spinal.lib.bus.tilelink.fabric.Connection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.tilelink.fabric
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.fiber._
import spinal.lib.StreamPipe
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{AddressMapping, DefaultMapping, OffsetTransformer, SizeMapping}
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink._
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink
import spinal.lib.system.tag._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Implementation of ConnectionRaw which allows the automatic insertion of bridges
class Connection(m : NodeUpDown, s : NodeUpDown) extends ConnectionRaw(m, s) {
var upConnection: (Bus, Bus) => Any = null
var downConnection: (Bus, Bus) => Any = null
def setUpConnection(body: (Bus, Bus) => Any): Unit = upConnection = body
def setDownConnection(body: (Bus, Bus) => Any): Unit = downConnection = body
def setUpConnection(a: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
b: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
c: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
d: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
e: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE): Unit = {
setUpConnection(_.connectFrom(_)(a, b, c, d, e))
def setDownConnection(a: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
b: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
c: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
d: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE,
e: StreamPipe = StreamPipe.NONE): Unit = {
setDownConnection(_.connectFrom(_)(a, b, c, d, e))
//Will negociate the parameters and then connect the ends through the required adapters
val thread = Fiber build new Area{
down.m2s.parameters.load(s.m2s.supported join up.m2s.parameters)
up.s2m.parameters.load(m.s2m.supported join down.s2m.parameters)
var ptr = up.bus.get
val upCon = (upConnection != null) generate {
val bus = cloneOf(ptr)
upConnection(bus, ptr)
ptr = bus
for(adapter <- adapters){
ptr = adapter.build(Connection.this)(ptr)
val downCon = (downConnection != null) generate {
val bus = cloneOf(ptr)
downConnection(bus, ptr)
ptr = bus
ptr >> down.bus
val adapters = ArrayBuffer[InterconnectAdapter]()
adapters += new InterconnectAdapterCc()
adapters += new InterconnectAdapterWidth()
class InterconnectAdapterWidth extends InterconnectAdapter{
var adapter = Option.empty[tilelink.WidthAdapter]
override def isRequired(c : Connection) = c.m.m2s.parameters.dataWidth != c.s.m2s.parameters.dataWidth
override def build(c : Connection)(m: Bus) : Bus = c.s.clockDomain{
val adapter = new tilelink.WidthAdapter(
ip = m.p,
op = m.p.copy(dataWidth = c.s.m2s.parameters.dataWidth),
ctxBuffer = ContextAsyncBufferFull
adapter.setLambdaName(c.m.isNamed && c.s.isNamed)(s"${c.m.getName()}_to_${c.s.getName()}_widthAdapter")
this.adapter = Some(adapter)
adapter.io.up << m
trait InterconnectAdapter {
def isRequired(c : Connection) : Boolean
def build(c : Connection)(m : Bus) : Bus
class InterconnectAdapterCc extends InterconnectAdapter{
var aDepth = 8
var bDepth = 8
var cDepth = 8
var dDepth = 8
var eDepth = 8
var cc = Option.empty[FifoCc]
override def isRequired(c : Connection) = c.m.clockDomain.clock != c.s.clockDomain.clock
override def build(c : Connection)(m: Bus) : Bus = {
val cc = FifoCc(
busParameter = m.p,
inputCd = c.m.clockDomain,
outputCd = c.s.clockDomain,
aDepth = aDepth,
bDepth = bDepth,
cDepth = cDepth,
dDepth = dDepth,
eDepth = eDepth
cc.setLambdaName(c.m.isNamed && c.s.isNamed)(s"${c.m.getName()}_to_${c.s.getName()}_cc")
this.cc = Some(cc)
cc.io.input << m
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