spinal.lib.bus.bmb.sim.BmbInterconnectTester.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.bmb.sim
import spinal.core.ClockDomain
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib.bus.bmb.Bmb
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{AddressMapping, DefaultMapping, SizeMapping}
import spinal.lib.sim._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random
class BmbInterconnectTester {
case class SlaveModel(bus : Bmb, mapping : AddressMapping, offset : Int, cd : ClockDomain)
case class MasterModel(bus : Bmb, cd : ClockDomain)
val masters = ArrayBuffer[MasterModel]()
val slaves = ArrayBuffer[SlaveModel]()
def addSlave(bus : Bmb, mapping : AddressMapping, offset : Int, cd : ClockDomain) = slaves += SlaveModel(bus, mapping,offset,cd)
def addMaster(bus : Bmb, cd : ClockDomain) = masters += MasterModel(bus,cd)
var perSourceRspCountTarget = 300
Phase.setup {
val allowedWrites = mutable.HashMap[Long, Byte]()
val memory = new BmbMemoryAgent(){
override def setByte(address: Long, value: Byte): Unit = {
val option = allowedWrites.get(address)
assert(option.get == value)
super.setByte(address, value)
for(s <- slaves){
bus = s.bus,
busAddress = s.offset,
clockDomain = s.cd,
withDriver = true
val regions = BmbRegionAllocator()
for(m <- masters){
val agent = new BmbMasterAgent(m.bus, m.cd){
override def onRspRead(address: BigInt, data: Seq[Byte]): Unit = {
val ref = (0 until data.length).map(i => memory.getByte(address.toLong + i))
if(ref != data){
simFailure(s"Read mismatch on $m.bus\n REF=$ref\n DUT=$data")
override def getCmd(): () => Unit = if(Phase.stimulus.isActive || cmdQueue.nonEmpty) super.getCmd() else null
override def onCmdWrite(address: BigInt, data: Byte): Unit = {
val addressLong = address.toLong
allowedWrites(addressLong) = data
override def regionAllocate(sizeMax : Int): SizeMapping = regions.allocate(Random.nextInt(1 << m.bus.p.access.addressWidth), sizeMax, m.bus.p)
override def regionFree(region: SizeMapping): Unit = regions.free(region)
override def regionIsMapped(region: SizeMapping, opcode : Int): Boolean = {
slaves.exists{model =>
val opcodeOk = opcode match {
case Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.WRITE => model.bus.p.access.canWrite
case Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ => model.bus.p.access.canRead
val addressOk = model.mapping == DefaultMapping || model.mapping.lowerBound <= region.end && model.mapping.asInstanceOf[SizeMapping].end >= region.base
addressOk && opcodeOk
//Retain the flush phase until all Bmb rsp are received
//Retain the stimulus phase until at least perSourceRspCountTarget transaction completed on each Bmb source id
val retainers = List.tabulate(1 << m.bus.p.access.sourceWidth)(source => Phase.stimulus.retainer(if(m.bus.p.access.sources.contains(source)) perSourceRspCountTarget else 0))
agent.rspMonitor.addCallback{_ =>
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