spinal.lib.bus.regif.Factory.IntrMMS3.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.regif
import spinal.core._
/* MMS3(MASKS/MASKC/STATUS) Interrupt 3 Register Group used for 2nd interrupt signal merge
* 1. MASKS: mask set register, 1: int off, 0: int open, default 1, int off
* 2. MASKC: mask clear register, 1: int off, 0: int open, default 1, int off
* 3. STATUS: status register, status = raw && (!mask)
* MASKS/MASKC are to solve the atomic problem that may arise from operating the same mask address on multiple processor cores.
* Currently, two independent mask addresses operate on the same mask register to ensure:
* Two processor cores can independently set the state of one bit without affecting other bits
* ```
* always@(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
* if(!rstn) begin
* mask_x <= 1'b0 ;
* end else if(bus_addr == `xxx_MASKS && bus_wdata[n]) begin //W1S
* mask_x <= 1'b1 ;
* end else if(bus_addr == `xxx_MASKC && bus_wdata[n]) begin //W1C
* mask_x <= 1'b0 ;
* end
* assign status_x = signal_x && !mask_x ;
* always @(*) begin
* case(addr) begin
* `xxx_MASKS: bus_rdata = {28'b0, mask_3....mask_0};
* `xxx_MASKC: bus_rdata = {28'b0, mask_3....mask_0};
* `xxx_STATUS: bus_rdata = {28'b0, status_3....status_0};
* ....
* endcase
* end
* assign xxx_int = status_3 || status_2 || status_1 || status_0 ;
* ```
class IntrMMS3(val name: String, offset: BigInt, doc: String, bi: BusIf, sec: Secure, grp: GrpTag) extends RegSliceGrp(offset, maxSize = 3*bi.bw, doc, sec, grp)(bi) with IntrBase {
val MASKS = this.newRegAt(0, s"${doc} MMS3-Mask W1S Register\n1: int off\n0: int open\n default 1, int off")(SymbolName(s"${name}_INT_MASKS"))
val MASKC = this.newReg(s"${doc} MMS3-Mask W1C Register\n1: int off\n0: int open\n default 1, int off")(SymbolName(s"${name}_INT_MASKC"))
val STATUS = this.newReg(s"${doc} MMS3-status Register\n status = raw && (!mask)")(SymbolName(s"${name}_INT_STATUS"))
def fieldAt[T <: BaseType](pos: Int, signal: T, maskRstVal: BigInt, doc: String)(implicit symbol: SymbolName): T = {
val nm = if (symbol.name.startsWith("
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