spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.Axi4Unburster.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
object Axi4Unburster {
def apply(axi: Axi4): Axi4 = apply(axi, 3, 3)
def apply(axi: Axi4, pendingDepth: Int, pendingWidth: Int): Axi4 = {
val roUnburstifier = new Axi4ReadOnlyUnburster(axi.config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
val woUnburstifier = new Axi4WriteOnlyUnburster(axi.config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
roUnburstifier.io.input << axi.toReadOnly()
woUnburstifier.io.input << axi.toWriteOnly()
val axiUnburst = new Axi4(axi.config.copy(useLen = false))
axiUnburst << roUnburstifier.io.output
axiUnburst << woUnburstifier.io.output
def apply(axi: Axi4ReadOnly): Axi4ReadOnly = apply(axi, 3, 3)
def apply(axi: Axi4ReadOnly, pendingDepth: Int, pendingWidth: Int): Axi4ReadOnly = {
val unburstifier = new Axi4ReadOnlyUnburster(axi.config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
unburstifier.io.input << axi
def apply(axi: Axi4WriteOnly): Axi4WriteOnly = apply(axi, 3, 3)
def apply(axi: Axi4WriteOnly, pendingDepth: Int, pendingWidth: Int): Axi4WriteOnly = {
val unburstifier = new Axi4WriteOnlyUnburster(axi.config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
unburstifier.io.input << axi
class UnbursterIDManager(config: Axi4Config, pendingDepth: Int, pendingWidth: Int) extends Component {
class IdLen extends Bundle {
val id = (config.useId) generate config.idType
val len = config.lenType
class IdResp extends Bundle {
val id = (config.useId) generate config.idType
val resp = Bits(2 bit)
val io = new Bundle {
val axIdLen = slave(Stream(new IdLen))
val retIdResp = slave(Stream(new IdResp))
// val drop = out Bool()
val resp = out Bits(2 bit)
val last = out Bool()
if (config.useId) {
val idMap = Vec(Reg(config.idType) init(0), pendingWidth)
val idMapValid = Bits(pendingWidth bit)
val lenFifos = (for (_ <- 0 until pendingWidth) yield new StreamFifo(config.lenType, pendingDepth).io).toList
val push = new Area {
val idMapMatches = Bits(pendingWidth bit)
val idMapOccupied = Bits(pendingWidth bit)
for(i <- 0 until pendingWidth) {
val idMatch = (idMap(i) === io.axIdLen.id)
idMapOccupied(i) := lenFifos(i).occupancy.orR || idMapValid(i)
idMapMatches(i) := idMatch && idMapOccupied(i)
val matchedIdIndex = OHMasking.first(idMapMatches)
val anyMatched = idMapMatches.orR
val nextOpenIndex = OHMasking.first(~idMapOccupied)
val anyOpen = (~idMapOccupied).orR
io.axIdLen.ready := False
for (i <- 0 until pendingWidth) {
lenFifos(i).push.payload := io.axIdLen.len
lenFifos(i).push.valid := False
when(anyMatched) {
when(matchedIdIndex(i)) {
// Connect AR fork to existing FIFO
io.axIdLen.ready := lenFifos(i).push.ready
lenFifos(i).push.valid := io.axIdLen.valid
} elsewhen (anyOpen && nextOpenIndex(i)) {
// Connect AR fork to open FIFO
io.axIdLen.ready := lenFifos(i).push.ready
lenFifos(i).push.valid := io.axIdLen.valid
when(io.axIdLen.fire) {
when(!anyMatched && anyOpen && nextOpenIndex(i)) {
idMap(i) := io.axIdLen.id
val pop = new Area {
val respOut = Bits(2 bit)
val respOutReg = RegNextWhen(respOut, io.retIdResp.fire)
// io.retIdResp.ready := False
io.last := False
io.resp := respOut
respOut := respOutReg
val idMapMatches = Bits(pendingWidth bit)
for(i <- 0 until pendingWidth) {
val idMatch = (idMap(i) === io.retIdResp.id)
idMapMatches(i) := idMatch
// io.drop := !idMapMatches.orR
io.retIdResp.ready := False //idMapValid.orR
val select = OHMasking.first(idMapMatches)
for(i <- 0 until pendingWidth) {
val lenFifo = lenFifos(i).pop
val valid = RegInit(False)
val addrBeats = Reg(config.lenType.clone) init(0)
val resp = Reg(Bits(2 bit)) init(0)
idMapValid(i) := valid
lenFifo.ready := !valid
// Load valid
when(lenFifo.fire) {
addrBeats := lenFifo.payload
when(select(i) && valid) {
respOut := resp
io.retIdResp.ready := valid
when(io.retIdResp.fire) {
addrBeats := addrBeats - 1
when(!resp.orR) {
resp := io.retIdResp.resp
respOut := io.retIdResp.resp
valid.clearWhen(io.retIdResp.fire && addrBeats === 0)
io.last := addrBeats === 0
} else {
// Length FIFO
val fifo = new StreamFifo(config.lenType.clone, pendingDepth)
val lenInStream = fifo.io.push
val lenFifo = fifo.io.pop
// Working length
val valid = RegInit(False)
val addrBeats = Reg(UInt(8 bit)) init(0)
val respOut = Bits(2 bit)
val resp = Reg(Bits(2 bit)) init(0)
// Fork into the length FIFO
io.axIdLen.ready := lenInStream.ready
lenInStream.valid := io.axIdLen.valid
lenInStream.payload := io.axIdLen.len
lenFifo.ready := !valid
when(lenFifo.fire) {
addrBeats := lenFifo.payload
respOut := resp
when(io.retIdResp.fire) {
addrBeats := addrBeats - 1
when(!resp.orR) {
resp := io.retIdResp.resp
respOut := io.retIdResp.resp
valid.clearWhen(io.retIdResp.fire && addrBeats === 0)
io.retIdResp.ready := valid
io.last := addrBeats === 0
io.resp := respOut
// io.drop := !(valid || fifo.io.occupancy.orR)
* Converts Axi4 burst streams into single beat transactions and adds last as required.
* AR channel will block if the pending transactions FIFO is full for that ID.
* Warning, the implementation currently work only for in order ar -> r responses
* @param config Axi4Config of the inbound master stream
* @param pendingDepth Number of pending transactions per ID
* @param pendingWidth Number of concurrent pending ID transactions.
* Not used if the master stream does not support IDs.
class Axi4ReadOnlyUnburster(config: Axi4Config, pendingDepth: Int = 3, pendingWidth: Int = 3) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Axi4ReadOnly(config))
val output = master(Axi4ReadOnly(config.copy(useLen = false, useBurst = false)))
if (!config.useLast) {
val unburstified = io.input.ar.unburstify
} else {
val manager = new UnbursterIDManager(config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
val unburstified = io.input.ar.continueWhen(manager.io.axIdLen.ready).unburstify
manager.io.axIdLen.valid := io.input.ar.fire
(config.useId) generate { manager.io.axIdLen.id := io.input.ar.id }
manager.io.axIdLen.len := io.input.ar.len
val rFifo = io.output.r.continueWhen(manager.io.retIdResp.ready)
(config.useId) generate { manager.io.retIdResp.id := rFifo.id }
manager.io.retIdResp.valid := rFifo.fire
rFifo.last := manager.io.last
val rStage = rFifo.stage()
* Converts Axi4 burst streams into single beat transactions and generates a single write response.
* AW channel will block if the pending transactions FIFO is full for that ID.
* @param config Axi4Config of the inbound master stream
* @param pendingDepth Number of pending transactions per ID
* @param pendingWidth Number of concurrent pending ID transactions.
* Not used if the master stream does not support IDs.
class Axi4WriteOnlyUnburster(config: Axi4Config, pendingDepth: Int = 3, pendingWidth: Int = 3) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Axi4WriteOnly(config))
val output = master(Axi4WriteOnly(config.copy(useLen = false, useBurst = false)))
val manager = new UnbursterIDManager(config, pendingDepth, pendingWidth)
val unburstified = io.input.aw.continueWhen(manager.io.axIdLen.ready).unburstify
manager.io.axIdLen.valid := io.input.aw.fire
(config.useId) generate { manager.io.axIdLen.id := io.input.aw.id }
manager.io.axIdLen.len := io.input.aw.len
io.output.w << io.input.w
if (config.useLast) {
io.output.w.last := True
val bGated = io.output.b.continueWhen(manager.io.retIdResp.ready)
(config.useId) generate { manager.io.retIdResp.id := bGated.id }
manager.io.retIdResp.valid := bGated.fire
if(config.useResp) {
manager.io.retIdResp.resp := bGated.resp
} else {
val bStage = bGated.map((p: Axi4B) => {
val p2: Axi4B = Axi4B(p.config)
if (p.config.useResp) {
p2.resp := manager.io.resp
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