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spinal.lib.Utils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * SpinalHDL
 * Copyright (c) Dolu, All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library.

package spinal.lib

import spinal.core.internals._

import java.nio.charset.Charset
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.AddressTransformer

import scala.collection.{Seq, TraversableOnce, mutable}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, LinkedHashMap, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.generic.Growable

object UIntToOh {
  def apply(value: UInt, width : Int): Bits = {
    if(width <= 0) B(0,width bits)
    else B(1, width bits) |<< value

  def apply(value : UInt) : Bits = apply(value,  1 << widthOf(value))

  def apply(value: UInt, mapping : Seq[Int]): Bits = {
    val ret = Bits(mapping.size bits)
    for((m, i) <- mapping.zipWithIndex){
      ret(i) := value === m

// Meaning that value 2 will give 0011 instead of 0100
object UIntToOhMinusOne {
  def apply(value: UInt, width: Int): Bits = {
    if (width <= 0) B(0, width bits)
    else B(U(B(1, width bits) |<< value)-1)

  def apply(value : UInt) : Bits = apply(value,  1 << widthOf(value))

object OHToUInt {
  def apply(bitVector: BitVector): UInt = apply(bitVector.asBools)
  def apply(bools: Seq[Bool]): UInt = signalCache(bools, "OHToUInt") {
    val boolsSize = bools.size
    if (boolsSize < 2) return U(0,0 bits)

    val retBitCount = log2Up(bools.size)
    val ret = Vec(Bool(),retBitCount)

    for (retBitId <- 0 until retBitCount) {
      var bit: Bool = null
      for (boolsBitId <- 0 until boolsSize if ((boolsBitId >> retBitId) & 1) != 0) {
        if (bit != null)
          bit = bit | bools(boolsBitId)
          bit = bools(boolsBitId)
      ret(retBitId) := bit.dontSimplifyIt()


  def apply(bitVector: BitVector, mapping : Seq[Int]): UInt = apply(bitVector.asBools, mapping)
  def apply(oh: Seq[Bool], mapping : Seq[Int]): UInt = {
    assert(oh.size == mapping.size, s"onhot selector size (${oh.size}) must match number of UInt to map (${mapping.size})")
    val ret = UInt(log2Up(mapping.max + 1) bits)

    if (mapping.size == 1) {
      ret := mapping.head
    } else {
      for (bitId <- ret.range) {
        val triggersId = mapping.zipWithIndex.filter(e => ((e._1 >> bitId) & 1) != 0).map(_._2)
        val triggers =
        ret(bitId) := triggers.orR


//Will be target dependent
class MuxOHImpl {
  def apply[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Seq[T]): T = apply(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def apply[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Iterable[T]): T =  apply(oneHot,Vec(inputs))

  def apply[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Vec[T]): T = apply(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def apply[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Vec[T]): T = {
    assert(oneHot.size == inputs.size, s"MuxOH selector width (${oneHot.size}) must match number of elements (${inputs.size})")
    oneHot.size match {
      case 2 => oneHot(0) ? inputs(0) | inputs(1)
      case _ => inputs(OHToUInt(oneHot))

  def mux[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Seq[T]): T = apply(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def mux[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Iterable[T]): T =  apply(oneHot,Vec(inputs))

  def mux[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Vec[T]): T = apply(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def mux[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Vec[T]): T = apply(oneHot, inputs)

  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Seq[T]): T = or(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Iterable[T]): T =  or(oneHot,Vec(inputs))
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Vec[T]): T = or(oneHot.asBools,inputs)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Vec[T]): T = or(oneHot, inputs, false)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Seq[T], bypassIfSingle : Boolean): T = or(oneHot.asBools,inputs, bypassIfSingle)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Iterable[T], bypassIfSingle : Boolean): T =  or(oneHot,Vec(inputs), bypassIfSingle)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : BitVector,inputs : Vec[T], bypassIfSingle : Boolean): T = or(oneHot.asBools,inputs, bypassIfSingle)
  def or[T <: Data](oneHot : collection.IndexedSeq[Bool],inputs : Vec[T], bypassIfSingle : Boolean): T = {
    assert(oneHot.size == inputs.size, s"MuxOH selector width (${oneHot.size}) must match number of elements (${inputs.size})")
    if(bypassIfSingle && inputs.size == 1) return CombInit(inputs.head)
    val masked = (oneHot, inputs), value) => sel ? value.asBits | B(0, widthOf(value) bits))
    masked.reduceBalancedTree(_ | _).as(inputs.head)

object MuxOH extends MuxOHImpl
object OhMux extends MuxOHImpl

object Min {
    def apply[T <: Data with Num[T]](nums: T*) = list(nums)
    def list[T <: Data with Num[T]](nums: Seq[T]) = {
        nums.reduceBalancedTree(_ min _)

object Max {
    def apply[T <: Data with Num[T]](nums: T*) = list(nums)
    def list[T <: Data with Num[T]](nums: Seq[T]) = {
        nums.reduceBalancedTree(_ max _)

object SetFromFirstOne{
  def apply[T <: Data](that : T, firstOrder: Int = LutInputs.get) : T = {
    val lutSize = firstOrder
    val input = that.asBits.asBools.setCompositeName(that, "bools")
    val size = widthOf(input)
    val tmp = Bits(size bits)

    val cache = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Range, Bool]()

    def build(target : Int, order : Int): Bool = {
      if(target < 0) return False
      val nextOrder = order * lutSize
      val offset = target - target % nextOrder
      var inputs = ArrayBuffer[Bool]()

      if(!cache.contains(offset to target)) {
        for (i <- offset to target by order) {
          inputs += cache(i until i + order)
        cache(offset to target) = inputs.orR.setCompositeName(that, s"range_${offset}_to_${target}")

      if(offset != 0){
        cache(offset to target) || build(offset-1, nextOrder)
      } else {
        cache(offset to target)

    for(i <- 0 until size){
      cache(i to i) = input(i)
      tmp(i) := build(i, 1)
object Napot{
   * @return Bits(widthOf(that + 1 bits) which work as a mask which will bet set after the lowest index in which that contains a bit 0
   *         Ex : that = 1111 => 00000
   *                     0111 => 10000
   *                     x011 => 11000
   *                     xx01 => 11100
   *                     xxx0 => 11110
  def apply(that: Bits, firstOrder: Int = LutInputs.get): Bits = SetFromFirstOne(~that, firstOrder) << 1

object OH{
  def isLegal(that : Bits): Bool = {
    val oneHots = (0 until widthOf(that)).map(e => that === (BigInt(1) << e))
    (oneHots :+ (that === 0)).orR

object OHMasking{

  /** returns an one hot encoded vector with only LSB of the word present */
  def first[T <: Data](that : T) : T = new Composite(that, "ohFirst"){
      val input = that.asBits.asUInt
      val masked = input & ~(input - 1)
      val value = cloneOf(that)

  def lastV2[T <: Data](that : T, firstOrder : Int = LutInputs.get) : T = firstV2(that.asBits.reversed, firstOrder)

  def firstV2[T <: Data](that : T, firstOrder : Int = LutInputs.get) : T = {
    val lutSize = LutInputs.get
    val input = that.asBits.asBools.setCompositeName(that, "bools")
    val size = widthOf(input)
    val tmp = Bits(size bits)

    val cache = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Range, Bool]()

    def build(target : Int, order : Int): Bool = {
      if(target < 0) return False
      val nextOrder = if(order == 1) firstOrder else order * lutSize
      val offset = target - target % nextOrder
      var inputs = ArrayBuffer[Bool]()

      if(!cache.contains(offset to target)) {
        for (i <- offset to target by order) {
          inputs += cache(i until i + order)
        cache(offset to target) = inputs.orR.setCompositeName(that, s"range_${offset}_to_${target}")

      if(offset != 0){
        cache(offset to target) || build(offset-1, nextOrder)
      } else {
        cache(offset to target)

    for(i <- 0 until size){
      cache(i to i) = input(i)
      tmp(i) := input(i) && !build(i-1, 1)

  //Avoid combinatorial loop on the first
  def first(that : Vec[Bool]) : Vec[Bool] = {
    val bitsFirst = first(that.asBits)
    Vec(that.head +: bitsFirst.asBools.tail)

  //Avoid combinatorial loop on the first
  def first(that : Seq[Bool]) : Vec[Bool] = first(Vec(that))

  /** returns an one hot encoded vector with only MSB of the word present */
  def last[T <: Data](that : T) : T = {
    val input = Reverse(that.asBits.asUInt)
    val masked = input & ~(input - 1)
    val ret = cloneOf(that)

  def roundRobin[T <: Data](requests : T,ohPriority : T) : T = {
    val width = requests.getBitsWidth
    val uRequests = requests.asBits.asUInt
    val uGranted = ohPriority.asBits.asUInt

    val doubleRequests = uRequests @@ uRequests
    val doubleGrant = doubleRequests & ~(doubleRequests-uGranted)
    val masked = doubleGrant(width,width bits) | doubleGrant(0,width bits)

    val ret = cloneOf(requests)

  //For instance :
  // request = 8 bits
  // priority = 7 bits
  // By default lsb first, but :
  // if priority(0) => request(0 downto 0) have less priority than others
  // if priority(1) => request(1 downto 0) have less priority than others
  // ..
  // Ex of priority sequence for round robin for 7 bits priority:
  // 0000000 -> 1111111 -> 1111110 -> .. -> 1000000 -> 0000000
  // Ex of priority shift
  //   priority := priority |<< 1
  //   when(priority === 0){
  //     priority := (default -> true)
  //   }
  def roundRobinMasked[T <: Data, T2 <: Data](requests : T, priority : T2) : Bits = new Composite(requests, "roundRobinMasked"){
    val input = B(requests)
    val priorityBits = B(priority)
    val width = widthOf(requests)
    assert(widthOf(priority) == width-1, s"round robin priority width (${widthOf(priority)}) must be one less than requests width (${width})")
    val doubleMask = input ## (input.dropLow(1) & priorityBits)
    val doubleOh = OHMasking.firstV2(doubleMask, firstOrder =  (LutInputs.get/2) max 2)
    val (pLow, pHigh) = doubleOh.splitAt(width-1)
    val selOh = (pHigh << 1) | pLow

  //Based on the same principal than roundRobinMasked, but with inverted priorities
  def roundRobinMaskedInvert[T <: Data, T2 <: Data](requests : T, priority : T2) : Bits = new Composite(requests, "roundRobinMasked"){
    val input = B(requests).reversed
    val priorityBits = ~B(priority).reversed
    val width = widthOf(requests)
    assert(widthOf(priority) == width-1, s"round robin priority width (${widthOf(priority)}) must be one less than requests width (${width})")
    val doubleMask = input.rotateLeft(1) ## (input.dropHigh(1) & priorityBits)
    val doubleOh = OHMasking.firstV2(doubleMask, firstOrder =(LutInputs.get/2) max 2)
    val (pLow, pHigh) = doubleOh.splitAt(width)
    val selOh = pHigh | pLow.resized
    val result = selOh.reversed

  //Same as roundRobinMasked, but priority is shifted left by one, and lsb mean that input.lsb has priority
  def roundRobinMaskedFull[T <: Data, T2 <: Data](requests : T, priority : T2) : Bits = new Composite(requests, "roundRobinMasked"){
    val input = B(requests)
    val priorityBits = B(priority)
    val width = widthOf(requests)
    assert(widthOf(priority) == width, s"round robin priority width (${widthOf(priority)}) must be than requests width (${width})")
    val doubleMask = input ## (input & priorityBits)
    val doubleOh = OHMasking.firstV2(doubleMask, firstOrder =  (LutInputs.get/2) max 2)
    val (pLow, pHigh) = doubleOh.splitAt(width)
    val selOh = pHigh | pLow

  /** Easy to use round robin. Priorities are cleared as soon as there is no requests pending
   * @param requests
   * @param next Move on to the next priority
  def roundRobinNext[T <: Data](requests : T, next : Bool): Bits = new Composite(requests, "roundRobinNext"){
    val input = B(requests)
    val width = widthOf(requests)
    val priority = Reg(Bits(width bits)) init(0)
    val selOh = roundRobinMaskedFull(requests, priority)

    val overflow = (priority & input) === 0
      priority := priority.orMask(overflow) & ~selOh

object CountOne{
  def args(thats : Bool*) : UInt = apply(thats)
  def apply(thats : BitVector) : UInt = apply(thats.asBools)
  def apply(thats : Seq[Bool]) : UInt = {
    if(thats.isEmpty) return U(0, 0 bits)
    val groupSize = LutInputs.get match {
      case 4 => 3
      case x => x
    val lut = Vec((0 until 1 << Math.min(thats.size, groupSize)).map(v => U(BigInt(v).bitCount, log2Up(thats.size + 1) bits)))
    val groups = thats.grouped(groupSize)
    val seeds = =>

object CountOneOnEach{
  def args(thats : Bool*) : Seq[UInt] = apply(thats)
  def apply(thats : BitVector) : Seq[UInt] = apply(thats.asBools)
  def apply(thats : Seq[Bool]) : Seq[UInt] = {
    for(bitCount <- 1 to thats.size) yield CountOne(thats.take(bitCount))

    /*val lut = Vec((0 until 1 << Math.min(thats.size, 3)).map(v => U(BigInt(v).bitCount, log2Up(thats.size + 1) bits)))
    val groups = thats.grouped(3)
    val seeds = =>
    var offset = U(0)
    for(bitId <- 0 until thats.size) yield {
      val ret = offset + U(resize(log2Up(bitId + 1) bits)
      if(bitId % 3 == 2) offset = offset + seeds(bitId/3)

object LeastSignificantBitSet{
  def apply(thats : Bool*) : UInt = list(thats)
  def apply(thats : Bits) : UInt = list(thats.asBools)
  def list(thats : Seq[Bool]) : UInt = {
    var ret = UInt(log2Up(thats.length+1) bit)
    for((e,id) <- thats.zipWithIndex.reverse){
        ret := id

object PropagateOnes{
  def toLsb[T <: BitVector](that : T) : T = {
    val ret =  cloneOf(that)
    for(i <- ret.bitsRange){
      ret(i) := that.dropLow(i).orR
  def toMsb[T <: BitVector](that : T) : T = toLsb(that.reversed).reversed

object toGray {
  def apply(uint: UInt): Bits = {
    B((uint >> U(1)) ^ uint)

object fromGray {
  def apply(gray: Bits): UInt = {
    val ret = List.fill(widthOf(gray)) (Bool())
    for (i <- 0 until widthOf(gray) - 1) {
      ret(i) := gray(i) ^ ret(i + 1)
    ret.last := gray.msb

object GrayCounter {
  def apply(width: Int, enable: Bool): UInt = {
    val gray = RegInit(U(0, width bit))
    val even = RegInit(True)
    val word = Cat(True, gray(width - 3 downto  0), even)
    when(enable) {
      var found = False
      for (i <- 0 until width) {
        when(word(i) && !found) {
          gray(i) := !gray(i)
          found \= True
      even := !even
    return gray

  * Big-Endian <-> Little-Endian
object EndiannessSwap{
  def apply[T <: BitVector](that : T, base:BitCount = 8 bits) : T = {

    val nbrBase = that.getWidth / base.value
    val ret = cloneOf(that)

    assert(nbrBase * base.value == that.getWidth, "Endianness Error : Width's input is not a multiple of " + base.value)

    for(i <- (0 until nbrBase)){
      val rangeIn  = (i * base.value + base.value - 1)    downto (i * base.value)
      val rangeOut = (that.getWidth - 1 - i * base.value) downto (that.getWidth - i * base.value - base.value)

      ret(rangeOut) := that(rangeIn)

object Reverse{
  def apply[T <: BitVector](that : T) : T = {
    val ret = cloneOf(that)
    for(i <- that.range){
      ret(i) := that(that.getWidth-1-i)
object AddWithCarry {
  def apply(left: UInt, right: UInt): (UInt, Bool) = {
    val temp = left.resize(left.getWidth + 1) + right.resize(right.getWidth + 1)
    return (temp.resize(temp.getWidth - 1), temp.msb)

//This is a pure software, It can be used by a software driver to pack data
class BitAggregator {
  val elements = ArrayBuffer[(BigInt, Int)]()
  def clear = elements.clear()
  def add(valueParam: BigInt, bitCount: Int): Unit = elements += (valueParam -> bitCount)
  def add(valueParam: Boolean): Unit = if (valueParam) add(1, 1) else add(0, 1)

  def getWidth = elements.foldLeft(0)(_ + _._2)

  def toBytes: Seq[Byte] = {
    val elementsWidth = getWidth
    val bytes = new Array[Byte]((elementsWidth + 7) / 8)
    var byteId = 0
    var byteBitId = 0
    for (element <- elements) {
      var bitCount = element._2
      var value = (element._1 & (BigInt(1) << element._2) - 1) << byteBitId;
      while (bitCount != 0) {
        val bitToInsert = Math.min(bitCount, 8 - byteBitId);

        bytes(byteId) = (bytes(byteId) | value.toByte).toByte

        byteBitId += bitToInsert;
        if (byteBitId == 8) {
          byteBitId = 0;
          byteId += 1
        value >>= 8;
        bitCount -= bitToInsert;


  override def toString: String ="%02X" format _).mkString(" ")

//object Flag{
//  def apply() = new Flag
//  implicit def implicitValue(f: Flag) = f.value
//class Flag extends Area{
//  val value = False
//  def set = value := True

/** Creates an always running counter
  * See [[]]
object CounterFreeRun {
  private def makeFreeRun(c: Counter): Counter = {
  def apply(stateCount: BigInt): Counter = {

  def apply(bitCount: BitCount): Counter = {

/** Creates a counter
  * See [[]]
object Counter {
  def apply(start: BigInt,end: BigInt) : Counter  = new Counter(start = start, end = end)
  def apply(range : Range) : Counter = {
    require(range.step == 1)
    Counter(start = range.low, end = range.high)
  def apply(stateCount: BigInt): Counter = new Counter(start = 0, end = stateCount-1)
  def apply(bitCount: BitCount): Counter = new Counter(start = 0, end = (BigInt(1)< 1, "Timeout limit must be > 1")

  val state = RegInit(init)
  val stateRise = False

  val counter = CounterFreeRun(limit)
  when(counter.willOverflow) {
    state := True
    stateRise := !state

  def clear() : Unit = {
    state := False
    stateRise := False

  def clearWhen(cond : Bool) : this.type = {

  def init(value: Bool): this.type = {

  override def implicitValue: Bool = state

object MajorityVote {
  def apply(that: BitVector): Bool = apply(that.asBools)
  def apply(that: collection.IndexedSeq[Bool]): Bool = {
    val size = that.size
    val trigger = that.size / 2 + 1
    var globalOr = False
    for (i <- BigInt(0) until (BigInt(1) << size)) {
      if (i.bitCount == trigger) {
        var localAnd = True
        for (bitId <- 0 until i.bitLength) {
          if (i.testBit(bitId)) localAnd &= that(bitId)
        globalOr = globalOr | localAnd

object CounterUpDown {
  def apply(stateCount: BigInt): CounterUpDown = new CounterUpDown(stateCount)
  def apply(stateCount: BigInt, incWhen: Bool,decWhen : Bool): CounterUpDown = {
    val counter = CounterUpDown(stateCount)
    when(incWhen) {
    when(decWhen) {
  //  implicit def implicitValue(c: Counter) = c.value

class CounterUpDown(val stateCount: BigInt, val handleOverflow : Boolean = true) extends ImplicitArea[UInt] {
  val incrementIt = False
  val decrementIt = False

  def increment(): Unit = incrementIt := True
  def decrement(): Unit = decrementIt := True

  def ===(that: UInt): Bool = this.value === that
  def !==(that: UInt): Bool = this.value =/= that
  def =/=(that: UInt): Bool = this.value =/= that

  val valueNext = UInt(log2Up(stateCount) bit)
  val value = RegNext(valueNext) init(0)
  val mayOverflow = value === stateCount - 1
  val willOverflowIfInc = mayOverflow && !decrementIt
  val willOverflow = willOverflowIfInc && incrementIt

  val finalIncrement = UInt(log2Up(stateCount) bit)
  when(incrementIt && !decrementIt){
    finalIncrement := 1
  }elsewhen(!incrementIt && decrementIt){
    finalIncrement := finalIncrement.maxValue
    finalIncrement := 0

  if (isPow2(stateCount) || !handleOverflow) {
    valueNext := (value + finalIncrement).resized
  else {
    assert(false,"stateCount that is not 2**n is unimplemented when handleOverflow is enabled")

  def init(initValue : BigInt): this.type ={
  override def implicitValue: UInt = this.value

object CounterMultiRequest {
  def apply(width: Int, requests : (Bool,(UInt) => UInt)*): UInt = {
    val counter = Reg(UInt(width bit)) init(0)
    var counterNext = cloneOf(counter)
    counterNext := counter
    for((cond,func) <- requests){
        counterNext \= func(counterNext)
    counter := counterNext

object AnalysisUtils{
  def seekNonCombDrivers(that : BaseType)(body : Any => Unit): Unit ={
    that.foreachStatements{ s =>
      def forExp(e : Expression) : Unit = e match {
        case s : Statement => s match {
          case s : BaseType if s.isComb => {seekNonCombDrivers(s)(body) }
          case s : BaseType if !s.isComb => body(s)
          case s =>
        case e: MemReadSync =>
        case e: MemReadWrite =>
        case e : Expression => e.foreachDrivingExpression(forExp)
      s.walkParentTreeStatementsUntilRootScope{sParent =>

  def foreachToplevelIoCd(top : Component)(body : (BaseType, Seq[ClockDomain]) => Unit): Unit ={
      case i if i.isInput => {
        val cds = i.getTags().collect{ case t : ClockDomainReportTag => t.clockDomain}
        body(i, cds.toList)
//        val clocks =
//        println(s"${i.getName()} sampled by ${",")}")
      case o if o.isOutput => {
        val cds = mutable.LinkedHashSet[ClockDomain]()
          case bt : BaseType if bt.isReg => cds += bt.clockDomain
          case _ => println("???")
        body(o, cds.toList)
//        val clocks =
//        println(s"${o.getName()} clocked by ${",")}")

object LatencyAnalysis {
  //Don't care about clock domain
  def apply(paths: Expression*): Integer = list(paths)

  def list(paths: Seq[Expression]): Integer = {
    assert(!paths.contains(null), "LatencyAnalysis expressions contains null, it must be called after all expressions are instantiated")
    var stack = 0
    for (i <- (0 to paths.size - 2)) {
      stack = stack + impl(paths(i), paths(i + 1))

  //TODO mather about clock and reset wire
  def impl(from: Expression, to: Expression): Integer = {
    val walkedId = GlobalData.get.allocateAlgoIncrementale()
    val pendingQueues = new Array[mutable.ArrayBuffer[BaseNode]](3)
    for(i <- 0 until pendingQueues.length) pendingQueues(i) = new ArrayBuffer[BaseNode]
    def walk(that: BaseNode): Boolean = {
      if(that.algoIncrementale == walkedId)
        return false
      that.algoIncrementale = walkedId
      if(that == from)
        return true

      that match{
        case that : Mem[_] => {
            case port : MemWrite =>
              port.foreachDrivingExpression(input => {
                pendingQueues(1) += input
            case port : MemReadWrite =>
              port.foreachDrivingExpression(input => {
                pendingQueues(1) += input
            case port : MemReadSync =>
            case port : MemReadAsync =>
              //TODO other ports
          return false
        case that : BaseType => { //TODO IR when conds
          def walkInputs(func : (BaseNode) => Unit) = {
            that.foreachStatements(s => {
              s.foreachDrivingExpression(input => {
              s.walkParentTreeStatementsUntilRootScope(tree => tree.walkDrivingExpressions(input => {
            walkInputs(input => pendingQueues(1) += input)
            return false
          } else {
            walkInputs(input => {
                return true
          return false
        case that : MemReadSync =>
          that.foreachDrivingExpression(input => pendingQueues(1) += input)
          pendingQueues(1) += that.mem
          return false
        case that : MemReadWrite =>
          that.foreachDrivingExpression{input =>
            val lat = if(input == || input == that.mask) 2 else 1
            pendingQueues(lat) += input
          pendingQueues(1) += that.mem
          return false
        case that : MemReadAsync =>
          that.foreachDrivingExpression(input => {
              return true
            return true
          return false
        case that : Expression => {
          that.foreachDrivingExpression(input => {
              return true
          return false

    var depth = 0
    pendingQueues(0) += to
      pendingQueues(0).foreach(node => {
          return depth

      pendingQueues(pendingQueues.length - 1) = pendingQueues(0)
      for(i <- 0 until pendingQueues.length - 1){
        pendingQueues(i) = pendingQueues(i + 1)

      depth += 1

    SpinalError("latencyAnalysis don't find any path")

object DataCarrier{
  implicit def toImplicit[T <: Bundle](dataCarrier: DataCarrier[T]): T = dataCarrier.payload
  implicit def toImplicit2[T <: Bundle](dataCarrier: DataCarrier[Fragment[T]]): T = dataCarrier.fragment
  implicit def toImplicit3[T <: Bundle](dataCarrier: DataCarrier[Fragment[Fragment[T]]]): Fragment[T] = dataCarrier.payload

trait DataCarrier[T <: Data] {
  def fire: Bool
  def valid: Bool
  def payload: T

  def freeRun(): this.type

object DelayEvent {
  def apply(event: Bool, t: Double, hz: Double): Bool = {
    DelayEvent(event, ((t - 100e-12) * hz).ceil.toInt)

  def apply(event: Bool, cycle: BigInt): Bool = {
    if (cycle == 0) return event
    val run = RegInit(False)
    val counter = Counter(cycle)


    when(counter.willOverflow) {
      run := False

    when(event) {
      run := True

    return run && counter.willOverflow

  def apply(event: Bool, cycle: UInt): Bool = {
    val ret = False
    val isDelaying = RegInit(False)
    val counterNext = cloneOf(cycle)
    val counter = RegNext(counterNext)
    val counterMatch = counterNext === cycle

    counterNext := counter + 1

    when(event) {
      counterNext := 0
      when(counterMatch) {
        isDelaying := False
        ret := True
      } otherwise {
        isDelaying := True
    }elsewhen(isDelaying) {
      when(counterMatch) {
        isDelaying := False
        ret := True



class NoData extends Bundle {

class GrowableAnyPimped[T <: Any](pimped: Growable[T]) {
  def addRet(that : T): T ={
    pimped += that

class AnyPimped[T <: Any](pimped: T) {
  def ifMap(cond : Boolean)(body : T => T): T ={
    if(cond) body(pimped) else pimped

  def nullOption : Option[T] = if(pimped != null) Some(pimped) else None

class TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T <: Any](pimped: Seq[T]) {
  def apply(id : UInt)(gen : (T) => Unit): Unit ={
    assert(widthOf(id) == log2Up(pimped.size), s"id has invalid length (${widthOf(id)}) for selection (${pimped.size} signals)")
    for((e,i) <- pimped.zipWithIndex) {
      when(id === i){

  def onMask(conds : TraversableOnce[Bool])(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    whenMasked[T](pimped, conds)(body)
  def onMask(conds : Bits)(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    whenMasked[T](pimped, conds)(body)
  def onSel(sel : UInt, relaxedWidth : Boolean = false)(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    whenIndexed[T](pimped, sel, relaxedWidth)(body)

  def shuffle(indexMapping: (Int) => Int): ArrayBuffer[T] = {
    val out = ArrayBuffer[T]() ++ pimped
    for((v, i) <- pimped.zipWithIndex){
      out(indexMapping(i)) = v

  def shuffleWithSize(indexMapping: (Int, Int) => Int): ArrayBuffer[T] = {
    val out = ArrayBuffer[T]() ++ pimped
    for((v, i) <- pimped.zipWithIndex){
      out(indexMapping(pimped.size, i)) = v

  def reduceBalancedTree(op: (T, T) => T): T = {
    reduceBalancedTree(op, (s,l) => s)
  def reduceBalancedTree(op: (T, T) => T, levelBridge: (T, Int) => T): T = {
    def stage(elements: ArrayBuffer[T], level: Int): T = {
      if (elements.length == 1) return elements.head
      val stageLogic = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
      val logicCount = (elements.length + 1) / 2

      for (i <- 0 until logicCount) {
        if (i * 2 + 1 < elements.length)
          stageLogic += levelBridge(op(elements(i * 2), elements(i * 2 + 1)), level)
          stageLogic += levelBridge(elements(i * 2), level)
      stage(stageLogic, level + 1)

    val array = ArrayBuffer[T]() ++ pimped
    assert(array.nonEmpty, "can't use reduceBalancedTree on an empty collection")
    stage(array, 0)
  def distinctLinked : mutable.LinkedHashSet[T] = {
    mutable.LinkedHashSet[T]() ++ this.pimped

  def groupByLinked[K](by : T => K) : LinkedHashMap[K, ArrayBuffer[T]] = {
    val ret = LinkedHashMap[K, ArrayBuffer[T]]()
    for(e <- pimped) {
      val k = by(e)
      ret.getOrElseUpdate(k, ArrayBuffer[T]()) += e

  class ReaderOh(val oh : TraversableOnce[Bool], bypassIfSingle : Boolean = false) {
    def apply[T2 <: Data](f : T => T2) = OHMux.or(oh.toIndexedSeq,, bypassIfSingle)

  class ReaderSel(val sel : UInt) {
    def apply[T2 <: Data](f : T => T2) =
    def onSel(body : T => Unit) : Unit = pimped.onSel(sel)(body)

  def reader(oh : TraversableOnce[Bool]) = new ReaderOh(oh)
  def reader(oh: Bits) = new ReaderOh(oh.asBools)
  def reader(oh: TraversableOnce[Bool], bypassIfSingle: Boolean) = new ReaderOh(oh, bypassIfSingle)
  def reader(oh: Bits, bypassIfSingle: Boolean) = new ReaderOh(oh.asBools, bypassIfSingle)
  def reader(sel : UInt) = new ReaderSel(sel)

class TraversableOnceAnyTuplePimped[T <: Any, T2 <: Any](pimped: Seq[(T, T2)]) {
  def toMapLinked() : mutable.LinkedHashMap[T, T2] = {
    val ret = mutable.LinkedHashMap[T, T2]()
    for((k,v) <- pimped) ret(k) = v;

class TraversableOnceBoolPimped(pimped: Seq[Bool]) {
  def orR: Bool  = pimped.asBits.orR
  def andR: Bool = pimped.asBits.andR
  def xorR: Bool = pimped.asBits.xorR

  def norR: Bool = pimped.asBits === 0
  def nandR: Bool = !nandR
  def nxorR: Bool = !xorR

class TraversableOnceAddressTransformerPimped(pimped: Seq[AddressTransformer]) {
  def apply(address : BigInt) : BigInt = pimped.foldLeft(address)((a, t) => t(a))
  def apply(address : UInt) : UInt = pimped.foldLeft(address)((a, t) => t(a))
  def invert(address : BigInt) : BigInt = pimped.foldRight(address)((t, a) => t.invert(a))
  def invert(address : UInt) : UInt = pimped.foldRight(address)((t, a) => t.invert(a))

class TraversableOncePimped[T <: Data](pimped: Seq[T]) {
  def reduceBalancedTree(op: (T, T) => T): T =  new TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T](pimped).reduceBalancedTree(op)
  def reduceBalancedTree(op: (T, T) => T, levelBridge: (T, Int) => T): T =  new TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T](pimped).reduceBalancedTree(op, levelBridge)
  def asBits() : Bits = Cat(pimped)

  def read(idx: UInt): T = {
  def write(index: UInt, data: T): Unit = {
    Vec(pimped)(index) := data
  def write(index: Int, data: T): Unit = {
    pimped(index) := data
  def apply(index: UInt): T = Vec(pimped)(index)
  def apply(index: Int): T = Vec(pimped)(index)

  def sExist(condition: T => Bool): Bool = (pimped map condition).fold(False)(_ || _)
  def sContains(value: T) : Bool = sExist(_ === value)

  def sCount(condition: T => Bool): UInt = SetCount((
  def sCount(value: T): UInt = sCount(_ === value)

  def sFindFirst(condition: T => Bool) : (Bool,UInt) = {
    val size = pimped.size
    val hits =
    val hitValid = hits.reduceLeft(_ || _)
    val hitValue = PriorityMux(hits,(0 until size).map(U(_,log2Up(size) bit)))

  def shuffle(indexMapping: (Int) => Int): Vec[T] = Vec(new TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T](pimped).shuffle(indexMapping))
  def shuffleWithSize(indexMapping: (Int, Int) => Int): Vec[T] = Vec(new TraversableOnceAnyPimped[T](pimped).shuffleWithSize(indexMapping))

object Delay {
  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, cycleCount: Int,when : Bool = null,init : T = null.asInstanceOf[T],onEachReg : T => Unit = null): T = {
    require(cycleCount >= 0,"Negative cycleCount is not allowed in Delay")
    var ptr = that
    for(i <- 0 until cycleCount) {
      if (when == null)
        ptr = RegNext(ptr, init)
        ptr = RegNextWhen(ptr, when, init)

      ptr.unsetName().setCompositeName(that, "delay_" + (i + 1), true)
      if(onEachReg != null) {

object DelayWithInit {
  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, cycleCount: Int)(onEachReg: (T) => Unit = null): T = {
    Delay[T](that, cycleCount, onEachReg = onEachReg)

object History {
  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, length: Int, when: Bool = null, init: T = null): Vec[T] = {
    def builder(that: T, left: Int): List[T] = {
      left match {
        case 0 => Nil
        case 1 => that :: Nil
        case _ => that :: builder({
          if (when != null)
            RegNextWhen(that, when, init = init)
            RegNext(that, init = init)
        }, left - 1)
    val inputBuffer = cloneOf(that); inputBuffer := that
    Vec(builder(inputBuffer, length))

  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, range: Range, when: Bool, init: T): Vec[T] = {
    val ret = Vec(cloneOf(that), range.length)
    (ret, History(that, range.high + 1, when, init).drop(range.low)).zipped.foreach(_ := _)

  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, range: Range, init: T): Vec[T] =
    apply(that, range, null, init = init)

  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, range: Range, when: Bool): Vec[T] =
    apply(that, range, when, null.asInstanceOf[T])

  def apply[T <: Data](that: T, range: Range): Vec[T] =
    apply(that, range, null, null.asInstanceOf[T])


object HistoryModifyable {
  def apply[T <: Data](that: Flow[T], length: Int) = {
    val hist = new HistoryModifyable(that.payloadType, length) << that

class HistoryModifyable[T <: Data](val payloadType: HardType[T], val depth: Int) extends Component {
  val io = new Bundle {
    val input = slave(Flow(payloadType))
    val outStreams = Vec(master(Stream(payloadType)), depth)
    val inStreams = Vec(slave(Stream(payloadType)), depth)
    val willOverflow = out(Bool())

  def init() = { := False) := False)

  def builder(prev: Stream[T], left: Int): List[Stream[T]] = {
    left match {
      case 0 => Nil
      case 1 => prev :: Nil
      case _ =>
        prev :: builder(
            val streamId = depth + 1 - left

            val stream = Stream(payloadType)
            val rValid = RegNextWhen(prev.valid, stream.ready) init (False)
            val rData = RegNextWhen(prev.payload, stream.ready)
            stream.valid := rValid
            stream.payload := rData
            prev.ready := stream.ready

            val outPort = cloneOf(prev)
            outPort.valid := stream.valid
            outPort.payload := stream.payload
            io.outStreams(streamId) << outPort

            val next = stream.throwWhen(
            val inPort = io.inStreams(streamId)
            inPort.ready := stream.valid
            when( {
              val lastAndOverflow = if( left == 2 ) io.willOverflow else False
              when( || lastAndOverflow) { next.payload := inPort.payload }
                .otherwise { rData := inPort.payload }

          left - 1
  val inputBuffer = Stream(payloadType);
  inputBuffer.valid := io.input.valid
  inputBuffer.payload := io.input.payload

  val connections = Vec(builder(inputBuffer, depth + 1))
  connections(depth).ready := False
  val cachedConnections = (1 to depth).map( x => connections(x))
  val readyAvailable =!_.valid)

  val full = CountOne(readyAvailable) === 0
  io.willOverflow := this.full && io.input.valid && !io.outStreams.sExist(
  when(this.full) {
    cachedConnections.last.ready := io.input.valid
  }.otherwise {
    val readyId = OHToUInt(OHMasking.first(readyAvailable))
    cachedConnections(readyId).ready := io.input.valid

  def findFirst(condition: Stream[T] => Bool): (Bool, UInt) = {
    val (exist, reversedId) = io.outStreams.reverse.sFindFirst(condition)
    val realId = depth - 1 - reversedId
    (exist, realId)

object SetCount
  def apply(in: Iterable[Bool]): UInt = {
    if (in.size == 0) {
    } else if (in.size == 1) {
    } else {
      (U(0,1 bit) ## apply(in.slice(0, in.size/2))).asUInt + apply(in.slice(in.size/2, in.size))
  def apply(in: Bits): UInt = apply((0 until in.getWidth).map(in(_)))

object ClearCount{
  def apply(in: Iterable[Bool]): UInt = SetCount(!_))
  def apply(in: Bits) : UInt = SetCount(~in)

class StringPimped(pimped : String){
  def toVecOfByte(encoding : String = "UTF-8") : Vec[Bits] = {
    Vec(pimped.getBytes(Charset.forName(encoding)).map(b => B(b.toInt, 8 bit)))
  def toBigInt = {
      BigInt(pimped.replace("0x",""), 16)
      BigInt(pimped, 10)

object PriorityMux{
  def apply[T <: Data](in: Seq[(Bool, T)], msbFirst: Boolean = false): T = {
    if (in.size == 1) {
    } else {
      var ordered = in
      if(msbFirst) ordered = in.reverse
      ordered.reduceBalancedTree((x, y) => {(x._1 | y._1, Mux(x._1, x._2, y._2))})._2
  def apply[T <: Data](sel: Seq[Bool], in: Seq[T]): T = apply(sel zip in)
  def apply[T <: Data](sel: Seq[Bool], in: Seq[T], msbFirst: Boolean): T = apply(sel zip in, msbFirst)
  def apply[T <: Data](sel: Bits, in: Seq[T]): T = apply(
  def apply[T <: Data](sel: Bits, in: Seq[T], msbFirst: Boolean): T = apply(, msbFirst)

object WrapWithReg{
  def on(c : Component): Unit = {
    for(e <- c.getOrdredNodeIo){
        e := RegNext(RegNext(in(cloneOf(e).setName(e.getName))))
        out(cloneOf(e).setName(e.getName)) := RegNext(RegNext(e))

  class Wrapper(c :  => Component) extends Component{
    val comp = c

object Callable{
  def apply(doIt : => Unit) = new Area{
    val isCalled = False

    def call() = isCalled := True

case class DataOr[T <: Data](dataType : HardType[T]) extends Area{
  val value = dataType()
  val values = ArrayBuffer[T]()
    values.size match {
      case 0 => value := value.getZero
      case _ => value.assignFromBits( | _))
  def newPort(): T ={
    val port = dataType()
    values += port

object whenMasked{
  def apply[T](things : TraversableOnce[T], conds : TraversableOnce[Bool])(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    val thingsList = things.toList
    val condsList = conds.toList
    assert(thingsList.size == condsList.size, s"number of things to mask (${things.size}) must match width of conditions (${condsList.size})")
    for((thing, cond) <- (thingsList, condsList).zipped) when(cond){ body(thing) }

  def apply[T](things : TraversableOnce[T], conds : Bits)(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    apply(things, conds.asBools)(body)

object whenIndexed{
  def apply[T](things : TraversableOnce[T], index : UInt, relaxedWidth : Boolean = false)(body : T => Unit): Unit ={
    val thingsList = things.toList
    var indexPatched = index
    if(indexPatched.hasTag(tagAutoResize)) indexPatched = index.resize(log2Up(things.size))
    assert(relaxedWidth || log2Up(thingsList.size) == widthOf(indexPatched), s"number of things to index (${thingsList.size}) can be indexed by ${widthOf(indexPatched)}-wide index")
    switch(indexPatched) {
      for ((thing, idx) <- thingsList.zipWithIndex) is(idx) {

case class WhenBuilder(){
    var ctx:WhenContext = null

    def when(cond : Bool)(body : => Unit): this.type = {
        if(ctx == null){
            ctx = spinal.core.when(cond){body}
            ctx = ctx.elsewhen(cond){body}

    def elsewhen(cond : Bool)(body : => Unit): this.type = {

    def apply(cond : Bool)(body : => Unit): this.type = {

    def otherwise(body : => Unit): Unit = {
        if(ctx == null){

class ClockDomainPimped(cd : ClockDomain){
  def withBufferedResetFrom(resetCd : ClockDomain, bufferDepth : Option[Int] = None) : ClockDomain = {
    val key = Tuple3(cd, resetCd,  bufferDepth)
    if(resetCd.config.resetKind == BOOT){
      if(cd.config.resetKind == BOOT) { return cd }
      return cd.copy(reset = null, softReset = null, config = cd.config.copy(resetKind = BOOT))
    return globalCache(key)(ResetCtrl.asyncAssertSyncDeassertCreateCd(resetCd, cd, bufferDepth))

  def withOptionalBufferedResetFrom(cond : Boolean)(resetCd : ClockDomain, bufferDepth : Option[Int] = None) : ClockDomain = {
    if(cond) this.withBufferedResetFrom(resetCd, bufferDepth) else cd

object Shift{
  //Accumulate shifted out bits into the lsb of the result
  def rightWithScrap(that : Bits, by : UInt) : Bits = {
    var logic = that
    val scrap = False
    for(i <- by.range){
      scrap setWhen(by(i) && logic(0, 1 << i bits) =/= 0)
      logic \= by(i) ? (logic |>> (BigInt(1) << i)) | logic
    logic | scrap.asBits.resized

/** Counts the number of consecutive zero bits starting from the MSB. */
object CountLeadingZeroes {
  // Inspired by
  def apply(in: Bits): UInt = {
    val padLen = (1 << log2Up(in.getWidth)) - in.getWidth
    if (in.getWidth == 0) U(0)
    else if (in.getWidth == 1) ~in.asUInt
    else if (padLen != 0) {
      return CountLeadingZeroes(B(0, padLen bits) ## in) - padLen
    } else {
      val w = in.getWidth // input width
      assert(w % 2 == 0 && w > 0, s"cannot do clz for width $w")
      val ow = log2Up(w) + 1 // output width
      val olrw = ow - 1 // output width of halves

      val clzL = CountLeadingZeroes(in(w / 2, w / 2 bits))
      val clzR = CountLeadingZeroes(in(0, w / 2 bits))
      val first = clzL(olrw - 1) & clzR(olrw - 1)
      val mux = Mux(~clzL(olrw - 1),
        U("0") ## clzL(0, olrw - 1 bits),
        (~clzR(olrw - 1)) ## clzR(0, olrw - 1 bits))
      (first ## mux).asUInt

/** Counts the number of consecutive zero bits starting from the LSB. */
object CountTrailingZeroes {
  def apply(in: Bits): UInt = CountLeadingZeroes(in.reversed)

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