spinal.core.Bits.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Core **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.core
import spinal.core.internals._
import spinal.idslplugin.Location
* Bits factory used for instance by the IODirection to create a in/out Bits
trait BitsFactory {
/** Create a new Bits */
def Bits(u: Unit = ()): Bits = new Bits()
/** Create a new Bits of a given width */
def Bits(width: BitCount): Bits = Bits().setWidth(width.value)
* The Bits type corresponds to a vector of bits that does not convey any arithmetic meaning.
* @example {{{
* val myBits1 = Bits(32 bits)
* val myBits2 = B(25, 8 bits)
* val myBits3 = B"8'xFF"
* val myBits4 = B"1001_0011
* }}}
* @see [[http://spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc/spinal/core/types/Bits Bits Documentation]]
class Bits extends BitVector with DataPrimitives[Bits] with BaseTypePrimitives[Bits] with BitwiseOp[Bits]{
override def getTypeObject = TypeBits
override def opName: String = "Bits"
override type T = Bits
private[spinal] override def _data: Bits = this
* Concatenation between two Bits
* @example{{{ val myBits2 = bits1 ## bits2 }}}
* @param right a Bits to append
* @return a new Bits of width (w(this) + w(right))
def ##(right: Bits): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(right, new Operator.Bits.Cat)
/* Operator defined in BitwiseOp */
override def |(right: Bits): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(right, new Operator.Bits.Or)
override def &(right: Bits): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(right, new Operator.Bits.And)
override def ^(right: Bits): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(right, new Operator.Bits.Xor)
override def unary_~ : Bits = wrapUnaryOperator(new Operator.Bits.Not)
* Logical shift right (output width will decrease)
* @example{{{ val result = myBits >> 4 }}}
* @param that the number of shift
* @return a Bits of width : w(this) - that bits
def >>(that: Int): Bits = wrapConstantOperator(new Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByInt(that))
* Logical shift left (output width will increase)
* @example{{{ val result = myBits << 4 }}}
* @param that the number of shift
* @return a Bits of width : w(this) + that bits
def <<(that: Int): Bits = wrapConstantOperator(new Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByInt(that))
/** Logical shift right (output width == input width) */
def >>(that: UInt): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(that, new Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByUInt)
/** Logical shift left (output width will increase of w(this) + max(that) bits */
def <<(that: UInt): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(that, new Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByUInt)
* Logical shift right (output width == input width)
* @example{{{ val result = myBits |>> 4 }}}
* @param that the number of shift
* @return a Bits of width : w(this)
def |>>(that: Int): Bits = wrapConstantOperator(new Operator.Bits.ShiftRightByIntFixedWidth(that))
/** Logical shift left (output width == input width) */
def |<<(that: Int): Bits = wrapConstantOperator(new Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByIntFixedWidth(that))
/** Logical shift Right (output width == input width) */
def |>>(that: UInt): Bits = this >> that
/** Logical shift left (output width == input width) */
def |<<(that: UInt): Bits = wrapBinaryOperator(that, new Operator.Bits.ShiftLeftByUIntFixedWidth)
override def rotateLeft(that: Int): Bits = {
val width = widthOf(this)
val thatMod = that % width
this(this.high - thatMod downto 0) ## this(this.high downto this.high - thatMod + 1)
override def rotateRight(that: Int): Bits = {
val width = widthOf(this)
val thatMod = that % width
this(thatMod - 1 downto 0) ## this(this.high downto thatMod)
* Assign a range value to a Bits
* @example{{{ core.io.interrupt = (0 -> uartCtrl.io.interrupt, 1 -> timerCtrl.io.interrupt, default -> false)}}}
* @param rangesValue The first range value
* @param _rangesValues Others range values
def :=(rangesValue: (Any, Any), _rangesValues: (Any, Any)*): Unit = {
val rangesValues = rangesValue +: _rangesValues
B.applyTuples(this, rangesValues)
def :=(value : String) : Unit = this := B(value)
override def assignFromBits(bits: Bits): Unit = this := bits
override def assignFromBits(bits: Bits, hi: Int, lo: Int): Unit = this (hi downto lo).assignFromBits(bits)
* Cast a Bits to a SInt
* @example {{{ val mySInt = myBits.asSInt }}}
* @return a SInt data
def asSInt: SInt = wrapCast(SInt(), new CastBitsToSInt)
* Cast a Bits to an UInt
* @example {{{ val myUInt = myBits.asUInt }}}
* @return an UInt data
def asUInt: UInt = wrapCast(UInt(), new CastBitsToUInt)
override def asBits: Bits = {
val ret = new Bits()
ret := this
* Cast a Bits to a given data type
* @example{{{ val myUInt = myBits.toDataType(UInt) }}}
* @param dataType the wanted data type
* @return a new data type assign with the value of Bits
def toDataType[T <: Data](dataType: T): T = {
val ret = cloneOf(dataType)
private[core] override def isEqualTo(that: Any): Bool = that match {
case that: Bits => wrapLogicalOperator(that, new Operator.Bits.Equal)
case that: MaskedLiteral => that === this
case _ => SpinalError(s"Don't know how to compare $this with $that"); null
private[core] override def isNotEqualTo(that: Any): Bool = that match {
case that: Bits => wrapLogicalOperator(that, new Operator.Bits.NotEqual)
case that: MaskedLiteral => that =/= this
case _ => SpinalError(s"Don't know how to compare $this with $that"); null
private[core] override def newMultiplexerExpression() = new MultiplexerBits
private[core] override def newBinaryMultiplexerExpression() = new BinaryMultiplexerBits
def valueRange: Range = {
assert(getWidth < 32)
0 to (1 << getWidth)-1
override def resize(width: Int): Bits = wrapWithWeakClone({
val node = new ResizeBits
node.input = this
node.size = width
override def resize(width: BitCount) : Bits = resize(width.value)
override def resizeFactory: Resize = new ResizeBits
* Resize by keeping MSB at the same place
* If the final size is bigger than the original size, the leftmost bits are filled with zeroes
* if the final size is smaller, only width MSB are kept
* @param width Final width
* @return Resized bits vector
def resizeLeft(width: Int): Bits = {
val lengthDifference = width - this.getWidth
if (lengthDifference >= 0) {
this ## B(0, lengthDifference bits)
} else {
this(this.getWidth - 1 downto math.abs(lengthDifference))
override def apply(bitId: Int): Bool = newExtract(bitId, new BitsBitAccessFixed)
override def apply(bitId: UInt): Bool = newExtract(bitId, new BitsBitAccessFloating)
override def apply(offset: Int, bitCount: BitCount): this.type = newExtract(offset+bitCount.value-1,offset, new BitsRangedAccessFixed).setWidth(bitCount.value)
override def apply(offset: UInt, bitCount: BitCount): this.type = newExtract(offset,bitCount.value, new BitsRangedAccessFloating).setWidth(bitCount.value)
private[core] override def weakClone: this.type = new Bits().asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def getZero: this.type = B(0, this.getWidth bits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def getZeroUnconstrained: this.type = B(0).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def getAllTrue: this.type = B((BigInt(1) << this.getWidth) - 1, this.getWidth bits).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def setAll(): this.type = {
this := (BigInt(1) << this.getWidth) - 1
override def assignDontCare(): this.type = {
this.assignFrom(BitsLiteral(BigInt(0), (BigInt(1) << this.getWidth) - 1, widthOf(this)))
override private[core] def formalPast(delay: Int) = this.wrapUnaryOperator(new Operator.Formal.PastBits(delay))
def reversed = B(asBools.reverse).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def assignFormalRandom(kind: Operator.Formal.RandomExpKind) = this.assignFrom(new Operator.Formal.RandomExpBits(kind, widthOf(this)))
* Return a instance of the paramter which alias this.Bits in both read and assignments accesses.
* Usefull for union like data structures.
* @param t The type in which the alias will be
* @return The alias
def aliasAs[T <: Data](t : HardType[T]) : T = {
val wrap = t()
var offsetCounter = 0
for (e <- wrap.flatten) {
val eWidth = e.getBitsWidth
e.compositeAssign = new Assignable {
val offset = offsetCounter
override protected def assignFromImpl(that: AnyRef, target: AnyRef, kind: AnyRef)(implicit loc: Location): Unit = {
def getBits(w: Int) = that match {
case that: BitVector if widthOf(that) != w => {
val tmp = cloneOf(that).setWidth(w)
tmp := that
case that: Data => that.asBits
target match {
case x: BaseType => Bits.this.compositAssignFrom(getBits(eWidth), RangedAssignmentFixed(Bits.this, offset + eWidth - 1, offset), kind)
case x: BitAssignmentFixed => Bits.this(offset + x.bitId).compositAssignFrom(that, Bits.this, kind)
case x: BitAssignmentFloating => Bits.this(offset + x.bitId.asInstanceOf[UInt]).compositAssignFrom(that, Bits.this, kind)
case x: RangedAssignmentFixed => Bits.this(offset + x.hi downto offset + x.lo).compositAssignFrom(getBits(x.getWidth), Bits.this, kind)
case x: RangedAssignmentFloating => Bits.this(offset + x.offset.asInstanceOf[UInt], x.bitCount bits).compositAssignFrom(getBits(x.getWidth), Bits.this, kind)
override def getRealSourceNoRec: Any = Bits.this
offsetCounter += eWidth