spinal.core.internals.Expression.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core.internals
import spinal.core._
import spinal.idslplugin.Location
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
trait Expression extends BaseNode with ExpressionContainer {
def opName: String
def simplifyNode: Expression = this
def getTypeObject: Any
private[core] def foreachDrivingExpression(outHi: Int, outLo: Int)(f: (Expression, Int, Int) => Unit): Unit = foreachDrivingExpression{
case input: Expression with WidthProvider => f(input, input.getWidth-1, 0)
case input => f(input, 0, 0)
override def toString = opName
def toStringRec(level : Int = 1) : String = toString
trait ExpressionContainer {
def normalizeInputs: Unit = {}
//Used by remapExpressions to propagate the remap if changes append
def stabilized(func: (Expression) => Expression, seed : Expression): Expression = {
var e = seed
while(true) {
val old = e
e = func(e)
if(old == e) return e
return e
def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit
def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = remapExpressions(func)
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit
def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = foreachExpression(func)
def walkExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
foreachExpression(e => {
// Traverse the subtrees first before accessing the parent node
def walkExpressionPostorder(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
foreachExpression(e => {
def walkDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
foreachDrivingExpression(e => {
def walkRemapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
foreachExpression(e => {
def walkRemapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
foreachDrivingExpression(e => {
abstract class AnalogDriver extends Expression {
type T <: Expression
var data: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
var enable: Expression = null
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
data = stabilized(func, data).asInstanceOf[T]
enable = stabilized(func, enable)
override def toStringMultiLine() = {
|- data operand : $data
|- enable operand : $enable
abstract class Resize extends Expression with WidthProvider {
var size: Int = -1
var input: Expression with WidthProvider = null
override def getWidth: Int = size
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
input.getWidth match {
case 0 => getLiteralFactory(0, size)
case s if s == size => input //Useless resize
case _ => this
def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = func(input)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = input = stabilized(func, input).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
class ResizeBits extends Resize {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = s"resize(Bits,$size bits)"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression = BitsLiteral.apply
class ResizeUInt extends Resize {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = s"resize(UInt,$size bits)"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression = UIntLiteral.apply
class ResizeSInt extends Resize {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = s"resize(SInt,$size bits)"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression = SIntLiteral.apply
abstract class Operator extends Modifier {}
abstract class UnaryOperator extends Operator {
type T <: Expression
var source: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit) : Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[T]
abstract class UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs extends UnaryOperator with Widthable {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
abstract class ConstantOperator extends Operator {
type T <: Expression
var source: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[T]
abstract class ConstantOperatorWidthableInputs extends ConstantOperator{
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
abstract class BinaryOperator extends Operator {
type T <: Expression
var left, right: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
left = stabilized(func, left).asInstanceOf[T]
right = stabilized(func, right).asInstanceOf[T]
override def toStringMultiLine() = {
|- Left operand : $left
|- Right operand : $right
abstract class BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs extends BinaryOperator {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
def checkLiteralRange(check : (BitVectorLiteral, Expression with WidthProvider) => Unit): Unit ={
def rec(that : Expression): Expression = that match {
case bt : BaseType if bt.isTypeNode && bt.hasOnlyOneStatement => bt.head match {
case DataAssignmentStatement(target, source) if target == bt => source match {
case lit: Literal => lit
case _ => that
case _ => that
case _ => that
(rec(left), rec(right)) match {
case (_ : BitVectorLiteral, _ : BitVectorLiteral) =>
case (lit : BitVectorLiteral, value : T) => check(lit, value)
case (value : T, lit : BitVectorLiteral) => check(lit, value)
case _ =>
def checkLiteralRanges(signed : Boolean) : Unit = {
if(globalData.config.allowOutOfRangeLiterals) return
this match {
case tr : SpinalTagReady => if(tr.hasTag(allowOutOfRangeLiterals)) return
case _ =>
checkLiteralRange { (lit, value) =>
if(lit.poisonMask == null && lit.getWidth > value.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"OUT OF RANGE CONSTANT. Operator ${this.toStringMultiLine} is checking a value against a out of range constant\n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
object InferWidth
def canBeResized(that : Expression) = that match {
case that: SpinalTagReady => that.hasTag(tagAutoResize)
case _ => false
def notResizableElseMax(op: BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs): Int = {
val leftR = canBeResized(op.left)
val rightR = canBeResized(op.right)
if(leftR != rightR){
if(leftR) op.right.getWidth else op.left.getWidth
} else {
Math.max(op.left.getWidth, op.right.getWidth)
def notResizableElseMax(op: MultiplexerWidthable): Int = {
var resizableMax, notResizableMax = -1
case e if canBeResized(e) => resizableMax = Math.max(resizableMax, e.getWidth)
case e => notResizableMax = Math.max(notResizableMax, e.getWidth)
if(notResizableMax != -1) {
}else {
def notResizableElseMax(op: BinaryMultiplexerWidthable): Int = {
var resizableMax, notResizableMax = -1
List(op.whenTrue, op.whenFalse).foreach {
case e if canBeResized(e) => resizableMax = Math.max(resizableMax, e.getWidth)
case e => notResizableMax = Math.max(notResizableMax, e.getWidth)
if (notResizableMax != -1) {
}else {
* Define all operator for each type
object Operator {
object Formal{
class RandomExpKind
val RANDOM_ANY_SEQ = new RandomExpKind()
val RANDOM_ANY_CONST = new RandomExpKind()
val RANDOM_ALL_SEQ = new RandomExpKind()
val RANDOM_ALL_CONST = new RandomExpKind()
abstract class RandomExp(val kind : RandomExpKind) extends Expression{
override def remapExpressions(func: Expression => Expression) = {}
override def foreachExpression(func: Expression => Unit) = {}
override def opName: String = "$random()"
class RandomExpBool(kind : RandomExpKind) extends RandomExp(kind) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
abstract class RandomExpBitVector(kind : RandomExpKind, val width : Int) extends RandomExp(kind) with WidthProvider {
override def getWidth = width
class RandomExpBits(kind : RandomExpKind, width : Int) extends RandomExpBitVector(kind, width) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
class RandomExpUInt(kind : RandomExpKind, width : Int) extends RandomExpBitVector(kind, width) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
class RandomExpSInt(kind : RandomExpKind, width : Int) extends RandomExpBitVector(kind, width) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
class RandomExpEnum(var enumDef: SpinalEnum, kind : RandomExpKind) extends RandomExp(kind) with InferableEnumEncodingImpl{
override def getTypeObject = TypeEnum
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
abstract class Past(val delay : Int) extends UnaryOperator
class PastBool(delay : Int) extends Past(delay) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "$past(Bool)"
abstract class PastBitvector(delay : Int) extends Past(delay) with Widthable {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override private[core] def calcWidth = source.getWidth
class PastBits(delay : Int) extends PastBitvector(delay) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "$past(Bits)"
class PastUInt(delay : Int) extends PastBitvector(delay) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "$past(UInt)"
class PastSInt(delay : Int) extends PastBitvector(delay) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "$past(SInt)"
class PastEnum(var enumDef: SpinalEnum, delay : Int) extends Past(delay) with InferableEnumEncodingImpl{
override def getTypeObject = TypeEnum
override def opName: String = "$past(Enum)"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {InputNormalize.enumImpl(this)}
override type T = Expression with EnumEncoded
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
class Rose extends UnaryOperator{
override def opName: String = "$rose(Bool)"
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
class Fell extends UnaryOperator{
override def opName: String = "$fell(Bool)"
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
class Changed extends UnaryOperator{
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "$changed(...)"
class Stable extends UnaryOperator{
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "$stable(...)"
class InitState extends Expression{
override def remapExpressions(func: Expression => Expression): Unit = {}
override def foreachExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {}
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "$initstate(...)"
* Bool operator
object Bool {
class And extends BinaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool && Bool"
class Or extends BinaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool || Bool"
class Xor extends BinaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool ^ Bool"
class Not extends UnaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "! Bool"
class Equal extends BinaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool === Bool"
class NotEqual extends BinaryOperator {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool =/= Bool"
class Repeat(val count : Int) extends UnaryOperator with Widthable {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bool #* Int"
override def calcWidth: Int = count
* BitVector operator
object BitVector {
class orR extends UnaryOperator {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "| Bits"
override def simplifyNode = if(source.getWidth == 0) new BoolLiteral(false) else this
class andR extends UnaryOperator {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "& Bits"
override def simplifyNode = if(source.getWidth == 0) new BoolLiteral(true) else this
class xorR extends UnaryOperator {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "^ Bits"
override def simplifyNode = if(source.getWidth == 0) new BoolLiteral(false) else this
abstract class And extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def resizeFactory: Resize
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
left = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(left, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
right = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(right, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Or extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def resizeFactory: Resize
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
left = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(left, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
right = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(right, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Xor extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def resizeFactory: Resize
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
left = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(left, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
right = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(right, targetWidth, resizeFactory, this, this)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Add extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def resizeFactory: Resize
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, resizeFactory)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, resizeFactory)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Sub extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def resizeFactory: Resize
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, resizeFactory)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, resizeFactory)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Mul extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth + right.getWidth
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryInductZeroWithOtherWidth(getLiteralFactory)(this)}
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Div extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Mod extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth min right.getWidth
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class Equal extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with ScalaLocated with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def normalizeInputs: Unit
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(true))(this)}
abstract class NotEqual extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with ScalaLocated with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def normalizeInputs: Unit
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(false))(this)}
abstract class Repeat(val count : Int) extends UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs {
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth*count
trait ShiftOperator
abstract class ShiftRightByInt(val shift: Int) extends ConstantOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
if(shift < 0) {
LocatedPendingError(s"NEGATIVE SHIFT RIGHT of $shift on $source at")
override def calcWidth: Int = Math.max(0, source.getWidth - shift)
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(shift == 0){
} else {
abstract class ShiftRightByUInt extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth
override def simplifyNode: Expression = if(right.getWidth == 0) left else this
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class ShiftLeftByInt(val shift : Int) extends ConstantOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
if(shift < 0) {
LocatedPendingError(s"NEGATIVE SHIFT LEFT of $shift on $source at")
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth + shift
def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(source.getWidth == 0){
getLiteralFactory(0, this.getWidth)
} else if(shift == 0){
} else {
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class ShiftLeftByUInt extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth + (1 << right.getWidth.min(30)) - 1
def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(left.getWidth == 0){
getLiteralFactory(0, this.getWidth)
}else if(right.getWidth == 0){
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(val shift: Int) extends ConstantOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
assert(shift >= 0)
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(val shift: Int) extends ConstantOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
assert(shift >= 0)
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
abstract class ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable with ShiftOperator {
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth
override def simplifyNode: Expression = if(right.getWidth == 0) left else this
override def toString() = s"(${super.toString()})[$getWidth bits]"
class IsUnknown extends UnaryOperator {
override def opName: String = "$isunknown(Bits)"
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
* Bits operator
object Bits {
class Cat extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = s"Bits ## Bits"
override def calcWidth: Int = left.getWidth + right.getWidth
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryTakeOther(this)}
class Not extends UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "~ Bits"
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
class And extends BitVector.And {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits & Bits"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeBits
class Or extends BitVector.Or {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits | Bits"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeBits
class Xor extends BitVector.Xor {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits ^ Bits"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeBits
class Equal extends BitVector.Equal {
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(left, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, right, this)
right = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(right, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, left, this)
override def opName: String = "Bits === Bits"
class NotEqual extends BitVector.NotEqual {
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(left, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, right, this)
right = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(right, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, left, this)
override def opName: String = "Bits =/= Bits"
class Repeat(count: Int) extends BitVector.Repeat(count) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits #* Int"
class ShiftRightByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByInt(shift){
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits >> Int"
class ShiftRightByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftRightByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits >> UInt"
class ShiftLeftByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByInt(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits << Int"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = BitsLiteral.apply
class ShiftLeftByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits << UInt"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = BitsLiteral.apply
class ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits |>> Int"
class ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift : Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits |<< Int"
class ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits |<< UInt"
* UInt operator
object UInt {
class Not extends UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "~ UInt"
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
class And extends BitVector.And {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt & UInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeUInt
class Or extends BitVector.Or {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt | UInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeUInt
class Xor extends BitVector.Xor {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt ^ UInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeUInt
class Add extends BitVector.Add {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt + UInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeUInt
class Sub extends BitVector.Sub {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt - UInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeUInt
class Mul extends BitVector.Mul {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt * UInt"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression = UIntLiteral.apply
class Div extends BitVector.Div {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt / UInt"
class Mod extends BitVector.Mod {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt % UInt"
class Smaller extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "UInt < UInt"
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(false))(this)}
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
class SmallerOrEqual extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "UInt <= UInt"
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(true))(this)}
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
class Equal extends BitVector.Equal {
override def opName: String = "UInt === UInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
class NotEqual extends BitVector.NotEqual {
override def opName: String = "UInt =/= UInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
class Repeat(count: Int) extends BitVector.Repeat(count) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt #* Int"
class ShiftRightByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByInt(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt >> Int"
class ShiftRightByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftRightByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt >> UInt"
class ShiftLeftByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByInt(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt << Int"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = UIntLiteral.apply
class ShiftLeftByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt << UInt"
override def getLiteralFactory : (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = UIntLiteral.apply
class ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt |>> Int"
class ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt |<< Int"
class ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt |<< UInt"
* SInt operator
object SInt{
class Not extends UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "~ SInt"
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
class Minus extends UnaryOperatorWidthableInputs with Widthable {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "- SInt"
override def calcWidth: Int = source.getWidth
class And extends BitVector.And {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt & SInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeSInt
class Or extends BitVector.Or {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt | SInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeSInt
class Xor extends BitVector.Xor {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt ^ SInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeSInt
class Add extends BitVector.Add {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt + SInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeSInt
class Sub extends BitVector.Sub {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt - SInt"
def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeSInt
class Mul extends BitVector.Mul {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt * SInt"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => Expression = SIntLiteral.apply
class Div extends BitVector.Div {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt / SInt"
class Mod extends BitVector.Mod {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt % SInt"
class Smaller extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "SInt < SInt"
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(false))(this)}
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
class SmallerOrEqual extends BinaryOperatorWidthableInputs with SpinalTagReady {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "SInt <= SInt"
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {SymplifyNode.binaryThatIfBoth(new BoolLiteral(true))(this)}
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
class Equal extends BitVector.Equal {
override def opName: String = "SInt === SInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
class NotEqual extends BitVector.NotEqual {
override def opName: String = "SInt =/= SInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
left = InputNormalize.resize(left, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
right = InputNormalize.resize(right, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
class Repeat(count: Int) extends BitVector.Repeat(count) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt #* Int"
class ShiftRightByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByInt(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt >> Int"
class ShiftRightByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftRightByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt >> UInt"
class ShiftLeftByInt(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByInt(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt << Int"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = SIntLiteral.apply
class ShiftLeftByUInt extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUInt {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt << UInt"
override def getLiteralFactory: (BigInt, Int) => BitVectorLiteral = SIntLiteral.apply
class ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt |>> Int"
class ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift: Int) extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(shift) {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt |<< Int"
class ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth extends BitVector.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt |<< UInt"
* Enum operator
object Enum{
class Equal(var enumDef: SpinalEnum) extends BinaryOperator with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Enum === Enum"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {InputNormalize.enumImpl(this)}
override type T = Expression with EnumEncoded
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if (left.getDefinition.elements.size < 2)
new BoolLiteral(true)
class NotEqual(var enumDef: SpinalEnum) extends BinaryOperator with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Enum =/= Enum"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {InputNormalize.enumImpl(this)}
override type T = Expression with EnumEncoded
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if (left.getDefinition.elements.size < 2)
new BoolLiteral(false)
* Modifier base class
abstract class Modifier extends Expression {}
* Base class for Casting type
abstract class Cast extends Modifier {
type T <: Expression
var input: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
override def remapExpressions (func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = input = stabilized(func, input).asInstanceOf[T]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = func(input)
/** BitVector -> BitVector */
abstract class CastBitVectorToBitVector extends Cast with Widthable {
override type T <: Expression with WidthProvider
override private[core] def calcWidth: Int = input.getWidth
override def toString = s"($opName of $getWidth bits)"
/** SInt -> Bits */
class CastSIntToBits extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "SInt -> Bits"
/** UInt -> Bits */
class CastUIntToBits extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "UInt -> Bits"
/** Bits -> UInt */
class CastBitsToUInt extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "Bits -> UInt"
/** SInt -> UInt */
class CastSIntToUInt extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "SInt -> UInt"
/** Bits -> SInt */
class CastBitsToSInt extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "Bits -> SInt"
/** UInt -> SInt */
class CastUIntToSInt extends CastBitVectorToBitVector {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "UInt -> SInt"
/** Bool -> Bits */
class CastBoolToBits extends Cast with Widthable {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits -> Bits"
override private[core] def calcWidth: Int = 1
/** Enum -> Bits */
class CastEnumToBits extends Cast with Widthable {
override type T <: Expression with EnumEncoded
override def opName: String = "Enum -> Bits"
override private[core] def calcWidth: Int = input.getEncoding.getWidth(input.getDefinition)
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBits
/** Bits -> Enum */
class CastBitsToEnum(var enumDef: SpinalEnum) extends Cast with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override type T <: Expression with WidthProvider
override def opName: String = "Bits -> Enum"
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
input = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(input, getEncoding.getWidth(enumDef), new ResizeBits, this, this).asInstanceOf[T]
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeEnum
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
/** Enum -> Enum */
class CastEnumToEnum(var enumDef: SpinalEnum) extends Cast with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override type T <: Expression with EnumEncoded
override def opName: String = "Enum -> Enum"
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeEnum
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
* Multiplexer base class
abstract class Multiplexer extends Modifier {
type T <: Expression
var select: Expression with WidthProvider = null
var inputs: ArrayBuffer[T] = null.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[T]]
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
select = stabilized(func, select).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
var idx = inputs.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val old = inputs(idx)
val next = stabilized(func, old)
if(old != next)
inputs(idx) = next.asInstanceOf[T]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {}
* Widtable multiplexer
abstract class MultiplexerWidthable extends Multiplexer with Widthable {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def toString = super.toString + s"[$getWidth bits]"
/** Bool multiplexer */
class MultiplexerBool extends Multiplexer {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "mux of Bool"
/** Bits multiplexer */
class MultiplexerBits extends MultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBits
override def opName: String = s"mux of Bits"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
var idx = inputs.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val old = inputs(idx)
val next = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(old, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, this, this)
if(old != next)
inputs(idx) = next.asInstanceOf[T]
/** UInt multiplexer */
class MultiplexerUInt extends MultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = s"mux of UInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
var idx = inputs.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val old = inputs(idx)
val next = InputNormalize.resize(old, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
if(old != next)
inputs(idx) = next.asInstanceOf[T]
/** SInt multiplexer */
class MultiplexerSInt extends MultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = s"mux of SInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
var idx = inputs.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val old = inputs(idx)
val next = InputNormalize.resize(old, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
if(old != next)
inputs(idx) = next.asInstanceOf[T]
/** Enum multiplexer */
class MultiplexerEnum(var enumDef: SpinalEnum) extends Multiplexer with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override type T = Expression with EnumEncoded
override def opName: String = s"mux of Enum"
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
for(i <- 0 until inputs.size){
inputs(i) = InputNormalize.enumImpl(this, inputs(i))
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeEnum
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
* Binary multiplexer
abstract class BinaryMultiplexer extends Modifier {
type T <: Expression
var cond : Expression = null
var whenTrue : T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
var whenFalse : T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
cond = stabilized(func, cond)
whenTrue = stabilized(func, whenTrue).asInstanceOf[T]
whenFalse = stabilized(func, whenFalse).asInstanceOf[T]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def simplifyNode = {
cond match {
case lit : BoolLiteral if !lit.hasPoison() => if(lit.value) whenTrue else whenFalse
case _ => this
* Widtable Binary multiplexer
abstract class BinaryMultiplexerWidthable extends BinaryMultiplexer with Widthable {
override type T = Expression with WidthProvider
override def calcWidth: Int = InferWidth.notResizableElseMax(this)
override def toString = s"(${super.toString })[$getWidth bits]"
/** Bool binary multiplexer */
class BinaryMultiplexerBool extends BinaryMultiplexer {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool ? Bool | Bool"
/** Bits binary multiplexer */
class BinaryMultiplexerBits extends BinaryMultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bool ? Bits | Bits"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
whenTrue = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(whenTrue, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, this, this)
whenFalse = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(whenFalse, targetWidth, new ResizeBits, this, this)
/** UInt binary multiplexer */
class BinaryMultiplexerUInt extends BinaryMultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "Bool ? UInt | UInt"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
whenTrue = InputNormalize.resize(whenTrue, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
whenFalse = InputNormalize.resize(whenFalse, targetWidth, new ResizeUInt)
/** SInt binary multiplexer */
class BinaryMultiplexerSInt extends BinaryMultiplexerWidthable {
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "Bool ? Bits | Bits"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
val targetWidth = getWidth
whenTrue = InputNormalize.resize(whenTrue, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
whenFalse = InputNormalize.resize(whenFalse, targetWidth, new ResizeSInt)
/** Enum binary multiplexer */
class BinaryMultiplexerEnum(var enumDef : SpinalEnum) extends BinaryMultiplexer with InferableEnumEncodingImpl {
override type T = Expression with EnumEncoded
override def opName: String = "Bool ? Bits | Bits"
override def getDefinition: SpinalEnum = enumDef
override private[core] def getDefaultEncoding(): SpinalEnumEncoding = enumDef.defaultEncoding
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
whenTrue = InputNormalize.enumImpl(this, whenTrue)
whenFalse = InputNormalize.enumImpl(this, whenFalse)
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeEnum
override def swapEnum(e: SpinalEnum) = enumDef = e
* Multiplex
private[spinal] object Multiplex {
def baseType[T <: BaseType](sel: Bool, whenTrue: T, whenFalse: T): BinaryMultiplexer = {
whenTrue.newMultiplexer(sel, whenTrue, whenFalse)
def complexData[T <: Data](sel: Bool, whenTrue: T, whenFalse: T): T = {
// Vec(whenTrue, whenFalse).apply(U(sel))
val outType = if (whenTrue.getClass.isAssignableFrom(whenFalse.getClass)) whenTrue
else if (whenFalse.getClass.isAssignableFrom(whenTrue.getClass)) whenFalse
else throw new Exception("can't mux that")
val muxOut = outType.getMuxType(List(whenTrue, whenFalse))
val ret = muxOut()
def rec(ret : Data, elements : Seq[Data]): Unit ={
ret match {
case ret : MultiData =>{
val iRet = ret.elements.iterator
val iIn = elements.map(_.toMuxInput[Data](ret).asInstanceOf[MultiData].elements.iterator)
val continue = true
while(iRet.nonEmpty && continue){
val dst = iRet.next()
val srcs = iIn.map(_.next())
assert(srcs.forall(_._1 == dst._1), "Doesn't match ???")
rec(dst._2, srcs.map(_._2))
case ret : BaseType => {
val ab = ArrayBuffer[BaseType]()
ab ++= elements.map(_.toMuxInput(ret))
ret.assignFrom(Multiplex.baseType(sel, elements(0).toMuxInput(ret), elements(1).toMuxInput(ret)))
rec(ret, List(whenTrue, whenFalse))
* Base class for a subAccess
abstract class SubAccess extends Modifier {
def getBitVector: Expression
* Base class fot accessing a bit in a bitvector with a fix index
abstract class BitVectorBitAccessFixed extends SubAccess with ScalaLocated {
var source: Expression with WidthProvider = null
var bitId: Int = -1
override def getBitVector: Expression = source
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (bitId < 0 || bitId >= source.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"Static bool extraction (bit ${bitId}) is outside the range (${source.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${source} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def toStringMultiLine() = {
|- vector : $source
|- index : $bitId
// override def checkInferedWidth: Unit = {
// if (bitId < 0 || bitId >= getBitVector.getWidth) {
// PendingError(s"Static bool extraction (bit ${bitId}) is outside the range (${getBitVector.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${getBitVector} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
// }
// }
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = inputId match{
// case 0 =>
// if(outHi >= 0 && outLo == 0)
// (bitId, bitId)
// else
// (-1,0)
// }
// def getParameterNodes: List[Node] = Nil
/** Bits access with a fix index */
class BitsBitAccessFixed extends BitVectorBitAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bits(Int)"
override def simplifyNode = source match{
case source : BitVectorRangedAccessFixed => {
bitId = bitId + source.lo
this.source = source.source
case _ => this
/** UInt access with a fix index */
class UIntBitAccessFixed extends BitVectorBitAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "UInt(Int)"
/** SInt access with a fix index */
class SIntBitAccessFixed extends BitVectorBitAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "SInt(Int)"
* Base class fot accessing bit in a bitvector with a floating index
abstract class BitVectorBitAccessFloating extends SubAccess with ScalaLocated {
var source : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var bitId : Expression with WidthProvider = null
override def getBitVector: Expression = source
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(source.getWidth == 0){
PendingError(s"Can't access ${source} bits, as it has none\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
if (bitId.getWidth > log2Up(source.getWidth)) {
bitId = InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(bitId, log2Up(source.getWidth), new ResizeUInt, this, this)
//PendingError(s"Index ${bitId} used to access ${source} has too many bits\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
def bitVectorBitAccessFixedFactory : BitVectorBitAccessFixed
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(bitId.getWidth == 0){
val access = bitVectorBitAccessFixedFactory
access.bitId = 0
access.source = source
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
bitId = stabilized(func, bitId).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
// def getParameterNodes: List[Node] = getInput(1) :: Nil
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = inputId match{
// case 0 =>
// if(outHi >= 0 && outLo == 0)
// (Math.min(getBitVector.getWidth-1,(1 << Math.min(20,bitId.getWidth)) - 1), 0)
// else
// (-1,0)
// case 1 =>
// if(outHi >= 0 && outLo == 0)
// (getBitId.getWidth-1,0)
// else
// (-1,0)
// }
override def toStringMultiLine() = {
|- vector : $source
|- index : $bitId
/** Bits access with a floating index */
class BitsBitAccessFloating extends BitVectorBitAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bits(UInt)"
override def bitVectorBitAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorBitAccessFixed = new BitsBitAccessFixed
/** UInt access with a floating index */
class UIntBitAccessFloating extends BitVectorBitAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "UInt(UInt)"
override def bitVectorBitAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorBitAccessFixed = new UIntBitAccessFixed
/** SInt access with a floating index */
class SIntBitAccessFloating extends BitVectorBitAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "SInt(UInt)"
override def bitVectorBitAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorBitAccessFixed = new SIntBitAccessFixed
* Base class for accessing a range of bit in a bitvector with a fix range
abstract class BitVectorRangedAccessFixed extends SubAccess with WidthProvider{
var source: Expression with WidthProvider = null
var hi, lo = -1
override def getBitVector: Expression = source
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (hi >= source.getWidth || lo < 0) {
PendingError(s"Static bits extraction ($hi downto $lo) is outside the range (${source.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${source} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
def checkHiLo: Unit = {
if (lo < 0) {
SpinalError(s"Static bits extraction out of bound ($hi downto $lo)")
if (hi - lo < -1) {
SpinalError(s"Static bits extraction with a negative size ($hi downto $lo)")
override def getWidth: Int = hi - lo + 1
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[Expression with Widthable]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = inputId match{
// case 0 => (lo+outHi, lo+outLo)
// }
/** Bits range access with a fix range */
class BitsRangedAccessFixed extends BitVectorRangedAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = s"Bits($hi downto $lo)"
/** UInt range access with a fix range */
class UIntRangedAccessFixed extends BitVectorRangedAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = s"UInt($hi downto $lo)"
/** SInt range access with a fix range */
class SIntRangedAccessFixed extends BitVectorRangedAccessFixed {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = s"SInt($hi downto $lo)"
* Base class for accessing a range of bits in a bitvector with a floating range
* When used offset.dontSimplifyIt() Because it can appear at multiple location (o+bc-1 downto o)
abstract class BitVectorRangedAccessFloating extends SubAccess with WidthProvider {
var size : Int = -1
var source : Expression with WidthProvider = null
var offset : Expression with WidthProvider = null
override def getBitVector: Expression = source
override def getWidth: Int = size
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if(source.getWidth < size){
PendingError(s"Can't access ${source} bits, as it has less than $size")
def bitVectorRangedAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(offset.getWidth == 0){
val access = bitVectorRangedAccessFixedFactory
access.lo = 0
access.hi = size-1
access.source = source
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
source = stabilized(func, source).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
offset = stabilized(func, offset).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = inputId match{
// case 0 =>
// if(outHi >= outLo) //Not exact
// (Math.min(getBitVector.getWidth-1,(1 << Math.min(20,offset.getWidth))+ size - 1), 0)
// else
// (-1,0)
// case 1 =>
// if(outHi >= outLo) //Not exact
// super.getOutToInUsage(inputId,outHi,outLo)
// else
// (-1,0)
// case 2 => (-1,0)
// }
/** Bits range access with a floating range */
class BitsRangedAccessFloating extends BitVectorRangedAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits(UInt + Int downto UInt)"
override def bitVectorRangedAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed = new BitsRangedAccessFixed
/** UInt range access with a floating range */
class UIntRangedAccessFloating extends BitVectorRangedAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def opName: String = "UInt(UInt + Int downto UInt)"
override def bitVectorRangedAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed = new UIntRangedAccessFixed
/** SInt range access with a floating range */
class SIntRangedAccessFloating extends BitVectorRangedAccessFloating {
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def opName: String = "SInt(UInt + Int downto UInt)"
override def bitVectorRangedAccessFixedFactory: BitVectorRangedAccessFixed = new SIntRangedAccessFixed
* SuffixExpression
class SuffixExpression extends Expression with ScalaLocated {
var target: BaseType = null
override def opName: String = "Prefix.Suffix"
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeStruct
override def remapExpressions(func: Expression => Expression): Unit = {}
override def foreachExpression(func: Expression => Unit): Unit = {}
object SuffixExpression {
def apply(target: Expression): SuffixExpression = {
if (!target.isInstanceOf[BaseType])
LocatedPendingError(s"INVALID SUFFIX Cannot suffix non-BaseType expression ${target} at")
val expr = new SuffixExpression
expr.target = target.asInstanceOf[BaseType]
* Assigned bits
object AssignedBits {
def union(a: AssignedBits, b: AssignedBits): AssignedBits = {
val ret = new AssignedBits(a.width)
def intersect(a: AssignedBits, b: AssignedBits): AssignedBits = {
val ret = a.clone()
def intersect(a: AssignedRange, b: AssignedBits): AssignedBits = {
val ret = b.clone()
def intersect(a: AssignedBits, b: AssignedRange): AssignedBits = intersect(b, a)
* Range assignment
object AssignedRange{
def apply(hi: Int, lo: Int) = new AssignedRange(hi, lo)
def apply(bit: Int) = new AssignedRange(bit, bit)
def apply() = new AssignedRange(-1, -1)
class AssignedRange(val hi: Int, val lo: Int) {
def toBigInt = ((BigInt(1) << (hi + 1 - lo)) - 1) << lo
def toAssignedBits = {
val ret = new AssignedBits(hi + 1)
* Bits assignment
class AssignedBits(val width: Int) {
def bitPerIndex = 32
var value = new Array[Int]((width+bitPerIndex-1)/bitPerIndex)
override def clone(): AssignedBits = {
val ret = new AssignedBits(width)
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
ret.value(idx) = this.value(idx)
def isIntersecting(range: AssignedRange): Boolean = {
if(range.hi >= width)
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val hi = Math.min(range.hi - idx*bitPerIndex,bitPerIndex-1)
val lo = Math.max(range.lo - idx*bitPerIndex,0)
if(hi >= lo) {
if((this.value(idx) & (((1l << (hi + 1)) - 1) - ((1l << lo) - 1)).toInt) != 0) {
return true
return false
def clear(): Unit = {
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
value(idx) = 0
def +(that: AssignedRange): AssignedBits = {
val ret = clone()
def intersect(range: AssignedBits): AssignedBits = {
assert(range.width == this.width)
var idx = Math.min(value.length,range.value.length)
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
this.value(idx) &= range.value(idx)
def add(range: AssignedBits): Unit = {
assert(range.width == this.width)
var idx = Math.min(value.length,range.value.length)
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
this.value(idx) |= range.value(idx)
def addChangeReturn(range: AssignedBits): Boolean = {
assert(range.width == this.width)
var idx = Math.min(value.length,range.value.length)
var changed = false
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val currentValue = this.value(idx)
val ored = currentValue | range.value(idx)
changed |= ored != currentValue
this.value(idx) = ored
return changed
def remove(range: AssignedBits): Unit = {
assert(range.width == this.width)
var idx = Math.min(value.length,range.value.length)
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
this.value(idx) &= ~range.value(idx)
def intersect(range: AssignedRange): Unit = {
assert(range.hi < width)
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val hi = Math.min(range.hi - idx*bitPerIndex,bitPerIndex-1)
val lo = Math.max(range.lo - idx*bitPerIndex,0)
if(hi >= lo)
this.value(idx) &= (((1l << (hi+1))-1)-((1l << lo)-1)).toInt
def add(hi: Int, lo: Int): Unit = {
assert(hi < width)
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val hiA = Math.min(hi - idx*bitPerIndex,bitPerIndex-1)
val loA = Math.max(lo - idx*bitPerIndex,0)
if(hiA >= loA)
this.value(idx) |= (((1l << (hiA+1))-1)-((1l << loA)-1)).toInt
def add(range: AssignedRange): Unit = add(range.hi, range.lo)
def remove(range: AssignedRange): Unit = {
assert(range.hi < width)
var idx = value.length
while(idx != 0){
idx -= 1
val hi = Math.min(range.hi - idx*bitPerIndex,bitPerIndex-1)
val lo = Math.max(range.lo - idx*bitPerIndex,0)
if(hi >= lo)
this.value(idx) &= ~(((1l << (hi+1))-1)-((1l << lo)-1)).toInt
def toBinaryString : String = {
val strs = for((e,idx) <- value.zipWithIndex.reverseIterator) yield {
val str = e.toBinaryString
val eWidth = if(idx == value.length-1) width-idx*bitPerIndex else 32
"0"*(eWidth-str.length) + str
strs.reduce(_ + "_" + _)
def isEmpty = value.foldLeft(true)((c,e) => c && (e == 0))
def isFull: Boolean = {
if(width == 0) return true
var remainingBits = width
var i = 0
while(remainingBits > 0){
if(remainingBits > 31) {
if (value(i) != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false
if (value(i) != (1 << remainingBits)-1) return false
i += 1
remainingBits -= 32
* Base class for expression assignment
abstract class AssignmentExpression extends Expression {
def finalTarget: BaseType
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit
def getMinAssignedBits: AssignedRange //Bit that are allwas assigned
def getMaxAssignedBits: AssignedRange //Bit that are allwas assigned
// def getScopeBits: AssignedRange //Bit tht could be assigned
// def getOutBaseType: BaseType
// def clone(out : Node) : this.type
* Base class for BitVector assignment
abstract class BitVectorAssignmentExpression extends AssignmentExpression {
def minimalTargetWidth: Int
def copyWithTarget(target : BitVector) : BitVectorAssignmentExpression
* Bit assignment with a fix index
object BitAssignmentFixed {
def apply(out: BitVector, bitId: Int ) = {
val ret = new BitAssignmentFixed
ret.out = out
ret.bitId = bitId
class BitAssignmentFixed() extends BitVectorAssignmentExpression with ScalaLocated {
var out: BitVector = null
var bitId: Int = -1
override def copyWithTarget(target: BitVector) = BitAssignmentFixed(target, bitId)
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def finalTarget: BaseType = out
override def minimalTargetWidth: Int = bitId + 1
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (bitId < 0 || bitId >= out.getWidth) {
PendingError(s"Static bool extraction (bit ${bitId}) is outside the range (${out.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${out} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = func(out)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {out = stabilized(func, out).asInstanceOf[BitVector]}
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {}
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {}
override def toString(): String = s"${out.toString()}[$bitId]"
override def opName: String = "x(index) <="
// override def checkInferedWidth: Unit = {
// if (bitId < 0 || bitId >= out.getWidth) {
// PendingError(s"Static bool extraction (bit ${bitId}) is outside the range (${out.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${out} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
// }
// }
override def getMinAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(bitId)
override def getMaxAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(bitId)
// def getScopeBits: AssignedRange = getAssignedBits
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = {
// if(outHi >= bitId && bitId >= outLo)
// (0,0)
// else
// (-1,0)
// }
// def getOutBaseType: BaseType = out
// override def clone(out: Node): this.type = new BitAssignmentFixed(out.asInstanceOf[BitVector],in,bitId).asInstanceOf[this.type]
* Range assignment with fix range
object RangedAssignmentFixed {
def apply(out: BitVector, hi: Int, lo: Int): RangedAssignmentFixed = {
val assign = new RangedAssignmentFixed
assign.out = out
assign.hi = hi
assign.lo = lo
class RangedAssignmentFixed() extends BitVectorAssignmentExpression with WidthProvider {
var out: BitVector = null
var hi = -1
var lo = 0
override def copyWithTarget(target: BitVector) = RangedAssignmentFixed(target, hi, lo)
override def getWidth: Int = hi + 1 - lo
override def finalTarget: BaseType = out
override def minimalTargetWidth: Int = hi+1
override def getTypeObject = out.getTypeObject
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (hi >= out.getWidth || lo < 0) {
PendingError(s"Static bits assignment ($hi downto $lo) is outside the range (${out.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${out} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = func(out)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {out = stabilized(func, out).asInstanceOf[BitVector]}
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func : (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {}
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {}
override def toString(): String = s"${out.toString()}[$hi downto $lo]"
override def opName: String = "x(hi:lo) <="
override def getMinAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(hi, lo)
override def getMaxAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(hi, lo)
* Bit assignment with floating index
object BitAssignmentFloating {
def apply(out: BitVector, bitId: Expression with WidthProvider): BitAssignmentFloating = {
val assign = new BitAssignmentFloating
assign.out = out
assign.bitId = bitId
class BitAssignmentFloating() extends BitVectorAssignmentExpression with ScalaLocated {
var out: BitVector = null
var bitId: Expression with WidthProvider = null
override def copyWithTarget(target: BitVector) = BitAssignmentFloating(target, bitId)
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def finalTarget: BaseType = out
override def minimalTargetWidth: Int = 1 << Math.min(20,bitId.getWidth)
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
out = stabilized(func, out).asInstanceOf[BitVector]
bitId = stabilized(func, bitId).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
bitId = stabilized(func, bitId).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def toString(): String = s"${out.toString()}[$bitId]"
override def opName: String = "x(uIndex) <="
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(bitId.getWidth == 0) {
BitAssignmentFixed(out, 0)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (bitId.getWidth > log2Up(out.getWidth)) {
PendingError(s"Index ${bitId} used to access ${out} has too many bits\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
override def getMinAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange()
override def getMaxAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(Math.min(out.getWidth-1,(1 << bitId.getWidth)-1), 0)
* Range assignment with a floating range
object RangedAssignmentFloating{
def apply(out: BitVector,offset: Expression with WidthProvider, bitCount: Int): RangedAssignmentFloating = {
val assign = new RangedAssignmentFloating
assign.out = out
assign.offset = offset
assign.bitCount = bitCount
class RangedAssignmentFloating() extends BitVectorAssignmentExpression with WidthProvider {
var out: BitVector = null
var offset: Expression with WidthProvider = null
var bitCount: Int = -1
override def copyWithTarget(target: BitVector) = RangedAssignmentFloating(target, offset, bitCount)
override def getTypeObject = out.getTypeObject
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
if (out.getWidth < bitCount) {
PendingError(s"Dynamic bits assignment of $bitCount bits is outside the range (${out.getWidth - 1} downto 0) of ${out} at\n${getScalaLocationLong}")
override def simplifyNode: Expression = {
if(offset.getWidth == 0) {
RangedAssignmentFixed(out, bitCount-1, 0)
override def getWidth: Int = bitCount
override def finalTarget: BaseType = out
override def minimalTargetWidth: Int = 1 << Math.min(20,offset.getWidth) + bitCount
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
out = stabilized(func, out).asInstanceOf[BitVector]
offset = stabilized(func, offset).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
offset = stabilized(func, offset).asInstanceOf[Expression with WidthProvider]
override def toString(): String = s"${out.toString()}[$offset over $bitCount bits]"
override def opName: String = "x(hi:lo) <="
override def getMinAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange()
override def getMaxAssignedBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(Math.min(out.getWidth-1, (1 << offset.getWidth)-1 + bitCount - 1), 0)
// def getScopeBits: AssignedRange = AssignedRange(Math.min(out.getWidth-1,(1 << Math.min(20,offset_.asInstanceOf[Node with WidthProvider].getWidth))+ bitCount.value - 1), 0) //TODO dirty offset_
// override private[core] def getOutToInUsage(inputId: Int, outHi: Int, outLo: Int): (Int, Int) = super.getOutToInUsage(inputId,outHi,outLo) //TODO
// def getOutBaseType: BaseType = out
// override def clone(out: Node): this.type = new RangedAssignmentFloating(out.asInstanceOf[BitVector],in_,offset_,bitCount).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object SwitchStatementKeyBool{
def apply(cond: Expression, key : MaskedLiteral=null): SwitchStatementKeyBool = {
val ret = new SwitchStatementKeyBool
ret.cond = cond
ret.key = key
class SwitchStatementKeyBool extends Expression {
var cond : Expression = null
var key : MaskedLiteral = null
override def opName: String = "is(b)"
override def getTypeObject: Any = TypeBool
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = cond = stabilized(func, cond)
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = func(cond)
class SwitchStatementElement(var keys: ArrayBuffer[Expression], var scopeStatement: ScopeStatement) extends ScalaLocated{
* Literal trait
trait Literal extends Expression {
override def clone: this.type = ???
final override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {}
final override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {}
private[core] def getBitsStringOn(bitCount : Int, poisonSymbol : Char) : String
private[core] def getBitsStringOnNoPoison(bitCount : Int) : String = {
def getValue() : BigInt
def hasPoison() : Boolean
// override def addAttribute(attribute: Attribute): Literal.this.type = addTag(attribute)
* Bits literal
object BitsLiteral {
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): BitsLiteral = {
val valueBitCount = value.bitLength
val poisonBitCount = if(poisonMask != null) poisonMask.bitLength else 0
val minimalWidth = Math.max(poisonBitCount,valueBitCount)
var bitCount = specifiedBitCount
if (value < 0) {
throw new Exception("literal value is negative and cannot be represented")
if (bitCount != -1) {
if (minimalWidth > bitCount) throw new Exception(s"literal 0x${value.toString(16)} can't fit in Bits($specifiedBitCount bits)")
} else {
bitCount = minimalWidth
BitsLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount,specifiedBitCount != -1)
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int, on: T) : T = {
on.assignFrom(apply(value, null, specifiedBitCount))
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): BitsLiteral = apply(value, null, specifiedBitCount)
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, bitCount: Int, hasSpecifiedBitCount: Boolean) = {
val ret = new BitsLiteral
ret.value = value
ret.poisonMask = poisonMask
ret.bitCount = bitCount
ret.hasSpecifiedBitCount = hasSpecifiedBitCount
* UInt literal
object UIntLiteral {
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): UIntLiteral = {
val valueBitCount = value.bitLength
val poisonBitCount = if(poisonMask != null) poisonMask.bitLength else 0
val minimalWidth = Math.max(poisonBitCount, valueBitCount)
var bitCount = specifiedBitCount
if (value < 0)
throw new Exception("literal value is negative and cannot be represented")
if (bitCount != -1) {
if (minimalWidth > bitCount) throw new Exception(s"literal 0x${value.toString(16)} can't fit in UInt($specifiedBitCount bits)")
} else {
bitCount = minimalWidth
UIntLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount, specifiedBitCount != -1)
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int, on: T): T = {
on.assignFrom(apply(value, null, specifiedBitCount))
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): UIntLiteral = apply(value, null, specifiedBitCount)
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, bitCount: Int, hasSpecifiedBitCount: Boolean) = {
val ret = new UIntLiteral
ret.value = value
ret.poisonMask = poisonMask
ret.bitCount = bitCount
ret.hasSpecifiedBitCount = hasSpecifiedBitCount
* SInt literal
object SIntLiteral {
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): SIntLiteral = {
val valueBitCount = value.bitLength + (if (value != 0) 1 else 0)
val poisonBitCount = if(poisonMask != null) poisonMask.bitLength else 0
val minimalWidth = Math.max(poisonBitCount,valueBitCount)
var bitCount = specifiedBitCount
if (bitCount != -1) {
if (minimalWidth > bitCount ) throw new Exception(s"literal 0x${value.toString(16)} can't fit in SInt($specifiedBitCount bits)")
} else {
bitCount = minimalWidth
SIntLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount, specifiedBitCount != -1)
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int, on: T): T = {
def apply[T <: BitVector](value: BigInt, specifiedBitCount: Int): SIntLiteral = apply(value, null, specifiedBitCount)
def apply(value: BigInt, poisonMask: BigInt, bitCount: Int, hasSpecifiedBitCount: Boolean) = {
val ret = new SIntLiteral
ret.value = value
ret.poisonMask = poisonMask
ret.bitCount = bitCount
ret.hasSpecifiedBitCount = hasSpecifiedBitCount
* Base class for BitVector literal
abstract class BitVectorLiteral() extends Literal with WidthProvider {
var value: BigInt = null
var poisonMask : BigInt = null
var bitCount: Int = -1
var hasSpecifiedBitCount : Boolean = true
override def getWidth: Int = bitCount
override def getValue(): BigInt = if(hasPoison) throw new Exception("Poisoned value") else value
override def hasPoison() = poisonMask != null && poisonMask != 0
override def getBitsStringOn(bitCount: Int, poisonSymbol: Char): String = {
def makeIt(fillWith: Boolean): String = {
val str = new StringBuilder()
val unsignedValue = if(value >= 0) value else ((BigInt(1) << bitCount) + value)
val unsignedLength = unsignedValue.bitLength
val poisonLength = if(poisonMask != null) poisonMask.bitLength else 0
assert(bitCount >= unsignedLength)
assert(bitCount >= poisonLength)
val filling = if(fillWith) '1' else '0'
for(i <- 0 until bitCount-unsignedLength) str += filling
for(i <- unsignedLength - 1 to 0 by - 1){
str += (if(unsignedValue.testBit(i)) '1' else '0')
for(i <- poisonLength-1 to 0 by -1 if(poisonMask.testBit(i))){
str(bitCount-i-1) = poisonSymbol
makeIt(isSignedKind && value < 0)
def hexString(bitCount: Int, aligin: Boolean = false):String = {
if(value == 0){
} else {
val hexCount = scala.math.ceil(bitCount/4.0).toInt
val alignCount = if (aligin) (hexCount * 4) else bitCount
val unsignedValue = if(value >= 0) value else ((BigInt(1) << alignCount) + value)
s"%${hexCount}s".format(unsignedValue.toString(16)).replace(' ','0')
def minimalValueBitWidth: Int = {
val pureWidth = value.bitLength + (if(isSignedKind && value != 0) 1 else 0)
if(hasPoison) Math.max(poisonMask.bitLength,pureWidth) else pureWidth
def isSignedKind: Boolean
override def toString: String = s"${'"'}${getBitsStringOn(bitCount, 'x')}${'"'} $bitCount bits)"
* Bit Literal
class BitsLiteral extends BitVectorLiteral{
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def isSignedKind: Boolean = false
override def clone(): this.type = BitsLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount,hasSpecifiedBitCount).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def opName: String = "B\"xxx\""
override def toString = "(B" + super.toString
* UInt literal
class UIntLiteral extends BitVectorLiteral{
override def getTypeObject = TypeUInt
override def isSignedKind: Boolean = false
override def clone(): this.type = UIntLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount,hasSpecifiedBitCount).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def opName: String = "U\"xxx\""
override def toString = "(U" + super.toString
* SInt literal
class SIntLiteral extends BitVectorLiteral{
override def getTypeObject = TypeSInt
override def isSignedKind: Boolean = true
override def clone(): this.type = SIntLiteral(value, poisonMask, bitCount,hasSpecifiedBitCount).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def opName: String = "S\"xxx\""
override def toString = "(S" + super.toString
* Bool literal
object BoolLiteral {
def apply(value: Boolean, on: Bool)(implicit loc: Location): Bool = {
on.assignFrom(new BoolLiteral(value))
class BoolLiteral(val value: Boolean) extends Literal {
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool(x)"
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {}
override def clone(): this.type = new BoolLiteral(value).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def getValue(): BigInt = if(value) 1 else 0
override def getBitsStringOn(bitCount: Int, poisonSymbol: Char): String = {
assert(bitCount == 1)
(if(value) "1" else "0")
override def hasPoison() = false
* Poison boolean
class BoolPoison() extends Literal {
override def getValue(): BigInt = throw new Exception("Poison have no values")
override def getTypeObject = TypeBool
override def opName: String = "Bool(?)"
override def hasPoison() = true
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {}
override def clone(): this.type = new BoolPoison().asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def getBitsStringOn(bitCount: Int, poisonSymbol: Char): String = {
assert(bitCount == 1)
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