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spinal.lib.bus.regif.Block.RegInst.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package spinal.lib.bus.regif

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.SizeMapping

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import AccessType._

class RegInst(name: String, addr: BigInt, doc: String, busif: BusIf, sec: Secure = null,  grp: GrpTag = null) extends RegBase(name, addr, doc, busif, sec = sec, grp = grp) {
  def setName(name: String): RegInst = {
    _name = name

//  def checkLast={
//    val spareNumbers = if(fields.isEmpty) busif.busDataWidth else busif.busDataWidth-1 - fields.last.tailBitPos
//    spareNumbers match {
//      case x if x > 0 => field(x bits, AccessType.NA)(SymbolName("reserved"))
//      case x if x < 0 => SpinalError(s"Range ${Section(fields.last.section)} exceed Bus width ${busif.busDataWidth}")
//      case _ =>
//    }
//  }
//  def allIsNA: Boolean = {
//    checkLast
// == AccessType.NA).foldLeft(true)(_&&_)
//  }

  def fieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldAt(pos, hardType, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldAt(pos, hardType, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = doc)(symbol)
  def fieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldAt(pos, hardType, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt , doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val sectionNext: Section = pos + hardType.getBitsWidth-1 downto pos
    val sectionExists: Section = fieldPtr downto 0
    val ret = pos match {
      case x if x < fieldPtr => SpinalError(s"next field section ${sectionNext} overlap to allocated Section ${sectionExists}")
      case _ if sectionNext.max >= busif.busDataWidth => SpinalError(s"Range ${sectionNext} exceed Bus width ${busif.busDataWidth}")
      case x if (x == fieldPtr) => field(hardType, acc, resetValue, doc)
      case _ => {
        field(Bits(pos - fieldPtr bit), AccessType.NA)(SymbolName("reserved"))
        field(hardType, acc, resetValue, doc)
    fieldPtr = pos + hardType.getBitsWidth

  @deprecated(message = "fieldAt(pos, Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def fieldAt(pos: Int, bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = fieldAt(pos, bc, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "fieldAt(pos, Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def fieldAt(pos: Int, bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = fieldAt(pos, bc, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = doc)(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "fieldAt(pos, Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def fieldAt(pos: Int, bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = fieldAt(pos, bc, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "fieldAt(pos, Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def fieldAt(pos: Int, bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = {
    val sectionNext: Section = pos+bc.value-1 downto pos
    def sectionExists: Section = fieldPtr - 1 downto 0
    val ret = pos match {
      case x if x < fieldPtr => SpinalError(s"field Start Point ${x} conflict to allocated Section ${sectionExists}")
      case _ if sectionNext.max >= busif.busDataWidth => SpinalError(s"Range ${sectionNext} exceed Bus width ${busif.busDataWidth}")
      case x if (x == fieldPtr) => field(bc, acc, resetValue, doc)
      case _ => {
        field(pos - fieldPtr bits, AccessType.NA)(SymbolName("reserved"))
        field(bc, acc, resetValue, doc)
    fieldPtr = pos + bc.value

  def field[T <: BaseType](hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = field(hardType, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def field[T <: BaseType](hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = field(hardType, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = doc)(symbol)
  def field[T <: BaseType](hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = field(hardType, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def field[T <: BaseType](hardType: HardType[T], acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val reg = acc match{
      case AccessType.NA => {
        val reg = hardType()
      case AccessType.ROV => {
        B(resetValue, hardType().getBitsWidth bit).asInstanceOf[T]
      case AccessType.RO | AccessType.W1I => {
      case _ => {
        val reg = Reg(hardType)
        reg match {
          case t: Bool => t init(resetValue%2 == 1)
          case t: Bits => t.init(resetValue)
          case t: UInt => t.init(resetValue)
          case t: SInt => t.init(resetValue)
          case t: SpinalEnumCraft[SpinalEnum] => t.init(t.spinalEnum.elements(resetValue.toInt))
      case (_, true)  =>{
        SpinalWarning("an unload signal created; `val signame = field(....)` is recomended instead `field(....)`")
        reg.setName("unload", weak = true)
      case (_, false) =>reg.setName(, weak = true)
    registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc)

  * Always used on more than one address shared one regsiter instance
  * Example:
  * val REG0 = busif.newReg(doc="Share Clock EnableRegiste  RW   address")
  * val REG1 = busif.newReg(doc="Share Clock EnableRegiste  W1S  address")
  * val REG2 = busif.newReg(doc="Share Clock EnableRegister W1C  address")
  * val REG3 = busif.newReg(doc="Share Clock EnableRegister read address")
  * val reg32bit = REG0.field(Bits(32 bit), RW , 0xffff, "clock enable reg RW")
  *                REG1.parasiteField(reg32bit,     W1S, 0xffff, "clock enable reg write 1 set ")
  *                REG2.parasiteField(reg32bit,     W1C, 0xffff, "clock enable reg write 1 clear")
  * val regwire  = REG3.field(Bits(32 bit), RO , 0xffff, "clock enable read only")
  * regwire := reg32bit
  * */
  def parasiteField[T <: BaseType](reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String): Unit = {
    assert(reg.isReg, "prasiteField should be register only, check please")
    registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc)
  def parasiteFieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String): Unit = {
    assert(reg.isReg, "prasiteField should be register only, check please")
    registerAtWithWriteLogic(pos, reg, acc, resetValue, doc)

  def fieldHSRW[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldHSRW(seten, setval, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldHSRW[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue:BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldHSRW(seten, setval, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldHSRW[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue:BigInt , doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val reg = field(hardType = cloneOf(setval), acc = AccessType.HSRW, resetValue = resetValue, doc = doc)(symbol = symbol)
      reg := setval

  def fieldHSRWAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldHSRWAt(pos, seten, setval, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldHSRWAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue:BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldHSRWAt(pos, seten, setval, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldHSRWAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue:BigInt , doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val reg = fieldAt(pos, hardType = cloneOf(setval), acc = AccessType.HSRW, resetValue = resetValue, doc = doc)(symbol = symbol)
      reg := setval

  private def reginit[T <: BaseType](reg: T, resetValue: BigInt): T = {
    reg match {
      case t: Bool => t init (resetValue % 2 == 1)
      case t: Bits => t.init(resetValue)
      case t: UInt => t.init(resetValue)
      case t: SInt => t.init(resetValue)

  private def setname[T <: BaseType](reg: T, symbol: SymbolName) = {" {
        SpinalWarning("an unload signal created; `val signame = field(....)` is recomended instead `field(....)`")
        reg.setName("unload", weak = true)
      case false => reg.setName(, weak = true)

  def fieldRWHS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldRWHS(seten, setval, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldRWHS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue: BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldRWHS(seten, setval, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldRWHS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val reg = reginit(cloneOf(setval).setAsReg(), resetValue)
    setname(reg, symbol)
    when(seten) {
      reg := setval
    registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, AccessType.RWHS, resetValue, doc)

  def fieldRWHSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldRWHSAt(pos, seten, setval, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldRWHSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue: BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldRWHSAt(pos, seten, setval, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldRWHSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, resetValue:BigInt , doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    val reg = reginit(cloneOf(setval).setAsReg(), resetValue)
    setname(reg, symbol)
      reg := setval
    registerAtWithWriteLogic(pos, reg, AccessType.RWHS, resetValue, doc)

  def fieldW1HS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldW1HS(seten, setval, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldW1HS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldW1HS(seten, setval, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldW1HS[T <: BaseType](seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    acc match {
      case `W1CHS` | `W1SHS` =>
      case _ => SpinalError("fieldW1HSAt only support W1CHS or W1SHS")
    val reg = reginit(cloneOf(setval).setAsReg(), resetValue)
    setname(reg, symbol)
      reg := setval
    registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc)

  def fieldW1HSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldW1HSAt(pos, seten, setval, acc,  resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldW1HSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = fieldW1HSAt(pos, seten, setval, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  def fieldW1HSAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, seten: Bool, setval: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
    acc match {
      case `W1CHS` | `W1SHS` =>
      case _ => SpinalError("fieldW1HSAt only support W1CHS or W1SHS")
    val reg = reginit(cloneOf(setval).setAsReg(), resetValue)
    setname(reg, symbol)
      reg := setval
    registerAtWithWriteLogic(pos, reg, acc, resetValue, doc)

  protected def creatWriteLogic[T <: BaseType](reg: T, acc: AccessType, section: Range): Unit = {
    acc match {
      case AccessType.RO|AccessType.ROV|AccessType.NA|AccessType.W1I =>
      case _ => if(!reg.isRegOnAssign){
        SpinalError(s"$reg need be a register, not wire, check please")
    acc match {
      case AccessType.RO    => _RO(reg)           //- W: no effect, R: no effect
      case AccessType.ROV   => _RO(reg)           //- ReadOnlyValue, used for constant like device-ID/hw-Version
      case AccessType.RW    => _W( reg, section)  //- W: as-is, R: no effect
      case AccessType.RC    => _RC(reg, section)  //- W: no effect, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.RS    => _RS(reg, section)  //- W: no effect, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WRC   => _WRC(reg, section) //- W: as-is, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.WRS   => _WRS(reg, section) //- W: as-is, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WC    => _WC(reg, section)  //- W: clears all bits, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WS    => _WS(reg, section)  //- W: sets all bits, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WSRC  => _WSRC(reg, section)//- W: sets all bits, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.WCRS  => _WCRS(reg, section)//- W: clears all bits, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.W1C   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W1C )   //- W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1S   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W1S )   //- W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1T   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W1T )   //- W: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0C   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W0C )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0S   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W0S )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0T   => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W0T )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1SRC => _WBR(reg, section, AccessType.W1SRC) //- W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.W1CRS => _WBR(reg, section, AccessType.W1CRS) //- W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.W0SRC => _WBR(reg, section, AccessType.W0SRC) //- W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.W0CRS => _WBR(reg, section, AccessType.W0CRS) //- W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WO    => Rerror = true; _W( reg, section)    //- W: as-is, R: error
      case AccessType.WOC   => Rerror = true; _WC(reg, section)    //- W: clears all bits, R: error
      case AccessType.WOS   => Rerror = true; _WS(reg, section)    //- W: sets all bits, R: error
      case AccessType.W1    =>                _W1(reg, section)    //- W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WO1   => Rerror = true; _W1(reg, section)    //- W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: error
      case AccessType.NA    => NA(reg.getBitsWidth bit)            // -W: reserved, R: reserved
      case AccessType.W1P   => _WBP(reg, section, AccessType.W1P)  //- W: 1/0 pulse/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0P   => _WBP(reg, section, AccessType.W0P)  //- W: 0/1 pulse/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1I   => _W1I(reg, section)                  //- W: 1/0 pulse/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect, W1 generate impulse at current stage
      case AccessType.HSRW  => _W( reg, section)                   // HardWare Set then SoftWare RW
      case AccessType.RWHS  => _W( reg, section)                   // SoftWare RW then HardWare Set
      case AccessType.W1CHS => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W1C )   //- W: 1 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1SHS => _WB(reg, section, AccessType.W1S )   //- W: 1 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case x: AccessType.CSTM  =>                                  // CSTM-AccessType don't generate logic which implement use themselfs, only register for doc

  def registerInOnlyReadLogic[T <: BaseType](reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String): Unit = {
    registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc, dontCreatWriteLogic = true)

  def registerAtOnlyReadLogic[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String): Unit = {
    registerAtWithWriteLogic(pos, reg, acc, resetValue, doc, dontCreatWriteLogic = true)

  def registerInWithWriteLogic[T <: BaseType](reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String, dontCreatWriteLogic: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    val section: Range = fieldPtr+reg.getBitsWidth-1 downto fieldPtr
      creatWriteLogic(reg, acc, section)
    val newdoc = if(doc.isEmpty && acc == AccessType.NA) "Reserved" else doc
    val nameRemoveNA = if(acc == AccessType.NA) "--" else reg.getName()
    fields   += Field(nameRemoveNA, reg, section, acc, resetValue, Rerror, newdoc)
    fieldPtr += reg.getBitsWidth

  def registerAtWithWriteLogic[T<: BaseType](pos: Int, reg: T, acc: AccessType, resetValue:BigInt, doc: String, dontCreatWriteLogic: Boolean = false): Unit ={
    val sectionNext: Section = pos + reg.getBitsWidth-1 downto pos
    def sectionExists: Section = fieldPtr - 1 downto 0
    pos match {
      case x if x < fieldPtr => SpinalError(s"next field section ${sectionNext} overlap to allocated Section ${sectionExists}")
      case _ if sectionNext.max >= busif.busDataWidth => SpinalError(s"Range ${sectionNext} exceed Bus width ${busif.busDataWidth}")
      case x if (x == fieldPtr) => registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc, dontCreatWriteLogic)
      case _ => {
        val reserved = B(0, pos - fieldPtr bit)
        registerInWithWriteLogic(reserved, AccessType.NA, 0, "Reserved", dontCreatWriteLogic)
        registerInWithWriteLogic(reg, acc, resetValue, doc, dontCreatWriteLogic)
    fieldPtr = pos + reg.getBitsWidth

  @deprecated(message = "field(Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def field(bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = field(bc, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = "")(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "field(Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def field(bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = field(bc, acc, resetValue = 0, doc = doc)(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "field(Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def field(bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = field(bc, acc, resetValue, doc = "")(symbol)
  @deprecated(message = "field(Bits/UInt/SInt(n bit)/Bool, acc) recommend", since = "2022-12-31")
  def field(bc: BitCount, acc: AccessType, resetValue: BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): Bits = {
    val section: Range = fieldPtr+bc.value-1 downto fieldPtr
    val ret: Bits = acc match {
      case AccessType.RO    => RO(bc)                         //- W: no effect, R: no effect
      case AccessType.ROV   => B(resetValue, bc.value bit)    //- ReadOnlyValue, used for constant like device-ID/hw-Version
      case AccessType.RW    => W( bc, section, resetValue)    //- W: as-is, R: no effect
      case AccessType.RC    => RC(bc, section, resetValue)    //- W: no effect, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.RS    => RS(bc, section, resetValue)    //- W: no effect, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WRC   => WRC(bc, section, resetValue)   //- W: as-is, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.WRS   => WRS(bc, section, resetValue)   //- W: as-is, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WC    => WC(bc, section, resetValue)    //- W: clears all bits, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WS    => WS(bc, section, resetValue)    //- W: sets all bits, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WSRC  => WSRC(bc, section, resetValue)  //- W: sets all bits, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.WCRS  => WCRS(bc, section, resetValue)  //- W: clears all bits, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.W1C   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1C )   //- W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1S   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1S )   //- W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1T   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1T )   //- W: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0C   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0C )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0S   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0S )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0T   => WB(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0T )   //- W: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W1SRC => WBR(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1SRC) //- W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.W1CRS => WBR(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1CRS) //- W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.W0SRC => WBR(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0SRC) //- W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: clears all bits
      case AccessType.W0CRS => WBR(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0CRS) //- W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: sets all bits
      case AccessType.WO    => Rerror = true; W( bc, section, resetValue) //- W: as-is, R: error
      case AccessType.WOC   => Rerror = true; WC(bc, section, resetValue) //- W: clears all bits, R: error
      case AccessType.WOS   => Rerror = true; WS(bc, section, resetValue) //- W: sets all bits, R: error
      case AccessType.W1    =>                W1(bc, section, resetValue) //- W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: no effect
      case AccessType.WO1   => Rerror = true; W1(bc, section, resetValue) //- W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: error
      case AccessType.NA    => NA(bc)                                     // -W: reserved, R: reserved
      case AccessType.W1P   => WBP(section, resetValue, AccessType.W1P )  //- W: 1/0 pulse/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.W0P   => WBP(section, resetValue, AccessType.W0P )  //- W: 0/1 pulse/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
      case AccessType.HSRW  => W( bc, section, resetValue)                //- depracated, please use feild(hardType[T]) instead
      case AccessType.RWHS  => W( bc, section, resetValue)                //- depracated, please use feild(hardType[T]) instead
      case x:AccessType.CSTM=> Bits(0 bit)                        //- depracated, please use feild(hardType[T]) instead
    val newdoc = if(doc.isEmpty && acc == AccessType.NA) "Reserved" else doc
    val signame = if("
      val name =
      val newname = if(counts.contains(name)){
        counts(name) += 1
      } else {
        counts(name) = 0
      if(name != "--") {//dont touch RESERVED name
    fields ++= ret

  override def readGenerator() = {
    is(addr) {
      bi.reg_rdata := rdSecurePassage(this.rdata())
      bi.reg_rderr := rdSecureError(Bool(this.haveWO))

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