spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axis.sim.Axi4StreamMaster.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axis.sim
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axis.Axi4Stream._
import spinal.lib.sim._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random
* Simulation master for the Axi4Stream bus protocol [[Axi4Stream]].
* @constructor create a simulation master with the given bus instance and clock domain
* @param axis bus master to drive
* @param clockDomain clock domain to sample data on
* @param nullSegmentProb probability to insert null segment at any byte offset (between 0 and 1);
* default to 0.0 (no null bytes inserted)
* @param maxNullSegment maximum length of null (TKEEP=0) segment in the middle of the stream;
* default to 0 (no null bytes)
* @example
* {{{
* SimConfig.compile(new Component {
* val io = new Bundle {
* val axisSlave = slave(Axi4Stream(Axi4StreamConfig(32)))
* }
* io.axisSlave.assignDontCare
* }).doSim("sample") { dut =>
* val master = Axi4StreamMaster(dut.io.axisSlave, dut.clockDomain)
* master.send(Random.nextBytes(256).toList)
* }
* }}}
case class Axi4StreamMaster(axis: Axi4Stream, clockDomain: ClockDomain, nullSegmentProb: Double = 0.0, maxNullSegment: Int = 0) {
private val busConfig = axis.config
private val queue = mutable.Queue[Axi4StreamBundle => Unit]()
private def log(msg: String): Unit = {
println(s"Axi4StreamMaster: $msg")
/** Send synchronously a full transaction to the bus. */
def send(data: List[Byte]): Unit = {
val mtx = SimMutex().lock()
sendCB(data) {
/** Send asynchronously; same as {@link send}, but completion is delivered in a callback */
def sendCB(data: List[Byte])(callback: => Unit): Unit = {
val fullLength = roundUp(data.length, busConfig.dataWidth).toInt
if (fullLength != data.length && !busConfig.useStrb && !busConfig.useKeep) {
log(s"not using strb or keep but length not multiple of data width; data will be zero padded")
val beats = (data.flatMap { byte =>
val numNullBytes = if (maxNullSegment == 0) 0 else
(Random.nextFloat() < nullSegmentProb).toInt * Random.nextInt(maxNullSegment)
Seq.fill(numNullBytes)((0.toByte, 0)) ++ Seq((byte, 1))
} padTo(fullLength, (0.toByte, 0)) grouped busConfig.dataWidth).toList
log(s"initiating send, ${beats.length} beats in total")
beats.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (dataWithStrb, idx) =>
val (data, strbBinInts) = dataWithStrb.unzip
val strb = strbBinInts.binIntsToBigInt
queue += { bundle =>
val isLast = idx + 1 == beats.length
bundle.data #= data.toArray
if (busConfig.useId) bundle.id.randomize()
if (busConfig.useStrb) bundle.strb #= strb
if (busConfig.useLast) bundle.last #= isLast
if (busConfig.useKeep) bundle.keep #= strb
log(f"beat #$idx: data ${data.bytesToHex} strb ${strb.hexString()} last $isLast")
if (isLast) callback
private val driver = StreamDriver(axis, clockDomain) { b =>
if (queue.isEmpty) false else {
/** Reset bus slave (dropping all pending transactions) */
def reset(): Unit = {
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