
val encoding = e.input.getEncoding
if (!encoding.isNative) {
} else {
def operatorImplAsEnumToEnum(e: CastEnumToEnum): String = {
val enumDefSrc = e.input.getDefinition
val encodingSrc = e.input.getEncoding
val enumDefDst = e.getDefinition
val encodingDst = e.getEncoding
if (encodingDst.isNative && encodingSrc.isNative)
else {
s"${getReEncodingFuntion(enumDefDst, encodingSrc,encodingDst)}(${emitExpression(e.input)})"
def emitEnumPoison(e: Expression): String = {
val dc = e.asInstanceOf[EnumPoison]
s"(${'"'}${(if(spinalConfig.dontCareGenAsZero) "0" else "X") * dc.encoding.getWidth(dc.senum)}${'"'})"
def accessBoolFixed(e: BitVectorBitAccessFixed): String = {
def accessBoolFloating(e: BitVectorBitAccessFloating): String = {
def accessBitVectorFixed(e: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed): String = {
def accessBitVectorFloating(e: BitVectorRangedAccessFloating): String = {
def dispatchExpression(e: Expression) : String = e match {
case e: BaseType => refImpl(e)
case e: BoolLiteral => boolLiteralImpl(e)
case e: BitsLiteral => emitBitsLiteral(e)
case e: UIntLiteral => emitUIntLiteral(e)
case e: SIntLiteral => emitSIntLiteral(e)
case e: EnumLiteral[_] => emitEnumLiteralWrap(e)
case e: BoolPoison => (if(spinalConfig.dontCareGenAsZero) "'0'" else "'X'")
case e: EnumPoison => emitEnumPoison(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Add => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("+")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Sub => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("-")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Mul => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("*")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Div => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("/")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Mod => moduloImpl(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Or => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("or")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.And => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("and")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Xor => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("xor")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Not => unaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_not")(e) //workaround cadence incisive 15.20
case e: Operator.UInt.Equal => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("=")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.NotEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("/=")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.Smaller => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("<")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.SmallerOrEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("<=")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftRightByInt => shiftRightByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftLeftByInt => shiftLeftByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftRightByUInt => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_shiftRight")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftLeftByUInt => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_shiftLeft")(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth => shiftRightByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.UInt.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftByUIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Add => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("+")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Sub => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("-")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Mul => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("*")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Div => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("/")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Mod => moduloImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Or => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("or")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.And => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("and")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Xor => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("xor")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Not => unaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_not")(e) //workaround cadence incisive 15.20
case e: Operator.SInt.Minus => operatorImplAsUnaryOperator("-")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Equal => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("=")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.NotEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("/=")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.Smaller => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("<")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.SmallerOrEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("<=")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftRightByInt => shiftRightByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftLeftByInt => shiftLeftByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftRightByUInt => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_shiftRight")(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftLeftByUInt => shiftSIntLeftByUInt(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth => shiftRightByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.SInt.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftByUIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.Cat => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_cat")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.Or => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("or")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.And => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("and")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.Xor => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("xor")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.Not => unaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_not")(e) //workaround cadence incisive 15.20
case e: Operator.Bits.Equal => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("=")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.NotEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("/=")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByInt => shiftRightByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByInt => shiftLeftByIntImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByUInt => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_shiftRight")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByUInt => binaryOperatorImplAsFunction("pkg_shiftLeft")(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth => shiftRightBitsByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftBitsByIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth => shiftLeftBitsByUIntFixedWidthImpl(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.Equal => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("=")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.NotEqual => operatorImplAsBinaryOperatorStdCast("/=")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.Not => operatorImplAsUnaryOperator("not")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.And => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("and")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.Or => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("or")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.Xor => operatorImplAsBinaryOperator("xor")(e)
case e: Operator.Enum.Equal => enumEgualsImpl(true)(e)
case e: Operator.Enum.NotEqual => enumEgualsImpl(false)(e)
case e: CastSIntToBits => opImplAsCast("std_logic_vector")(e)
case e: CastUIntToBits => opImplAsCast("std_logic_vector")(e)
case e: CastBoolToBits => opImplAsCast("pkg_toStdLogicVector")(e)
case e: CastEnumToBits => operatorImplAsEnumToBits(e)
case e: CastBitsToSInt => opImplAsCast("signed")(e)
case e: CastUIntToSInt => opImplAsCast("signed")(e)
case e: CastBitsToUInt => opImplAsCast("unsigned")(e)
case e: CastSIntToUInt => opImplAsCast("unsigned")(e)
case e: CastBitsToEnum => operatorImplAsBitsToEnum(e)
case e: CastEnumToEnum => operatorImplAsEnumToEnum(e)
case e: ResizeSInt => resizeFunction("pkg_signed")(e)
case e: ResizeUInt => resizeFunction("pkg_unsigned")(e)
case e: ResizeBits => resizeFunction("pkg_stdLogicVector")(e)
case e: Operator.Bool.Repeat => s"pkg_stdLogicVector(${Array.fill(e.count)(emitExpression(e.source)).mkString(" & ")})"
case e: Operator.Bits.Repeat => s"pkg_stdLogicVector(${Array.fill(e.count)(emitExpression(e.source)).mkString(" & ")})"
case e: Operator.UInt.Repeat => s"pkg_unsigned(${Array.fill(e.count)(emitExpression(e.source)).mkString(" & ")})"
case e: Operator.SInt.Repeat => s"pkg_signed(${Array.fill(e.count)(emitExpression(e.source)).mkString(" & ")})"
case e: BinaryMultiplexer => muxImplAsFunction("pkg_mux")(e)
case e: BitVectorBitAccessFixed => accessBoolFixed(e)
case e: BitVectorBitAccessFloating => accessBoolFloating(e)
case e: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed => accessBitVectorFixed(e)
case e: BitVectorRangedAccessFloating => accessBitVectorFloating(e)
case e: Operator.BitVector.IsUnknown => {
SpinalWarning(s"IsUnknown is always false in vhdl")
case e: Operator.Formal.Past => s"prev(${emitExpression(e.source)}, ${e.delay})"
case e: Operator.Formal.Rose => s"pkg_toStdLogic(rose(${emitExpression(e.source)}))"
case e: Operator.Formal.Fell => s"pkg_toStdLogic(fell(${emitExpression(e.source)}))"
case e: Operator.Formal.Changed => s"pkg_toStdLogic(not stable(${emitExpression(e.source)}))"
case e: Operator.Formal.Stable => s"pkg_toStdLogic(stable(${emitExpression(e.source)}))"
// Operator.Formal.InitState --> manually implemented in FormalPhase
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