spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.Axi4.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file describes the Axi4 interface
* _________________________________________________________________________
* | Global | Write Data | Write Addr | Write Resp | Read Addr | Read Data |
* | - | w | aw | b | ar | r |
* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
* | aclk | wid | *awid | *bid | *arid | rid |
* | arstn | wdata | awaddr | *bresp | araddr | rdata |
* | | *wstrb | *awlen | buser | *arlen | rresp |
* | | wlast | *awsize | bvalid | *arsize | rlast |
* | | *wuser | *awburst | bready | *arburst | *ruser |
* | | wvalid | *awlock | | *arlock | rvalid |
* | | wready | *awcache | | *arcache | rready |
* | | | awprot | | arprot | |
* | | | *awqos | | *arqos | |
* | | | *awregion | | *arregion | |
* | | | *awuser | | *aruser | |
* | | | awvalid | | arvalid | |
* | | | awready | | arready | |
* |________|____________|____________|____________|____________|____________|
* * Optional signal
* @TODO add signals for the low power ???
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
* Configuration class for the Axi4 bus
case class Axi4Config(addressWidth : Int,
dataWidth : Int,
idWidth : Int = -1,
useId : Boolean = true,
withAxi3 : Boolean = false, //Very limited support
useRegion : Boolean = true,
useBurst : Boolean = true,
useLock : Boolean = true,
useCache : Boolean = true,
useSize : Boolean = true,
useQos : Boolean = true,
useLen : Boolean = true,
useLast : Boolean = true,
useResp : Boolean = true,
useProt : Boolean = true,
useStrb : Boolean = true,
useAllStrb : Boolean = false,
arUserWidth : Int = -1,
awUserWidth : Int = -1,
rUserWidth : Int = -1,
wUserWidth : Int = -1,
bUserWidth : Int = -1,
readIssuingCapability : Int = -1,
writeIssuingCapability : Int = -1,
combinedIssuingCapability : Int = -1,
readDataReorderingDepth : Int = -1) {
def useWid = withAxi3
def useArUser = arUserWidth >= 0
def useAwUser = awUserWidth >= 0
def useRUser = rUserWidth >= 0
def useWUser = wUserWidth >= 0
def useBUser = bUserWidth >= 0
def useArwUser = arwUserWidth >= 0 //Shared AR/AW channel
def arwUserWidth = Math.max(arUserWidth, awUserWidth)
def sizeWidth = withAxi3.mux(4, 3)
def lenWidth = withAxi3.mux(4, 8)
def lockWidth = withAxi3.mux(2, 1)
require(idWidth >= 0,"You need to set idWidth")
require(combinedIssuingCapability >= scala.math.max(readIssuingCapability, writeIssuingCapability),
"Inconsistent combined issuing capability")
require(readDataReorderingDepth <= readIssuingCapability,
"Inconsistent read data reordering depth")
require(List(8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024) contains dataWidth,
"Valid data width: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024 bit")
def addressType = UInt(addressWidth bits)
def dataType = Bits(dataWidth bits)
def idType = UInt(idWidth bits)
def lenType = UInt(8 bits)
def bytePerWord = dataWidth/8
def symbolRange = log2Up(bytePerWord)-1 downto 0
def wordRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
def toFullConfig(defaultIdWidth : Int = 1) : Axi4Config = {
idWidth = if(this.useId) this.idWidth else defaultIdWidth,
useId = true,
useRegion = true,
useBurst = true,
useLock = true,
useCache = true,
useSize = true,
useQos = true,
useLen = true,
useLast = true,
useResp = true,
useProt = true,
useStrb = true
trait Axi4Bus
* Axi4 interface definition
* @param config Axi4 configuration class
case class Axi4(config: Axi4Config) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Axi4Bus{
val aw = Stream(Axi4Aw(config))
val w = Stream(Axi4W(config))
val b = Stream(Axi4B(config))
val ar = Stream(Axi4Ar(config))
val r = Stream(Axi4R(config))
def writeCmd = aw
def writeData = w
def writeRsp = b
def readCmd = ar
def readRsp = r
def <<(that : Axi4) : Unit = that >> this
def >> (that : Axi4) : Unit = {
this.readCmd drive that.readCmd
this.writeCmd drive that.writeCmd
this.writeData drive that.writeData
that.readRsp drive this.readRsp
that.writeRsp drive this.writeRsp
def <<(that : Axi4WriteOnly) : Unit = that >> this
def >> (that : Axi4WriteOnly) : Unit = {
this.writeCmd drive that.writeCmd
this.writeData drive that.writeData
that.writeRsp drive this.writeRsp
def <<(that : Axi4ReadOnly) : Unit = that >> this
def >> (that : Axi4ReadOnly) : Unit = {
this.readCmd drive that.readCmd
that.readRsp drive this.readRsp
def axValidPipe() : Axi4 = {
val sink = Axi4(config)
sink.ar << this.ar.validPipe()
sink.aw << this.aw.validPipe()
sink.w << this.w
sink.r >> this.r
sink.b >> this.b
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
def toReadOnly(idleOthers: Boolean = false): Axi4ReadOnly ={
val ret = Axi4ReadOnly(config)
ret << this
def toWriteOnly(idleOthers: Boolean = false): Axi4WriteOnly ={
val ret = Axi4WriteOnly(config)
ret << this
def expendId(idWidth: Int): Axi4 = {
assert(config.idWidth <= idWidth)
val ret = Axi4(config.copy(idWidth = idWidth))
ret << this
def setIdle(): this.type = {
def setBlocked(): this.type = {
def toShared() : Axi4Shared = {
def toFullConfig(): Axi4= {
val ret = Axi4(config.toFullConfig())
ret << this
def pipelined(
aw: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
w: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
b: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
ar: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
r: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE
): Axi4 = {
val ret = cloneOf(this)
ret.aw << this.aw.pipelined(aw)
ret.w << this.w.pipelined(w)
ret.b.pipelined(b) >> this.b
ret.ar << this.ar.pipelined(ar)
ret.r.pipelined(r) >> this.r
* Definition of the constants used by the Axi4 bus
object Axi4{
val boundaryWidth = 12
object size{
def apply() = Bits(3 bits)
def BYTE_1 = B"000"
def BYTE_2 = B"001"
def BYTE_4 = B"010"
def BYTE_8 = B"011"
def BYTE_16 = B"100"
def BYTE_32 = B"101"
def BYTE_64 = B"110"
def BYTE_128 = B"111"
object awcache{
def apply() = Bits(4 bits)
def OTHER = B"1000"
def ALLOCATE = B"0100"
def MODIFIABLE = B"0010"
def BUFFERABLE = B"0001"
object arcache{
def apply() = Bits(4 bits)
def ALLOCATE = B"1000"
def OTHER = B"0100"
def MODIFIABLE = B"0010"
def BUFFERABLE = B"0001"
object burst{
def apply() = Bits(2 bits)
def FIXED = B"00"
def INCR = B"01"
def WRAP = B"10"
def RESERVED = B"11"
object lock{
def apply() = Bits(2 bits)
def NORMAL = B"0"
def EXCLUSIVE = B"1"
object prot{
def apply() = Bits(3 bits)
def PRIVILEGED = B"001"
def NON_SECURE = B"010"
def INSTRUCTION = B"100"
object resp{
def apply() = Bits(2 bits)
def OKAY = B"00" // Normal access success
def EXOKAY = B"01" // Exclusive access okay
def SLVERR = B"10" // Slave error
def DECERR = B"11" // Decode error
//Return the increment of a address depending the burst configuration (INCR,WRAP,FIXED)
def incr(address : UInt,burst : Bits,len : UInt,size : UInt,bytePerWord : Int) : UInt = {
val area = new Area {
val maxSize = log2Up(bytePerWord)
val validSizeWidth = log2Up(maxSize + 1)
val validSize = size(0, validSizeWidth bits)
val result = UInt(address.getWidth bits)
val highCat = if (address.getWidth > 12) address(address.high downto 12) else U""
val sizeValue = (0 to maxSize).map(idx => idx === validSize).asBits.asUInt
val alignMask = (0 to maxSize - 1).map(idx => idx < validSize).asBits.asUInt.resize(12)
val base = address(Math.min(12, address.getWidth) - 1 downto 0).resize(12) & ~alignMask
val baseIncr = base + sizeValue
val wrapCaseMax = maxSize + 3 // 3 is the maximum result of the len.mux() below
val wrapCaseWidth = log2Up(wrapCaseMax + 1)
val wrapCase = validSize.resize(wrapCaseWidth) + len.mux(
M"----1---" -> U"11",
M"----01--" -> U"10",
M"----001-" -> U"01",
default -> U"00"
switch(burst) {
is(Axi4.burst.FIXED) {
result := address
is(Axi4.burst.WRAP) {
val cases = Vec((0 to wrapCaseMax).map(i => base(11 downto i + 1) @@ baseIncr(i downto 0)))
result := (highCat @@ cases(wrapCase)).resized
default {
result := (highCat @@ baseIncr).resized
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