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spinal.lib.bus.bmb.Bmb.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package spinal.lib.bus.bmb

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.AddressMapping
import spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.Wishbone

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random

object WeakConnector{
  def apply[T <: Data](source : Bundle,sink : Bundle, by : T,to : T,defaultValue : () => T,allowUpSize: Boolean, allowDownSize: Boolean,allowDrop : Boolean) : Unit = {
    (to != null,by != null) match {
      case (false,false) =>
      case (true,false) => if(defaultValue != null) to := defaultValue() else LocatedPendingError(s"$source can't drive $to because this first doesn't has the corresponding pin")
      case (false,true) => if(!allowDrop) LocatedPendingError(s"$by can't drive $sink because this last one doesn't has the corresponding pin")
      case (true,true) => {
        val toWidth = widthOf(to)
        val byWidth = widthOf(by)
        if(toWidth == byWidth) to := by
        else if(toWidth < byWidth) (if(allowDownSize) to := by.resized else  LocatedPendingError(s"$by can't drive $to because the width do not match"))
        else (if(allowUpSize) to := by.resized else  LocatedPendingError(s"$by can't drive $to because the width do not match"))

object Bmb{
  val boundaryWidth = 12
  val boundarySize = 1 << boundaryWidth
  object Cmd {
    object Opcode {
      val READ = 0
      val WRITE = 1

      def isWrite(opcode : Bits) = opcode === WRITE
  object Rsp {
    object Opcode {
      val SUCCESS = 0
      val ERROR = 1

  object Inv {
    object Opcode {
      val EXCEPTED_SOURCE = 0
      val ALL = 1

  def incr(address : UInt, p : BmbParameter) : UInt = {
    val result = UInt(address.getWidth bits)
    val highCat = if (address.getWidth > boundaryWidth) address(address.high downto boundaryWidth) else U""
    val base = address(Math.min(boundaryWidth, address.getWidth) - 1 downto 0).resize(boundaryWidth)
    result := (highCat @@ ((base + p.access.byteCount) & ~U(p.access.byteCount-1, widthOf(base) bits))).resized
  def addToAddress(address : UInt, value : UInt, p : BmbParameter) : UInt = {
    val result = UInt(address.getWidth bits)
    val highCat = if (address.getWidth > boundaryWidth) address(address.high downto boundaryWidth) else U""
    val base = address(Math.min(boundaryWidth, address.getWidth) - 1 downto 0).resize(boundaryWidth)
    result := (highCat @@ (base + value)).resized

  def apply(access : BmbAccessParameter, invalidation: BmbInvalidationParameter) : Bmb = Bmb(BmbParameter(access, invalidation))
  def apply(access : BmbAccessParameter) : Bmb = Bmb(BmbParameter(access, BmbInvalidationParameter()))

  def transferBeatCountMinusOneBytesAligned(address : UInt, length : UInt, p : BmbParameter) : UInt = {
    ((U"0" @@ length) + address(p.access.wordRange))(length.high + 1 downto log2Up(p.access.byteCount))

case class BmbMasterParameterIdMapping(range : AddressMapping, maximumPendingTransactionPerId : Int)
case class BmbMasterParameter(idMapping : Seq[BmbMasterParameterIdMapping])
case class BmbSlaveParameter(maximumPendingTransactionPerId : Int)

object BmbParameter{
  object BurstAlignement {
    trait Kind{
      def allowByte : Boolean = false
      def allowWord : Boolean = false
    object BYTE extends Kind{
      override def allowByte = true
      override def allowWord = true
    object WORD extends Kind{
      override def allowWord = true
    object LENGTH extends Kind

  def apply(addressWidth : Int,
            dataWidth : Int,
            sourceWidth : Int,
            contextWidth : Int,
            lengthWidth : Int,
            alignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD,
            alignmentMin : Int = 0,
            accessLatencyMin : Int = 1,
            canRead : Boolean = true,
            canWrite : Boolean = true,
            canExclusive : Boolean = false,
            maximumPendingTransaction : Int = Int.MaxValue) : BmbParameter = BmbAccessParameter(
    addressWidth = addressWidth,
    dataWidth = dataWidth
  ).addSources(1 << sourceWidth, BmbSourceParameter(
    contextWidth = contextWidth,
    lengthWidth = lengthWidth,
    alignment = alignment,
    alignmentMin = alignmentMin,
    accessLatencyMin = accessLatencyMin,
    canRead = canRead,
    canWrite = canWrite,
    canExclusive = canExclusive,
    maximumPendingTransaction = maximumPendingTransaction

  def apply(access       : BmbAccessParameter) : BmbParameter= BmbParameter(access, BmbInvalidationParameter())

case class BmbParameter(access       : BmbAccessParameter,
                        invalidation : BmbInvalidationParameter){


case class BmbAccessParameter(addressWidth : Int,
                              dataWidth : Int,
                              sources : mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, BmbSourceParameter] = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, BmbSourceParameter]()
  def toBmbParameter() = BmbParameter(this, BmbInvalidationParameter())

  assert(dataWidth % 8 == 0)

  var _self = this
  var _aggregated : BmbSourceParameter = null
  def aggregated: BmbSourceParameter ={
    if(_aggregated == null || _self != this) {
      _aggregated = BmbSourceParameter.aggregate(sources.values.toSeq)
      _self = this

  def contextWidth = aggregated.contextWidth
  def lengthWidth = aggregated.lengthWidth
  def alignment = aggregated.alignment
  def alignmentMin = aggregated.alignmentMin
  def accessLatencyMin = aggregated.accessLatencyMin
  def canRead = aggregated.canRead
  def canWrite = aggregated.canWrite
  def canExclusive = aggregated.canExclusive
  def maximumPendingTransaction = aggregated.maximumPendingTransaction
  def sourceWidth = log2Up(sources.keys.max + 1)
  def canMask = aggregated.canMask

  def canInvalidate = aggregated.canInvalidate
  def canSync       = aggregated.canSync

  def sourcesId =
  def byteCount = dataWidth/8
  def wordMask = byteCount-1
  def wordRange = wordRangeLength -1 downto 0
  def maskWidth = byteCount
  def allowBurst = lengthWidth > wordRangeLength
  def beatCounterWidth = lengthWidth - wordRangeLength + (if(sources.exists(_._2.alignment.allowByte)) 1 else 0)
  def wordRangeLength = log2Up(byteCount)
  def transferBeatCount = (1 << lengthWidth) / byteCount + (if(sources.exists(_._2.alignment.allowByte)) 1 else 0)

  def sourcesTransform(f : BmbSourceParameter => BmbSourceParameter) = {
    val p = BmbAccessParameter(
      addressWidth = addressWidth,
      dataWidth = dataWidth,
      sources =  mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, BmbSourceParameter]()

    for((k,v) <- sources){
      p.sources(k) = f(v)

  def sourcesRemap(f : Int => Int) = {
    val p = BmbAccessParameter(
      addressWidth = addressWidth,
      dataWidth = dataWidth,
      sources =  mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int, BmbSourceParameter]()

    for((k,v) <- sources){
      p.sources(f(k)) = v

  def withSingleSource(source : BmbSourceParameter) = copy(sources = mutable.LinkedHashMap(0 -> source))

  def toAccessCapabilities() = BmbAccessCapabilities(
    addressWidth               = addressWidth,
    dataWidth                  = dataWidth,
    sourceWidthMax             = sourceWidth,
    contextWidthMax            = contextWidth,
    lengthWidthMax             = lengthWidth,
    alignment                  = alignment,
    alignmentMin               = alignmentMin,
    accessLatencyMin           = accessLatencyMin,
    canRead                    = canRead,
    canWrite                   = canWrite,
    canMask                    = canMask,
    canExclusive               = canExclusive,
    canInvalidate              = canInvalidate,
    canSync                    = canSync,
    maximumPendingTransaction  = maximumPendingTransaction

  def randSource() = sources.keys.toArray.apply(Random.nextInt(sources.size))

  def addSources(count : Int, p: BmbSourceParameter): this.type ={
    for(i <- 0 until count) sources(i) = p

case class BmbAccessCapabilities(addressWidth : Int,
                                 dataWidth : Int,
                                 sourceWidthMax : Int = Int.MaxValue,
                                 contextWidthMax : Int = Int.MaxValue,
                                 lengthWidthMax : Int = Int.MaxValue,
                                 alignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD,
                                 alignmentMin : Int = 0,
                                 accessLatencyMin : Int = 1,
                                 canRead : Boolean = true,
                                 canWrite : Boolean = true,
                                 canMask : Boolean = true,
                                 canExclusive : Boolean = false,
                                 maximumPendingTransaction : Int = Int.MaxValue,
                                 canInvalidate : Boolean = false,
                                 canSync : Boolean = false){

  def toBmbParameter = BmbParameter(BmbAccessParameter(
    addressWidth              = addressWidth,
    dataWidth                 = dataWidth
  ).addSources(1 << sourceWidthMax, BmbSourceParameter(
    contextWidth              = contextWidthMax,
    lengthWidth               = lengthWidthMax,
    alignment                 = alignment,
    alignmentMin              = alignmentMin,
    accessLatencyMin          = accessLatencyMin,
    canRead                   = canRead,
    canWrite                  = canWrite,
    canMask                   = canMask,
    canExclusive              = canExclusive,
    maximumPendingTransaction = maximumPendingTransaction,
    canInvalidate             = canInvalidate,
    canSync                   = canSync

object BmbSourceParameter{
  def aggregate(l : Seq[BmbSourceParameter]) = {
    var contextWidth = 0
    var lengthWidth  = 0
    var alignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH
    var alignmentMin : Int = Int.MaxValue
    var accessLatencyMin : Int = Int.MaxValue
    var canRead = false
    var canWrite = false
    var canMask = false
    var canExclusive = false
    var maximumPendingTransaction : Int = 0
    var withCachedRead = false
    var canInvalidate = false
    var canSync = false

    for(s <- l){
      contextWidth = contextWidth.max(s.contextWidth)
      lengthWidth = lengthWidth.max(s.lengthWidth)
      if(alignment == BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH) alignment = s.alignment
      else if (alignment == BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD && s.alignment != BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH) alignment = s.alignment
      alignmentMin =  alignmentMin.min(s.alignmentMin)
      accessLatencyMin = accessLatencyMin.min(s.accessLatencyMin)
      canRead |= s.canRead
      canWrite |= s.canWrite
      canMask |= s.canWrite && s.canMask
      canExclusive |= s.canExclusive
      withCachedRead |= s.withCachedRead
      canInvalidate |= s.canInvalidate
      canSync |= s.canSync
      maximumPendingTransaction = maximumPendingTransaction.max(s.maximumPendingTransaction)

      contextWidth = contextWidth,
      lengthWidth = lengthWidth,
      alignment = alignment,
      alignmentMin = alignmentMin,
      accessLatencyMin = accessLatencyMin,
      canRead = canRead,
      canWrite = canWrite,
      canMask = canMask,
      canExclusive = canExclusive,
      withCachedRead = withCachedRead,
      maximumPendingTransaction = maximumPendingTransaction,
      canInvalidate = canInvalidate,
      canSync = canSync
case class BmbSourceParameter(contextWidth : Int,
                              lengthWidth : Int,
                              alignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD,
                              alignmentMin : Int = 0,
                              accessLatencyMin : Int = 1,
                              canRead : Boolean = true,
                              canWrite : Boolean = true,
                              canMask : Boolean = true,
                              canExclusive : Boolean = false,
                              withCachedRead : Boolean = false,
                              maximumPendingTransaction : Int = Int.MaxValue,
                              canInvalidate : Boolean = false,
                              canSync : Boolean = false)

case class BmbInvalidationParameter(invalidateLength : Int = 0,
                                    invalidateAlignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD)

//case class BmbParameter(addressWidth : Int,
//                        dataWidth : Int,
//                        lengthWidth : Int,
//                        sourceWidth : Int,
//                        contextWidth : Int,
//                        alignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD,
//                        alignmentMin : Int = 0,
//                        accessLatencyMin : Int = 1,
//                        canRead : Boolean = true,
//                        canWrite : Boolean = true,
//                        canExclusive : Boolean = false,
//                        canInvalidate : Boolean = false,
//                        canSync : Boolean = false,
//                        invalidateLength : Int = 0,
//                        invalidateAlignment : BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.Kind = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.WORD,
//                        maximumPendingTransactionPerId : Int = Int.MaxValue){
//  assert(dataWidth % 8 == 0)
//  assert(isPow2(byteCount))
//  def byteCount = dataWidth/8
//  def wordMask = byteCount-1
//  def wordRange = wordRangeLength -1 downto 0
//  def maskWidth = byteCount
//  def allowBurst = lengthWidth > wordRangeLength
//  def beatCounterWidth = lengthWidth - wordRangeLength + (if(alignment.allowByte) 1 else 0)
//  def wordRangeLength = log2Up(byteCount)
//  def transferBeatCount = (1 << lengthWidth) / byteCount + (if(alignment.allowByte) 1 else 0)
//  def toAccessParameter = BmbAccessParameter(
//    addressWidth = addressWidth,
//    dataWidth = dataWidth,
//    lengthWidth = lengthWidth,
//    sourceWidth = sourceWidth,
//    contextWidth = contextWidth,
//    alignment = alignment,
//    alignmentMin = alignmentMin,
//    canRead = canRead,
//    canWrite = canWrite,
//    canExclusive = canExclusive
//  )

case class BmbCmd(p : BmbParameter) extends Bundle{
  val source = UInt(p.access.sourceWidth bits)
  val opcode = Bits(1 bits)
  val exclusive = p.access.canExclusive generate Bool()
  val address = UInt(p.access.addressWidth bits)
  val length = UInt(p.access.lengthWidth bits)
  val data = p.access.canWrite generate Bits(p.access.dataWidth bits)
  val mask = (p.access.canWrite && p.access.canMask) generate Bits(p.access.maskWidth bits)
  val context = Bits(p.access.contextWidth bits)

  def isWrite = opcode === Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.WRITE
  def isRead = opcode === Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ

  def setWrite() = opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.WRITE
  def setRead() = opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ

  def weakAssignFrom(m : BmbCmd): Unit ={
    def s = this
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.source,  s.source,  defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = true , allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.opcode,  s.opcode,  defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.address, s.address, defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = true , allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.length,  s.length,  defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = true, allowDownSize = false , allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s,,,    defaultValue = () => Bits(m.p.access.dataWidth bits).assignDontCare() , allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = true )
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.mask,    s.mask,    defaultValue = () => Bits(m.p.access.maskWidth bits).assignDontCare() , allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = true)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.context, s.context, defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = true,  allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.exclusive, s.exclusive, defaultValue = () => False, allowUpSize = false,  allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)

  def transferBeatCountMinusOne : UInt = {
      if(p.access.lengthWidth < log2Up(p.access.byteCount)){
      } else {
        length(length.high downto log2Up(p.access.byteCount))
    } else {
      ((U"0" @@ length) + address(p.access.wordRange))(length.high + 1 downto log2Up(p.access.byteCount))

case class BmbRsp(p : BmbParameter) extends Bundle{
  val source = UInt(p.access.sourceWidth bits)
  val opcode = Bits(1 bits)
  val exclusive = p.access.canExclusive generate Bool()
  val data = p.access.canRead generate Bits(p.access.dataWidth bits)
  val context = Bits(p.access.contextWidth bits)

  def isSuccess = opcode === Bmb.Rsp.Opcode.SUCCESS
  def isError = opcode === Bmb.Rsp.Opcode.ERROR

  def setSuccess() = opcode := Bmb.Rsp.Opcode.SUCCESS
  def setError() = opcode := Bmb.Rsp.Opcode.ERROR

  def weakAssignFrom(m : BmbRsp): Unit ={
    def s = this
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.source,  s.source,  defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false , allowDownSize = true, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.opcode,  s.opcode,  defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s,,,    defaultValue = () => Bits(m.p.access.dataWidth bits).assignDontCare(), allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = true )
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.context, s.context, defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false,  allowDownSize = true, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.exclusive, s.exclusive, defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false,  allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = true)

case class BmbInv(p: BmbParameter) extends Bundle{
  val all = Bool() //If cleared, should not invalidate the source
  val address = UInt(p.access.addressWidth bits)
  val length = UInt(p.invalidation.invalidateLength bits)
  val source = UInt(p.access.sourceWidth bits)

  def weakAssignFrom(m : BmbInv): Unit ={
    def s = this
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.source , s.source , defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.address, s.address, defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.length , s.length , defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.all    , s.all    , defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)

  def transferBeatCountMinusOne(alignSize : Int) : UInt = {
    val wordRange = log2Up(alignSize)-1 downto 0
      length(length.high downto log2Up(alignSize))
    } else {
      ((U"0" @@ length) + address(wordRange))(length.high + 1 downto log2Up(alignSize))

case class BmbAck(p: BmbParameter) extends Bundle{
  def weakAssignFrom(m : BmbAck): Unit ={


case class BmbSync(p: BmbParameter) extends Bundle{
  val source = UInt(p.access.sourceWidth bits)

  def weakAssignFrom(m : BmbSync): Unit ={
    def s = this
    WeakConnector(m, s, m.source , s.source , defaultValue = null, allowUpSize = false, allowDownSize = false, allowDrop = false)

case class Bmb(p : BmbParameter)  extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
  val cmd = (p.access.canRead || p.access.canWrite) generate Stream(Fragment(BmbCmd(p)))
  val rsp = (p.access.canRead || p.access.canWrite) generate Stream(Fragment(BmbRsp(p))) //Out of order across source

  val inv = p.access.canInvalidate generate Stream(BmbInv(p))
  val ack = p.access.canInvalidate generate Stream(BmbAck(p)) //In order
  val sync = p.access.canSync generate Stream(BmbSync(p)) //In order

  override def asMaster(): Unit = {
    if(p.access.canInvalidate) {
    if(p.access.canSync) {

  def <<(m : Bmb) : Unit = {
    val s = this

    s.cmd.last := m.cmd.last
    m.rsp.last := s.rsp.last


  def >>(s : Bmb) : Unit = s << this

  def cmdM2sPipe(): Bmb = {
    val ret = cloneOf(this)
    this.cmd.m2sPipe() >> ret.cmd
    this.rsp           << ret.rsp

  def cmdS2mPipe(): Bmb = {
    val ret = cloneOf(this)
    this.cmd.s2mPipe() >> ret.cmd
    this.rsp << ret.rsp

  def rspdS2mPipe(): Bmb = {
    val ret = cloneOf(this)
    this.cmd >> ret.cmd
    this.rsp << ret.rsp.m2sPipe()
  def rspdM2sPipe(): Bmb = {
    val ret = cloneOf(this)
    this.cmd >> ret.cmd
    this.rsp << ret.rsp.s2mPipe()

  def resize(dataWidth : Int): Bmb = this match {
    case _ if dataWidth == p.access.dataWidth => this
    case _ if dataWidth < p.access.dataWidth => {
      val bridge = BmbDownSizerBridge(
        inputParameter = p,
        outputParameter = BmbDownSizerBridge.outputParameterFrom(p.access, dataWidth).toBmbParameter()
      ).setCompositeName(this, "downSizer", true) << this

    case _ if dataWidth > p.access.dataWidth => {
      val bridge = BmbUpSizerBridge(
        inputParameter = p,
        outputParameter = BmbUpSizerBridge.outputParameterFrom(p.access, dataWidth).toBmbParameter()
      ).setCompositeName(this, "upSizer", true) << this

  def unburstify() : Bmb = {
    val bridge = BmbUnburstify(p).setCompositeName(this, "unburstify", true) << this

  def toWishbone() : Wishbone = {
    val bridge = BmbToWishbone(p).setCompositeName(this, "toWishbone", true) << this

  def pipelined(cmdValid : Boolean = false,
                cmdReady : Boolean = false,
                cmdHalfRate : Boolean = false,
                rspValid : Boolean = false,
                rspReady : Boolean = false,
                rspHalfRate : Boolean = false,
                invValid : Boolean = false,
                invReady : Boolean = false,
                invHalfRate : Boolean = false,
                ackValid : Boolean = false,
                ackReady : Boolean = false,
                ackHalfRate : Boolean = false,
                syncValid : Boolean = false,
                syncReady : Boolean = false,
                syncHalfRate : Boolean = false
               ): Bmb = {
    val ret = Bmb(p)
    ret.cmd << cmd.pipelined(
      m2s = cmdValid,
      s2m = cmdReady,
      halfRate = cmdHalfRate

    rsp << ret.rsp.pipelined(
      m2s = rspValid,
      s2m = rspReady,
      halfRate = rspHalfRate

      inv << ret.inv.pipelined(
        m2s = invValid,
        s2m = invReady,
        halfRate = invHalfRate
      ret.ack << ack.pipelined(
        m2s = ackValid,
        s2m = ackReady,
        halfRate = ackHalfRate
      sync << ret.sync.pipelined(
        m2s = syncValid,
        s2m = syncReady,
        halfRate = syncHalfRate

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