spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite.sim.AxiLite4Master.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite.sim
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.sim._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.sim.Axi4Resps
import Axi4Resps._
import scala.collection.mutable
* Simulation master for the AxiLite4 bus protocol [[spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite.AxiLite4]].
* @constructor create a new simulation master with the bus instance and clock domain.
* @param axil bus master to drive
* @param clockDomain clock domain to sample data on
* @example
* {{{
* SimConfig.compile(new Component {
* val io = new Bundle {
* val axil = slave(AxiLite4(AxiLite4Config(addressWidth = 32, dataWidth = 32)))
* }
* }).doSim("sample") { dut =>
* val master = AxiLite4Master(dut.io.axil, dut.clockDomain)
* val data = master.read(0x1000, 4)
* }
* }}}
case class AxiLite4Master(axil: AxiLite4, clockDomain: ClockDomain) {
private val busConfig = axil.config
private val arQueue = mutable.Queue[AxiLite4Ax => Unit]()
private val awQueue = mutable.Queue[AxiLite4Ax => Unit]()
private val rQueue = mutable.Queue[AxiLite4R => Unit]()
private val wQueue = mutable.Queue[AxiLite4W => Unit]()
private val bQueue = mutable.Queue[AxiLite4B => Unit]()
/** check if all read channels are idle */
def readIdle = arQueue.isEmpty && rQueue.isEmpty
/** check if all write channels are idle */
def writeIdle = awQueue.isEmpty && wQueue.isEmpty && bQueue.isEmpty
def idle = readIdle && writeIdle
private def log(chan: String, msg: String): Unit = {
println(s"AxiLite4Master [$chan]\t: $msg")
* Read synchronously multiple bytes from the specified address.
* @param address address to read from, does not need to be aligned (data will be truncated automatically)
* @param totalBytes total number of bytes in the result
* @return read data
* @note The bus master will automatically issue multiple transactions if more than one is needed, due to address alignment
* or length.
def read(address: BigInt, totalBytes: BigInt): List[Byte] = {
var result: List[Byte] = null
val mtx = SimMutex().lock()
readCB(address, totalBytes) { data =>
result = data
private def roundAddr(address: BigInt) = address - (address & (busConfig.bytePerWord - 1))
/** Read asynchronously multiple bytes. Same semantics as [[read]], but result is delivered in the callback */
def readCB(address: BigInt, totalBytes: BigInt)(callback: List[Byte] => Unit): Unit = {
val roundedAddr = roundAddr(address)
val dropFront = (address - roundedAddr).toInt
val builder = new mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofByte
// FIXME: 4K limitation?
val numTransactions = ((totalBytes + dropFront).toDouble / busConfig.bytePerWord).ceil.toInt
if (numTransactions > 1) {
log("..", f"read $address%#x is $numTransactions transactions")
def run(addr: BigInt, totalBytes: BigInt, numTransactions: Int) = {
readSingle(addr)(handleTransaction(addr, totalBytes, numTransactions))
def handleTransaction(addr: BigInt, tot: BigInt, numTransactions: Int)(data: List[Byte]): Unit = {
builder ++= data
if (numTransactions == 1) {
// we are the last one
callback(builder.result().toList.slice(dropFront, dropFront + totalBytes.toInt))
} else {
run(addr + data.length, tot - data.length, numTransactions - 1)
run(address, totalBytes.toInt, numTransactions)
/** Read asynchronously one beat of bus data width. Address must be aligned */
def readSingle(address: BigInt)(callback: List[Byte] => Unit): Unit = {
assert(address % busConfig.bytePerWord == 0, f"address $address%#x not aligned for bus width ${busConfig.bytePerWord}")
arQueue += { ar =>
ar.addr #= address
log("AR", f"addr $address%#x")
rQueue += { r =>
val data = r.data.toBytes.toList
log("R", f"got data ${data.bytesToHex}")
private val arDriver = StreamDriver(axil.ar, clockDomain) { ar =>
if (arQueue.isEmpty) false else {
StreamReadyRandomizer(axil.r, clockDomain)
StreamMonitor(axil.r, clockDomain) { r =>
if (rQueue.nonEmpty) {
private def padData(address: BigInt, data: List[Byte]) = {
val roundedAddr = roundAddr(address)
val padFront = (address - roundedAddr).toInt
val totalLen = roundUp(padFront + data.length, busConfig.bytePerWord).toInt
val paddedData = (List.fill(padFront)(0.toByte) ++ data).padTo(totalLen, 0.toByte)
val padBack = totalLen - padFront - data.length
(roundedAddr, padFront, padBack, paddedData)
* Write synchronously multiple bytes to the specified address.
* @param addr address to write to; does not need to be aligned (data will be padded automatically)
* @param data list of bytes to write to the address. When longer than the bus width, multiple transactions will
* be issued
def write(addr: BigInt, data: List[Byte]): Unit = {
val mtx = SimMutex().lock()
writeCB(addr, data) {
/** Same as `write`, but asynchronously */
def writeCB(addr: BigInt, data: List[Byte])(callback: => Unit): Unit = {
val (_, padFront, _, paddedData) = padData(addr, data)
val numTransactions = paddedData.length / busConfig.bytePerWord
if (numTransactions > 1) {
log("..", f"write $addr%#x in $numTransactions transactions")
def run(addr: BigInt, data: List[Byte], transactionId: Int): Unit = {
writeSingle(addr, data.take(busConfig.bytePerWord))(handleTransaction(addr, transactionId, data.drop(busConfig.bytePerWord)))
def handleTransaction(addr: BigInt, transactionId: Int, remaining: List[Byte])(): Unit = {
if (transactionId == numTransactions - 1) {
// we are the last one
assert(remaining.isEmpty, s"left over ${remaining.length} bytes unsent!")
} else {
run(addr + busConfig.bytePerWord, remaining, transactionId + 1)
run(addr, paddedData, 0)
/** Write a single transaction. Address must be aligned */
def writeSingle(addr: BigInt, data: List[Byte])(callback: => Unit): Unit = {
assert(data.length == busConfig.bytePerWord, s"writeSingle only take single transactions of ${busConfig.bytePerWord} bytes (got ${data.length} bytes)")
awQueue += { aw =>
aw.addr #= addr
log("AW", f"addr $addr%#x")
wQueue += { w =>
w.data #= data.toArray
log("W", f"data ${data.bytesToHex}")
bQueue += { b =>
log("B", s"transaction finished resp ${b.resp.toInt}")
private val awDriver = StreamDriver(axil.aw, clockDomain) { aw =>
if (awQueue.isEmpty) false else {
private val wDriver = StreamDriver(axil.w, clockDomain) { w =>
if (wQueue.isEmpty) false else {
StreamReadyRandomizer(axil.b, clockDomain)
StreamMonitor(axil.b, clockDomain) { b =>
if (bQueue.nonEmpty) {
/** Reset bus master and drop all pending transactions */
def reset(): Unit = {
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