spinal.lib.bus.bmb.BmbExclusiveMonitor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.bmb
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
object BmbExclusiveMonitor{
def outputParameter(inputParameter : BmbAccessParameter) = inputParameter.sourcesTransform(s => s.copy(
canExclusive = false,
contextWidth = if(inputParameter.canExclusive) s.contextWidth + 1 else s.contextWidth
object BmbExclusiveMonitorState extends SpinalEnum{
//Only LENGTH aligned access for now
//Ensure exclusive ordering across sources by waiting on conflicts
case class BmbExclusiveMonitor(inputParameter : BmbParameter,
pendingWriteMax : Int) extends Component{
import BmbExclusiveMonitorState._
// assert(inputParameter.access.aggregated.alignment == BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH)
val outputParameter = BmbExclusiveMonitor.outputParameter(inputParameter.access)
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Bmb(inputParameter))
val output = master(Bmb(outputParameter, inputParameter.invalidation))
val bypass = !inputParameter.access.canExclusive generate new Area{
io.input >> io.output
val logic = inputParameter.access.canExclusive generate new Area {
//Before we create a reservation for a exclusive read, we have to ensure that no pending write could conflict that
//future reservation (due to potential reordering), so we implement a fence logic to track pending transaction
val fence = new Area {
val start = False
val done = True
val busy = RegInit(False) clearWhen (done) setWhen (start)
val exclusiveReadParameter = BmbParameter(inputParameter.access.sourcesTransform(_.copy(canWrite = false)))
val exclusiveWriteCancel = False
val inputAddressLow = io.input.cmd.address(Bmb.boundaryWidth - 1 downto 0)
val inputAddressLowEnd = inputAddressLow + io.input.cmd.length
val sources = for (sourceId <- inputParameter.access.sources.keys;
sourceParameter = inputParameter.access.sources(sourceId);
if sourceParameter.canExclusive) yield new Area {
val valid = RegInit(False) //Validity of the reservation for the given source
val exclusiveWritePending = RegInit(False) //While a exclusive write is ongoing, this is used to block all conflicting writes to ensure atomicity
val state = RegInit(IDLE)
val address = Reg(UInt(inputParameter.access.addressWidth bits))
val length = Reg(UInt(sourceParameter.lengthWidth bits))
val context = Reg(Bits(sourceParameter.contextWidth bits))
val addressLow = address(Bmb.boundaryWidth - 1 downto 0)
val addressLowEnd = Reg(UInt(Bmb.boundaryWidth bits))
val addressHitHigh = address >> Bmb.boundaryWidth === io.input.cmd.address >> Bmb.boundaryWidth
val addressHitLow = addressLow <= inputAddressLowEnd && addressLowEnd >= inputAddressLow
val addressHit = addressHitLow && addressHitHigh // address >> inputParameter.access.aggregated.lengthWidth === io.input.cmd.address >> inputParameter.access.aggregated.lengthWidth
val inputSourceHit = io.input.cmd.source === sourceId
val haltSource = state =/= IDLE
when(io.output.rsp.fire && io.output.rsp.source === sourceId && io.output.rsp.context.msb) {
exclusiveWritePending := False
when(io.input.cmd.valid && io.input.cmd.isRead && io.input.cmd.exclusive) {
when(inputSourceHit && !haltSource) {
valid := True
address := io.input.cmd.address
length := io.input.cmd.length
addressLowEnd := inputAddressLowEnd
context := io.input.cmd.context.resized
state := FENCE_START
when(addressHit && io.input.cmd.lastFire && io.input.cmd.isWrite) {
when(!exclusiveWriteCancel) {
valid := False
when(inputSourceHit) {
exclusiveWritePending := True
val exclusiveReadCmd = Stream(Fragment(BmbCmd(exclusiveReadParameter)))
exclusiveReadCmd.valid := False
exclusiveReadCmd.opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ
exclusiveReadCmd.exclusive := True
exclusiveReadCmd.address := address
exclusiveReadCmd.length := length
exclusiveReadCmd.context := context.resized
exclusiveReadCmd.source := sourceId
exclusiveReadCmd.last := True
switch(state) {
when(!fence.busy) {
fence.start := True
state := FENCE_BUSY
when(fence.done) {
state := EMIT
is(EMIT) {
exclusiveReadCmd.valid := True
when(exclusiveReadCmd.ready) {
state := IDLE
val trackers = for (sourceId <- inputParameter.access.sources.keys) yield new Area {
val cmdCounter, rspCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(pendingWriteMax) + 1 bits)) init (0)
val full = cmdCounter.msb =/= rspCounter.msb && cmdCounter.trim(1) === rspCounter.trim(1)
when(io.output.cmd.firstFire && io.output.cmd.source === sourceId) {
cmdCounter := cmdCounter + 1
when(io.output.rsp.firstFire && io.output.rsp.source === sourceId) {
rspCounter := rspCounter + 1
val target = Reg(UInt(log2Up(pendingWriteMax) + 1 bits))
val hit = target === rspCounter
val done = Reg(Bool())
when(hit) {
done := True
when(fence.start) {
target := cmdCounter
done := False
fence.done clearWhen (!done)
//output cmd arbitrations
val exclusiveReadArbiter = StreamArbiterFactory().roundRobin.transactionLock.build(Fragment(BmbCmd(exclusiveReadParameter)), sources.size)
exclusiveReadArbiter.io.inputs <> Vec(sources.map(_.exclusiveReadCmd))
val cmdArbiter = StreamArbiterFactory().lowerFirst.fragmentLock.build(Fragment(BmbCmd(exclusiveReadParameter)), 2)
cmdArbiter.io.inputs(0) << exclusiveReadArbiter.io.output
val inputCmdHalted = io.input.cmd.haltWhen(sources.map(s => s.inputSourceHit && s.haltSource).toSeq.orR).throwWhen(io.input.cmd.valid && io.input.cmd.isRead && io.input.cmd.exclusive)
val exclusiveSuccess = sources.map(s => s.valid && s.addressHit && s.inputSourceHit).toSeq.orR
io.output.cmd.context.removeAssignments() := (io.input.cmd.exclusive && exclusiveSuccess) ## cmdArbiter.io.output.context
//output cmd data/mask
io.output.cmd.data := io.input.cmd.data
io.output.cmd.mask := io.input.cmd.mask
when(io.input.cmd.exclusive && !exclusiveSuccess) {
io.output.cmd.mask := 0
exclusiveWriteCancel := True
io.input.rsp.context.removeAssignments() := io.output.rsp.context.resized
io.input.rsp.exclusive := io.output.rsp.context.msb
if (inputParameter.access.canInvalidate) {
io.input.inv <> io.output.inv
io.input.ack <> io.output.ack
if (inputParameter.access.canSync) {
io.input.sync <> io.output.sync
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