spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.WishboneIntercon.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.bus.wishbone
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.Seq
object WishboneConnectors{
def direct(m : Wishbone, s : Wishbone) : Unit = m >> s
case class WishboneInterconFactory(){
case class MasterModel(var connector : (Wishbone,Wishbone) => Unit = WishboneConnectors.direct)
case class SlaveModel(mapping : AddressMapping, var connector : (Wishbone,Wishbone) => Unit = WishboneConnectors.direct, var transactionLock : Boolean = true)
case class ConnectionModel(m : Wishbone, s : Wishbone, var connector : (Wishbone,Wishbone) => Unit = WishboneConnectors.direct)
val masters = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Wishbone, MasterModel]()
val slaves = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Wishbone, SlaveModel]()
val connections = ArrayBuffer[ConnectionModel]()
/** Modify a connection
* @param bus the bus
def setConnector(bus : Wishbone)( connector : (Wishbone,Wishbone) => Unit): Unit = (masters.get(bus), slaves.get(bus)) match {
case (Some(m), _) => m.connector = connector
case (None, Some(s)) => s.connector = connector
case _ => ???
/** Modify a connection
* @param m the master where the conenction start
* @param s the slave that is connected to the master
* @example{{{
* interconnect.setConnector(dBus, slowBus){(m,s) =>
* m.cmd.halfPipe() >> s.cmd
* m.rsp << s.rsp
* }
* }}}
def setConnector(m : Wishbone, s : Wishbone)(connector : (Wishbone,Wishbone) => Unit): Unit = connections.find(e => e.m == m && e.s == s) match {
case Some(c) => c.connector = connector
case _ => ???
/** add a slave to the intercon, and specify its address space
* @param bus the slave device
* @param mapping the address defined via [[spinal.lib.bus.misc.AddressMapping]]
def addSlave(bus: Wishbone,mapping: AddressMapping) : this.type = {
slaves(bus) = SlaveModel(mapping)
/** add multiple slave to the intercon, and specify their address space
* @param orders
* @example{{{
* interconnect.addSlaves(
* ram.io.buses(0) -> SizeMapping(0x00000, 64 KiB),
* ram.io.buses(1) -> SizeMapping(0x00000, 64 KiB),
* peripherals.io.bus -> SizeMapping(0x70000, 64 Byte),
* flashXip.io.bus -> SizeMapping(0x80000, 512 KiB),
* slowBus -> DefaultMapping
* )
* }}}
def addSlaves(orders : (Wishbone,AddressMapping)*) : this.type = {
orders.foreach(order => addSlave(order._1,order._2))
/** Queue a master to be connected
* @param bus a master wishbone device
* @param accesses a list of slaves device to connect the master with
def addMaster(bus : Wishbone, accesses : Seq[Wishbone]) : this.type = {
masters(bus) = MasterModel()
for(s <- accesses) connections += ConnectionModel(bus, s)
/** Queue a master to be connected
* @param specs a tuple of master wishbone device and a list of slaves device to connect the master with
* @example{{{
* interconnect.addMasters(
* dBus -> List(ram.io.buses(0), slowBus),
* iBus -> List(ram.io.buses(1), slowBus),
* slowBus-> List(peripherals.io.bus, flashXip.io.bus)
* )
* }}}
def addMasters(specs : (Wishbone,Seq[Wishbone])*) : this.type = {
specs.foreach(spec => addMaster(spec._1,spec._2))
def build(): Unit ={
val connectionsInput = mutable.HashMap[ConnectionModel,Wishbone]()
val connectionsOutput = mutable.HashMap[ConnectionModel,Wishbone]()
for((bus, model) <- masters){
val busConnections = connections.filter(_.m == bus)
val busSlaves = busConnections.map(c => slaves(c.s))
val decoder = new WishboneDecoder(bus.config, busSlaves.map(_.mapping))
decoder.setCompositeName(bus, "decoder")
model.connector(bus, decoder.io.input)
for((connection, decoderOutput) <- (busConnections, decoder.io.outputs).zipped) {
connectionsInput(connection) = decoderOutput
for((bus, model) <- slaves){
val busConnections = connections.filter(_.s == bus)
val busMasters = busConnections.map(c => masters(c.m))
if (busMasters.size != 1) {
val arbiter = new WishboneArbiter(bus.config, busMasters.size)
arbiter.setCompositeName(bus, "arbiter")
model.connector(arbiter.io.output, bus)
for ((connection, arbiterInput) <- (busConnections, arbiter.io.inputs).zipped) {
connectionsOutput(connection) = arbiterInput
} else {
connectionsOutput(busConnections(0)) = bus
for(connection <- connections){
val m = connectionsInput(connection)
val s = connectionsOutput(connection)
if(m.config == s.config) {
connection.connector(m, s)
val tmp = cloneOf(s)
m >> tmp //Adapte the bus kind.
//Will make SpinalHDL calling the build function at the end of the current component elaboration
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