spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.Axi4Compactor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.pipeline._
// Will transform burst of size < max into size = max (compacting bursts)
// Mostly implement via a data buffer on the W channel
class Axi4WriteOnlyCompactor(config: Axi4Config) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val up = slave port Axi4WriteOnly(config)
val down = master port Axi4WriteOnly(config)
val offsetRange = log2Up(config.bytePerWord)-1 downto 0
case class Context() extends Bundle{
val len = UInt(8 bits)
val bytePerBeat = UInt(log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)
val offset = UInt(offsetRange.size bits)
val onAw = new Area{
val (downFork, wFork) = StreamFork2(io.up.aw)
io.down.aw << downFork
val sizeBytes = io.up.aw.size.muxListDc(
(0 to log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).map(i =>
i -> U((1 << i)-1, log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)
val bytes = (io.up.aw.len << io.up.aw.size) + sizeBytes
val bytesBeats = bytes + (io.up.aw.addr(log2Up(config.bytePerWord)-1 downto 0) & ~U(UIntToOhMinusOne(io.up.aw.size, log2Up(config.bytePerWord))))
val smallSize = (0 until config.bytePerWord).map(e => U(log2Up(e+1))).read(bytesBeats.take(log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).asUInt)
io.down.aw.size.removeAssignments() := io.down.aw.len.orR.mux[UInt](log2Up(config.bytePerWord), smallSize).resized
io.down.aw.len.removeAssignments() := (bytesBeats >> log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).resized
val toW = Stream(Context())
toW.len := wFork.len
toW.bytePerBeat := ((U(1) << wFork.size)-1).resized
toW.offset := wFork.addr(offsetRange) & ~toW.bytePerBeat.resize(offsetRange.size)
val onW = new Area{
val awS2m = onAw.toW.s2mPipe()
val aw = awS2m.m2sPipe()
val w = io.up.w
val commitCmd = Stream(NoData)
val commitDo = commitCmd.m2sPipe()
val firstCycle = RegNext(False) init(True)
val buffer = List.fill(config.bytePerWord)(new Area{
val data = Reg(Bits(8 bits))
val strb = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(commitDo.fire || firstCycle)
val bufferLast = Reg(Bool())
val mask = ~aw.bytePerBeat.resize(offsetRange.size)
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)) init(0)
val counterPlus = counter +^ aw.bytePerBeat + 1
val last = counterPlus.msb || w.last
aw.ready := False
w.ready := False
commitCmd.valid := False
when(aw.valid && w.valid){
w.ready := !commitDo.isStall
commitCmd.valid := last
counter := counterPlus.resized
for ((buf, i) <- buffer.zipWithIndex) {
when(counter === (U(i) & mask)) {
buf.data := w.data(i * 8, 8 bits)
buf.strb := w.strb(i)
bufferLast := w.last
aw.ready := w.last
counter := awS2m.offset
io.down.w.data := Cat(buffer.map(_.data))
io.down.w.strb := Cat(buffer.map(_.strb))
io.down.w.last := bufferLast
io.up.b << io.down.b
object Axi4WriteOnlyCompactorGen extends App{
SpinalVerilog(new Axi4WriteOnlyCompactor(
Axi4Config(16,32, 4)
// Will transform burst of size < max into size = max (compacting bursts)
// Assume no interleaving
// Assume not more than one pending transaction per ID
class Axi4ReadOnlyCompactor(config: Axi4Config) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val up = slave port Axi4ReadOnly(config)
val down = master port Axi4ReadOnly(config)
val offsetRange = log2Up(config.bytePerWord)-1 downto 0
case class Context() extends Bundle{
val len = UInt(8 bits)
val bytePerBeat = UInt(log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)
val offset = UInt(offsetRange.size bits)
val context = new Area {
val mem = Mem.fill(1 << config.idWidth)(Context())
val write = mem.writePort()
val read = mem.readSyncPort()
val onAr = new Area{
io.down.ar << io.up.ar
val sizeBytes = io.up.ar.size.muxListDc(
(0 to log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).map(i =>
i -> U((1 << i)-1, log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)
val bytes = (io.up.ar.len << io.up.ar.size) + sizeBytes
val bytesBeats = bytes + (io.up.ar.addr(log2Up(config.bytePerWord)-1 downto 0) & ~U(UIntToOhMinusOne(io.up.ar.size, log2Up(config.bytePerWord))))
val smallSize = (0 until config.bytePerWord).map(e => U(log2Up(e+1))).read(bytesBeats.take(log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).asUInt)
io.down.ar.size.removeAssignments() := io.down.ar.len.orR.mux[UInt](log2Up(config.bytePerWord), smallSize).resized
io.down.ar.len.removeAssignments() := (bytesBeats >> log2Up(config.bytePerWord)).resized
context.write.valid := io.down.ar.fire
context.write.address := io.up.ar.id
context.write.data.len := io.up.ar.len
context.write.data.bytePerBeat := ((U(1) << io.up.ar.size)-1).resized
context.write.data.offset := io.up.ar.addr(offsetRange) & ~context.write.data.bytePerBeat.resize(offsetRange.size)
val onR = new Pipeline{
val fetch = new Stage{
val R = insert(io.down.r.payload)
context.read.cmd.valid := isFireing
context.read.cmd.payload := io.down.r.id
val process = new Stage(Connection.M2S()){
val CTX = insert(context.read.rsp)
val first = RegInit(True)
when(io.up.r.fire) {
first := io.up.r.last
val lenCounter = Reg(UInt(8 bits)) init (0)
val lenLast = lenCounter === CTX.len
val wordCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(config.bytePerWord) bits)) init(0)
val wordCounterPlus = wordCounter +^ CTX.bytePerBeat + CTX.offset.andMask(first) + 1
val wordLast = wordCounterPlus.msb || lenLast
io.up.r.valid := valid
io.up.r.payload := fetch.R
io.up.r.last.removeAssignments() := lenLast
wordCounter := wordCounterPlus.resized
lenCounter := lenCounter + 1
when(io.up.r.last) {
lenCounter := 0
wordCounter := 0
object Axi4ReadOnlyCompactorGen extends App{
SpinalVerilog(new Axi4ReadOnlyCompactor(
Axi4Config(16,32, 4)
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