spinal.lib.bus.misc.BusSlaveFactory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Lib **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ MIT Licence **
** **
** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a **
** copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),**
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** Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: **
** **
** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included **
** in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. **
** **
\* */
package spinal.lib.bus.misc
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.Seq
* Configuration of the bus Slave Factory
* @param wordEndianness Endianness for the multiWrite or multiRead operations
case class BusSlaveFactoryConfig(wordEndianness: Endianness = LITTLE){
* Bus slave factory is a tool that provide an abstract and smooth way to define register bank
trait BusSlaveFactory extends Area{
/** Configuration of the BusSlaveFactory */
protected var _config = BusSlaveFactoryConfig()
def getConfig : BusSlaveFactoryConfig = _config
def setConfig(value : BusSlaveFactoryConfig) : this.type = {
_config = value
/** Return the data width of the bus */
def busDataWidth: Int
/** Address incrementation used by the read and write multi words registers */
def wordAddressInc: Int = busDataWidth / 8
/** Set the endianness during write/read multiword */
def setWordEndianness(value : Endianness) = setConfig(getConfig.copy(wordEndianness = value))
def withOffset(offset : BigInt) = new BusSlaveFactoryAddressWrapper(this, offset)
* Return true if the configuration if set to little-endian
private def isLittleWordEndianness: Boolean = getConfig.wordEndianness match{
case LITTLE => true
case BIG => false
def readPrimitive[T <: Data](that : T,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String): Unit
def writePrimitive[T <: Data](that : T,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String): Unit
def onWritePrimitive(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit
def onReadPrimitive(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit
def readHalt(): Unit
def writeHalt(): Unit
def readFire(): Bool = ???
def writeFire(): Bool = ???
def readAddress(): UInt
def writeAddress(): UInt
val readErrorFlag: Bool = False.allowPruning()
val writeErrorFlag: Bool = False.allowPruning()
def readError(): Unit = readErrorFlag := True
def writeError(): Unit = writeErrorFlag := True
* Byte enable bits, defaulting to all ones
def writeByteEnable(): Bits = null //B(busDataWidth / 8 bits, default -> True)
* Permanently assign that by the bus write data from bitOffset
def nonStopWrite[T <: Data](that : T,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T
* When the bus read the address, fill the response with that at bitOffset
def read[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
that = that,
address = SingleMapping(address),
bitOffset = bitOffset,
documentation = documentation
* When the bus write the address, assign that with bus’s data from bitOffset
def write[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
that = that,
address = SingleMapping(address),
bitOffset = bitOffset,
documentation = documentation
* Call doThat when a write transaction occurs on address
def onWrite(address: BigInt, documentation: String = null)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = {
address = SingleMapping(address),
haltSensitive = true,
documentation = documentation
* Call doThat when a read transaction occurs on address
def onRead(address: BigInt, documentation: String = null)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = {
address = SingleMapping(address),
haltSensitive = true,
documentation = documentation
def write[T <: Data](address : BigInt,
bitMapping : (Int, Data)*): Unit = {
bitMapping.foreach{ case (bitId, that) => write(that, address, bitId) }
def read[T <: Data](address : BigInt,
bitMapping : (Int, Data)*): Unit = {
bitMapping.foreach{ case (bitId, that) => read(that, address, bitId) }
* Make that readable and writable at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
def readAndWrite(that : Data,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): Unit = {
write(that, address, bitOffset, documentation)
read(that, address, bitOffset, documentation)
/** Return true if the bus is writing */
def isWriting(address: BigInt): Bool = {
val ret = False
onWrite(address){ ret := True }
/** Return true if the bus is reading */
def isReading (address: BigInt): Bool = {
val ret = False
onRead(address){ ret := True }
* Create the memory mapping to read `that` from `address`
* If `that` is bigger than one word it extends the register on following addresses.
def readMultiWord(that: Data, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): Unit = {
// round up
val wordCount = (widthOf(that) - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
val valueBits = that.asBits
var pos = if(isLittleWordEndianness) 0 else widthOf(that) - (if (widthOf(that) % busDataWidth == 0) busDataWidth else widthOf(that) % busDataWidth )
for (wordId <- 0 until wordCount) {
// support unaligned access
val mapping = SizeMapping(address + wordId * wordAddressInc, wordAddressInc)
if (isLittleWordEndianness) {
readPrimitive(valueBits(pos, Math.min(widthOf(that) - pos, busDataWidth) bits), mapping, 0, documentation)
pos += busDataWidth
} else {
readPrimitive(valueBits(pos, Math.min(widthOf(that) - ((wordCount - 1) - wordId) * busDataWidth, busDataWidth) bits), mapping, 0, documentation)
pos -= Math.min(pos, busDataWidth)
* Create the memory mapping to write that at address.
* If `that` is bigger than one word it extends the register on following addresses.
def writeMultiWord(that: Data, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): Unit = {
// round up
val wordCount = (widthOf(that) - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
for (wordId <- 0 until wordCount) {
// support unaligned access
val mapping = SizeMapping(address + wordId * wordAddressInc, wordAddressInc)
// split `that` into words
that = new DataWrapper {
override def getBitsWidth: Int = if (isLittleWordEndianness) {
Math.min(busDataWidth, widthOf(that) - wordId * busDataWidth)
} else {
Math.min(busDataWidth, widthOf(that) - ((wordCount - 1) - wordId) * busDataWidth)
override def assignFromBits(value: Bits): Unit = {
assignFromBits(value, offset = 0, bitCount = getBitsWidth bits)
override def assignFromBits(value: Bits, offset: Int, bitCount: BitCount): Unit = {
assert(bitCount.value <= getBitsWidth)
bits = value.resize(bitCount),
offset = offset + (if (isLittleWordEndianness) wordId * busDataWidth else ((wordCount - 1) - wordId) * busDataWidth),
bitCount = bitCount)
mapping, 0, documentation)
* Create the memory mapping to write/read that from address
def readAndWriteMultiWord(that: Data, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): Unit = {
writeMultiWord(that, address, documentation)
readMultiWord(that, address, documentation)
* Create a write only register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
def createWriteOnly[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
val ret = Reg(dataType)
write(ret, address, bitOffset, documentation)
* Create a read only register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
def createReadOnly[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
val ret = Reg(dataType)
read(ret, address, bitOffset)
* Create a read write register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
def createReadAndWrite[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(dataType)
write(reg, address, bitOffset, documentation)
read(reg, address, bitOffset, documentation)
def createReadAndClearOnSet[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0):T= {
readAndClearOnSet(Reg(dataType), address, bitOffset)
def readAndClearOnSet[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
clearOnSet(that, address, bitOffset)
read(that, address, bitOffset)
def clearOnSet[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
val bitClears = nonStopWrite(Bits(widthOf(that) bits), bitOffset)
val w = widthOf(that)
that.assignFromBits(that.asBits & ~bitClears)
} else {
for (i <- 0 until widthOf(that)) {
when(bitClears(i)) {
that.assignFromBits(B"0", i, 1 bits)
def createReadAndSetOnSet[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0):T= {
readAndSetOnSet(Reg(dataType), address, bitOffset)
def readAndSetOnSet[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
setOnSet(that, address, bitOffset)
read(that, address, bitOffset)
def setOnSet[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
val bitSets = nonStopWrite(Bits(widthOf(that) bits), bitOffset)
for(i <- 0 until widthOf(that)){
that.assignFromBits(B"1", i, 1 bits)
def setOnClear[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
val bitSets = nonStopWrite(Bits(widthOf(that) bits), bitOffset)
for(i <- 0 until widthOf(that)){
that.assignFromBits(B"1", i, 1 bits)
@deprecated("Use createReadAndWrite instead", "???")
def createReadWrite[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): T = createReadAndWrite(dataType,address,bitOffset)
* Create a writable Flow register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
* @param checkByteEnable do not trigger flow if byte enable is all zero. See [[https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalHDL/issues/1265]]
* for the discussion about this behaviour.
def createAndDriveFlow[T <: Data](dataType : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
checkByteEnable: Boolean = false): Flow[T] = {
val flow = Flow(dataType)
driveFlow(flow, address, bitOffset, checkByteEnable)
* Create multi-words write register of type dataType
def createWriteMultiWord[T <: Data](that: T, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
writeMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
* Create multi-words read register of type dataType
def createReadMultiWord[T <: Data](that: T, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
readMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
* Create multi-words write and read register of type dataType
def createWriteAndReadMultiWord[T <: Data](that: T, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
writeMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
readMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
* Drive that with a register writable at address placed at bitOffset in the word
def drive[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
write(reg, address, bitOffset, documentation)
that := reg
def drive[T <: Data](address : BigInt,
bitMapping : (Int, Data)*): Unit = {
bitMapping.foreach{ case (bitId, that) => drive(that, address, bitId) }
* Drive that with a register writable and readable at address placed at bitOffset in the word
def driveAndRead[T <: Data](that : T,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that).setCompositeName(that, "driver", true)
write(reg, address, bitOffset, documentation)
read(reg, address, bitOffset, documentation)
that := reg
* Drive that on multi-words
def driveMultiWord[T <: Data](that: T, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
writeMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
that := reg
* Drive and read that on multi-word
def driveAndReadMultiWord[T <: Data](that: T, address: BigInt, documentation: String = null): T = {
val reg = Reg(that)
writeMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
readMultiWord(reg, address, documentation)
that := reg
* Emit on that a transaction when a write happen at address by using data placed at bitOffset in the word
* @param checkByteEnable do not trigger flow if byte enable is all zero. See [[https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalHDL/issues/1265]]
* for the discussion about this behaviour.
def driveFlow[T <: Data](that : Flow[T],
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
checkByteEnable: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val wordCount = (bitOffset + widthOf(that.payload) - 1 ) / busDataWidth + 1
val byteEnable = writeByteEnable()
def assignValidNext(valid: Bool): Unit = {
if (byteEnable != null && checkByteEnable) {
when(byteEnable =/= 0) { valid := True }
} else {
valid := True
if (wordCount == 1){
that.valid := False
onWrite(address){ assignValidNext(that.valid) }
nonStopWrite(that.payload, bitOffset)
assert(bitOffset == 0, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [driveFlow] : BitOffset must be equal to 0 if the payload of the Flow is bigger than the data bus width")
val regValid = RegNext(False) init(False)
onWrite(address + ((wordCount - 1) * wordAddressInc)){ assignValidNext(regValid) }
driveMultiWord(that.payload, address)
that.valid := regValid
* Emit on that a transaction when a write happen at address, by using data placed at bitOffset in the word.
* Block the write transaction until the transaction succeeds (stream becomes ready).
def driveStream[T <: Data](that: Stream[T], address: BigInt, bitOffset: Int = 0): Unit = {
val wordCount = (bitOffset + widthOf(that.payload) - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
onWritePrimitive(SizeMapping(address, wordCount * wordAddressInc), haltSensitive = false, null) {
when(!that.ready) {
val flow = Flow(that.payloadType())
driveFlow(flow, address, bitOffset, checkByteEnable = true)
that << flow.toStream
* Read that (that is bigger than the busWidth) and consume the transaction when a read happen at address.
* @note in order to avoid to read wrong data read first the address which contains the
* valid signal.
* Little : payload - valid at address 0x00
* Big : valid - payload at address 0x00
* Once the valid signal is true you can read all registers
def readStreamNonBlocking[T <: Data](that: Stream[T], address: BigInt): Unit = {
val wordCount = (1 + widthOf(that.payload) - 1 ) / busDataWidth + 1
val addressHigh = address + (wordCount - 1) * wordAddressInc
if (wordCount == 1) {
// we set that.ready irrespective of that.valid.
that.ready := isReading(addressHigh)
} else {
// we set that.ready to the value of that.valid that it had when reading the base address
val payloadIsValid = RegInit(False)
onRead(address) { payloadIsValid := that.valid }
that.ready := False
onRead(addressHigh) {
that.ready := payloadIsValid
payloadIsValid := False
readMultiWord(that.payload ## that.valid, address)
readMultiWord(that.valid ## that.payload, address)
* Same as {@link readStreamNonBlocking}, but block the bus for at most `blockCycles` before returning the NACK.
* @param that data to read over bus
* @param address address to map at
* @param blockCycles cycles to block read transaction before returning NACK
* @param timeout whether the read transaction timed out (returned NACK)
* @tparam T type of stream payload
def readStreamBlockCycles[T <: Data](that: Stream[T], address: BigInt, blockCycles: UInt, timeout: Bool = null): Unit = new Composite(that, "readBlockCycles") {
val counter = Counter(blockCycles.getWidth bits)
val wordCount = (1 + that.payload.getBitsWidth - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
val counterWillOverflow = counter === blockCycles
val readIssued = False
val respReady = RegNextWhen(True, readIssued && (counterWillOverflow || (!counterWillOverflow && that.valid))) init False
val counterOverflowed = RegNextWhen(True, counterWillOverflow) init False
// we only halt the first beat, since if we got a stream payload we got it all
onReadPrimitive(SingleMapping(address), haltSensitive = false, null) {
readIssued := True
when(!respReady) {
} otherwise {
// report timeout after transaction has completed (last beat)
timeout != null generate { timeout := False }
onReadPrimitive(SingleMapping(address + (wordCount - 1) * wordAddressInc), haltSensitive = true, null) {
timeout != null generate {
timeout := counterOverflowed
counterOverflowed := False
respReady := False
readStreamNonBlocking(that, address)
* Read that and consume the transaction when a read happen at address.
def readStreamNonBlocking[T <: Data](that : Stream[T],
address : BigInt,
validBitOffset : Int,
payloadBitOffset : Int,
validInverted : Boolean = false): Unit = {
assert(widthOf(that.payload) + 1 <= busDataWidth, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [readStreamNonBlocking] : width of that parameter payload + valid signal is bigger than the data bus width. To solve it use readStreamNonBlocking(that: Stream, address: BigInt)")
assert(payloadBitOffset + widthOf(that.payload) <= busDataWidth, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [readStreamNonBlocking] : payloadBitOffset + width of that parameter payload is bigger than the data bus width" )
assert(validBitOffset <= busDataWidth - 1, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [readStreamNonBlocking] : validBitOffset is outside the data bus width")
that.ready := False
that.ready := True
read(that.valid ^ Bool(validInverted), address, validBitOffset)
read(that.payload, address, payloadBitOffset)
* Instantiate an internal register which at each cycle do : reg := reg | that
* Then when a read occur, the register is cleared. This register is readable at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
def doBitsAccumulationAndClearOnRead(that : Bits,
address : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0): Unit = {
assert(bitOffset + that.getWidth <= busDataWidth, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [doBitsAccumulationAndClearOnRead] : the width of the parameter that is bigger than the data bus width")
val reg = Reg(that)
reg := reg | that
read(reg, address, bitOffset)
onRead(address){ reg := that }
def multiCycleRead(address: AddressMapping, cycles: BigInt): Unit = {
val counter = Counter(cycles)
address = address,
haltSensitive = false,
documentation = null
def readAddress(address: AddressMapping): UInt = address.removeOffset(readAddress())
def writeAddress(address: AddressMapping): UInt = address.removeOffset(writeAddress())
def readSyncMemWordAligned[T <: Data](mem : Mem[T],
addressOffset : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
memOffset : UInt = U(0).resized) : Mem[T] = {
val mapping = SizeMapping(addressOffset,mem.wordCount << log2Up(busDataWidth/8))
val memAddress = (readAddress(mapping) >> log2Up(busDataWidth/8)) + memOffset
val readData = mem.readSync(memAddress)
readPrimitive(readData, mapping, bitOffset, null)
* Memory map a Mem to bus for reading. Elements can be larger than bus data width in bits.
def readSyncMemMultiWord[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T],
addressOffset: BigInt,
memOffset : UInt = U(0).resized): Mem[T] = {
val mapping = SizeMapping(addressOffset, mem.wordCount << log2Up(mem.width / 8))
val memAddress = (readAddress(mapping) >> log2Up(mem.width / 8)) + memOffset
val readData = mem.readSync(memAddress).asBits
val offset = readAddress(mapping)(log2Up(mem.width / 8) - 1 downto log2Up(busDataWidth / 8))
val partialRead = readData(offset << log2Up(busDataWidth), busDataWidth bits)
multiCycleRead(mapping, 2)
readPrimitive(partialRead, mapping, 0, null)
def writeMemWordAligned[T <: Data](mem : Mem[T],
addressOffset : BigInt,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
memOffset : UInt = U(0).resized) : Mem[T] = {
val mapping = SizeMapping(addressOffset,mem.wordCount << log2Up(busDataWidth / 8))
val memAddress = (writeAddress(mapping) >> log2Up(busDataWidth / 8)) + memOffset
// handle masking
if (writeByteEnable != null) {
val port = mem.writePortWithMask(widthOf(writeByteEnable()))
port.address := memAddress
port.valid := False
onWritePrimitive(mapping,true, null){
port.valid := True
nonStopWrite(port.data, bitOffset)
port.mask := writeByteEnable
} else {
val port = mem.writePort
port.address := memAddress
port.valid := False
onWritePrimitive(mapping,true, null){
port.valid := True
nonStopWrite(port.data, bitOffset)
* Memory map a Mem to bus for writing. Elements can be larger than bus data width in bits.
def writeMemMultiWord[T <: Data](mem: Mem[T],
addressOffset: BigInt): Mem[T] = {
// sanity check
if (mem.width % busDataWidth != 0) {
PendingError(s"Memory width ${mem.width} must be multiple of bus data width ${busDataWidth} \n${getScalaLocationLong}")
val maskWidth = mem.width / busDataWidth
val mapping = SizeMapping(addressOffset, mem.wordCount << log2Up(mem.width / 8))
val memAddress = writeAddress(mapping) >> log2Up(mem.width / 8)
val port = mem.writePortWithMask(maskWidth)
val data = Bits(busDataWidth bits)
port.address := memAddress
port.valid := False
onWritePrimitive(mapping, true, null) {
port.valid := True
// replicate data to `mem.width` bits
port.data.assignFromBits(Cat(Seq.fill(mem.width / busDataWidth)(data)))
// generate mask
val mask = UInt(maskWidth bits)
mask := 0
mask(writeAddress(mapping)(log2Up(mem.width / 8) - 1 downto log2Up(busDataWidth / 8))) := True
port.mask := mask.asBits
* Base element
trait BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping
* Ask to make that readable when an access is done on address
* bitOffset specify where that is placed on the answer
case class BusSlaveFactoryRead(that : Data,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping = address
* Ask to make that writable when a access is done on address.
* bitOffset specify where `that` get bits from the request
case class BusSlaveFactoryWrite(that : Data,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping = address
/** Ask to execute doThat when a write access is done on address */
case class BusSlaveFactoryOnWriteAtAddress(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String,
doThat : () => Unit) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping = address
/** Ask to execute doThat when a read access is done on address */
case class BusSlaveFactoryOnReadAtAddress(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String,
doThat : () => Unit) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping = address
* Ask to constantly drive that with the data bus
* bitOffset specify where that get bits from the request
case class BusSlaveFactoryNonStopWrite(that : Data,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement{
def mapping: AddressMapping = null
* BusSlaveFactoryDelayed captures each primitives (BusSlaveFactoryElement) into a data-model
* @example{{{
* class Apb3SlaveFactory(bus : Apb3) extends BusSlaveFactoryDelayed{
* override def build(): Unit = { ... }
* override def busDataWidth: Int = bus.config.dataWidth
* }
* }}}
trait BusSlaveFactoryDelayed extends BusSlaveFactory {
/** Contains all elements created */
val elements = ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]()
/** Contains all elements related to an address */
val elementsPerAddress = mutable.LinkedHashMap[AddressMapping, ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]]()
val elementsOk = mutable.HashSet[BusSlaveFactoryElement]()
component.addPrePopTask(() => {
// prohibit reading two signals on the same address / bit
for ((address, jobs) <- elementsPerAddress) {
val occupied_range = new ListBuffer[Int]
for (job <- jobs if job.isInstanceOf[BusSlaveFactoryRead]) {
val read_job = job.asInstanceOf[BusSlaveFactoryRead]
val current_bits = List.range(read_job.bitOffset, read_job.that.getBitsWidth + read_job.bitOffset, 1)
for (bit <- current_bits) {
assert(!occupied_range.contains(bit), s"BusSlaveFactory DOUBLE-READ-ERROR : bit $bit of bus address ${address.asInstanceOf[SingleMapping].address} should be written by ${read_job.that.getName()} but it is already occupied by another signal at the same address!")
if (elementsOk.size != elements.size) {
PendingError(s"$this isn't able generate the following requests :\n${(elements --= elementsOk).mkString("\n")} at \n${this.getScalaLocationLong}")
private def addElement(e: BusSlaveFactoryElement) = {
elements += e
if (e.mapping != null)
elementsPerAddress.getOrElseUpdate(e.mapping, ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]()) += e
override def readPrimitive[T <: Data](that : T,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String): Unit = {
assert(bitOffset + that.getBitsWidth <= busDataWidth, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [readPrimitive] : bitOffset + width of the parameter that is bigger than the data bus width")
that = that,
address = address,
bitOffset = bitOffset,
documentation = documentation
override def writePrimitive[T <: Data](that : T,
address : AddressMapping,
bitOffset : Int,
documentation : String): Unit = {
assert(bitOffset + that.getBitsWidth <= busDataWidth, "BusSlaveFactory ERROR [writePrimitive] : bitOffset + width of the parameter that is bigger than the data bus width")
that = that,
address = address,
bitOffset = bitOffset,
documentation = documentation
override def onWritePrimitive(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = {
address = address,
haltSensitive = haltSensitive,
documentation = documentation,
doThat = () => doThat
def onReadPrimitive(address : AddressMapping,
haltSensitive : Boolean,
documentation : String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = {
address = address,
haltSensitive = haltSensitive,
documentation = documentation,
doThat = () => doThat
* Permanently assign that by the bus write data from bitOffset
def nonStopWrite[T <: Data](that : T,
bitOffset : Int = 0,
documentation : String = null): T = {
that = that,
bitOffset = bitOffset,
documentation = documentation
* In this function you have to define the read/write logic thanks to element, elementsPerAddress and elementsPerRangeAddress
* This is the only thing with def busDataWidth that should be implement by class that extends BusSlaveFactoryDelay
def build(): Unit
def dataModelString(): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
for ((address, tasks) <- elementsPerAddress.toList.sortBy(_._1.lowerBound)) {
builder ++= s"$address :\n"
for (task <- tasks) task match {
case task: BusSlaveFactoryRead => builder ++= s" R[${task.bitOffset + widthOf(task.that) - 1}:${task.bitOffset}] ${task.that.getName()} ${if(task.documentation != null) s"- ${task.documentation}" else ""} \n"
case task: BusSlaveFactoryWrite => builder ++= s" W[${task.bitOffset + widthOf(task.that) - 1}:${task.bitOffset}] ${task.that.getName()} ${if(task.documentation != null) s"- ${task.documentation}" else ""} \n"
case _ =>
def printDataModel(): Unit = print(dataModelString())
def doNonStopWrite(writeData: Bits): Unit = {
for (element <- elements) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryNonStopWrite =>
element.that.assignFromBits(writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
def doMappedReadElements(jobs: Seq[BusSlaveFactoryElement], askRead: Bool, doRead: Bool, readData: Bits): Unit = {
when(askRead) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryOnReadAtAddress if !element.haltSensitive =>
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
when(doRead) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryOnReadAtAddress if element.haltSensitive =>
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryRead =>
readData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits) := element.that.asBits
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
def doMappedWriteElements(jobs: Seq[BusSlaveFactoryElement], askWrite: Bool, doWrite: Bool, writeData: Bits): Unit = {
when(askWrite) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryOnWriteAtAddress if !element.haltSensitive =>
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
val byteEnable = writeByteEnable()
when(doWrite) {
for (element <- jobs) element match {
case element: BusSlaveFactoryWrite =>
// check byte enable
if(byteEnable != null) {
for (i <- (0 until busDataWidth / 8)) {
val from = element.bitOffset max i * 8
val to = (element.bitOffset + element.that.getBitsWidth) min (i + 1) * 8
if (from < to) {
when(byteEnable(i)) {
element.that.assignFromBits(writeData(from until to), from - element.bitOffset, to - from bits)
} else {
element.that.assignFromBits(writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
elementsOk += element
case element: BusSlaveFactoryOnWriteAtAddress if element.haltSensitive =>
elementsOk += element
case _ =>
def doMappedElements(jobs: Seq[BusSlaveFactoryElement], askWrite: Bool, askRead: Bool, doWrite: Bool, doRead: Bool, writeData: Bits, readData: Bits): Unit = {
doMappedWriteElements(jobs, askWrite, doWrite, writeData)
doMappedReadElements(jobs, askRead, doRead, readData)
class BusSlaveFactoryAddressWrapper(f: BusSlaveFactory, addressOffset: BigInt) extends BusSlaveFactory {
override def busDataWidth: Int = f.busDataWidth
override def nonStopWrite[T <: Data](that: T, bitOffset: Int, documentation: String): T = f.nonStopWrite(that, bitOffset, documentation)
override def wordAddressInc: Int = f.wordAddressInc
override def getConfig = f.getConfig
override def setConfig(value : BusSlaveFactoryConfig): this.type = {
override def readPrimitive[T <: Data](that: T, address: AddressMapping, bitOffset: Int, documentation: String): Unit = f.readPrimitive(that, address.withOffset(addressOffset), bitOffset, documentation)
override def writePrimitive[T <: Data](that: T, address: AddressMapping, bitOffset: Int, documentation: String): Unit = f.writePrimitive(that, address.withOffset(addressOffset), bitOffset, documentation)
override def onWritePrimitive(address: AddressMapping, haltSensitive: Boolean, documentation: String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = f.onWritePrimitive(address.withOffset(addressOffset), haltSensitive, documentation)(doThat)
override def onReadPrimitive(address: AddressMapping, haltSensitive: Boolean, documentation: String)(doThat: => Unit): Unit = f.onReadPrimitive(address.withOffset(addressOffset), haltSensitive, documentation)(doThat)
override def readHalt(): Unit = f.readHalt()
override def writeHalt(): Unit = f.writeHalt()
override def readAddress(): UInt = f.readAddress() - addressOffset
override def writeAddress(): UInt = f.writeAddress() - addressOffset
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