spinal.lib.bus.avalon.AvalonST.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.avalon
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class AvalonSTConfig(dataWidth: Int,
useData: Boolean = true,
useChannels: Boolean = false,
channelWidth: Int = -1,
useError: Boolean = false,
errorWidth: Int = -1,
useReady: Boolean = true,
useValid: Boolean = true,
useEmpty: Boolean = false,
emptyWidth: Int = -1,
useEOP: Boolean = false,
useSOP: Boolean = false,
/* Meta data values */
maxChannels: Int = -1,
beatsPerCycle: Int = -1,
dataBitsPerSymbol: Int = -1,
emptyWithinPacket: Boolean = false,
errorDescriptor: Array[String] = Array(),
symbolEndianness: Endianness = LITTLE,
readyLatency: Int = 0,
readyAllowance: Int = 0) {
assert(useReady || useValid, "AvalonST must have at least ready OR valid enabled!")
case class AvalonSTPayload(config: AvalonSTConfig) extends Bundle {
val data: Bits = config.useData generate Bits(config.dataWidth bit)
val channel: UInt = config.useChannels generate UInt(config.channelWidth bit)
val error: Bits = config.useError generate Bits(config.errorWidth bit)
val empty: UInt = config.useEmpty generate UInt(config.emptyWidth bit)
val eop: Bool = config.useEOP generate Bool()
val sop: Bool = config.useSOP generate Bool()
case class AvalonST(config: AvalonSTConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val ready: Bool = config.useReady generate Bool()
val valid: Bool = config.useValid generate Bool()
val payload: AvalonSTPayload = AvalonSTPayload(config)
def latencyDelay: Bool = signalCache.apply(this, "latencyDelay") {
Delay(this.ready, config.readyLatency)
def allowanceDelay: Bool = signalCache.apply(this, "allowanceDelay") {
Delay(latencyDelay, config.readyAllowance)
// Logical ready accounting for ready latency and allowance
def logicalReady: Bool = latencyDelay || allowanceDelay
def fire: Bool = valid && logicalReady
override def clone: AvalonST = AvalonST(config)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
if (config.useReady) { in(this.ready) }
if (config.useValid) { out(this.valid) }
private def driveWeak[T <: Data](sink: T, src: T) = {
if (sink != null && src != null) {
sink := src
} else if (sink != null || src != null) {
LocatedPendingError(s"Can't drive ${sink} with ${src} because sink or source is null!")
private def arbitrateFrom(that: AvalonST) = {
driveWeak(that.ready, this.ready)
driveWeak(this.valid, that.valid)
def <<(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
assert(that.config.readyAllowance <= config.readyAllowance, "Sink stream ready allowance must be <= than that of the source stream")
assert(that.config.readyLatency >= config.readyLatency, "Sink stream ready latency must be >= than that of the source stream")
this.payload := that.payload
def >>(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
that << this
def <-<(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
this << that.stage()
def >->(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
that <-< this
def <(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
this << that.m2sPipe()
def >/>(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
that < this
def -<(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
this << that.s2mPipe().m2sPipe()
def >-/>(that: AvalonST): AvalonST = {
that -< this
def pipelined(m2s: Boolean,
s2m: Boolean): AvalonST = {
(m2s, s2m) match {
case (false, false) => this.combStage()
case (true, false) => this.m2sPipe()
case (false, true) => this.s2mPipe()
case (true, true) => this.s2mPipe().m2sPipe()
def stage(): AvalonST = this.m2sPipe()
def combStage(): AvalonST = {
val ret = AvalonST(config).setCompositeName(this, "combStage", true)
ret << this
* Cuts the valid/payload data path with a register
def m2sPipe(flush: Bool = null, holdPayload : Boolean = false): AvalonST = new Composite(this) {
val m2sPipe = AvalonST(config)
val rPayload = RegNextWhen(self.payload, if (holdPayload && config.useValid) self.valid else True)
config.useValid generate {
val rValid = RegNext(self.valid) init(False)
if (flush != null) rValid clearWhen(flush)
m2sPipe.valid := rValid
m2sPipe.payload := rPayload
driveWeak(self.ready, m2sPipe.ready)
* Cuts the ready data path with a register and decrements the required ready latency
def s2mPipe(): AvalonST = {
if (!config.useReady) {
} else {
new Composite(this) {
val s2mPipe = AvalonST(config.copy(readyLatency = 0.max(config.readyLatency-1)))
val rReady = RegNext(s2mPipe.ready) init(False)
self.ready := rReady
driveWeak(s2mPipe.valid, self.valid)
s2mPipe.payload := self.payload
object AvalonSTDelayAdapter {
def apply(inStream: AvalonST, outStream: AvalonST, depth: Int = 31): AvalonSTDelayAdapter = {
val adapter = new AvalonSTDelayAdapter(inStream.config,
depth = depth)
adapter.io.s << inStream
adapter.io.m >> outStream
class AvalonSTDelayAdapter(config: AvalonSTConfig,
newReadyLatency: Int,
newReadyAllowance: Int,
depth: Int = 31) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val m = master(AvalonST(config.copy(readyLatency = newReadyLatency, readyAllowance = newReadyAllowance)))
val s = slave(AvalonST(config))
val fifo = new StreamFifo(AvalonSTPayload(config), depth)
fifo.io.push.payload := io.s.payload
fifo.io.push.valid := io.s.valid && Delay(io.s.ready, config.readyLatency)
val nearFull = fifo.io.occupancy < depth-config.readyAllowance
io.s.ready := fifo.io.push.ready && nearFull
io.m.payload := fifo.io.pop.payload
io.m.valid := fifo.io.pop.valid
fifo.io.pop.ready := io.m.logicalReady
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