spinal.lib.bus.misc.Misc.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* *\
** _____ ____ _____ _____ __ **
** / ___// __ \/ _/ | / / | / / HDL Lib **
** \__ \/ /_/ // // |/ / /| | / / (c) Dolu, All rights reserved **
** ___/ / ____// // /| / ___ |/ /___ **
** /____/_/ /___/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/ **
** **
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
** version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** **
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, **
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of **
** Lesser General Public License for more details. **
** **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public **
** License along with this library. **
\* */
package spinal.lib.bus.misc
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.logic.{Masked, Symplify}
import spinal.core.sim.simRandom
import scala.collection.Seq
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object AddressMapping{
def verifyOverlapping(mapping: Seq[AddressMapping]): Boolean = {
val sizeMapped = mapping.filter(_.isInstanceOf[SizeMapping]).map(_.asInstanceOf[SizeMapping])
def decode(address : Bits, trueMapping : AddressMapping) : Bool = {
val trueTerms = terms(trueMapping, widthOf(address))
Symplify(address.asBits, trueTerms)
def decode(address : Bits, trueMapping : AddressMapping, falseMapping : AddressMapping) : Bool = {
val trueTerms = terms(trueMapping, widthOf(address))
val falseTerms = terms(falseMapping, widthOf(address))
Symplify(address.asBits, trueTerms, falseTerms)
def decode(address : Bits, trueMapping : Seq[AddressMapping], falseMapping : Seq[AddressMapping]) : Bool = {
decode(address, OrMapping(trueMapping), OrMapping(falseMapping))
def terms(mapping : AddressMapping, width : Int) : ArrayBuffer[Masked] = {
val ret = ArrayBuffer[Masked]()
val widthMask = (BigInt(1) << width)-1
def rec(e : AddressMapping, mask : Masked): Unit = e match {
case OrMapping(conds) => conds.foreach(cond => rec(cond, mask))
case InterleavedMapping(mapping, blockSize, ratio, sel) => rec(mapping, mask fuse Masked(sel << log2Up(blockSize), ratio-1 << log2Up(blockSize)))
case m : SizeMapping => {
var ptr = m.base
var end = m.base + m.size
while(ptr < end){
val step = if(ptr == 0) m.size else BigInt(1) << ptr.lowestSetBit
if(ptr + step > end){
while(ptr < end){
val step = if(end == 0) m.size else BigInt(1) << end.lowestSetBit
if(ptr <= end - step){
end -= step
ret += mask fuse Masked(end, (~(step-1)) & widthMask)
} else {
ret += mask fuse Masked(ptr, (~(step-1)) & widthMask)
ptr += step
rec(mapping, Masked(0,0))
- Provide offset address for decoder substraction
- Provide a inverted mapping (default mapping)
- Get maximal sequencial size
- Calculate a random address from the mapping of a given sequencial size
- //Shift things ?????
trait AddressMapping{
def hit(address: UInt): Bool = ???
def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = ???
def removeOffset(address: UInt): UInt = ???
def lowerBound : BigInt = ???
def highestBound : BigInt = ???
def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
@deprecated("Use withOffset instead")
def applyOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = withOffset(addressOffset)
def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = ???
def withOffset(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = ???
def withOffsetInvert(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = ???
def width = log2Up(highestBound+1)
def foreach(body : BigInt => Unit) : Unit = ???
def maxSequentialSize : BigInt = ???
def randomPick(bytes : BigInt, aligned : Boolean) : BigInt = ???
def intersectImpl(that : AddressMapping, path : List[AddressMapping] = Nil) : AddressMapping = ???
def intersect(that : AddressMapping) : AddressMapping = {
intersectImpl(that, Nil)
object NeverMapping extends AddressMapping{
case class SingleMapping(address : BigInt) extends AddressMapping{
override def hit(address: UInt) = this.address === address
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = this.address == address
override def removeOffset(address: UInt) = U(0)
override def lowerBound = address
override def highestBound = address
override def randomPick() : BigInt = address
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = SingleMapping(address + addressOffset)
override def toString: String = s"Address 0x${address.toString(16)}"
override def foreach(body: BigInt => Unit) = body(address)
* Creates an address mapping using a bit mask.
* MaskMapping(0x0000, 0x8000) => matches 0x0000-0x8000
* MaskMapping(0x40, 0xF0) => matches 0x40 - 0x4F
* @param base Address offset to use. Must be inside the mask
* @param mask Bit mask applied to the address before the check
case class MaskMapping(base : BigInt,mask : BigInt) extends AddressMapping{
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = (address & U(mask, widthOf(address) bits)) === base
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = (address & mask) == base
override def removeOffset(address: UInt) = address & ~U(mask, widthOf(address) bits)
override def lowerBound = base
override def highestBound = ???
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = ???
case class UnmaskMapping(base : BigInt,mask : BigInt) extends AddressMapping{
assert((base & mask) == 0)
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = (address | U(mask, widthOf(address) bits)) === (base | mask)
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = (address | mask) == (base | mask)
override def removeOffset(address: UInt) = ??? //address & ~U(mask, widthOf(address) bits)
override def lowerBound = base
override def highestBound = ???
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = ???
case class OrMapping(conds : Seq[AddressMapping]) extends AddressMapping{
import spinal.core.sim._
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = conds.map(_.hit(address)).orR
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = conds.exists(_.hit(address))
override def removeOffset(address: UInt) = ??? //address & ~U(mask, widthOf(address) bits)
override def lowerBound = conds.map(_.lowerBound).min
override def highestBound = conds.map(_.highestBound).max
override def randomPick() : BigInt = conds.randomPick().randomPick()
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = OrMapping(conds.map(_.withOffset(addressOffset)))
override def intersectImpl(that : AddressMapping, path : List[AddressMapping] = Nil) : AddressMapping = {
val filtred = conds.map(_.intersectImpl(that, this :: path)).filter(_ != NeverMapping)
filtred.size match {
case 0 => NeverMapping
case 1 => filtred.head
case _ => OrMapping(filtred)
override def maxSequentialSize : BigInt = conds.map(_.maxSequentialSize).min
override def randomPick(bytes : BigInt, aligned : Boolean) : BigInt = conds.randomPick().randomPick(bytes, aligned)
override def withOffset(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = OrMapping(conds.map(_.withOffset(t)))
override def withOffsetInvert(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = OrMapping(conds.map(_.withOffsetInvert(t)))
case class InvertMapping(inv : AddressMapping) extends AddressMapping{
import spinal.core.sim._
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = !inv.hit(address)
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = !inv.hit(address)
override def removeOffset(address: UInt) = inv.removeOffset(address)
override def lowerBound = ???
override def highestBound = ???
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = InvertMapping(inv.withOffset(addressOffset))
object SizeMapping{
implicit def implicitTuple1(that: (Int, Int)) : SizeMapping = SizeMapping(that._1, that._2)
implicit def implicitTuple2(that: (BigInt, BigInt)): SizeMapping = SizeMapping(that._1, that._2)
implicit def implicitTuple3(that: (Int, BigInt)) : SizeMapping = SizeMapping(that._1, that._2)
implicit def implicitTuple5(that: (Long, BigInt)) : SizeMapping = SizeMapping(that._1, that._2)
implicit def implicitTuple4(that: (BigInt, Int)) : SizeMapping = SizeMapping(that._1, that._2)
* Verify that the mapping has no overlapping
* @return : true = overlapping found, false = no overlapping
def verifyOverlapping(mappings: Seq[SizeMapping]): Boolean = {
for(m1 <- mappings.indices; m2 <- mappings.indices if m1 != m2){ // fix when some SizeMappings are completely overlap.
if(mappings(m1).overlap(mappings(m2))) return true
return false
object AllMapping extends AddressMapping{
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = True
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = true
override def removeOffset(address: UInt): UInt = address
override def lowerBound: BigInt = 0
override def highestBound = ???
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = ???
object DefaultMapping extends AddressMapping{
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = True
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = true
override def removeOffset(address: UInt): UInt = ???
override def lowerBound: BigInt = ???
override def highestBound = ???
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ???
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = ???
case class SizeMapping(base: BigInt, size: BigInt) extends AddressMapping {
val end = base + size - 1
def isAligned = isPow2(size) && base % size == 0
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = {
if (isAligned){
(address & ~U(size - 1, address.getWidth bits)) === (base)
}else {
(base == 0, log2Up(base + size + 1) > widthOf(address)) match {
case (false, false) => address >= base && address < base + size
case (false, true) => address >= base
case (true, false) => address < base + size
case (true, true) => True
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = address >= base && address < base + size
override def removeOffset(address: UInt): UInt = {
if (isPow2(size) && base % size == 0)
address & (size - 1)
address - base
override def lowerBound = base
override def highestBound = base + size - 1
override def randomPick() : BigInt = base + BigInt(log2Up(size), simRandom) % size
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = SizeMapping(base + addressOffset, size)
override def withOffset(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = t match {
case OffsetTransformer(offset) => SizeMapping(base - offset, size)
case InterleaverTransformer(blockSize, ratio, sel) => SizeMapping(base/ratio, size/ratio)
override def withOffsetInvert(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = t match {
case OffsetTransformer(offset) => SizeMapping(base + offset, size)
case InterleaverTransformer(blockSize, ratio, sel) => SizeMapping(base*ratio, size*ratio)
def overlap(that : SizeMapping) = this.base < that.base + that.size && this.base + this.size > that.base
override def foreach(body: BigInt => Unit) = for(i <- 0 until size.toInt) body(base + i)
override def toString: String = f"[0x$base%x .. 0x${base+size-1}%x]"
override def maxSequentialSize : BigInt = size
override def randomPick(bytes : BigInt, aligned : Boolean) : BigInt = {
var addr = base + BigInt(size.bitLength, simRandom) % (size-bytes)
if(aligned) addr = addr/bytes*bytes
// override def asFilterOf(that : AddressMapping): AddressMapping = {
// def swap(e : AddressMapping) : Seq[AddressMapping] = {
// case sm : SizeMapping =>
// case e => e.walkSwap(that)
// }
// that.walkSwap()
// }
override def intersectImpl(that: AddressMapping, path: List[AddressMapping]) = {
val hits = ArrayBuffer[AddressMapping]()
//Will go though the other hierarchy to look for SizeMapping hit
def rec(other : AddressMapping, otherPath : List[AddressMapping]) : Unit = other match{
case other : SizeMapping => {
if(other.base < this.base + this.size && this.base < other.base + other.size){
val hitBase = this.base max other.base
val hitEnd = this.base + this.size min other.base + other.size
hits += otherPath.foldLeft[AddressMapping](SizeMapping(this.base max other.base, hitEnd - hitBase))((s, p) => p match {
case p : InterleavedMapping => p.copy(mapping = s)
case other : InterleavedMapping => rec(other.mapping, other :: otherPath)
case other : OrMapping => other.conds.foreach(e => rec(e, otherPath))
rec(that, Nil)
hits.size match {
case 0 => NeverMapping
case 1 => hits.head
case _ => OrMapping(hits)
case class InterleavedMapping(mapping : AddressMapping, blockSize : Int, ratio : Int, sel : Int) extends AddressMapping{
assert(sel < ratio)
override def highestBound = mapping.highestBound
override def lowerBound = mapping.lowerBound
override def hit(address: UInt) = {
val l2 = mapping.hit(address)
val l1 = address(log2Up(blockSize), log2Up(ratio) bits) === sel
l2 && l1
override def hit(address: BigInt) = {
val blockId = (address.toInt / blockSize) & (ratio-1)
val l2 = mapping.hit(address)
val l1 = blockId == sel
l1 && l2
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt) = {
copy(mapping = mapping.withOffset(addressOffset))
override def maxSequentialSize : BigInt = BigInt(blockSize) min mapping.maxSequentialSize
override def randomPick(bytes : BigInt, aligned : Boolean) : BigInt = {
import spinal.core.sim._
val l20 = mapping.randomPick(bytes, aligned)
val l1 = sel
val mask = (ratio-1)*blockSize
val addr = (l20 & ~mask) | l1 * blockSize
override def intersectImpl(that : AddressMapping, path : List[AddressMapping] = Nil) : AddressMapping = mapping.intersectImpl(that, this :: path) match {
case NeverMapping => NeverMapping
case e => this.copy(e)
override def withOffset(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = copy(mapping.withOffset(t))
override def withOffsetInvert(t: AddressTransformer): AddressMapping = copy(mapping.withOffsetInvert(t))
case class SizeMappingInterleaved(base: BigInt, size: BigInt, blockSize : Int, pattern : Seq[Boolean]) extends AddressMapping {
val end = base + size - 1
val patternIds = pattern.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1).map(_._2)
override def hit(address: UInt): Bool = {
val l2 = if (isPow2(size) && base % size == 0){
(address & ~U(size - 1, address.getWidth bits)) === (base)
}else {
(base == 0, log2Up(base + size + 1) > widthOf(address)) match {
case (false, false) => address >= base && address < base + size
case (false, true) => address >= base
case (true, false) => address < base + size
case (true, true) => True
val l1 = pattern.map(Bool(_)).read(address(log2Up(blockSize), log2Up(pattern.size) bits))
l2 && l1
override def hit(address: BigInt): Boolean = {
val blockId = (address.toInt / blockSize) & (pattern.size-1)
address >= base && address < base + size && pattern(blockId)
override def removeOffset(address: UInt): UInt = {
if (isPow2(size) && base % size == 0)
address & (size - 1)
address - base
override def lowerBound = base
override def highestBound = base + size - 1
override def randomPick() : BigInt = ??? //base + BigInt(log2Up(size), simRandom)
override def withOffset(addressOffset: BigInt): AddressMapping = SizeMappingInterleaved(base + addressOffset, size, blockSize, pattern)
def overlap(that : SizeMapping) = ??? //this.base < that.base + that.size && this.base + this.size > that.base
override def foreach(body: BigInt => Unit) = ??? //for(i <- 0 until size.toInt) body(base + i)
override def toString: String = f"$base%x $size%x $blockSize $pattern"
override def maxSequentialSize : BigInt = blockSize
override def randomPick(bytes : BigInt, aligned : Boolean) : BigInt = {
import spinal.core.sim._
val blockCount = size / (blockSize*pattern.size)
val l2 = BigInt(blockCount.bitLength, simRandom) % blockCount
val l1 = patternIds.randomPick()
val l0 = simRandom.nextInt(blockSize)
var addr = l2 * blockSize * pattern.size | l1 * blockSize | l0
if(aligned) addr = addr/bytes*bytes
* Model a transformation on a address, typicaly, an address decoder may apply an offset to each of its outputs
trait AddressTransformer{
def apply(address : BigInt) : BigInt
def apply(address : UInt) : UInt
def invert(address : BigInt) : BigInt
def invert(address : UInt) : UInt
* @param offset For instance, if a slave is mapped at address 0x100 of a master => offset = 0x100
case class OffsetTransformer(offset : BigInt) extends AddressTransformer{
override def apply(address: BigInt) = address - offset
override def apply(address: UInt) = address - offset
override def invert(address: BigInt) = address + offset
override def invert(address: UInt) = address + offset
override def toString = f"OT(0x$offset%x)"
case class InterleaverTransformer(blockSize : Int, ratio : Int, sel : Int) extends AddressTransformer{
val blockSizeWidth = log2Up(blockSize)
val ratioWidth = log2Up(ratio)
override def apply(address: BigInt) = ((address >> blockSizeWidth + ratioWidth) << blockSizeWidth) | (address & (blockSize-1))
override def apply(address: UInt) = U(address.dropLow(blockSizeWidth + ratioWidth) ## address(0, blockSizeWidth bits) )
override def invert(address: BigInt) = ((address >> blockSizeWidth) << (blockSizeWidth + ratio)) | sel << blockSizeWidth | (address & (blockSize-1))
override def invert(address: UInt) = U(address.dropLow(blockSizeWidth) ## B(sel, ratioWidth bits) ## address(0, blockSizeWidth bits))
override def toString = f"IT(0x$blockSize%x, $ratio, $sel)"
//trait LogicalOp[T]{
// def mincover(rhs : T) : T
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