spinal.lib.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.tools.binarySystem
import spinal.core.fiber.{Engine, Handle}
import spinal.lib.TraversableOncePimped
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.AddressTransformer
import spinal.lib.generator.Export
import scala.collection.{Iterable, Seq, TraversableOnce}
import scala.collection.generic.Growable
package object lib {
// def Stream[T <: Data](that : T) : Stream[T] = new Stream[T](that)
// def mm [T <: Data with IMasterSlave](that : T) = that.asMaster()
type Event = Stream[NoData]
def Event = new Stream(NoData)
def NoData() = new NoData
def sexport[T](named : Handle[T], value : => Any) = {
Engine.get.onCompletion += {() => Component.toplevel.addTag(new Export(named.getName(), value)) }
def sexport[T](h : Handle[T]) = {
Engine.get.onCompletion += {() => Component.toplevel.addTag(new Export(h.getName(), h.get)) }
def sexport[T](name : String, value : Any) = {
Engine.get.onCompletion += {() => Component.toplevel.addTag(new Export(name, value)) }
def sexport[T <: SpinalTag](h : T) = {
Engine.get.onCompletion += {() => Component.toplevel.addTag(h) }
implicit def AnyPimpedDef[T <: Any](that: T) : AnyPimped[T] = new AnyPimped(that)
//implicit def easyStream[T <: Bundle](that: Stream[T]) = that.data
implicit def traversableOncePimped[T <: Data](that: TraversableOnce[T]) : TraversableOncePimped[T]= new TraversableOncePimped[T](that.toSeq)
implicit def traversableOnceBoolPimped(that: TraversableOnce[Bool]) : TraversableOnceBoolPimped = new TraversableOnceBoolPimped(that.toSeq)
implicit def traversableOnceAnyPimped[T <: Any](that: TraversableOnce[T]) : TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T] = new TraversableOnceAnyPimped(that.toSeq)
implicit def traversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T <: Any, T2 <: Any](that: TraversableOnce[(T, T2)]) : TraversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T, T2] = new TraversableOnceAnyTuplePimped(that.toSeq)
implicit def traversableOnceAddressTransformerPimped(that: TraversableOnce[AddressTransformer]) : TraversableOnceAddressTransformerPimped = new TraversableOnceAddressTransformerPimped(that.toSeq)
implicit def growableAnyPimped[T <: Any](that: Growable[T]) : GrowableAnyPimped[T] = new GrowableAnyPimped(that)
implicit def clockDomainPimped(cd: ClockDomain) : ClockDomainPimped = new ClockDomainPimped(cd)
// implicit def seqPimped[T <: Data](that: scala.IndexedSeq[T]) = new TraversableOncePimped[T](that)
implicit def flowFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: Flow[Fragment[T]]) : FlowFragmentPimped[T] = new FlowFragmentPimped[T](that)
implicit def streamFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: Stream[Fragment[T]]) : StreamFragmentPimped[T] = new StreamFragmentPimped[T](that)
implicit def streamBitsPimped(that: Stream[Bits]) : StreamBitsPimped = new StreamBitsPimped(that)
implicit def flowBitsPimped(that: Flow[Bits]) : FlowBitsPimped= new FlowBitsPimped(that)
implicit def dataCarrierFragmentPimped[T <: Data](that: DataCarrier[Fragment[T]]) : DataCarrierFragmentPimped[T] = new DataCarrierFragmentPimped[T](that)
implicit def dataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped(that: DataCarrier[Fragment[Bits]]) : DataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped = new DataCarrierFragmentBitsPimped(that)
implicit def streamFragmentBitsPimped(that: Stream[Fragment[Bits]]) : StreamFragmentBitsPimped = new StreamFragmentBitsPimped(that)
implicit def stringPimped(that: String) : StringPimped = new StringPimped(that)
implicit def memPimped[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T]) : MemPimped[T] = new MemPimped(mem)
implicit def boolPimped(that: Bool) : BoolPimped = new BoolPimped(that)
implicit def streamBundlePimped[T <: Bundle](that: Stream[T]) : StreamBundlePimped[T] = new StreamBundlePimped[T](that)
implicit class UIntPimper(that : UInt){
def toOneHot : Bits = B"1" << that
implicit def easyFragment[T <: Data](that: Fragment[T]) : T = that.fragment
implicit def fragmentFixer[T <: Data](_data: Fragment[T]) = new DataPimper(_data)
def StreamArbiterFactory() = new StreamArbiterFactory()
type ScalaStream[T] = collection.immutable.Stream[T]
def ScalaStream = collection.immutable.Stream
* binarySystem
private val hex: String => BigInt = binarySystem.StringToLiteral.hex
private val dec: String => BigInt = binarySystem.StringToLiteral.dec
private val oct: String => BigInt = binarySystem.StringToLiteral.oct
private val bin: String => BigInt = binarySystem.StringToLiteral.bin
implicit class BinaryBuilder(private val sc: StringContext) {
def x(args: Any*): Int = hex(sc.parts.head).toInt
def o(args: Any*): Int = oct(sc.parts.head).toInt
def b(args: Any*): Int = bin(sc.parts.head).toInt
implicit class BinaryBuilder2(val s: String) {
def asHex: BigInt = hex(s)
def asDec: BigInt = dec(s)
def asOct: BigInt = oct(s)
def asBin: BigInt = bin(s)
def hexToBinInts: List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToBinInts(BigInt(s, 16))
def hexToBinIntsAlign: List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToBinInts(BigInt(s, 16), 4 * s.size)
trait LiteralRicher {
val toBigInt: BigInt
val defaultAlignBit: Int = 0
def hexString(): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.HexString(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def octString(): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.OctString(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def binString(): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.BinString(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def hexString(bitSize: Int): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.HexString(toBigInt, bitSize)
def octString(bitSize: Int): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.OctString(toBigInt, bitSize)
def binString(bitSize: Int): String = binarySystem.LiteralToString.BinString(toBigInt, bitSize)
def toBinInts(): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToBinInts(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def toDecInts(): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToDecInts(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def toOctInts(): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToOctInts(toBigInt, defaultAlignBit)
def toBinInts(num: Int): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToBinInts(toBigInt, num)
def toDecInts(num: Int): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToDecInts(toBigInt, num)
def toOctInts(num: Int): List[Int] = binarySystem.LiteralToBinInts.BigIntToOctInts(toBigInt, num)
def toBytes: List[Byte] = binarySystem.LiteralToBytes.bigIntToBytes(toBigInt)
implicit class BigIntRicher(value: BigInt) extends LiteralRicher {
val toBigInt = value
implicit class LongRicher(value: Long) extends LiteralRicher {
val toBigInt = BigInt(value)
implicit class IntRicher(value: Int) extends LiteralRicher {
val toBigInt = BigInt(value)
implicit class ByteRicher(value: Byte) extends LiteralRicher {
val toBigInt = BigInt(value)
override val defaultAlignBit: Int = 8
implicit class BytesRicher(lb: List[Byte]) {
def bytesToHex: String = binarySystem.BytesToLiteral.bytesToHexString(lb)
def bytesToBigInt: BigInt = binarySystem.BytesToLiteral.bytesToBigInt(lb)
implicit class BinIntsRicher(li: List[Int]){
def binIntsToOctAlignHigh: String = binarySystem.BinIntsToLiteral.binIntsToOctString(li, true)
def binIntsToHexAlignHigh: String = binarySystem.BinIntsToLiteral.binIntsToHexString(li, true)
def binIntsToOct: String = binarySystem.BinIntsToLiteral.binIntsToOctString(li)
def binIntsToHex: String = binarySystem.BinIntsToLiteral.binIntsToHexString(li)
def binIntsToBigInt: BigInt = binarySystem.BinIntsToLiteral.binIntsToBigInt(li)
def binIntsToInt: Int = binIntsToBigInt.toInt
def binIntsToLong: Long = binIntsToBigInt.toLong
val OHMux = new MuxOHImpl
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