spinal.lib.bus.tilelink.coherent.Hub.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.tilelink.coherent
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.SizeMapping
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink._
import spinal.lib.pipeline._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Hub{
def downM2s(name : Nameable,
addressWidth : Int,
dataWidth : Int,
blockSize : Int,
downPendingMax : Int) = M2sParameters(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = dataWidth,
masters = List(M2sAgent(
name = name,
mapping = List(M2sSource(
id = SizeMapping(0, 1 << log2Up(downPendingMax)),
emits = M2sTransfers(
putPartial = SizeRange.upTo(blockSize),
putFull = SizeRange.upTo(blockSize),
get = SizeRange.upTo(blockSize)
def upS2m(name : Nameable,
blockSize : Int,
setCount : Int) = S2mParameters(List(
name = name,
emits = S2mTransfers(
probe = SizeRange(blockSize)
sinkId = SizeMapping(0, setCount*2)
case class HubParameters(var unp : NodeParameters,
var downPendingMax : Int,
var sets: Int,
var wayCount: Int,
var blockSize : Int,
var probeCount : Int = 8,
var aBufferCount: Int = 4,
var probeRegion : UInt => Bool) {
def cacheSize = sets*wayCount*blockSize
def addressWidth = unp.m.addressWidth
def dataWidth = unp.m.dataWidth
def dataBytes = dataWidth/8
def waySize = cacheSize/wayCount
def linePerWay = waySize/lineSize
def tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(linePerWay*lineSize)
def lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(lineSize)
def wordRange = log2Up(lineSize)-1 downto log2Up(dataBytes)
def refillRange = tagRange.high downto lineRange.low
def blockRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(lineSize)
def lineSize = blockSize
def setsRange = lineRange
case class OrderingCmd(bytesMax : Int) extends Bundle{
val debugId = DebugId()
val bytes = UInt(log2Up(bytesMax+1) bits)
access main memory :
- read without ownership
- writes without ownership
- refill
- writeback
- release miss
Read cache :
- read without ownership
- read allocate
- writeback
write cache
- writes without ownership on hit
- downstream D (on refill)
- release hit
drive upstream D
- cache hit read
- downstream D (include cache miss refill)
A transaction will always :
- Wait no slot conflicts
- [Fetch tags]
- [Probe stuff]
- [wait probe completion]
- aquire:
- [writeback/fill cache cmd]
- [Read data from $]/[GrandData down D to up D]/[grant] + [update tags]
- wait up.E grant ack [and writeback] completion
- get / put
- [writeback/fill cache cmd]/[down A]
- [Read data from $]/[down D to up D]
C : release data
- [Fetch tags]
- on hit [writeback cache] else write write to main mem
- wait completion
down.D may trigger:
- up.D redirection (on up get/put/aquireBlock with data/releaseData), need source context
- conflict release (on up get/put), need sets context
- probe bypass (on ProbeData), need probeId context
up.E will do a conflict release (aquireAck)
$ =>
- [dma no allocate]
- [release allocate]
- [victim buffer]
- [inclusive]
Inclusive tricky things :
- Allocation require making room
- Allocation while a release is also on the way (but easily solved by not allowing same set in the pipeline)
non inclusive :
- Probe filtering via a Set counter memory
Currently when a io region access is done, the HUB will still lock the memory block (but that's not necessary)
class Hub(p : HubParameters) extends Component{
import p._
val ubp = p.unp.toBusParameter()
val dbp = NodeParameters(
m = Hub.downM2s(
name = this,
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = dataWidth,
blockSize = blockSize,
downPendingMax = downPendingMax
s = S2mParameters(slaves = Nil)
val io = new Bundle{
val up = slave(Bus(ubp))
val down = master(Bus(dbp))
val backendOrdering = master(Flow(OrderingCmd(up.p.sizeBytes)))
val probeOrdering = master(Flow(OrderingCmd(up.p.sizeBytes)))
case class DataPayload() extends Bundle {
val mask = ubp.mask()
val data = ubp.data()
val FROM_C = Stageable(Bool())
val ADDRESS = Stageable(ubp.address)
// val CAP = Stageable(UInt(2 bits))
val SET_ID = Stageable(UInt(setsRange.size bits))
val PROBE_ID = Stageable(UInt(log2Up(probeCount) bits))
val SLOT_ALLOCATE = Stageable(Bool())
val SIZE = Stageable(ubp.size)
val SOURCE = Stageable(ubp.source)
val BUFFER_ID = Stageable(UInt(log2Up(aBufferCount) bits))
val PARTIAL_DATA = Stageable(Bool())
val WRITE_DATA = Stageable(Bool())
val READ_DATA = Stageable(Bool())
val LAST, FIRST = Stageable(Bool())
val PAYLOAD_C, PAYLOAD = Stageable(DataPayload())
val SLOT_ID = Stageable(UInt(log2Up(downPendingMax) bits))
val TO_DOWN = Stageable(Bool())
val FROM_NONE = Stageable(Bool())
val UNIQUE = Stageable(Bool())
val CONFLICT_CTX = Stageable(Bool())
val initializer = new Area{
val initCycles = p.sets
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(initCycles) + 1 bits)) init(0)
val done = counter.msb
when(!done) {
counter := counter + 1
val slots = new Area{
val valids = Reg(Bits(downPendingMax bits)) init(0)
val freeOh = OHMasking.firstV2(~valids)
val freeId = OHToUInt(freeOh)
val full = valids.andR
val allocate = Bool()
val release = Flow(UInt(log2Up(downPendingMax) bits))
valids := (valids | freeOh.andMask(allocate)) & ~(UIntToOh(release.payload).andMask(release.valid))
val ctx = Mem.fill(downPendingMax)(Bits((widthOf(CtxA()) max widthOf(CtxC())) + 1 bits))
val ctxWrite = ctx.writePort()
val setsBusy = new Area{
class MemArea extends Area {
val mem = Mem.fill(sets)(Bool())
val write = mem.writePort()
write.valid := !initializer.done
write.address := initializer.counter.resized
write.data := False
val target = new MemArea
val hit = new MemArea {
val upE = Stream(write.payload)
val downD = Stream(write.payload)
val arbiter = StreamArbiterFactory().noLock.lowerFirst.onArgs(upE, downD).toFlow
when(initializer.done) {
write << arbiter
val frontendA = new Pipeline{
val stages = newChained(2, Connection.M2S())
val PAYLOAD = Stageable(DataPayload())
val BUFFER_ID = Stageable(UInt(log2Up(aBufferCount) bits))
val buffer = ubp.withDataA generate new Area{
val ram = Mem.fill(aBufferCount*p.blockSize/p.unp.m.dataBytes)(DataPayload())
val allocated = Reg(Bits(aBufferCount bits)) init(0)
val set, clear = B(0, aBufferCount bits)
val firstFree = OHToUInt(OHMasking.firstV2(~allocated))
val full = allocated.andR
val source = Vec.fill(aBufferCount)(Reg(ubp.source))
val write = ram.writePort()
allocated := (allocated | set) & ~clear
val spawn = new Area{
val stage = stages(0)
import stage._
val CMD = insert(io.up.a.payload.asNoData())
for(i <- 0 until ubp.sizeMax) CMD.address(i) clearWhen(CMD.size > i)
val LAST = io.up.a.isLast()
if(ubp.withDataA) {
PAYLOAD.data := io.up.a.data
PAYLOAD.mask := io.up.a.mask
val dataSplit = ubp.withDataA generate new Area{
val withBeats = io.up.a.payload.withBeats
val hazard = withBeats && buffer.full
throwIt(!hazard && !LAST)
val locked = RegInit(False) setWhen(buffer.write.valid)
val lockedValue = RegNextWhen(buffer.firstFree, !locked)
BUFFER_ID := locked ? lockedValue | buffer.firstFree
buffer.write.valid := valid && withBeats && !hazard
buffer.write.address := BUFFER_ID @@ io.up.a.payload.address(wordRange)
buffer.write.data := PAYLOAD
when(isFireing && LAST && withBeats){
buffer.set(BUFFER_ID) := True
buffer.source.onSel(BUFFER_ID)(_ := io.up.a.payload.source)
locked := False
val readConflicts = new Area{
val stage = stages(0)
import stage._
val readAddress = spawn.CMD.address(setsRange)
val JUST_BUSY = insert(setsBusy.target.write.valid && setsBusy.target.write.address === readAddress)
val JUST_FREE = insert(setsBusy.hit.write.valid && setsBusy.hit.write.address === readAddress)
val checkConflicts = new Area{
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
import readConflicts._
val hitPort = setsBusy.hit.mem.readSyncPort()
hitPort.cmd.valid := !stage.isStuck
hitPort.cmd.payload := readAddress
val targetPort = setsBusy.target.mem.readSyncPort()
targetPort.cmd.valid := !stage.isStuck
targetPort.cmd.payload := readAddress
val hit = hitPort.rsp
val target = targetPort.rsp
val hazard = hit =/= target
when(initializer.done) {
setsBusy.target.write.valid := isFireing
setsBusy.target.write.address := spawn.CMD.address(setsRange)
setsBusy.target.write.data := !target
CONFLICT_CTX := !target
val coherentMasters = unp.m.masters.filter(_.emits.withBCE)
val coherentMasterCount = coherentMasters.size
val coherentMasterToSource = coherentMasters.map(_.bSourceId)
def MasterId() = UInt(log2Up(coherentMasterCount) bits)
class ProbeCtx extends Bundle{
val opcode = Opcode.A()
val address = ubp.address()
val size = ubp.size()
val toTrunk = Bool()
val source = ubp.source()
val debugId = DebugId()
val bufferId = ubp.withDataA generate UInt(log2Up(aBufferCount) bits)
val conflictCtx = CONFLICT_CTX()
class ProbeCtxFull extends ProbeCtx{
val probeId = UInt(log2Up(probeCount) bits)
case class ProbeCmd() extends Bundle {
val ctx = new ProbeCtx()
val fromNone = Bool()
val selfMask = Bits(coherentMasterCount bits)
val mask = Bits(coherentMasterCount bits)
case class CtxA() extends Bundle{
val source = ubp.source()
val set = SET_ID()
val getPut = Bool()
val toTrunk = Bool()
val conflictCtx = CONFLICT_CTX()
case class CtxC() extends Bundle{
val source = ubp.source()
val isProbeData = Bool()
def isReleaseData = !isProbeData
val probeId = PROBE_ID()
val probe = new Area{
val isl = frontendA.stages.last
val push = Stream(ProbeCmd())
val pushCmd = isl(frontendA.spawn.CMD)
val isAcquire = Opcode.A.isAcquire(pushCmd.opcode)
push.valid := isl.isValid && !isl.internals.request.halts.orR
push.ctx.opcode := pushCmd.opcode
push.ctx.address := pushCmd.address
push.ctx.toTrunk := pushCmd.param =/= Param.Grow.NtoB
push.ctx.debugId := pushCmd.debugId
if(ubp.withDataA) push.ctx.bufferId := isl(frontendA.BUFFER_ID)
push.ctx.conflictCtx := isl(CONFLICT_CTX)
push.ctx.size := pushCmd.size
push.ctx.source := pushCmd.source
push.fromNone := pushCmd.param =/= Param.Grow.BtoT && isAcquire
push.selfMask := B(coherentMasters.map(_.sourceHit(pushCmd.source))).andMask(isAcquire)
push.mask := ~push.selfMask
val isProbeRegion = p.probeRegion(pushCmd.address)
val slots = for(i <- 0 until probeCount) yield new Area{
val fire = False
val valid = RegInit(False) clearWhen(fire)
val set = Reg(UInt(setsRange.size bits))
val pending = Reg(UInt(log2Up(coherentMasterCount+1) bits))
val fromNone = Reg(Bool())
val unique = Reg(Bool())
val probeAckDataCompleted = Reg(Bool())
val selfId = Reg(UInt(log2Up(coherentMasterCount) bits))
val done = valid && (pending & ~U(probeAckDataCompleted, widthOf(pending) bits)) === 0
val ctxMem = Mem.fill(probeCount)(new ProbeCtx())
val ctxWrite = ctxMem.writePort()
val cmd = new Area{
val sloted = RegInit(False)
val full = slots.map(_.valid).andR
val freeMask = OHMasking.firstV2(B(slots.map(!_.valid)))
val freeId = OHToUInt(freeMask)
val pending = CountOne(push.mask)
val selfId = OHToUInt(push.selfMask)
ctxWrite.valid := False
ctxWrite.address := freeId
ctxWrite.data := push.ctx
when(push.valid && !sloted && !full){
slots.onMask(freeMask){s =>
s.valid := True
s.set := push.ctx.address(setsRange)
s.pending := pending
s.fromNone := push.fromNone
s.unique := True
s.probeAckDataCompleted := False
s.selfId := selfId
ctxWrite.valid := True
sloted := True
val bus = io.up.b
val halted = push.haltWhen(!sloted && full)
val fired = Reg(Bits(coherentMasterCount bits)) init(0)
val isPut = Opcode.A.isPut(halted.ctx.opcode)
val isAcquire = Opcode.A.isAcquire(halted.ctx.opcode)
val requests = push.mask & ~fired
val masterOh = OHMasking.firstV2(requests)
val selfProbe = (masterOh & halted.selfMask).orR
val removeBranches = isPut || isAcquire && halted.ctx.toTrunk && !selfProbe
bus.valid := halted.valid && requests.orR
bus.opcode := Opcode.B.PROBE_BLOCK
bus.param := removeBranches ? B(Param.Cap.toN, 3 bits) | B(Param.Cap.toB, 3 bits)
bus.source := OhMux(masterOh, coherentMasterToSource.map(id => U(id, ubp.sourceWidth bits)).toList)
bus.address := halted.ctx.address(blockRange) @@ U(0, blockRange.low bits)
bus.size := log2Up(p.blockSize)
halted.ready := requests === 0
fired.asBools.onMask(masterOh)(_ := True)
fired := 0
sloted := False
val rsp = new Area{
val bypass = Flow(UInt(log2Up(probeCount) bits))
val input = io.up.c.haltWhen(bypass.valid)
val ack = input.fire && input.opcode === Opcode.C.PROBE_ACK
val hitOh = slots.map(s => s.valid && s.set === input.address(setsRange))
val hitId = OHToUInt(hitOh)
val pending = slots.map(_.pending).read(hitId)
val selfId = slots.map(_.selfId).read(hitId)
val pendingNext = pending - 1
val masterOh = coherentMasterToSource.map(input.source === _).asBits
val masterId = OHToUInt(masterOh)
val isSelf = selfId === masterId
val lostIt = isSelf && input.param === Param.Report.NtoN
hitId := bypass.payload
lostIt := False
when(ack || bypass.valid) {
slots.onSel(hitId) { s =>
s.pending := pendingNext
s.fromNone setWhen (lostIt)
when(input.fire && (input.opcode === Opcode.C.PROBE_ACK || input.opcode === Opcode.C.PROBE_ACK_DATA)){
when(!isSelf && Param.reportPruneKeepCopy(input.param)){
slots.onSel(hitId) { s =>
s.unique := False
val toBackend = cloneOf(input)
val toBackendProbeId = hitId
val hitBackend = !Opcode.C.withoutData(input.opcode)
toBackend.valid := input.valid && hitBackend
toBackend.payload := input.payload
val hitUpD = input.opcode === Opcode.C.RELEASE
val toUpD = Stream(io.up.d.payloadType)
toUpD.valid := input.valid && hitUpD
toUpD.opcode := Opcode.D.RELEASE_ACK
toUpD.param := 0
toUpD.source := input.source
toUpD.size := input.size
toUpD.denied := False
toUpD.corrupt := False
input.ready := !(hitBackend && !toBackend.ready) && !(hitUpD && !toUpD.ready)
val wake = new Pipeline{
val stages = newChained(2, Connection.M2S())
val CTX = Stageable(new ProbeCtx())
val toBackend = Stream(new ProbeCtxFull())
val toUpD = cloneOf(io.up.d)
val insertion = new Area {
val stage = stages(0)
import stage._
val hits = slots.map(_.done).asBits
valid := hits.orR
val hitOh = OHMasking.roundRobinNext(hits, isFireing)
val hitId = OHToUInt(hitOh)
PROBE_ID := hitId
slots.onMask(hitOh){ s =>
s.fire := True
FROM_NONE := OhMux.or(hitOh, slots.map(_.fromNone))
UNIQUE := OhMux.or(hitOh, slots.map(_.unique))
val ctxFetcher = new Area {
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
stage(CTX) := ctxMem.readSync(insertion.hitId, !isStuck)
val hitUpD = CTX.opcode === Opcode.A.ACQUIRE_PERM ||
CTX.opcode === Opcode.A.ACQUIRE_BLOCK && !FROM_NONE
toBackend.valid := isValid && !hitUpD
toBackend.probeId := PROBE_ID
toBackend.toTrunk := True
toUpD.valid := isValid && hitUpD
toUpD.opcode := Opcode.D.GRANT
toUpD.param := 0
toUpD.source := CTX.source
toUpD.size := CTX.size
toUpD.sink := U(CTX.conflictCtx ## CTX.address(setsRange))
toUpD.denied := False
toUpD.corrupt := False
io.probeOrdering.valid := toUpD.fire
io.probeOrdering.debugId := CTX.debugId
io.probeOrdering.bytes := (U(1) << toUpD.size).resized
haltWhen(hitUpD ? !toUpD.ready | !toBackend.ready)
val backend = new Pipeline {
val stages = newChained(3, Connection.M2S())
val insertion = new Area{
val stage = stages(0)
import stage._
val c = probe.rsp.toBackend
val cProbeId = probe.rsp.toBackendProbeId
val a = probe.wake.toBackend
val lockValid = RegInit(False) setWhen(valid) clearWhen(isFireing && LAST)
val lockSel = Reg(Bool())
val selC = lockValid ? lockSel | c.valid
lockSel := selC
val counter = Reg(UInt(wordRange.size bits)) init(0)
counter := counter + 1
counter := 0
valid := selC ? c.valid | a.valid
FROM_C := selC
WRITE_DATA := c.withBeats
READ_DATA := False
ADDRESS := c.address
SIZE := log2Up(blockSize)
SOURCE := c.source
PROBE_ID := cProbeId
} otherwise {
WRITE_DATA := Opcode.A.isPut(a.opcode)
READ_DATA := Opcode.A.isGet(a.opcode) || a.opcode === Opcode.A.ACQUIRE_BLOCK
PARTIAL_DATA := a.opcode === Opcode.A.PUT_PARTIAL_DATA
ADDRESS := a.address
ADDRESS(wordRange) := a.address(wordRange) + counter
SIZE := a.size
SOURCE := a.source
PROBE_ID := a.probeId
LAST := READ_DATA || WRITE_DATA && counter === sizeToBeatMinusOne(ubp, SIZE)
if(ubp.withDataA) BUFFER_ID := a.bufferId
CONFLICT_CTX := a.conflictCtx
c.ready := isReady && selC
a.ready := isReady && !selC && LAST
PAYLOAD_C.data := c.data
val first = RegNextWhen[Bool](LAST, isFireing) init(True)
FIRST := first
val A_GET_PUT = insert(Opcode.A.isGetPut(a.opcode))
val A_TO_TRUNK = insert(a.toTrunk)
val C_IS_PROBE_DATA = insert(c.opcode === Opcode.C.PROBE_ACK_DATA)
//need update when $
io.backendOrdering.valid := isFireing && !FROM_C
io.backendOrdering.debugId := a.debugId
io.backendOrdering.bytes := (U(1) << a.size).resized
val aPayloadSyncRead = new Area{
val s0 = stages(0)
val s1 = stages(1)
val wordAddress = s0(BUFFER_ID) @@ s0(ADDRESS)(wordRange)
if(ubp.withDataA) {
s1(PAYLOAD) := frontendA.buffer.ram.readSync(wordAddress, !s1.isStuck)
when(s1.isFireing && s1(LAST) && !s1(FROM_C) && s1(WRITE_DATA)){
frontendA.buffer.clear(s1(BUFFER_ID)) := True
val allocateSlot = new Area{
val stage = stages(0)
import stage._
val slotLock = RegNextWhen(!LAST, isFireing) init(False)
val slotReg = RegNextWhen(slots.freeId, !slotLock)
SLOT_ID := slotLock ? slotReg | slots.freeId
haltWhen(SLOT_ALLOCATE && slots.full)
val a = CtxA()
a.source := SOURCE
a.set := ADDRESS(setsRange)
a.getPut := insertion.A_GET_PUT
a.toTrunk := insertion.A_TO_TRUNK
a.conflictCtx := CONFLICT_CTX
val c = CtxC()
c.source := SOURCE
c.isProbeData := insertion.C_IS_PROBE_DATA
c.probeId := PROBE_ID
slots.allocate := isFireing && SLOT_ALLOCATE && FIRST
slots.ctxWrite.valid := isFireing && SLOT_ALLOCATE
slots.ctxWrite.address := SLOT_ID
slots.ctxWrite.data(0) := FROM_C
slots.ctxWrite.data(1, widthOf(c) bits) := B(c)
} otherwise {
slots.ctxWrite.data(1, widthOf(a) bits) := B(a)
assert(widthOf(a) < widthOf(slots.ctxWrite.data))
assert(widthOf(c) < widthOf(slots.ctxWrite.data))
val toDown = new Area{
val stage = stages.last
import stage._
haltWhen(TO_DOWN && !io.down.a.ready)
io.down.a.valid := valid && TO_DOWN
io.down.a.opcode := WRITE_DATA ? (PARTIAL_DATA ? Opcode.A.PUT_PARTIAL_DATA | Opcode.A.PUT_FULL_DATA) | Opcode.A.GET
io.down.a.param := 0
io.down.a.source := SLOT_ID
io.down.a.address := ADDRESS
io.down.a.size := SIZE
io.down.a.data := PAYLOAD.data
io.down.a.mask := PAYLOAD.mask
io.down.a.corrupt := False
io.down.a.debugId := DebugId.withPostfix(io.down.a.source)
val downD = new Pipeline{
val stages = newChained(2, Connection.M2S())
val D_PAYLOAD = Stageable(io.down.d.payloadType)
val CTX = Stageable(slots.ctx.wordType)
val insert = new Area{
val stage = stages.head
stage(D_PAYLOAD) := io.down.d
stage(LAST) := io.down.d.isLast()
val ctxReadSync = new Area{
val s0 = stages(0)
val s1 = stages(1)
val wordAddress = s0(D_PAYLOAD).source
s1(CTX) := slots.ctx.readSync(wordAddress, !s1.isStuck)
def decodeCtx(ctx : Bits) = new Area{
val fromC = ctx(0)
val a = (ctx >> 1).resized.as(CtxA())
val c = (ctx >> 1).resized.as(CtxC())
val hit = fromC ? (!c.isProbeData) | True
val slotRelease = new Area{
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
val ctx = decodeCtx(CTX)
val fired = RegInit(False) setWhen(isValid) clearWhen(isReady)
slots.release.valid := valid && !fired && LAST
slots.release.payload := D_PAYLOAD.source
val toSetsBusy = new Area{
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
val ctx = decodeCtx(CTX)
val fired = RegInit(False) setWhen(setsBusy.hit.downD.fire) clearWhen(isReady)
val hit = !ctx.fromC && ctx.a.getPut && LAST && !fired
setsBusy.hit.downD.valid := valid && hit
setsBusy.hit.downD.address := ctx.a.set
setsBusy.hit.downD.data := ctx.a.conflictCtx
haltIt(hit && !setsBusy.hit.downD.ready)
val toProbe = new Area{
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
val ctx = decodeCtx(CTX)
val hit = ctx.fromC && ctx.c.isProbeData
val fired = RegInit(False) setWhen(probe.rsp.bypass.fire) clearWhen(isReady)
probe.rsp.bypass.valid := valid && hit && ! fired
probe.rsp.bypass.payload := ctx.c.probeId
val toUp = new Area{
val stage = stages(1)
import stage._
val upD = cloneOf(io.up.d)
val ctx = decodeCtx(CTX)
val hit = ctx.fromC ? (!ctx.c.isProbeData) | True
val fired = RegInit(False) setWhen(upD.fire) clearWhen(isReady)
upD.valid := isValid && hit && !fired
upD.payload := D_PAYLOAD
upD.param.removeAssignments() := 0
upD.sink.removeAssignments() := U(ctx.a.conflictCtx ## ctx.a.set)
upD.opcode := Opcode.D.RELEASE_ACK
upD.source := ctx.c.source
} otherwise {
upD.source := ctx.a.source
when(!ctx.a.getPut) {
upD.opcode := Opcode.D.GRANT_DATA
upD.param := ctx.a.toTrunk ? B(Param.Cap.toT, 3 bits) | B(Param.Cap.toB, 3 bits)
haltIt(!fired && hit && !upD.ready)
val upD = new Area{
val arbitred = StreamArbiterFactory().lowerFirst.lambdaLock[ChannelD](_.isLast()).onArgs(
io.up.d << arbitred
val upE = new Area{
setsBusy.hit.upE.address := io.up.e.sink.resized
setsBusy.hit.upE.data := io.up.e.sink.msb
object HubGen extends App{
def basicConfig(probeCount : Int = 8, downPendingMax : Int = 16, masterPerChannel : Int = 4, dataWidth : Int = 64, addressWidth : Int = 13, setCount : Int = 256, wayCount : Int = 2, lineSize : Int = 64) = {
val blockSize = 64
unp = NodeParameters(
m = M2sParameters(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = dataWidth,
masters = List.tabulate(masterPerChannel)(mId =>
name = null,
mapping = List.fill(1)(M2sSource(
emits = M2sTransfers(
get = SizeRange(64),
putFull = SizeRange(64),
putPartial = SizeRange(64),
acquireT = SizeRange(64),
acquireB = SizeRange(64)
id = SizeMapping(mId*4, 4)
s = S2mParameters(List(
name = null,
emits = S2mTransfers(
probe = SizeRange(64)
sinkId = SizeMapping(0, setCount*2)
downPendingMax = downPendingMax,
probeCount = probeCount,
sets = setCount,
wayCount = wayCount,
blockSize = blockSize,
probeRegion = _ => True
def gen = new Hub(HubGen.basicConfig(8, masterPerChannel = 4, dataWidth = 16, addressWidth = 32))
object HubSynt extends App{
import spinal.lib.eda.bench._
val rtls = ArrayBuffer[Rtl]()
for(probeCount <- List(2, 8, 16)) { //Rtl.ffIo
rtls += Rtl(SpinalVerilog((new Hub(HubGen.basicConfig(probeCount = probeCount, masterPerChannel = 4, dataWidth = 16, addressWidth = 32)).setDefinitionName(s"Hub$probeCount"))))
val targets = XilinxStdTargets().take(2) ++ AlteraStdTargets(quartusCycloneIIPath = null)
Bench(rtls, targets)
object HubSyntLight extends App{
import spinal.lib.eda.bench._
val rtls = ArrayBuffer[Rtl]()
rtls += Rtl(SpinalVerilog((new Hub(HubGen.basicConfig(
probeCount = 2,
downPendingMax = 4,
masterPerChannel = 2,
dataWidth = 16,
addressWidth = 32
val targets = XilinxStdTargets().take(2) ++ AlteraStdTargets(quartusCycloneIIPath = null)
Bench(rtls, targets)
Artix 7 -> 180 Mhz 336 LUT 381 FF
Artix 7 -> 315 Mhz 404 LUT 381 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 152 Mhz 488 LUT 524 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 163 Mhz 164 LUT 215 FF
Artix 7 -> 268 Mhz 180 LUT 215 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 181 Mhz 217 LUT 214 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 165 Mhz 160 LUT 215 FF
Artix 7 -> 269 Mhz 174 LUT 215 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 181 Mhz 217 LUT 214 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 198 Mhz 218 LUT 182 FF
Artix 7 -> 280 Mhz 250 LUT 182 FF
Cyclone V -> 192 Mhz 155 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 169 Mhz 300 LUT 215 FF
Artix 7 -> 145 Mhz 251 LUT 206 FF
Artix 7 -> 253 Mhz 281 LUT 206 FF
Cyclone V -> 183 Mhz 180 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 162 Mhz 341 LUT 239 FF
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 212 Mhz 167 LUT 237 FF
Artix 7 -> 357 Mhz 179 LUT 237 FF
Cyclone V -> 214 Mhz 109 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 180 Mhz 224 LUT 307 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 151 Mhz 296 LUT 333 FF
Artix 7 -> 234 Mhz 326 LUT 333 FF
Cyclone V -> 193 Mhz 201 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 147 Mhz 550 LUT 625 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 117 Mhz 476 LUT 461 FF
Artix 7 -> 205 Mhz 540 LUT 461 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 135 Mhz 569 LUT 420 FF
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 178 Mhz 225 LUT 327 FF
Artix 7 -> 327 Mhz 247 LUT 327 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 176 Mhz 319 LUT 351 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 162 Mhz 351 LUT 423 FF
Artix 7 -> 241 Mhz 385 LUT 423 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 152 Mhz 641 LUT 681 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 103 Mhz 526 LUT 551 FF
Artix 7 -> 191 Mhz 607 LUT 551 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 138 Mhz 654 LUT 458 FF
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 216 Mhz 238 LUT 327 FF
Artix 7 -> 363 Mhz 255 LUT 327 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 184 Mhz 315 LUT 349 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 144 Mhz 345 LUT 423 FF
Artix 7 -> 250 Mhz 386 LUT 423 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 151 Mhz 650 LUT 673 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 124 Mhz 598 LUT 551 FF
Artix 7 -> 188 Mhz 698 LUT 551 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 133 Mhz 674 LUT 459 FF
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 153 Mhz 276 LUT 338 FF
Artix 7 -> 339 Mhz 313 LUT 338 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 147 Mhz 351 LUT 389 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 103 Mhz 392 LUT 436 FF
Artix 7 -> 228 Mhz 448 LUT 436 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 123 Mhz 689 LUT 721 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 119 Mhz 635 LUT 565 FF
Artix 7 -> 188 Mhz 738 LUT 565 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 115 Mhz 707 LUT 499 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 116 Mhz 284 LUT 359 FF
Artix 7 -> 309 Mhz 324 LUT 359 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 134 Mhz 372 LUT 412 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 153 Mhz 395 LUT 457 FF
Artix 7 -> 243 Mhz 444 LUT 457 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 117 Mhz 726 LUT 768 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 118 Mhz 572 LUT 586 FF
Artix 7 -> 194 Mhz 661 LUT 586 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 115 Mhz 726 LUT 510 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Jun 15 08:31:51 2023...
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 101 Mhz 319 LUT 371 FF
Artix 7 -> 305 Mhz 381 LUT 371 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 148 Mhz 396 LUT 427 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 97 Mhz 428 LUT 468 FF
Artix 7 -> 233 Mhz 493 LUT 468 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 121 Mhz 754 LUT 795 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 122 Mhz 656 LUT 597 FF
Artix 7 -> 189 Mhz 792 LUT 597 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 117 Mhz 745 LUT 519 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Jun 15 09:27:01 2023...
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 160 Mhz 316 LUT 379 FF
Artix 7 -> 312 Mhz 382 LUT 379 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 132 Mhz 413 LUT 435 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 154 Mhz 433 LUT 477 FF
Artix 7 -> 248 Mhz 498 LUT 477 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 125 Mhz 773 LUT 803 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 118 Mhz 667 LUT 606 FF
Artix 7 -> 184 Mhz 820 LUT 606 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 118 Mhz 765 LUT 527 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Jun 15 12:24:32 2023...
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 180 Mhz 377 LUT 406 FF
Artix 7 -> 311 Mhz 446 LUT 406 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 121 Mhz 512 LUT 475 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 136 Mhz 508 LUT 510 FF
Artix 7 -> 238 Mhz 588 LUT 510 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 115 Mhz 893 LUT 855 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 119 Mhz 734 LUT 647 FF
Artix 7 -> 199 Mhz 835 LUT 647 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 119 Mhz 879 LUT 578 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
Hub2 ->
Artix 7 -> 126 Mhz 387 LUT 412 FF
Artix 7 -> 292 Mhz 461 LUT 412 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 123 Mhz 529 LUT 481 FF
Hub8 ->
Artix 7 -> 160 Mhz 515 LUT 514 FF
Artix 7 -> 230 Mhz 598 LUT 514 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 113 Mhz 907 LUT 859 FF
Hub16 ->
Artix 7 -> 116 Mhz 737 LUT 650 FF
Artix 7 -> 193 Mhz 852 LUT 650 FF
Cyclone V -> FAILED
Cyclone IV -> 114 Mhz 898 LUT 581 FF
Process finished with exit code 0
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