spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.sim.Agent.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.sim
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib.Stream
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.{Axi4, Axi4Ar, Axi4Aw, Axi4B, Axi4R, Axi4ReadOnly, Axi4W, Axi4WriteOnly}
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.SizeMapping
import spinal.lib.sim.{SimData, StreamDriver, StreamMonitor, StreamReadyRandomizer}
import scala.collection.mutable
abstract class Axi4WriteOnlyMasterAgent(aw : Stream[Axi4Aw], w : Stream[Axi4W], b : Stream[Axi4B], clockDomain: ClockDomain){
def this(bus: Axi4WriteOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
val pageAlignBits = Axi4.boundaryWidth
val busConfig = aw.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
val awQueue = mutable.Queue[() => Unit]()
val wQueue = mutable.Queue[() => Unit]()
val idCount = if(busConfig.useId) (1 << busConfig.idWidth) else 1
val bQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[() => Unit]())
var allowGen = true
var cmdCounter = 0
var rspCounter = 0
val assertOkResp = true
def pending = bQueue.exists(_.nonEmpty)
val bDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(b, clockDomain)
def genAddress() : BigInt
def mappingAllocate(mapping : SizeMapping) : Boolean
def mappingFree(mapping : SizeMapping) : Unit
def onCmdWrite(address : BigInt, data : Byte) : Unit = {}
def bursts = List(0,1,2)
def sizes = (0 to log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)).toList
def lens = (0 to 64).toList ++ List(255)
def genCmd() : Unit = {
if(!allowGen) return
val region = if (busConfig.useRegion) aw.region.randomizedInt() else 0
val id = if (busConfig.useId) aw.id.randomizedInt() else 0
val burst = if (busConfig.useBurst) bursts(simRandom.nextInt(bursts.size)) else 1
var len: Int = 0
var size: Int = log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)
var sizeByte: Int = busConfig.bytePerWord
var mapping: SizeMapping = null
var address, startAddress, endAddress: BigInt = null
var addrValid = false
var attempts = 0
if (busConfig.useLen) {
len = burst match {
case 0 => simRandom.nextInt(16)
case 1 => lens(simRandom.nextInt(lens.size))
case 2 => List(2, 4, 8, 16)(simRandom.nextInt(4)) - 1
val lenBeat = len + 1
if (busConfig.useSize) size = sizes(simRandom.nextInt(sizes.size))
sizeByte = 1 << size
val byteCount = sizeByte * lenBeat
address = genAddress()
val boundAddress = ((address >> pageAlignBits) + 1) << pageAlignBits
burst match {
case 0 =>
startAddress = address
endAddress = startAddress + sizeByte
case 1 =>
startAddress = address
endAddress = startAddress + byteCount
case 2 =>
address = address & ~BigInt(sizeByte-1)
startAddress = address & ~(byteCount-1)
endAddress = startAddress + byteCount
endAddress = endAddress & ~BigInt(sizeByte - 1)
addrValid = endAddress <= boundAddress
if (addrValid) mapping = SizeMapping(startAddress, endAddress - startAddress)
attempts += 1
if(attempts == 10) return
} while(!addrValid || !mappingAllocate(mapping));
cmdCounter += 1
awQueue.enqueue { () =>
aw.addr #= address
if (busConfig.useId) aw.id #= id
if (busConfig.useRegion) aw.region #= region
if (busConfig.useLen) aw.len #= len
if (busConfig.useSize) aw.size #= size
if (busConfig.useBurst) aw.burst #= burst
if (busConfig.useLock) aw.lock.randomize()
if (busConfig.useCache) aw.cache.randomize()
if (busConfig.useQos) aw.qos.randomize()
if (busConfig.awUserWidth >= 0) aw.user.randomize()
if (busConfig.useProt) aw.prot.randomize()
var beatOffset = (address & (busConfig.bytePerWord-1)).toInt
for (beat <- 0 to len) {
val beatOffsetCache = beatOffset
wQueue.enqueue { () =>
val bytesInBeat = sizeByte - (beatOffsetCache % sizeByte)
if(busConfig.useStrb) w.strb #= ((BigInt(bytesInBeat, simRandom)) << beatOffsetCache) & ((BigInt(1) << size)-1)
if(busConfig.useWUser) w.user.randomize()
if(busConfig.useLast) w.last #= beat == len
beatOffset += sizeByte
beatOffset &= (busConfig.bytePerWord-1)
beatOffset &= ~(sizeByte-1)
bQueue(id).enqueue { () =>
if(busConfig.useResp && assertOkResp) assert(b.resp.toInt == 0)
def maskRandom() = simRandom.nextBoolean()
val awDriver = StreamDriver(aw, clockDomain){ _ =>
if(awQueue.isEmpty) genCmd()
if(awQueue.nonEmpty) { awQueue.dequeue().apply(); true } else false
val wDriver = StreamDriver(w, clockDomain){ _ =>
if(wQueue.isEmpty) genCmd()
if(wQueue.nonEmpty) { wQueue.dequeue().apply(); true } else false
val rspMonitor = StreamMonitor(b, clockDomain){_ =>
val id = if(busConfig.useId) b.id.toInt else 0
def reset(){
bQueue.map(q => q.clear())
abstract class Axi4ReadOnlyMasterAgent(ar : Stream[Axi4Ar], r : Stream[Axi4R], clockDomain: ClockDomain){
def this(bus: Axi4ReadOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
val pageAlignBits = 12
val busConfig = ar.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
val arQueue = mutable.Queue[() => Unit]()
val idCount = if(busConfig.useId) (1 << busConfig.idWidth) else 1
val rQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[() => Unit]())
var allowGen = true
var cmdCounter = 0
var rspCounter = 0
val assertOkResp = true
def genAddress() : BigInt
def mappingAllocate(mapping : SizeMapping) : Boolean
def mappingFree(mapping : SizeMapping) : Unit
def bursts = List(0,1,2)
def sizes = (0 to log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)).toList
def lens = (0 to 64).toList ++ List(255)
def pending = rQueue.exists(_.nonEmpty)
val rDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(r, clockDomain)
def genCmd() : Unit = {
if(!allowGen) return
val region = if (busConfig.useRegion) ar.region.randomizedInt() else 0
val id = if (busConfig.useId) ar.id.randomizedInt() else 0
val burst = if (busConfig.useBurst) bursts(simRandom.nextInt(bursts.size)) else 1
var len: Int = 0
var size: Int = log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)
var sizeByte: Int = busConfig.bytePerWord
var mapping: SizeMapping = null
var address, startAddress, endAddress: BigInt = null
var addrValid = false
var attempts = 0
attempts += 1
if(attempts == 10) return
if (busConfig.useLen) {
len = burst match {
case 0 => simRandom.nextInt(16)
case 1 => lens(simRandom.nextInt(lens.size))
case 2 => List(2, 4, 8, 16)(simRandom.nextInt(4)) - 1
val lenBeat = len + 1
if (busConfig.useSize) size = sizes(simRandom.nextInt(sizes.size))
sizeByte = 1 << size
val byteCount = sizeByte * lenBeat
address = genAddress()
val boundAddress = ((address >> pageAlignBits) + 1) << pageAlignBits
burst match {
case 0 =>
startAddress = address
endAddress = startAddress + sizeByte
case 1 =>
startAddress = address
endAddress = startAddress + byteCount
case 2 =>
address = address & ~BigInt(sizeByte-1)
startAddress = address & ~(byteCount-1)
endAddress = startAddress + byteCount
endAddress = endAddress & ~BigInt(sizeByte - 1)
addrValid = endAddress <= boundAddress
if (addrValid) mapping = SizeMapping(startAddress, endAddress - startAddress)
} while(!addrValid || !mappingAllocate(mapping));
cmdCounter += 1
arQueue.enqueue { () =>
ar.addr #= address
if (busConfig.useId) ar.id #= id
if (busConfig.useRegion) ar.region #= region
if (busConfig.useLen) ar.len #= len
if (busConfig.useSize) ar.size #= size
if (busConfig.useBurst) ar.burst #= burst
if (busConfig.useLock) ar.lock.randomize()
if (busConfig.useCache) ar.cache.randomize()
if (busConfig.useQos) ar.qos.randomize()
if (busConfig.arUserWidth >= 0) ar.user.randomize()
if (busConfig.useProt) ar.prot.randomize()
for(beat <- 0 to len) rQueue(id).enqueue { () =>
if(busConfig.useResp && assertOkResp) assert(r.resp.toInt == 0)
if(busConfig.useLast) assert(r.last.toBoolean == (beat == len))
if((busConfig.useLast && r.last.toBoolean) || (beat == len)) {
def maskRandom() = simRandom.nextBoolean()
val arDriver = StreamDriver(ar, clockDomain){ _ =>
if(arQueue.isEmpty) genCmd()
if(arQueue.nonEmpty) { arQueue.dequeue().apply(); true } else false
val rspMonitor = StreamMonitor(r, clockDomain){_ =>
val id = if(busConfig.useId) r.id.toInt else 0
def reset(){
rQueue.map(q => q.clear())
class Axi4WriteOnlySlaveAgent(aw : Stream[Axi4Aw], w : Stream[Axi4W], b : Stream[Axi4B], clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
def this(bus: Axi4WriteOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
val busConfig = aw.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
var awQueueDepth = 8
var bQueueDepth = 4
val awQueue = mutable.Queue[Int]()
val idCount = if(busConfig.useId) (1 << busConfig.idWidth) else 1
val bQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[() => Unit]())
var qPending = 0
val wQueue = mutable.Queue[Boolean]()
val wProcess = mutable.Queue[(Boolean) => Unit]()
def update(): Unit ={
while(wQueue.nonEmpty && wProcess.nonEmpty){
val awMonitor = StreamMonitor(aw, clockDomain){aw =>
val id = if(busConfig.useId) aw.id.toInt else 0
awQueue += id
val len = if(busConfig.useLen) aw.len.toInt else 0
for(beat <- 0 to len) {
wProcess += { (last : Boolean) =>
if(busConfig.useLast) assert(last == (beat == len))
if(beat == len){
val id = awQueue.dequeue()
qPending += 1
bQueue(id) += {() =>
if(busConfig.useId) b.id #= id
if(busConfig.useResp) b.resp #= 0
val wMonitor = StreamMonitor(w, clockDomain){w =>
val last = if(busConfig.useLast) w.last.toBoolean else false
wQueue += last
val bDriver = StreamDriver(b, clockDomain){ _ =>
val queues = bQueue.filter(_.nonEmpty)
if(queues.nonEmpty) {
qPending -= 1
val awDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(aw, clockDomain, () => awQueue.size < awQueueDepth && qPending < bQueueDepth)
val wDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(w, clockDomain, () => qPending < bQueueDepth)
class Axi4ReadOnlySlaveAgent(ar : Stream[Axi4Ar], r : Stream[Axi4R], clockDomain: ClockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst : Boolean = true, withArReordering : Boolean = true) {
def this(bus: Axi4ReadOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4ReadOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst : Boolean, withArReordering : Boolean) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst, withArReordering);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst : Boolean, withArReordering : Boolean) {
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst, withArReordering);
var baseLatency = 0l
val busConfig = ar.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
var arQueueDepth = 8
var rQueueDepth = 256
var rPending = 0
val arQueue = mutable.Queue[Int]()
val arIdQueue = !withArReordering generate mutable.Queue[Int]()
val idCount = if(busConfig.useId) (1 << busConfig.idWidth) else 1
val rQueue = Array.fill(idCount)(mutable.Queue[(Boolean, () => Unit)]())
def readByte(address : BigInt) : Byte = simRandom.nextInt().toByte
def onReadStart(address : BigInt, size : Int, length : Int) : Unit = {}
val arMonitor = StreamMonitor(ar, clockDomain){ar =>
val size = if(busConfig.useSize) ar.size.toInt else log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
val len = if(busConfig.useLen) ar.len.toInt else 0
val id = if(busConfig.useId) ar.id.toInt else 0
val burst = if(busConfig.useBurst) ar.burst.toInt else 1
val addr = ar.addr.toBigInt
val bytePerBeat = (1 << size)
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat
onReadStart(addr, size, len)
delayed(baseLatency) {
for(beat <- 0 to len) {
val beatAddress = burst match {
case 0 => addr
case 1 => (addr + bytePerBeat*beat) & ~BigInt(busConfig.bytePerWord-1)
case 2 => {
val base = addr & ~BigInt(bytes-1)
(base + ((addr + bytePerBeat*beat) & BigInt(bytes-1))) & ~BigInt(busConfig.bytePerWord-1)
rPending += 1
rQueue(id) += (beat == len) -> { () =>
if (busConfig.useId) r.id #= id
if (busConfig.useResp) r.resp #= 0
if (busConfig.useLast) r.last #= (beat == len)
var data = BigInt(0)
for (i <- 0 until busConfig.bytePerWord) {
data = data | (BigInt(readByte(beatAddress + i).toInt & 0xFF)) << i * 8
r.data #= data
if (beat == len) {
if(!withArReordering) arIdQueue += id
var rQueueLock : mutable.Queue[(Boolean, () => Unit)] = null
val rDriver = StreamDriver(r, clockDomain){ _ =>
if(rQueueLock == null){
withArReordering match {
case false => if(!withArReordering && arIdQueue.nonEmpty) {
rQueueLock = rQueue(arIdQueue.dequeue())
case true => {
val queues = rQueue.filter(_.nonEmpty)
if(queues.nonEmpty) {
rQueueLock = queues(simRandom.nextInt(queues.size))
if(rQueueLock != null) {
val item = rQueueLock.dequeue()
rPending -= 1
if(withReadInterleaveInBurst || item._1) {
rQueueLock = null
val arDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(ar, clockDomain, () => arQueue.size < arQueueDepth && rPending < rQueueDepth)
abstract class Axi4WriteOnlyMonitor(aw : Stream[Axi4Aw], w : Stream[Axi4W], b : Stream[Axi4B], clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
def this(bus: Axi4WriteOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
this(bus.aw, bus.w, bus.b, clockDomain);
val busConfig = aw.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
def onWriteStart(address: BigInt, id: Int, size: Int, len: Int, burst: Int): Unit = {}
def onWriteByteAlways(address: BigInt, data: Byte, strobe: Boolean, id: Int): Unit = {}
def onWriteByte(address : BigInt, data : Byte, id: Int) : Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use onWriteByte with ID argument")
def onWriteByte(address : BigInt, data : Byte) : Unit = {} // Legacy, use onWriteByte for more ID information
def onResponse(id: Int, resp: Byte): Unit = {}
case class WTransaction(data : BigInt, strb : BigInt, last : Boolean)
case class BTransaction(resp: Byte, id: Int)
var awCounter, wCounter, bCounter = 0
val wQueue = mutable.Queue[WTransaction]()
val wProcess = mutable.Queue[(WTransaction) => Unit]()
val bQueue = mutable.Queue[BTransaction]()
def update(): Unit ={
while(wQueue.nonEmpty && wProcess.nonEmpty){
while(bQueue.nonEmpty) {
val bTxn = bQueue.dequeue()
onResponse(bTxn.id, bTxn.resp)
val awMonitor = StreamMonitor(aw, clockDomain){_ =>
val size = if(busConfig.useSize) aw.size.toInt else log2Up(busConfig.bytePerWord)
val len = if(busConfig.useLen) aw.len.toInt else 0
val burst = if(busConfig.useBurst) aw.burst.toInt else 1
val id = if (busConfig.useId) aw.id.toInt.toByte else 0
val addr = aw.addr.toBigInt
val bytePerBeat = (1 << size)
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat
val bytePerBus = 1 << log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
onWriteStart(addr, id, size, len, burst)
for(beat <- 0 to len) {
val beatAddress = burst match {
case 0 => addr
case 1 => (addr + bytePerBeat*beat)
case 2 => {
val base = addr & ~BigInt(bytes-1)
(base + ((addr + bytePerBeat*beat) & BigInt(bytes-1)))
val accessAddress = beatAddress & ~BigInt(busConfig.bytePerWord-1)
wProcess += { (w : WTransaction) =>
if(busConfig.useLast) assert(w.last == (beat == len))
val strb = if(busConfig.useStrb) w.strb else ((BigInt(1) << busConfig.bytePerWord) - 1)
val data = w.data
val start = ((beatAddress & ~BigInt(bytePerBeat-1)) - accessAddress).toInt
val end = start + bytePerBeat
for(i <- 0 until bytePerBus){
val _byte = ((data >> (8*i)).toInt & 0xFF).toByte
val strobe = ((strb >> i) & 1) != 0
onWriteByteAlways(accessAddress + i, _byte, strobe, id)
if (start <= i && i < end && strobe) {
onWriteByte(accessAddress + i, _byte)
onWriteByte(accessAddress + i, _byte, id)
awCounter += 1
val wMonitor = StreamMonitor(w, clockDomain){w =>
val strb = if(busConfig.useStrb) w.strb.toBigInt else ((BigInt(1) << busConfig.bytePerWord) - 1)
val last = if(busConfig.useLast) w.last.toBoolean else false
wQueue += WTransaction(w.data.toBigInt, strb, last)
wCounter += 1
val bMonitor = StreamMonitor(b, clockDomain){b =>
val id = if (busConfig.useId) b.id.toInt.toByte else 0
val resp: Byte = if (busConfig.useResp) b.resp.toInt.toByte else 0
bQueue += BTransaction(resp, id)
bCounter += 1
def reset(){
abstract class Axi4ReadOnlyMonitor(ar : Stream[Axi4Ar], r : Stream[Axi4R], clockDomain: ClockDomain, withReadInterleaveInBurst : Boolean = true){
def this(bus: Axi4ReadOnly, clockDomain: ClockDomain){
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
def this(bus: Axi4, clockDomain: ClockDomain){
this(bus.ar, bus.r, clockDomain);
val busConfig = ar.config
SpinalWarning("The Axi4Config with useLen == false is only tested by assigning len = 0, "
+ "determine the burst length of transcation by last signal should not work.")
val assertOkResp = true
var arCounter, rCounter, rLastCounter = 0
def onReadStart(address: BigInt, id: Int, size: Int, len: Int, burst: Int): Unit = {}
def onReadByteAlways(address: BigInt, data: Byte, id: Int): Unit = {}
def onReadByte(address : BigInt, data : Byte, id : Int) : Unit = {}
def onResponse(address: BigInt, id: Int, last: Boolean, resp: Byte): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use onResponse which provides more transaction information")
def onLast(id: Int): Unit = {} // Legacy, use onResponse for more transaction information
val rQueue = Array.fill((1 << ar.payload.config.idWidth) max 1)(mutable.Queue[(Boolean, () => Unit)]())
val arMonitor = StreamMonitor(ar, clockDomain){_ =>
val size = if(busConfig.useSize) ar.size.toInt else log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
val len = if(busConfig.useLen) ar.len.toInt else 0
val id = if(busConfig.useId) ar.id.toInt else 0
val burst = if(busConfig.useBurst) ar.burst.toInt else 1
val addr = ar.addr.toBigInt
val bytePerBeat = (1 << size)
val bytes = (len + 1) * bytePerBeat
val bytePerBus = 1 << log2Up(busConfig.dataWidth / 8)
onReadStart(addr, id, size, len, burst)
for(beat <- 0 to len) {
val beatAddress = burst match {
case 0 => addr
case 1 => (addr + bytePerBeat*beat)
case 2 => {
val base = addr & ~BigInt(bytes-1)
(base + ((addr + bytePerBeat*beat) & BigInt(bytes-1)))
val accessAddress = beatAddress & ~BigInt(busConfig.bytePerWord-1)
rQueue(id) += (beat == len) -> { () =>
if(busConfig.useLast) assert(r.last.toBoolean == (beat == len))
if(busConfig.useResp && assertOkResp) assert(r.resp.toInt == 0)
val data = r.data.toBigInt
val start = ((beatAddress & ~BigInt(bytePerBeat-1)) - accessAddress).toInt
val end = start + bytePerBeat
for(i <- 0 until bytePerBus){
val _byte = ((data >> (8*i)).toInt & 0xFF).toByte
onReadByteAlways(accessAddress + i, _byte, id)
if (start <= i && i < end) {
onReadByte(accessAddress + i, _byte, id)
val last = (busConfig.useLast && r.last.toBoolean) || (beat == len)
if (last) onLast(id)
val resp: Byte = if (busConfig.useResp) r.resp.toInt.toByte else 0
onResponse(accessAddress, id, last, resp)
arCounter += 1
var rIdLock = -1
val rMonitor = StreamMonitor(r, clockDomain){r =>
val id = if(ar.payload.config.useId) r.id.toInt else 0
if(!withReadInterleaveInBurst) rIdLock match {
case -1 => rIdLock = id
case ref => assert(ref == id, "Bad read id")
val item = rQueue(id).dequeue()
if(!withReadInterleaveInBurst && item._1) rIdLock = -1
if(r.config.useLast) assert(r.last.toBoolean == item._1, "Bad read last")
rCounter += 1
rLastCounter += (if(r.config.useLast)r.last.toBoolean.toInt else 1)
def reset(){
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