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package spinal.lib.bus.wishbone
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import scala.collection.Seq
/** Factory for [[spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneArbiter]] instances. */
object WishboneArbiter{
/** Create a wishbone Arbiter/multiplexer
* the arbiter will not switch to other interfaces until the selected master/input CYC line goes to zero
* @constructor create a WishboneArbiter instance
* @param config it will use for configuring all the input/output wishbone port
* @param inputCount the number of master interface
* @return a instantiated [[spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneArbiter]] class
def apply(config : WishboneConfig, inputCount : Int) = new WishboneArbiter(config, inputCount)
/** Create a wishbone Arbiter/multiplexer, use the slave config fot the multiplexer
* @param masters a Seq of master interfaces
* @param slave the slave interface, the [[spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.Wishbone.config]] will be used for all input/output
* @return a instantiated [[spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneArbiter]] class
def apply(masters: Seq[Wishbone], slave: Wishbone): WishboneArbiter = {
val arbiter = new WishboneArbiter(slave.config, masters.size) <> slave
(, masters) <> _)
/** Create a wishbone Arbiter/multiplexer
* the arbiter will not switch to other interfaces until the selected master/input CYC line goes to zero
* @constructor create a WishboneArbiter instance
* @param config it will use for configuring all the input/output wishbone port
* @param inputCount the number of master interface
class WishboneArbiter(config : WishboneConfig, inputCount : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle{
val inputs = Vec(slave(Wishbone(config)), inputCount)
val output = master(Wishbone(config))
//Permanently connect DAT_MISO and TGD_MISO (if used) for save on logic usage{ in =>
in.DAT_MISO := io.output.DAT_MISO
Wishbone.driveWeak(io.output.TGD_MISO, in.TGD_MISO, null, false, false)
//Implement a round robin algorithm.
//The channel will remain selected is either LOCK or CYC are equals to true
//and pass to the next channel after the master clears CYC and LOCK
//this output a One Hot encoded vector/bit array
val requests = if(config.useLOCK) Vec( => func.CYC && !func.LOCK))
else Vec( => func.CYC))
val maskLock : Vec[Bool] = RegInit(B(1,inputCount bits).asBools)
val roundRobin : Vec[Bool] = OHMasking.roundRobin(requests, maskLock)
val selector: Vec[Bool] = RegNext(roundRobin.orR ? roundRobin | maskLock,
B(1, inputCount bits).asBools)
when (roundRobin.orR) {
maskLock := roundRobin
//Implement the selector for the output slave signals
//This is ok becouse the signal is assumed as oneHotEncoded
(, selector).zipped.foreach(_ := _ && io.output.ACK)
if(config.useSTALL) (, selector).zipped.foreach(_ := _ && io.output.STALL)
if(config.useERR) (, selector).zipped.foreach(_ := _ && io.output.ERR)
if(config.useRTY) (, selector).zipped.foreach(_ := _ && io.output.RTY)
//Implement the selector for the input slave signals
io.output.CYC := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
io.output.STB := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
io.output.WE := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
io.output.ADR := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
io.output.DAT_MOSI := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useSEL) io.output.SEL := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useLOCK) io.output.LOCK := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useCTI) io.output.CTI := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useTGD) io.output.TGD_MOSI := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useTGA) io.output.TGA := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useTGC) io.output.TGC := MuxOH(selector, Vec(
if(config.useBTE) io.output.BTE := MuxOH(selector, Vec(