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spinal.core.internals.PhaseVhdl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/*                                                                           *\
**        _____ ____  _____   _____    __                                    **
**       / ___// __ \/  _/ | / /   |  / /   HDL Core                         **
**       \__ \/ /_/ // //  |/ / /| | / /    (c) Dolu, All rights reserved    **
**      ___/ / ____// // /|  / ___ |/ /___                                   **
**     /____/_/   /___/_/ |_/_/  |_/_____/                                   **
**                                                                           **
**      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        **
**    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public             **
**    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either           **
**    version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     **
**                                                                           **
**      This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      **
**    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         **
**    Lesser General Public License for more details.                        **
**                                                                           **
**      You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public     **
**    License along with this library.                                       **
\*                                                                           */
package spinal.core.internals

import spinal.core._

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

class PhaseVhdl(pc: PhaseContext, report: SpinalReport[_]) extends PhaseMisc with VhdlBase {
  import pc._

  var outFile: = null

  override def impl(pc: PhaseContext): Unit = {
    packageName     = pc.privateNamespaceName + packageName
    enumPackageName = pc.privateNamespaceName + enumPackageName
    report.toplevelName = pc.topLevel.definitionName
    var targetFilePath = ""

    if (pc.config.oneFilePerComponent) {
      val fileList: mutable.LinkedHashSet[String] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet()

      // Emit enums
      targetFilePath = pc.config.targetDirectory + "/" + "pkg_enum.vhd"
      outFile = new
      outFile.write(VhdlVerilogBase.getHeader("--", pc.config.rtlHeader, topLevel, config.headerWithDate, config.headerWithRepoHash))
      report.generatedSourcesPaths += targetFilePath
      fileList += targetFilePath

      // Emit utility functions
      if (pc.config.genVhdlPkg) {
        targetFilePath = pc.config.targetDirectory + "/" + "pkg_scala2hdl.vhd"
        outFile = new
        outFile.write(VhdlVerilogBase.getHeader("--", pc.config.rtlHeader, topLevel, config.headerWithDate, config.headerWithRepoHash))
        report.generatedSourcesPaths += targetFilePath
        fileList += targetFilePath

      val bbImplStrings = mutable.HashSet[String]()

      // Emit each component
      for (c <- sortedComponents) {
        val componentContent = compile(c)

        if (!componentContent.contains("replaced by")) {
          targetFilePath = pc.config.targetDirectory + "/" + (c.definitionName + ".vhd")

          if (!c.isInBlackBoxTree) {
            outFile = new
            outFile.write(VhdlVerilogBase.getHeader("--", pc.config.rtlHeader, topLevel, config.headerWithDate, config.headerWithRepoHash))
            report.generatedSourcesPaths += targetFilePath
            fileList += targetFilePath
          c match {
            case bb: BlackBox => {
              fileList ++= bb.listRTLPath
              if (bb.impl != null) {
                val str = bb.impl.getVhdl()
                if (!bbImplStrings.contains(str)) {
                  outFile = new
                  outFile.write(VhdlVerilogBase.getHeader("--", pc.config.rtlHeader, topLevel, config.headerWithDate, config.headerWithRepoHash))
                  fileList += targetFilePath
                  bbImplStrings += str
            case _ =>

        val fileListFile = new + "/" + topLevel.definitionName + ".lst")
        fileList.foreach(file => fileListFile.write(file.replace("//", "/") + "\n"))
    } else {
      // All in one
      targetFilePath = pc.config.targetDirectory + "/" +  (if(pc.config.netlistFileName == null)(topLevel.definitionName + ".vhd") else pc.config.netlistFileName)
      report.generatedSourcesPaths += targetFilePath
      report.toplevelName = pc.topLevel.definitionName
      outFile = new
      outFile.write(VhdlVerilogBase.getHeader("--", pc.config.rtlHeader, topLevel, config.headerWithDate, config.headerWithRepoHash))


      for (c <- sortedComponents) {
        if (!c.isInBlackBoxTree) {

      val bbImplStrings = mutable.HashSet[String]()
        case bb : BlackBox if bb.impl != null => {
          val str = bb.impl.getVhdl()
          if(!bbImplStrings.contains(str)) {
            bbImplStrings += str
        case _ =>


  val allocateAlgoIncrementaleBase = globalData.allocateAlgoIncrementale()
  val usedDefinitionNames = mutable.HashSet[String]()

  def compile(component: Component): String = {
    val componentBuilderVhdl = new ComponentEmitterVhdl(
      c                         = component,
      vhdlBase                  = this,
      algoIdIncrementalBase     = allocateAlgoIncrementaleBase,
      mergeAsyncProcess         = config.mergeAsyncProcess,
      asyncResetCombSensitivity = config.asyncResetCombSensitivity,
      anonymSignalPrefix        = if(pc.config.anonymSignalUniqueness) globalData.anonymSignalPrefix + "_" + component.definitionName else globalData.anonymSignalPrefix,
      emitedComponentRef        = emitedComponentRef,
      pc                        = pc,
      spinalConfig              = pc.config

    val trace = componentBuilderVhdl.getTrace()
    val oldComponent = emitedComponent.getOrElse(trace, null)

    val text = if (oldComponent == null || component.definitionNameNoMerge && component.definitionName != oldComponent.definitionName) {
      assert(!usedDefinitionNames.contains(component.definitionName) || component.isInBlackBoxTree, s"Component '${component}' with definition name '${component.definitionName}' was already used once for a different layout\n${component.getScalaLocationLong}")
      emitedComponent += (trace -> component)
    } else {
      emitedComponentRef.put(component, oldComponent)
      val str =  s"\n--${component.definitionName} replaced by ${oldComponent.definitionName}\n\n"
      component.definitionName = oldComponent.definitionName


  val emitedComponent    = mutable.Map[ComponentEmitterTrace, Component]()
  val emitedComponentRef = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Component, Component]()

  def emitEnumPackage(out: Unit = {
    val ret = new StringBuilder()
    ret ++=
      s"""library IEEE;
         |use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
         |use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all;
         |package $enumPackageName is

    for (enumDef <- enums.keys) {
      ret ++= s"  type ${enumDef.getName()} is (${",")});\n"
      //ret ++= s"  type ${getEnumDebugType(enumDef)} is (${enumDef.elements.foldLeft("XXX")((str, e) => str + "," + e.getName())});\n"

    ret ++= "\n"

    for ((enumDef, encodings) <- enums) {
      val enumName = enumDef.getName()
      ret ++= s"  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : $enumName; zero : $enumName) return $enumName;\n"

      for (encoding <- encodings if !encoding.isNative) {
        val encodingName = encoding.getName()
        val bitCount     = encoding.getWidth(enumDef)
        val vhdlEnumType = emitEnumType(enumDef, encoding)

        ret ++= s"  subtype $vhdlEnumType is std_logic_vector(${bitCount - 1} downto 0);\n"

        for (element <- enumDef.elements) {
          ret ++= s"  constant ${emitEnumLiteral(element, encoding)} : $vhdlEnumType := ${idToBits(element, encoding)};\n"

        ret ++= "\n"
        //ret ++= s"  function pkg_to${enumName}_debug (value : std_logic_vector) return $enumName;\n"

      for (encoding <- encodings) {
        if (!encoding.isNative){}
         // ret ++= s"  function ${getEnumToDebugFuntion(enumDef, encoding)} (value : ${emitEnumType(enumDef, encoding)}) return ${getEnumDebugType(enumDef)};\n"
        else {
          ret ++= s"  function pkg_toStdLogicVector_${encoding.getName()} (value : $enumName) return std_logic_vector;\n"
          ret ++= s"  function pkg_to${enumName}_${encoding.getName()} (value : std_logic_vector(${encoding.getWidth(enumDef) - 1} downto 0)) return $enumName;\n"

        for (targetEncoding <- encodings if targetEncoding != encoding && !(targetEncoding.isNative && encoding.isNative)) {
          ret ++= s"  function ${getReEncodingFuntion(enumDef, encoding, targetEncoding)} (that : ${emitEnumType(enumDef, encoding)}) return ${emitEnumType(enumDef, targetEncoding)};\n"

    def idToBits[T <: SpinalEnum](senum: SpinalEnumElement[T], encoding: SpinalEnumEncoding): String = {
      val str = encoding.getValue(senum).toString(2)
      "\"" + ("0" * (encoding.getWidth(senum.spinalEnum) - str.length)) + str + "\""

    ret ++= s"end $enumPackageName;\n\n"

    if (enums.nonEmpty) {
      ret ++= s"package body $enumPackageName is\n"
      for ((enumDef, encodings) <- enums) {
        val enumName = enumDef.getName()
        ret ++= s"  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : $enumName; zero : $enumName) return $enumName is\n"
        ret ++= "  begin\n"
        ret ++= "    if sel = '1' then\n"
        ret ++= "      return one;\n"
        ret ++= "    else\n"
        ret ++= "      return zero;\n"
        ret ++= "    end if;\n"
        ret ++= "  end pkg_mux;\n\n"

        for (encoding <- encodings) {
          if (encoding.isNative){
            ret ++=
              s"""  function pkg_to${enumName}_${encoding.getName()} (value : std_logic_vector(${encoding.getWidth(enumDef) - 1} downto 0)) return $enumName is
                                                                                                                                                              |  begin
                                                                                                                                                              |    case value is
                  for (e <- enumDef.elements) yield s"      when ${idToBits(e, encoding)} => return ${e.getName()};"
                  |      when others => return ${enumDef.elements.head.getName()};
                                                                                 |    end case;
                                                                                 |  end;

            ret ++=
              s"""  function pkg_toStdLogicVector_${encoding.getName()} (value : $enumName) return std_logic_vector is
                                                                                            |  begin
                                                                                            |    case value is
                  for (e <- enumDef.elements) yield s"      when ${e.getName()} => return ${idToBits(e, encoding)};"
                  |      when others => return ${idToBits(enumDef.elements.head, encoding)};
                                                                                           |    end case;
                                                                                           |  end;

          for (targetEncoding <- encodings if targetEncoding != encoding) {
            ret ++= s"  function ${getReEncodingFuntion(enumDef, encoding, targetEncoding)} (that : ${emitEnumType(enumDef, encoding)}) return ${emitEnumType(enumDef, targetEncoding)} is\n"
            ret ++= "  begin\n"
            ret ++= "    case that is \n"
            for (e <- enumDef.elements) {
              ret ++= s"      when ${emitEnumLiteral(e, encoding)} => return ${emitEnumLiteral(e, targetEncoding)};\n"
            ret ++= s"      when others => return ${emitEnumLiteral(enumDef.elements.head, targetEncoding)};\n"
            ret ++= "    end case;\n"
            ret ++= "  end;\n\n"
      ret ++= s"end $enumPackageName;\n\n\n"

  def emitPackage(out: Unit = {

    def pkgExtractBool(kind: String): (String, String) = {
      val ret = new StringBuilder()
      (s"function pkg_extract (that : $kind; bitId : integer) return std_logic", {
        ret ++= s"    alias temp : $kind(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;\n"
        ret ++= "  begin\n"
        ret ++= "    if bitId >= temp'length then\n"
        ret ++= "      return 'U';\n"
        ret ++= "    end if;\n"
        ret ++= "    return temp(bitId);\n"
        ret ++= "  end pkg_extract;\n\n"

    def pkgExtract(kind: String): (String, String) = {
      val ret = new StringBuilder()

      (s"function pkg_extract (that : $kind; base : unsigned; size : integer) return $kind", {
        ret ++= s"    alias temp : $kind(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;"
        ret ++= "    constant elementCount : integer := temp'length - size + 1;\n"
        ret ++= s"    type tableType is array (0 to elementCount-1) of $kind(size-1 downto 0);\n"
        ret ++= "    variable table : tableType;\n"
        ret ++= "  begin\n"
        ret ++= "    for i in 0 to elementCount-1 loop\n"
        ret ++= "      table(i) := temp(i + size - 1 downto i);\n"
        ret ++= "    end loop;\n"
        ret ++= "    if base + size >= elementCount then\n"
        ret ++= s"      return (size-1 downto 0 => 'U');\n"
        ret ++= "    end if;\n"
        ret ++= "    return table(to_integer(base));\n"
        ret ++= "  end pkg_extract;\n\n"

    def pkgCat(kind: String): (String, String) = {
      val ret = new StringBuilder()

      (s"function pkg_cat (a : $kind; b : $kind) return $kind", {
        ret ++= s"    variable cat : $kind(a'length + b'length-1 downto 0);\n"
        ret ++= s"  begin\n"
        ret ++= s"    cat := a & b;\n"
        ret ++= s"    return cat;\n"
        ret ++= s"  end pkg_cat;\n\n"

    def pkgNot(kind: String): (String, String) = {
      val ret = new StringBuilder()

      (s"function pkg_not (value : $kind) return $kind", {
        ret ++= s"    variable ret : $kind(value'length-1 downto 0);\n"
        ret ++= s"  begin\n"
        ret ++= s"    ret := not value;\n"
        ret ++= s"    return ret;\n"
        ret ++= s"  end pkg_not;\n\n"

    val vectorTypes = "std_logic_vector" :: "unsigned" :: "signed" :: Nil

    val funcs = ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]()

    vectorTypes.foreach(kind => {
      funcs += pkgExtractBool(kind)
      funcs += pkgExtract(kind)
      funcs += pkgCat(kind)
      funcs += pkgNot(kind)

    val ret = new StringBuilder()
    ret ++= "library IEEE;\n"
    ret ++= "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;\n"
    ret ++= "use ieee.numeric_std.all;\n"
    ret ++= "use ieee.math_real.all;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= s"package $packageName is\n"
    ret ++="  " + _._1 + ";\n").mkString
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : std_logic; zero : std_logic) return std_logic;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : std_logic_vector; zero : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : unsigned; zero : unsigned) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : signed; zero : signed) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toStdLogic (value : boolean) return std_logic;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toStdLogicVector (value : std_logic) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toUnsigned (value : std_logic) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toSigned (value : std_logic) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_stdLogicVector (lit : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_unsigned (lit : unsigned) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_signed (lit : signed) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_resize (that : std_logic_vector; width : integer) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_resize (that : unsigned; width : integer) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_resize (that : signed; width : integer) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : std_logic_vector; high : integer; low : integer) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : unsigned; high : integer; low : integer) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : signed; high : integer; low : integer) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : std_logic_vector; size : natural) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : natural) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : unsigned; size : natural) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : unsigned; size : unsigned) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : unsigned; size : natural) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : unsigned; size : unsigned) return unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : signed; size : natural) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : signed; size : unsigned) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : signed; size : natural) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : signed; size : unsigned; w : integer) return signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_rotateLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toString (that : std_logic_vector) return string;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toString (that : unsigned) return string;\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toString (that : signed) return string;\n"
    ret ++= s"end  $packageName;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= s"package body $packageName is\n"
    ret ++= => "  " + f._1 + " is\n" + f._2).mkString
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  -- unsigned shifts\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : unsigned; size : natural) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : unsigned(that'length-1 downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if size >= that'length then\n"
    ret ++= "      return \"\";\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := shift_right(that,size);\n"
    ret ++= "      return ret(that'length-1-size downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : unsigned; size : unsigned) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : unsigned(that'length-1 downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    ret := shift_right(that,to_integer(size));\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : unsigned; size : natural) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return shift_left(resize(that,that'length + size),size);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : unsigned; size : unsigned) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return shift_left(resize(that,that'length + 2**size'length - 1),to_integer(size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  -- std_logic_vector shifts\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : std_logic_vector; size : natural) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftRight(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftRight(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : natural) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftLeft(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftLeft(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  -- signed shifts\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : signed; size : natural) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return signed(pkg_shiftRight(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftRight (that : signed; size : unsigned) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return shift_right(that,to_integer(size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftRight;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : signed; size : natural) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return signed(pkg_shiftLeft(unsigned(that),size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_shiftLeft (that : signed; size : unsigned; w : integer) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return shift_left(resize(that,w),to_integer(size));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_shiftLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_rotateLeft (that : std_logic_vector; size : unsigned) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(rotate_left(unsigned(that),to_integer(size)));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_rotateLeft;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : std_logic_vector; high : integer; low : integer) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias temp : std_logic_vector(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return temp(high downto low);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_extract;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : unsigned; high : integer; low : integer) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias temp : unsigned(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return temp(high downto low);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_extract;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_extract (that : signed; high : integer; low : integer) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias temp : signed(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return temp(high downto low);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_extract;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : std_logic; zero : std_logic) return std_logic is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if sel = '1' then\n"
    ret ++= "      return one;\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      return zero;\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_mux;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : std_logic_vector; zero : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : std_logic_vector(zero'range);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if sel = '1' then\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := one;\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := zero;\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_mux;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : unsigned; zero : unsigned) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : unsigned(zero'range);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if sel = '1' then\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := one;\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := zero;\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_mux;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_mux (sel : std_logic; one : signed; zero : signed) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : signed(zero'range);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if sel = '1' then\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := one;\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      ret := zero;\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_mux;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toStdLogic (value : boolean) return std_logic is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    if value = true then\n"
    ret ++= "      return '1';\n"
    ret ++= "    else\n"
    ret ++= "      return '0';\n"
    ret ++= "    end if;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_toStdLogic;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toStdLogicVector (value : std_logic) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    ret(0) := value;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_toStdLogicVector;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toUnsigned (value : std_logic) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : unsigned(0 downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    ret(0) := value;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_toUnsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_toSigned (value : std_logic) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "    variable ret : signed(0 downto 0);\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    ret(0) := value;\n"
    ret ++= "    return ret;\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_toSigned;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_stdLogicVector (lit : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias ret : std_logic_vector(lit'length-1 downto 0) is lit;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(ret);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_stdLogicVector;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_unsigned (lit : unsigned) return unsigned is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias ret : unsigned(lit'length-1 downto 0) is lit;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return unsigned(ret);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_unsigned;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_signed (lit : signed) return signed is\n"
    ret ++= "    alias ret : signed(lit'length-1 downto 0) is lit;\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return signed(ret);\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_signed;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "  function pkg_resize (that : std_logic_vector; width : integer) return std_logic_vector is\n"
    ret ++= "  begin\n"
    ret ++= "    return std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(that),width));\n"
    ret ++= "  end pkg_resize;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++=
     """|  function pkg_resize (that : unsigned; width : integer) return unsigned is
        |    variable ret : unsigned(width-1 downto 0);
        |  begin
        |    if that'length = 0 then
        |       ret := (others => '0');
        |    else
        |       ret := resize(that,width);
        |    end if;
        |    return ret;
        |  end pkg_resize;

    ret ++=
     """|  function pkg_resize (that : signed; width : integer) return signed is
        |    alias temp : signed(that'length-1 downto 0) is that;
        |    variable ret : signed(width-1 downto 0);
        |  begin
        |    if temp'length = 0 then
        |       ret := (others => '0');
        |    elsif temp'length >= width then
        |       ret := temp(width-1 downto 0);
        |    else
        |       ret := resize(temp,width);
        |    end if;
        |    return ret;
        |  end pkg_resize;
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= """|  function pkg_toString (that : std_logic_vector) return string is
               |    variable ret : string((that'length-1)/4 downto 0);
               |    constant chars : string := "0123456789abcdef";
               |    variable left : natural;
               |  begin
               |    for i in ret'range loop
               |      left := i*4+3;
               |      if left > that'left then
               |        left := that'left;
               |      end if;
               |      ret(i) := chars(to_integer(unsigned(that(left downto i*4)))+1);
               |    end loop;
               |    return "x" & '"' & ret & '"';
               |  end pkg_toString;
    ret ++= """|  function pkg_toString (that : unsigned) return string is
               |  begin
               |    if that > 0 then
               |      return pkg_toString(that / 10) & integer'image(to_integer(that mod 10));
               |    else
               |      return "";
               |    end if;
               |  end pkg_toString;
    ret ++= """|  function pkg_toString (that : signed) return string is
               |  begin
               |    if that < 0 then
               |      return "-" & pkg_toString(0 - pkg_resize(that, that'length + 1));
               |    elsif that > 0 then
               |      return pkg_toString(that / 10) & integer'image(to_integer(that mod 10));
               |    else
               |      return "";
               |    end if;
               |  end pkg_toString;
    ret ++= s"end $packageName;\n"
    ret ++= "\n"
    ret ++= "\n"


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