spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.sim.AxiMemorySim.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.sim
import spinal.core._
import spinal.sim._
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import java.io.File
import java.awt.image.Raster
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
import scala.util.Random
class MemoryPage(size : Int) {
val data = new Array[Byte](size)
def clear(value : Byte) : Unit = {
data.transform(x => value)
def read(offset : Int) : Byte = {
def write(offset : Int, data : Byte) : Unit = {
this.data(offset) = data
/** Reads an array from this page.
* @param offset Offset into page
* @return Byte array containing the read bytes. Reads may be limited by the page end.
def readArray(offset : Int, len : Int) : Array[Byte] = {
var length = scala.math.min(len, size - offset)
var data = new Array[Byte](length)
for(i <- 0 until length) {
data(i) = this.data(offset + i)
/** Writes an array to this page.
* @param offset Offset into page.
* @param data The byte array.
* @return Number of bytes written. Writes may be limited by the page end.
def writeArray(offset : Int, data : Array[Byte]) : Int = {
var length = scala.math.min(data.length, size - offset)
for(i <- 0 until length) {
this.data(offset + i) = data(i)
case class SparseMemory() {
val memory = Array.fill[MemoryPage](4096)(null)
def allocPage() : MemoryPage = {
val page = new MemoryPage(1024*1024)
def invalidPage() : MemoryPage = {
val page = new MemoryPage(1024*1024)
def getElseAllocPage(index : Int) : MemoryPage = {
if(memory(index) == null) {
println(s"Adding page ${index} at 0x${(index << 20).toHexString}")
memory(index) = allocPage()
def getElseInvalidPage(index : Int) : MemoryPage = {
if(memory(index) == null) {
println(s"Page fault while reading page ${index} (0x${(index << 20).toHexString})")
def getPageIndex(address : Long) : Int = {
(address >> 20).toInt
def getOffset(address : Long) : Int = {
val mask = (1 << 20) - 1
(address & mask).toInt
def read(address : Long) : Byte = {
def write(address : Long, data : Byte) : Unit = {
getElseAllocPage(getPageIndex(address)).write(getOffset(address), data)
def readArray(address : Long, len : Long) : Array[Byte] = {
val startPageIndex = getPageIndex(address)
val endPageIndex = getPageIndex(address + len - 1)
var offset = getOffset(address)
val buffer = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Byte](0)
for(i <- startPageIndex to endPageIndex) {
val page = getElseInvalidPage(i)
val readArray = page.readArray(offset, len.toInt - buffer.length)
offset = 0
def writeArray(address : Long, data : Array[Byte]) : Unit = {
val startPageIndex = getPageIndex(address)
val endPageIndex = getPageIndex(address + data.length - 1)
var offset = getOffset(address)
List.tabulate(endPageIndex - startPageIndex + 1)(_ + startPageIndex).foldLeft(data){
(writeData,pageIndex) => {
val page = getElseAllocPage(pageIndex)
val bytesWritten = page.writeArray(offset, writeData)
offset = 0
/** Reads a BigInt value from the given address.
* @param address Read address.
* @param width Length of the byte array to be read in bytes.
* @return BigInt read from the given address.
def readBigInt(address : Long, length : Int) : BigInt = {
val dataArray = readArray(address, length)
val buffer = dataArray.reverse.toBuffer // revert for Little Endian representation
// We never want negative numbers
/** Writes a BigInt value to the given address.
* The BigInt will be resized to a byte Array of given width.
* The data will be trimmed if it is bigger than the given width.
* If it is smaller, the unused bytes will be filled with '0x00'.
* @param address Write address.
* @param data Data to be written.
* @param width Width of the byte Array the data is resized to (if necessary).
def writeBigInt(address : Long, data : BigInt, width : Int, strb : BigInt=null) {
var dataArray = data.toByteArray.reverse
var length = scala.math.min(width, dataArray.length)
var result = Array.fill[Byte](width)(0.toByte)
for(i <- 0 until length)
result(i) = dataArray(i)
if(strb != null){
val strbArray = strb.toByteArray.reverse
val origin = readArray(address,width)
// replace with origin data according to strobes
for(i <- Range(0,width,8)){
val strb = strbArray.applyOrElse(i>>3,(x:Int)=>0.toByte).toInt
if(strb != 0xff){
for(j <- 0 until 8;k = i + j){
if(k < width && (strb & (1<> burstSize) + i) << burstSize
def wrapAddress(i : Int): Long = {
val ret = incrAddress(i)
if(ret >= upperWrapBoundary){
ret - dataTransactionSize
else ret
// check for read/write over 4k boundary
if(burstType == 1){
assertion = ((burstLength << burstSize) + (address & 4095)) <= 4095,
message = s"Read/write request crossing 4k boundary (addr=${address.toHexString}, len=${burstLength.toLong.toHexString}"
def burstAddress(i : Int):Long = {
val ret = burstType match {
case 0 => address // FIXED
case 1 => incrAddress(i) // INCR
case 2 => wrapAddress(i) // WRAP
def alignedBurstAddress(i : Int, maxBurstSize : Int):Long = {
(burstAddress(i) >> maxBurstSize) << maxBurstSize
* Configuration class for the AxiMemorySim.
* @param maxOutstandingReads
* @param maxOutstandingWrites
* @param useAlteraBehavior Couple write command and write channel as in the Altera Cyclone 5 F2H_SDRAM port.
case class AxiMemorySimConfig (
maxOutstandingReads : Int = 8,
maxOutstandingWrites : Int = 8,
readResponseDelay : Int = 0,
writeResponseDelay : Int = 0,
interruptProbability : Int = 0,
interruptMaxDelay : Int = 0,
defaultBurstType : Int = 1,
useAlteraBehavior : Boolean = false
) {
case class AxiMemorySim(axi : Axi4, clockDomain : ClockDomain, config : AxiMemorySimConfig) {
val memory = SparseMemory()
val pending_reads = new mutable.Queue[AxiJob]
val pending_writes = new mutable.Queue[AxiJob]
val threads = new mutable.Queue[SimThread]
/** Bus word width in bytes */
val busWordWidth = axi.config.dataWidth / 8
val maxBurstSize = log2Up(busWordWidth)
def newAxiJob(address : Long, burstLength : Int, burstSize : Int, burstType : Int, id : Long) : AxiJob = {
AxiJob(address, burstLength, burstSize, burstType, id)
def newAxiJob(ax : Axi4Ax) : AxiJob = {
address = ax.addr.toLong,
burstLength = getLen(ax),
burstSize = getSizeAndCheck(ax),
burstType = getBurst(ax),
id = getId(ax)
def start() : Unit = {
threads.enqueue(fork {
threads.enqueue(fork {
if(config.useAlteraBehavior) {
threads.enqueue(fork {
handleAwAndW(axi.w, axi.aw, axi.b)
else {
threads.enqueue(fork {
threads.enqueue(fork {
handleW(axi.w, axi.b)
def stop(): Unit = {
threads.map(f => f.terminate())
def reset(): Unit = {
def getLen(ax : Axi4Ax):Int = {
if(ax.config.useLen) ax.len.toInt else 0
def getSize(ax : Axi4Ax):Int = {
if(ax.config.useSize) ax.size.toInt else maxBurstSize
def getSizeAndCheck(ax : Axi4Ax):Int = {
val burstSize = getSize(ax)
assert(burstSize <= maxBurstSize)
def getId(ax : Axi4Ax) : Long = {
if(ax.config.useId) ax.id.toLong else 0L
def getBurst(ax : Axi4Ax) : Int = {
if(ax.config.useBurst) ax.burst.toInt else config.defaultBurstType
def getStrb(w : Axi4W) : BigInt = {
if(w.config.useStrb) w.strb.toBigInt else null
def setLast(r : Axi4R, last : Boolean) : Unit = {
r.last #= last
def handleAr(ar : Stream[Axi4Ar]) : Unit = {
println("Handling AXI4 Master read cmds...")
ar.ready #= false
while(true) {
ar.ready #= true
ar.ready #= false
pending_reads += newAxiJob(ar.payload)
//println("AXI4 read cmd: addr=0x" + ar.payload.addr.toLong.toHexString + " count=" + (ar.payload.len.toBigInt+1))
if(pending_reads.length >= config.maxOutstandingReads)
clockDomain.waitSamplingWhere(pending_reads.length < config.maxOutstandingReads)
def handleR(r : Stream[Axi4R]) : Unit = {
println("Handling AXI4 Master read resp...")
val random = Random
r.valid #= false
while(true) {
// todo: implement read issuing delay
if(pending_reads.nonEmpty) {
var job = pending_reads.front
r.valid #= true
var i = 0
while(i <= job.burstLength) {
if(config.interruptProbability > random.nextInt(100)) {
r.valid #= false
clockDomain.waitSampling(random.nextInt(config.interruptMaxDelay + 1))
r.valid #= true
if(i == job.burstLength)
r.payload.id #= job.id
r.payload.resp #= 0
r.payload.data #= memory.readBigInt(job.alignedBurstAddress(i, maxBurstSize), busWordWidth)
i = i + 1
r.valid #= false
//println("AXI4 read rsp: addr=0x" + job.address.toLong.toHexString + " count=" + (job.burstLength+1))
} else {
def handleAw(aw : Stream[Axi4Aw]) : Unit = {
println("Handling AXI4 Master write cmds...")
aw.ready #= false
while(true) {
aw.ready #= true
aw.ready #= false
pending_writes += newAxiJob(aw.payload)
//println("AXI4 write cmd: addr=0x" + aw.payload.addr.toLong.toHexString + " count=" + (aw.payload.len.toBigInt+1))
if(pending_writes.length >= config.maxOutstandingWrites)
clockDomain.waitSamplingWhere(pending_writes.length < config.maxOutstandingWrites)
def handleW(w : Stream[Axi4W], b : Stream[Axi4B]) : Unit = {
println("Handling AXI4 Master write...")
w.ready #= false
b.valid #= false
while(true) {
if(pending_writes.nonEmpty) {
var job = pending_writes.front
var count = job.burstLength
w.ready #= true
for(i <- 0 to job.burstLength) {
memory.writeBigInt(job.alignedBurstAddress(i, maxBurstSize), w.payload.data.toBigInt, busWordWidth, getStrb(w.payload))
w.ready #= false
b.valid #= true
b.payload.id #= job.id
b.payload.resp #= 0
b.valid #= false
//println("AXI4 write: addr=0x" + job.address.toLong.toHexString + " count=" + (job.burstLength+1))
* Handle write command, write, and write response channel as implemented
* by Altera/Intel on their Cyclone 5 platform.
* Their implementation behaves as all three channels are coupled. The
* implementation waits until all words for a write operation have been
* transfered. Then it asserts the AWREADY to accept the write command.
* After that, BVALID is asserted.
* @param w AXI write channel
* @param aw AXI write command channel
* @param b AXI write response channel
def handleAwAndW(w : Stream[Axi4W], aw : Stream[Axi4Aw], b : Stream[Axi4B]) : Unit = {
println("Handling AXI4 Master write cmds and write (Altera/Intel behavior)...")
val random = Random
aw.ready #= false
w.ready #= false
b.valid #= false
while(true) {
clockDomain.waitSamplingWhere(aw.valid.toBoolean && w.valid.toBoolean)
w.ready #= true
assertion = (aw.payload.len.toBigInt + (aw.payload.addr.toBigInt & 4095)) <= 4095,
message = s"Write request crossing 4k boundary (addr=${aw.payload.addr.toBigInt.toString(16)}, len=${aw.payload.len.toLong.toHexString}"
val job = newAxiJob(aw.payload)
var i = 0;
while(i <= aw.payload.len.toInt) {
if(config.interruptProbability > random.nextInt(100)) {
w.ready #= false
clockDomain.waitSampling(random.nextInt(config.interruptMaxDelay + 1))
w.ready #= true
else {
memory.writeBigInt(job.alignedBurstAddress(i, maxBurstSize), w.payload.data.toBigInt, busWordWidth, getStrb(w.payload))
i = i + 1
aw.ready #= true
aw.ready #= false
w.ready #= false
// Handle write response
b.valid #= true
b.payload.id #= job.id
b.payload.resp #= 0
b.valid #= false
//println("AXI4 write cmd: addr=0x" + aw.payload.addr.toLong.toHexString + " count=" + (aw.payload.len.toBigInt+1))
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