spinal.core.internals.Statement.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core.internals
import spinal.core._
import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import spinal.idslplugin.Location
trait StatementDoubleLinkedContainer[SC <: Statement with DoubleLinkedContainer[SC, SE], SE <: Statement with DoubleLinkedContainerElement[SC, SE]] extends Statement with DoubleLinkedContainer[SC,SE]{
def foreachStatements(func: SE => Unit) = dlcForeach(func)
def hasOnlyOneStatement = dlcHasOnlyOne
def head = dlcHead
// def statementsIterator = dlcIterator
// def statementsIterable = dlcIterable
trait StatementDoubleLinkedContainerElement[SC <: DoubleLinkedContainer[SC, SE], SE <: DoubleLinkedContainerElement[SC, SE]] extends Statement with DoubleLinkedContainerElement[SC,SE]{
override def removeStatement(): Unit = {
trait DeclarationStatement extends LeafStatement with Nameable {
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {}
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {}
class ScopeStatement(var parentStatement: TreeStatement) {
var component: Component = if(parentStatement != null) parentStatement.component else null
var head, last: Statement = null
def isEmpty = head == null
def nonEmpty = head != null
def push() = DslScopeStack.set(this)
def on(body : => Unit): Unit = {
val ctx = push()
//Execute body on the head of the ScopeStatement list
def onHead[T](body : => T) : T = {
val ctx = push()
val swapContext = swap()
val ret = body
class SwapContext(cHead: Statement, cLast: Statement){
def appendBack(): Unit ={
last.nextScopeStatement = cHead
if(cHead != null) cHead.lastScopeStatement = last
} else {
head = cHead
if(cLast != null) {
last = cLast
def swap(): SwapContext ={
val ret = new SwapContext(head,last)
head = null
last = null
def prepend(that: Statement): this.type = {
if(head != null){
head.lastScopeStatement = that
} else {
last = that
that.nextScopeStatement = head
that.lastScopeStatement = null
that.parentScope = this
head = that
def append(that: Statement): this.type = {
that.parentScope = this
that.nextScopeStatement = null
that.lastScopeStatement = last
if(last != null){
last.nextScopeStatement = that
} else {
head = that
last = that
def statementIterable = new Iterable[Statement] {
override def iterator: Iterator[Statement] = statementIterator
def statementIterator = new Iterator[Statement] {
var ptr = head
override def hasNext: Boolean = ptr != null
override def next(): Statement = {
val ret = ptr
ptr = ret.nextScopeStatement
def foreachStatements(func: (Statement) => Unit) = {
var ptr = head
while(ptr != null){
val current = ptr
ptr = ptr.nextScopeStatement
def walkStatements(func: Statement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: LeafStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => func(s); s.walkStatements(func)
def walkLeafStatements(func: LeafStatement => Unit): Unit ={
foreachStatements {
case s: LeafStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => s.walkLeafStatements(func)
def foreachDeclarations(func: DeclarationStatement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: DeclarationStatement => func(s)
case s =>
def walkDeclarations(func: DeclarationStatement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: DeclarationStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => s.walkDeclarations(func)
case s =>
object Statement{
def isFullToFullStatement(bt: BaseType): Boolean = bt.hasOnlyOneStatement && bt.head.parentScope == bt.rootScopeStatement && (bt.head match {
case AssignmentStatement(a: DeclarationStatement, b: DeclarationStatement) => true
case _ => false
def isFullToFullStatementOrLit(bt: BaseType): Boolean = bt.hasOnlyOneStatement && bt.head.parentScope == bt.rootScopeStatement && (bt.head match {
case AssignmentStatement(a: DeclarationStatement, b: DeclarationStatement) => true
case AssignmentStatement(a: DeclarationStatement, b: Literal) => true
case _ => false
def isSomethingToFullStatement(bt: BaseType): Boolean = bt.hasOnlyOneStatement && bt.head.parentScope == bt.rootScopeStatement && (bt.head match {
case AssignmentStatement(a: DeclarationStatement, _) =>
case _ =>
trait Statement extends ExpressionContainer with ContextUser with ScalaLocated with BaseNode{
var lastScopeStatement, nextScopeStatement: Statement = null
def rootScopeStatement: ScopeStatement = if(parentScope.parentStatement != null) parentScope.parentStatement.rootScopeStatement else parentScope
def removeStatement(): Unit = {
def foreachClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => Unit): Unit = {}
def remapClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => ClockDomain): Unit = {}
def removeStatementFromScope() : Unit = {
if(lastScopeStatement != null){
lastScopeStatement.nextScopeStatement = nextScopeStatement
} else {
parentScope.head = nextScopeStatement
if(nextScopeStatement != null){
nextScopeStatement.lastScopeStatement = lastScopeStatement
} else {
parentScope.last = lastScopeStatement
lastScopeStatement = null
nextScopeStatement = null
parentScope = null
def walkParentTreeStatements(func: (TreeStatement) => Unit): Unit = {
if(parentScope.parentStatement != null){
def walkParentTreeStatementsUntilRootScope(func: (TreeStatement) => Unit): Unit = {
val root = rootScopeStatement
if(root == null) return //Input of top level
var ptr = parentScope
while(ptr != root){
ptr = ptr.parentStatement.parentScope
def insertNext(s: Statement): Unit = {
if(nextScopeStatement == null)
parentScope.last = s
this.nextScopeStatement.lastScopeStatement = s
s.nextScopeStatement = this.nextScopeStatement
this.nextScopeStatement = s
s.lastScopeStatement = this
s.parentScope = this.parentScope
trait LeafStatement extends Statement{}
trait TreeStatement extends Statement{
def foreachStatements(func: Statement => Unit)
def walkStatements(func : Statement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: LeafStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => func(s); s.walkStatements(func)
def walkLeafStatements(func: LeafStatement => Unit): Unit ={
foreachStatements {
case s: LeafStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => s.walkLeafStatements(func)
def foreachDeclarations(func: DeclarationStatement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: DeclarationStatement => func(s)
case _ =>
def walkDeclarations(func: DeclarationStatement => Unit): Unit ={
case s: DeclarationStatement => func(s)
case s: TreeStatement => s.walkDeclarations(func)
case s =>
object AssignmentStatement{
def unapply(x: AssignmentStatement): Option[(Expression, Expression)] = Some(x.target, x.source)
abstract class AssignmentStatement extends LeafStatement with StatementDoubleLinkedContainerElement[BaseType, AssignmentStatement]{
var target, source: Expression = null
var locationString : String = null
def setLocation(loc : Location): this.type ={
if(globalData.config.genLineComments) locationString = s"@ ${loc.file}.scala l${loc.line}"
override def rootScopeStatement = finalTarget.rootScopeStatement
override def dlcParent = finalTarget
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
target match {
case t: WidthProvider =>
val finalTarget = this.finalTarget
source = InputNormalize.assignementResizedOrUnfixedLit(this)
case _ =>
def finalTarget: BaseType = target match{
case n: BaseType => n
case a: AssignmentExpression => a.finalTarget
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
override def foreachDrivingExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
target match {
case ref: BaseType =>
case a: AssignmentExpression => a.foreachDrivingExpression(func)
override def remapDrivingExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
target match {
case ref: BaseType =>
case a: AssignmentExpression => a.remapDrivingExpressions(func)
source = stabilized(func, source)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
target = stabilized(func, target)
source = stabilized(func, source)
override def toString: String = s"$target := $source"
object DataAssignmentStatement{
def apply(target: Expression, source: Expression) = {
val ret = new DataAssignmentStatement
ret.target = target
ret.source = source
def unapply(x: DataAssignmentStatement): Option[(Expression, Expression)] = Some(x.target, x.source)
class DataAssignmentStatement extends AssignmentStatement{}
object InitAssignmentStatement{
def apply(target: Expression, source: Expression) = {
val ret = new InitAssignmentStatement
ret.target = target
ret.source = source
class InitAssignmentStatement extends AssignmentStatement{}
object InitialAssignmentStatement{
def apply(target: Expression, source: Expression) = {
val ret = new InitialAssignmentStatement
ret.target = target
ret.source = source
class InitialAssignmentStatement extends AssignmentStatement{}
class WhenStatement(var cond: Expression) extends TreeStatement{
val whenTrue, whenFalse = new ScopeStatement(this)
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {}
def foreachStatements(func: (Statement) => Unit) = {
def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit) = {
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
cond = stabilized(func, cond)
class SwitchStatement(var value: Expression) extends TreeStatement{
val elements = ArrayBuffer[SwitchStatementElement]()
var defaultScope: ScopeStatement = null
var coverUnreachable = false
var removeDuplication = false
override def foreachStatements(func: (Statement) => Unit): Unit = {
elements.foreach(x => x.scopeStatement.foreachStatements(func))
if(defaultScope != null) defaultScope.foreachStatements(func)
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
value = stabilized(func, value)
def remapElementsExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = {
elements.foreach(x => {
for(i <- x.keys.indices){
x.keys(i) = stabilized(func, x.keys(i))
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
elements.foreach(x => x.keys.foreach(func))
override def normalizeInputs: Unit = {
def bitVectorNormalize(factory : => Resize) : Unit = {
val targetWidth = value.asInstanceOf[WidthProvider].getWidth
for(e <- elements; eKeys = e.keys.toArray; k <- eKeys){
for(i <- eKeys.indices) {
val k = eKeys(i)
e.keys(i) = k match {
case k: SwitchStatementKeyBool => k
case k: Expression with WidthProvider => InputNormalize.resizedOrUnfixedLit(k, targetWidth, factory, value, e)
if(targetWidth == 0){
def swap(scope : ScopeStatement) {
scope.foreachStatements(_.parentScope = this.parentScope)
if (this.lastScopeStatement != null)
this.lastScopeStatement.nextScopeStatement = scope.head
parentScope.head = scope.head
if (scope.head != null)
scope.head.lastScopeStatement = this.lastScopeStatement
if (this.nextScopeStatement != null)
this.nextScopeStatement.lastScopeStatement = scope.last
parentScope.last = scope.last
if (scope.last != null)
scope.last.nextScopeStatement = this.nextScopeStatement
val element = elements.head
assert(defaultScope == null)
assert(element.keys.length == 1)
assert(element.keys.head.asInstanceOf[WidthProvider].getWidth == 0)
} else if(defaultScope != null){
} else {
if(this.nextScopeStatement != null)
this.nextScopeStatement.lastScopeStatement = this.lastScopeStatement
if(this.lastScopeStatement != null)
this.lastScopeStatement.nextScopeStatement = this.nextScopeStatement
//TODO IR senum encoding stuff
value.getTypeObject match {
case `TypeBits` => bitVectorNormalize(new ResizeBits)
case `TypeUInt` => bitVectorNormalize(new ResizeUInt)
case `TypeSInt` => bitVectorNormalize(new ResizeSInt)
case `TypeEnum` => InputNormalize.switchEnumImpl(this)
case _ =>
def isFullyCoveredWithoutDefault: Boolean ={
object Exclusion{
def apply(size: BigInt): Exclusion = {
if(size < 4096) new ExclusionByArray(size)
else new ExclusionByNothing(size)
abstract class Exclusion(val size: BigInt){
var remaining = size
def allocate(id: BigInt): Boolean
class ExclusionByNothing(size: BigInt) extends Exclusion(size){ //TODO better than nothing
override def allocate(id: BigInt): Boolean = true
class ExclusionByArray(size: BigInt) extends Exclusion(size){
val occupancy = new Array[Boolean](size.toInt)
def allocate(id_ : BigInt): Boolean ={
val id = id_.toInt
if(id_ >= size){
if(occupancy(id)) return false
occupancy(id) = true
remaining -= 1
return true
val coverage = Exclusion(value.getTypeObject match {
case TypeBool => BigInt(2)
case TypeBits => BigInt(1) << value.asInstanceOf[WidthProvider].getWidth
case TypeUInt => BigInt(1) << value.asInstanceOf[WidthProvider].getWidth
case TypeSInt => BigInt(1) << value.asInstanceOf[WidthProvider].getWidth
case TypeEnum => BigInt(value.asInstanceOf[EnumEncoded].getDefinition.elements.length)
var hadNonLiteralKey = false
elements.foreach{element => element.keys.foreach{
case lit: EnumLiteral[_] =>
PendingError(s"UNREACHABLE IS STATEMENT in the switch statement at \n" + element.getScalaLocationLong)
case lit: Literal =>
PendingError(s"UNREACHABLE IS STATEMENT in the switch statement at \n" + element.getScalaLocationLong)
case _ =>
hadNonLiteralKey = true
return coverage.remaining == BigInt(0) && !hadNonLiteralKey
object AssertStatementHelper{
def apply(cond: Bool, message: Seq[Any], severity: AssertNodeSeverity, kind: AssertStatementKind, trigger : AssertStatementTrigger, loc: Location): AssertStatement = {
val node = AssertStatement(cond, message, severity, kind, trigger, loc)
def apply(cond: Bool, message: String, severity: AssertNodeSeverity, kind : AssertStatementKind, trigger : AssertStatementTrigger, loc: Location): AssertStatement ={
AssertStatementHelper(cond, List(message), severity, kind, trigger, loc)
class AssertStatementKind
object AssertStatementKind{
val ASSERT = new AssertStatementKind
val ASSUME = new AssertStatementKind
val COVER = new AssertStatementKind
class AssertStatementTrigger
object AssertStatementTrigger{
val CLOCKED = new AssertStatementTrigger
val INITIAL = new AssertStatementTrigger
case class AssertStatement(var cond: Expression, message: Seq[Any], severity: AssertNodeSeverity, kind : AssertStatementKind, trigger : AssertStatementTrigger, loc: Location) extends LeafStatement with SpinalTagReady {
var clockDomain = ClockDomain.current
override def foreachExpression(func: (Expression) => Unit): Unit = {
message.foreach {
case e: Expression => func(e)
case _ =>
override def remapExpressions(func: (Expression) => Expression): Unit = cond = stabilized(func, cond)
override def foreachClockDomain(func: (ClockDomain) => Unit): Unit = trigger match {
case AssertStatementTrigger.CLOCKED => func(clockDomain)
case AssertStatementTrigger.INITIAL =>
override def remapClockDomain(func: ClockDomain => ClockDomain) = trigger match {
case AssertStatementTrigger.CLOCKED => clockDomain = func(clockDomain)
case AssertStatementTrigger.INITIAL =>
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