spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.Axi4Channel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
* Definition of the Write/Read address channel
* @param config Axi4 configuration class
class Axi4Ax(val config: Axi4Config,val userWidth : Int, readOnly : Boolean) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(config.addressWidth bits)
val id = if(config.useId) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
val region = if(config.useRegion) Bits(4 bits) else null
val len = if(config.useLen) UInt(config.lenWidth bits) else null
val size = if(config.useSize) UInt(config.sizeWidth bits) else null
val burst = if(config.useBurst) Bits(2 bits) else null
val lock = if(config.useLock) Bits(config.lockWidth bits) else null
val cache = if(config.useCache) Bits(4 bits) else null
val qos = if(config.useQos) Bits(4 bits) else null
val user = if(userWidth >= 0) Bits(userWidth bits) else null
val prot = if(config.useProt) Bits(3 bits) else null
val allStrb = if(config.useAllStrb && !readOnly) Bool() else null
import Axi4.burst._
def setBurstFIXED(): Unit = {assert(config.useBurst); burst := FIXED}
def setBurstWRAP() : Unit = {assert(config.useBurst); burst := WRAP}
def setBurstINCR() : Unit = {assert(config.useBurst); burst := INCR}
def isINCR() = if(config.useBurst) burst === INCR else True
def isFIXED() = if(config.useBurst) burst === FIXED else False
def setSize(sizeBurst :UInt) : Unit = if(config.useBurst) size := sizeBurst
def setFullSize() : Unit = this.setSize(log2Up(config.dataWidth/8))
def setLock(lockType :Bits) : Unit = if(config.useLock) lock := lockType
def setCache(cacheType : Bits) : Unit = if (config.useCache ) cache := cacheType
def setQos(qosType : Bits) : Unit = if (config.useQos) qos := qosType
def setProt(protType : Bits) : Unit = if (config.useProt) prot := protType
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4Ax(config,userWidth, readOnly).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def getLenOnDataWidth(dataWidth : Int ): UInt ={
assert(dataWidth > config.dataWidth)
val byteCount = (len << size).resize(8+log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)
val incrLen = ((U"0" @@ byteCount) + addr(log2Up(dataWidth/8)-1 downto 0))(byteCount.high + 1 downto log2Up(dataWidth/8))
def getLenAlignedAddr() : UInt = {
addr & size.muxList(
(default -> U(config.addressWidth bits, default -> true)) ::
(1 to log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).map(l =>
l -> U(config.addressWidth bits, default -> true, (l-1 downto 0) -> false)
def formalContext() = new Composite(this, "formal") {
import spinal.core.formal._
val maxSize = log2Up(config.bytePerWord)
val formalLen = if (config.useLen) len else U(0, 8 bits)
val formalSize = if (config.useSize) size else U(maxSize, 3 bits)
val endAddr = addr + ((formalLen +^ 1) << formalSize) - 1
val in4KBoundary = endAddr(config.addressWidth - 1 downto 12) === addr(config.addressWidth - 1 downto 12)
val addrAlignMask = ((U(1) << formalSize) - 1).resize(7 bits)
val addrAlignedToSize = (addr(6 downto 0) & addrAlignMask) === 0
val validWrapLen = Seq(2, 4, 8, 16).map(formalLen === _).reduce(_ || _)
val validCache = if (config.useCache) !Seq(4, 5, 8, 9, 0xc, 0xd).map(cache === _).reduce(_ || _) else null
val errors = new Area {
val UseReservedBurst = CombInit(False)
val AccessOutOf4KBound = Bool()
val WrapAddressNotAligned = CombInit(False)
val WrapInvalidLen = CombInit(False)
val FixedInvalidLen = CombInit(False)
val SizeOutOfRange = CombInit(formalSize > maxSize)
val CacheInvalid = Bool()
val ExclusiveInvalidLen = CombInit(False)
val ExclusiveInvalidCache = CombInit(False)
if (config.useBurst) {
errors.AccessOutOf4KBound := False
errors.UseReservedBurst := burst === RESERVED
switch(burst) {
is(INCR) {
if (config.addressWidth > 12) errors.AccessOutOf4KBound := !in4KBoundary
is(WRAP) {
if (config.useSize) errors.WrapAddressNotAligned := !addrAlignedToSize
if (config.useLen) errors.WrapInvalidLen := !validWrapLen
is(FIXED) {
if (config.useLen) errors.FixedInvalidLen := len(7 downto 4) =/= 0 // len <= 16
} else {
errors.AccessOutOf4KBound := !in4KBoundary
if (config.useCache) errors.CacheInvalid := !validCache else errors.CacheInvalid := False
if (config.useLock) {
if (config.useLen) when(lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE) { errors.ExclusiveInvalidLen := len(7 downto 4) =/= 0 }
if (config.useCache) when(lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE) {
errors.ExclusiveInvalidCache := cache(3 downto 2) =/= 0
def formalAsserts() = new Area {
errors.foreachReflectableNameables(x => x match { case y: Bool => assert(!y); case _ => })
def formalAssumes() = new Area {
errors.foreachReflectableNameables(x => x match { case y: Bool => assume(!y); case _ => })
def formalCovers() = new Area {
if (config.useLen) {
Seq(0, 1, 2, 4, 8).map(x => cover(len === U(x)))
// Unaligned burst access.
if (config.useSize && config.useBurst) {
cover(size === U(Axi4.size.BYTE_2) && addr(0) === True && burst === FIXED)
cover(size === U(Axi4.size.BYTE_2) && addr(1) === True && burst === INCR)
if (config.useBurst) {
cover(burst === FIXED)
cover(burst === INCR)
cover(burst === WRAP)
if (config.useLock) {
cover(lock === Axi4.lock.NORMAL)
cover(lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE)
if (config.useCache) {
Seq(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 0xa, 0xb, 0xe, 0xf).map(x => cover(cache === x))
if (config.useLock) cover(lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE && cache === M"--0-")
if (config.useProt) {
cover(prot === M"--0")
cover(prot === M"--1")
cover(prot === M"-0-")
cover(prot === M"-1-")
cover(prot === M"0--")
cover(prot === M"1--")
class Axi4Aw(config: Axi4Config) extends Axi4Ax(config, config.awUserWidth, readOnly = false){
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4Aw(config).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class Axi4Ar(config: Axi4Config) extends Axi4Ax(config, config.arUserWidth, readOnly = true){
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4Ar(config).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class Axi4Arw(config: Axi4Config) extends Axi4Ax(config, config.arwUserWidth, readOnly = false){
val write = Bool()
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4Arw(config).asInstanceOf[this.type]
* Definition of the Write data channel
* @param config Axi4 configuration class
case class Axi4W(config: Axi4Config) extends Bundle {
val data = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val strb = if(config.useStrb) Bits(config.bytePerWord bits) else null
val user = if(config.useWUser) Bits(config.wUserWidth bits) else null
val last = if(config.useLast) Bool() else null
val id = if(config.useWid) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
def setStrb() : Unit = if(config.useStrb) strb := (1 << widthOf(strb))-1
def setStrb(bytesLane : Bits) : Unit = if(config.useStrb) strb := bytesLane
def formalCovers() = new Area {
if(config.useLast) cover(last === True)
if(config.useStrb) {
val fullStrb = (1 << config.bytePerWord) - 1
cover(strb === fullStrb)
cover(strb =/= fullStrb)
* Definition of the Write response channel
* @param config Axi4 configuration class
case class Axi4B(config: Axi4Config) extends Bundle {
val id = if(config.useId) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
val resp = if(config.useResp) Bits(2 bits) else null
val user = if(config.useBUser) Bits(config.bUserWidth bits) else null
import Axi4.resp._
def setOKAY() : Unit = resp := OKAY
def setEXOKAY() : Unit = resp := EXOKAY
def setSLVERR() : Unit = resp := SLVERR
def setDECERR() : Unit = resp := DECERR
def isOKAY() : Bool = resp === OKAY
def isEXOKAY() : Bool = resp === EXOKAY
def isSLVERR() : Bool = resp === SLVERR
def isDECERR() : Bool = resp === DECERR
def formalCovers() = new Area {
if(config.useResp) {
Seq(OKAY, SLVERR, DECERR, EXOKAY).map(x => cover(resp === x))
* Definition of the Read Data channel
* @param config Axi4 configuration class
case class Axi4R(config: Axi4Config) extends Bundle {
val data = Bits(config.dataWidth bits)
val id = if(config.useId) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
val resp = if(config.useResp) Bits(2 bits) else null
val last = if(config.useLast) Bool() else null
val user = if(config.useRUser) Bits(config.rUserWidth bits) else null
import Axi4.resp._
def setOKAY() : Unit = resp := OKAY
def setEXOKAY() : Unit = resp := EXOKAY
def setSLVERR() : Unit = resp := SLVERR
def setDECERR() : Unit = resp := DECERR
def isOKAY() : Bool = resp === OKAY
def isEXOKAY() : Bool = resp === EXOKAY
def isSLVERR() : Bool = resp === SLVERR
def isDECERR() : Bool = resp === DECERR
def formalCovers() = new Area {
if(config.useResp) {
Seq(OKAY, SLVERR, DECERR, EXOKAY).map(x => cover(resp === x))
class Axi4AxUnburstified(val config : Axi4Config, userWidth : Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(config.addressWidth bits)
val id = if(config.useId) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
val region = if(config.useRegion) Bits(4 bits) else null
val size = if(config.useSize) UInt(3 bits) else null
val burst = if(config.useBurst) Bits(2 bits) else null
val lock = if(config.useLock) Bits(1 bits) else null
val cache = if(config.useCache) Bits(4 bits) else null
val qos = if(config.useQos) Bits(4 bits) else null
val user = if(userWidth >= 0) Bits(userWidth bits) else null
val prot = if(config.useProt) Bits(3 bits) else null
object Axi4AxUnburstified{
def unburstify[X <: Axi4Ax,Y <: Axi4AxUnburstified](stream : Stream[X], outPayloadType : Y) : Stream[Fragment[Y]] = {
case class State() extends Bundle{
val busy = Bool()
val len = UInt(8 bits)
val beat = UInt(8 bits)
val transaction = cloneOf(outPayloadType)
override def clone: State.this.type = new State().asInstanceOf[this.type]
val area = new Area {
val result = Stream Fragment (outPayloadType)
val doResult = Bool()
val addrIncrRange = (Math.min(11, stream.payload.config.addressWidth - 1) downto 0)
val buffer = new Area{
val valid = RegInit(False)
val len = Reg(UInt(8 bits))
val beat = Reg(UInt(8 bits))
val transaction = Reg(cloneOf(outPayloadType))
val last = beat === 1
val address = Axi4.incr(
address = transaction.addr,
burst = if(stream.config.useBurst) transaction.burst else Axi4.burst.INCR,
len = len,
size = if(stream.config.useSize) transaction.size else U(log2Up(stream.config.bytePerWord)),
bytePerWord = stream.config.bytePerWord
when(result.ready) {
beat := beat - 1
transaction.addr(addrIncrRange) := address(addrIncrRange)
valid := False
stream.ready := False
result.valid := True
result.last := buffer.last
result.fragment := buffer.transaction
result.addr := buffer.address
stream.ready := result.ready
result.valid := stream.valid
result.last := True
if(stream.config.useLen) {
when(stream.len =/= 0) {
result.last := False
buffer.valid := stream.valid
buffer.beat := stream.len
buffer.len := stream.len
class Axi4ArUnburstified(axiConfig : Axi4Config) extends Axi4AxUnburstified(axiConfig, axiConfig.arUserWidth){
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4ArUnburstified(axiConfig).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class Axi4AwUnburstified(axiConfig : Axi4Config) extends Axi4AxUnburstified(axiConfig, axiConfig.awUserWidth){
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4AwUnburstified(axiConfig).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class Axi4ArwUnburstified(axiConfig : Axi4Config) extends Axi4AxUnburstified(axiConfig, axiConfig.arwUserWidth){
val write = Bool()
override def clone: this.type = new Axi4ArwUnburstified(axiConfig).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object Axi4ArUnburstified{
def apply(axiConfig : Axi4Config) = new Axi4ArUnburstified(axiConfig)
object Axi4AwUnburstified{
def apply(axiConfig : Axi4Config) = new Axi4AwUnburstified(axiConfig)
object Axi4ArwUnburstified{
def apply(axiConfig : Axi4Config) = new Axi4ArwUnburstified(axiConfig)
object Axi4Priv{
def driveWeak[T <: Data](source : Bundle,sink : Bundle, by : T,to : T,defaultValue : () => T,allowResize : Boolean,allowDrop : Boolean) : Unit = {
(to != null,by != null) match {
case (false,false) =>
case (true,false) => if(defaultValue != null) to := defaultValue() else LocatedPendingError(s"$source can't drive $to because this first doesn't has the corresponding pin")
case (false,true) => if(!allowDrop) LocatedPendingError(s"$by can't drive $sink because this last one doesn't has the corresponding pin")
case (true,true) => to := (if(allowResize) by.resized else by)
def driveAx[T <: Axi4Ax](stream: Stream[T],sink: Stream[T]): Unit = {
assert(stream.config.idWidth <= sink.config.idWidth, s"Expect $stream idWidth=${stream.config.idWidth} <= $sink idWidth=${sink.config.idWidth}")
assert(stream.config.addressWidth >= sink.config.addressWidth, s"Expect $stream addressWidth=${stream.config.addressWidth} >= $sink addressWidth=${sink.config.addressWidth}")
sink.addr := stream.addr.resized
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.id,sink.id,() => U(sink.id.range -> false),true,false)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.region,sink.region,() => B(sink.region.range -> false),false,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.len,sink.len,() => U(sink.len.range -> false),false,false)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.size,sink.size,() => U(log2Up(sink.config.dataWidth/8)),false,false)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.burst,sink.burst,() => Axi4.burst.INCR,false,false)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.lock,sink.lock,() => Axi4.lock.NORMAL,false,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.cache,sink.cache,() => B"0000",false,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.qos,sink.qos,() => B"0000",false,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.user,sink.user,() => B(sink.user.range -> false),true,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.prot,sink.prot,() => B"010",false,true)
driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.allStrb,sink.allStrb,() => False,false,true)
object Axi4Aw{
def apply(config: Axi4Config) = new Axi4Aw(config)
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4Aw]) {
def unburstify : Stream[Fragment[Axi4AwUnburstified]] = {
Axi4AxUnburstified.unburstify(stream, Axi4AwUnburstified(stream.config))
def drive(sink: Stream[Axi4Aw]): Unit = Axi4Priv.driveAx(stream,sink)
object Axi4Ar{
def apply(config: Axi4Config) = new Axi4Ar(config)
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4Ar]){
def unburstify : Stream[Fragment[Axi4ArUnburstified]] = {
Axi4AxUnburstified.unburstify(stream, Axi4ArUnburstified(stream.config))
def drive(sink : Stream[Axi4Ar]): Unit = Axi4Priv.driveAx(stream,sink)
object Axi4Arw{
def apply(config: Axi4Config) = new Axi4Arw(config)
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4Arw]) {
def unburstify : Stream[Fragment[Axi4ArwUnburstified]] = {
def drive(sink : Stream[Axi4Arw]): Unit ={
sink.write := stream.write
object Axi4W{
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4W]) {
def drive(sink: Stream[Axi4W]): Unit = {
sink.data := stream.data
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.strb,sink.strb,() => B(sink.strb.range -> true),false,false)
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.user,sink.user,() => B(sink.user.range -> false),false,true)
object Axi4B{
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4B]) {
def drive(sink: Stream[Axi4B]): Unit = {
assert(stream.config.idWidth >= sink.config.idWidth, s"Expect $stream idWidth=${stream.config.idWidth} >= $sink idWidth=${sink.config.idWidth}")
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.resp,sink.resp,() => Axi4.resp.OKAY,false,true)
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.user,sink.user,() => B(sink.user.range -> false),false,true)
object Axi4R{
implicit class StreamPimper(stream : Stream[Axi4R]) {
def drive(sink: Stream[Axi4R]): Unit = {
assert(stream.config.idWidth >= sink.config.idWidth, s"Expect $stream idWidth=${stream.config.idWidth} >= $sink idWidth=${sink.config.idWidth}")
sink.data := stream.data
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.resp,sink.resp,() => Axi4.resp.OKAY,false,true)
Axi4Priv.driveWeak(stream,sink,stream.user,sink.user,() => B(sink.user.range -> false),false,true)
case class FormalAxi4Record(val config: Axi4Config, maxStrbs: Int) extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(7 bits)
val id = if (config.useId) UInt(config.idWidth bits) else null
val len = UInt(8 bits)
val size = UInt(3 bits)
val burst = if (config.useBurst) Bits(2 bits) else null
val isLockExclusive = if (config.useLock) Bool() else null
val axDone = Bool()
val strbs = if (config.useStrb) Vec(Bits(config.bytePerWord bits), maxStrbs) else null
val count = UInt(9 bits)
val seenLast = Bool()
val responsed = Bool()
def init():FormalAxi4Record = {
size := U(log2Up(config.bytePerWord), 3 bits)
if(config.useBurst) burst := B(Axi4.burst.INCR)
def assignFromAx(ax: Stream[Axi4Ax]) {
addr := ax.addr.resized
if (config.useLock) isLockExclusive := ax.lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE
if (config.useBurst) burst := ax.burst
if (config.useLen) len := ax.len
if (config.useSize) size := ax.size
if (config.useId) id := ax.id
axDone := ax.ready
def equalToAx(ax: Stream[Axi4Ax]): Bool = {
val addrCond = addr === ax.addr.resize(addr.getWidth)
val lockCond = if (config.useLock) isLockExclusive === (ax.lock === Axi4.lock.EXCLUSIVE) else True
val burstCond = if (config.useBurst) burst === ax.burst else True
val lenCond = if (config.useLen) len === ax.len else True
val sizeCond = if (config.useSize) size === ax.size else True
val idCond = if (config.useId) id === ax.id else True
addrCond & lockCond & burstCond & lenCond & sizeCond & idCond
def assignFromW(w: Stream[Axi4W], selected: FormalAxi4Record) = new Area {
seenLast := w.last & w.ready
when(w.ready) { count := selected.count + 1 }.otherwise { count := selected.count }
if (config.useStrb) {
for (i <- 0 until maxStrbs) {
when(selected.count === i) {
strbs(i) := w.strb
}.otherwise {
strbs(i) := selected.strbs(i)
def assignFromR(r: Stream[Axi4R], selected: FormalAxi4Record) = new Area {
seenLast := r.last & r.ready
when(r.ready) { count := selected.count + 1 }.otherwise { count := selected.count }
def assignFromB(b: Stream[Axi4B]) {
responsed := b.ready
def checkStrbs(cond: Bool) = new Area {
val addrStrbMaxMask = (U(config.bytePerWord) - 1).resize(addr.getBitsWidth)
val strbError = CombInit(False)
when(cond) {
val sizeMask = ((U(1) << (U(1) << size)) - 1).resize(config.bytePerWord bits)
val addrSizeMask = ((U(1) << size) - 1).resize(addr.getBitsWidth)
val strbsErrors = Vec(Bool(), maxStrbs)
strbsErrors.map(_ := False)
for (i <- 0 until maxStrbs) {
when(i < count) {
val targetAddress = (addr + (i << size)).resize(addr.getBitsWidth)
if (config.useBurst) when(burst === Axi4.burst.FIXED) { targetAddress := addr }
val offset = targetAddress & addrStrbMaxMask & ~addrSizeMask
val byteLaneMask = (sizeMask << offset).resize(config.bytePerWord bits)
strbsErrors(i) := (strbs(i) & ~byteLaneMask.asBits).orR
strbError := strbsErrors.reduce(_ | _)
def checkLen(): Bool = new Composite(this, "checkLen") {
val realLen = len +^ 1
val transDoneWithWrongLen = seenLast & realLen =/= count
val getLimitLenWhileTransfer = !seenLast & realLen === count
val wrongLen = realLen < count
val rule = axDone & (transDoneWithWrongLen | getLimitLenWhileTransfer | wrongLen)
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