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spinal.lib.graphic.hdmi.VgaToHdmi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.graphic.hdmi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.blackbox.lattice.ecp5.ODDRX1F
import spinal.lib.graphic.RgbConfig
import spinal.lib.graphic.vga._
case class VgaToHdmiEcp5(vgaCd : ClockDomain, hdmiCd : ClockDomain) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val vga = slave(Vga(RgbConfig(8,8,8)))
val gpdi_dp, gpdi_dn = out Bits(4 bits)
val TMDS_red, TMDS_green, TMDS_blue = Bits(10 bits)
val bCd = io.vga.vSync ## io.vga.hSync
val encode_R = vgaCd(TmdsEncoder(VD = io.vga.color.r, CD = B"00", VDE = io.vga.colorEn, TMDS = TMDS_red))
val encode_G = vgaCd(TmdsEncoder(VD = io.vga.color.g, CD = B"00", VDE = io.vga.colorEn, TMDS = TMDS_green))
val encode_B = vgaCd(TmdsEncoder(VD = io.vga.color.b, CD = bCd , VDE = io.vga.colorEn, TMDS = TMDS_blue))
val ctr_mod5 = hdmiCd(Reg(UInt(3 bits)) randBoot())
val shift_ld = hdmiCd(Reg(Bool()) randBoot())
shift_ld := ctr_mod5 === 4
ctr_mod5 := ((ctr_mod5 === 4) ? U"3'd0" | (ctr_mod5 + 1))
val shift_R, shift_G, shift_B, shift_C = hdmiCd(Reg(Bits(10 bits)))
shift_R := (shift_ld ? TMDS_red | shift_R(9 downto 2).resized)
shift_G := (shift_ld ? TMDS_green | shift_G(9 downto 2).resized)
shift_B := (shift_ld ? TMDS_blue | shift_B(9 downto 2).resized)
shift_C := (shift_ld ? B"10'h3e0" | shift_C(9 downto 2).resized)
val ddr3p = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dp(3), D0 = shift_C(0), D1 = shift_C(1)))
val ddr2p = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dp(2), D0 = shift_R(0), D1 = shift_R(1)))
val ddr1p = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dp(1), D0 = shift_G(0), D1 = shift_G(1)))
val ddr0p = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dp(0), D0 = shift_B(0), D1 = shift_B(1)))
val ddr3n = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dn(3), D0 = ~shift_C(0), D1 = ~shift_C(1)))
val ddr2n = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dn(2), D0 = ~shift_R(0), D1 = ~shift_R(1)))
val ddr1n = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dn(1), D0 = ~shift_G(0), D1 = ~shift_G(1)))
val ddr0n = hdmiCd(ODDRX1F (Q = io.gpdi_dn(0), D0 = ~shift_B(0), D1 = ~shift_B(1)))
// Based on
//module hdmi(
// input wire pixclk,
// input wire pixclk_x5,
// input wire [7:0] red, green, blue,
// input wire vde, hSync, vSync,
// output wire [3:0] gpdi_dp, gpdi_dn
// // 10b8b TMDS encoding of RGB and Sync
// //
// wire [9:0] TMDS_red, TMDS_green, TMDS_blue;
// TMDS_encoder encode_R(.clk(pixclk), .VD(red ), .CD(2'b00) , .VDE(vde), .TMDS(TMDS_red));
// TMDS_encoder encode_G(.clk(pixclk), .VD(green), .CD(2'b00) , .VDE(vde), .TMDS(TMDS_green));
// TMDS_encoder encode_B(.clk(pixclk), .VD(blue ), .CD({vSync,hSync}), .VDE(vde), .TMDS(TMDS_blue));
// // shift out 10 bits each pix clock (2 DDR bits at a 5x rate)
// //
// reg [2:0] ctr_mod5 = 0;
// reg shift_ld = 0;
// always @(posedge pixclk_x5)
// begin
// shift_ld <= (ctr_mod5==4'd4);
// ctr_mod5 <= (ctr_mod5==4'd4) ? 4'd0 : ctr_mod5 + 4'd1;
// end
// reg [9:0] shift_R = 0, shift_G = 0, shift_B = 0, shift_C = 0;
// always @(posedge pixclk_x5)
// begin
// shift_R <= shift_ld ? TMDS_red : shift_R[9:2];
// shift_G <= shift_ld ? TMDS_green : shift_G[9:2];
// shift_B <= shift_ld ? TMDS_blue : shift_B[9:2];
// shift_C <= shift_ld ? 10'h3e0 : shift_C[9:2];
// end
//`ifdef __ICARUS__
// // (pseudo-) differential DDR driver (pure verilog version)
// //
// assign gpdi_dp[3] = pixclk_x5 ? shift_C[0] : shift_C[1];
// assign gpdi_dp[2] = pixclk_x5 ? shift_R[0] : shift_R[1];
// assign gpdi_dp[1] = pixclk_x5 ? shift_G[0] : shift_G[1];
// assign gpdi_dp[0] = pixclk_x5 ? shift_B[0] : shift_B[1];
// assign gpdi_dn = ~ gpdi_dp;
// // (pseudo-) differential DDR driver (ECP5 synthesis version)
// //*
// ODDRX1F ddr3p( .Q(gpdi_dp[3]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(shift_C[0]), .D1(shift_C[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr2p( .Q(gpdi_dp[2]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(shift_R[0]), .D1(shift_R[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr1p( .Q(gpdi_dp[1]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(shift_G[0]), .D1(shift_G[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr0p( .Q(gpdi_dp[0]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(shift_B[0]), .D1(shift_B[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr3n( .Q(gpdi_dn[3]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(~shift_C[0]), .D1(~shift_C[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr2n( .Q(gpdi_dn[2]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(~shift_R[0]), .D1(~shift_R[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr1n( .Q(gpdi_dn[1]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(~shift_G[0]), .D1(~shift_G[1]), .RST(0) );
// ODDRX1F ddr0n( .Q(gpdi_dn[0]), .SCLK(pixclk_x5), .D0(~shift_B[0]), .D1(~shift_B[1]), .RST(0) );