spinal.lib.com.eth.MacRx.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.com.eth
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.BusSlaveFactory
case class MacRxPreamble(dataWidth : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val output = master(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val startDelimiter = 0xD5
val startDelimiterWidth = 8
val history = History(io.input, 0 until startDelimiterWidth/dataWidth, when = io.input.fire)
val historyDataCat = B(Cat(history.map(_.data).reverse))
val hit = history.map(_.valid).andR && historyDataCat === startDelimiter
val inFrame = RegInit(False)
io.output.valid := False
io.output.payload := io.input.payload
io.input.ready := !inFrame || io.output.ready
inFrame := True
} otherwise {
when(io.input.valid) {
io.output.valid := True
when(io.output.ready && io.input.last){
inFrame := False
case class CrcKind(polynomial : BigInt,
polynomialWidth : Int,
initValue : BigInt,
inputReflected : Boolean,
outputReflected : Boolean,
finalXor : BigInt)
object CrcKind{
val Crc32 = new CrcKind(
polynomial = BigInt("04C11DB7", 16),
polynomialWidth = 32,
initValue = BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16),
inputReflected = true,
outputReflected = true,
finalXor = BigInt("FFFFFFFF", 16)
val usb = new {
val crc5 = new CrcKind(
polynomial = BigInt("5", 16),
polynomialWidth = 5,
initValue = BigInt("1F", 16),
inputReflected = true,
outputReflected = true,
finalXor = BigInt("1F", 16)
val crc16 = new CrcKind(
polynomial = BigInt("8005", 16),
polynomialWidth = 16,
initValue = BigInt("FFFF", 16),
inputReflected = true,
outputReflected = true,
finalXor = BigInt("FFFF", 16)
val crc5Check = new CrcKind(
polynomial = BigInt("5", 16),
polynomialWidth = 5,
initValue = BigInt("1F", 16),
inputReflected = true,
outputReflected = false,
finalXor = BigInt("00", 16)
val crc16Check = new CrcKind(
polynomial = BigInt("8005", 16),
polynomialWidth = 16,
initValue = BigInt("FFFF", 16),
inputReflected = true,
outputReflected = false,
finalXor = BigInt("0000", 16)
case class Crc(kind : CrcKind, dataWidth : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val flush = in Bool()
val input = slave Flow(Bits(dataWidth bits))
val result = out Bits(kind.polynomialWidth bits)
val resultNext = out Bits(kind.polynomialWidth bits)
val state = Reg(Bits(kind.polynomialWidth bits)) init(kind.initValue)
var acc = CombInit(state)
for(i <- if(kind.inputReflected) 0 to dataWidth-1 else dataWidth-1 downto 0){
acc \= ((acc |<< 1) ^ ((io.input.payload(i) ^ acc.msb) ? B(kind.polynomial, kind.polynomialWidth bits) | B(0, kind.polynomialWidth bits)))
state := acc
state := kind.initValue
val stateXor = state ^ kind.finalXor
val accXor = acc ^ kind.finalXor
io.result := (if(kind.outputReflected) stateXor.asBools.reverse.asBits() else stateXor)
io.resultNext := (if(kind.outputReflected) accXor.asBools.reverse.asBits() else accXor)
case class MacRxChecker(dataWidth : Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val output = master(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val crc = Crc(CrcKind.Crc32, dataWidth)
crc.io.input.valid := io.input.valid
crc.io.input.payload := io.input.data
crc.io.flush := io.output.lastFire
val crcHit = crc.io.resultNext === 0x2144DF1C
io.output.valid := io.input.valid
io.output.last := io.input.last
io.output.data := io.input.data
io.output.error := io.input.error | io.input.last && !crcHit
io.input.ready := io.output.ready
case class MacRxAligner(dataWidth : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle{
val enable = in Bool()
val input = slave(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val output = master(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(dataWidth))))
val alignWidth = 16
assert(dataWidth <= alignWidth)
val stateCount = alignWidth/dataWidth
val state = Reg(UInt(log2Up(stateCount + 1) bits)) init(0)
io.output << io.input
when(io.enable && state =/= stateCount){
io.output.valid := True
io.output.last := False
io.output.error := False
io.input.ready := False
state := state + 1
state := 0
case class MacRxBuffer(pushCd : ClockDomain,
popCd : ClockDomain,
pushWidth : Int,
popWidth : Int,
byteSize : Int) extends Component {
assert(popWidth >= pushWidth)
assert(popWidth >= 16)
val io = new Bundle {
val push = new Bundle{
val stream = slave(Stream(Fragment(PhyRx(pushWidth))))
val drop = out Bool()
val commit = out Bool()
val error = out Bool()
val pop = new Bundle{
val stream = master(Stream(Bits(popWidth bits)))
val stats = new Bundle {
val clear = in Bool()
val drops, errors = out UInt (8 bits)
val ram = Mem(Bits(popWidth bits), byteSize*8/popWidth)
val ptrWidth = ram.addressWidth + 1
val popToPush = new StreamCCByToggle(UInt(ptrWidth bits), popCd, pushCd, withOutputBuffer = false)
val pushToPop = new StreamCCByToggle(UInt(ptrWidth bits), pushCd, popCd, withOutputBuffer = false)
popToPush.io.input.valid := True
popToPush rework { popToPush.pushArea.data init(0) }
pushToPop.io.input.valid := True
pushToPop rework { pushToPop.pushArea.data init(0) }
def isFull(a: UInt, b: UInt) = a.msb =/= b.msb && a(ptrWidth - 2 downto 0) === b(ptrWidth - 2 downto 0)
def isEmpty(a: UInt, b: UInt) = a === b
val lengthWidth = log2Up(byteSize*8)
val push = pushCd on new Area{
val currentPtr, oldPtr = Reg(UInt(ptrWidth bits)) init(0)
val currentPtrPlusOne = currentPtr + 1
val popPtr = popToPush.io.output.toFlow.toReg(0).addTag(crossClockDomain)
pushToPop.io.input.payload := oldPtr
val ratio = popWidth/pushWidth
val buffer = Reg(Bits(popWidth-pushWidth bits))
val state = Reg(UInt(log2Up(ratio) bits)) init(0)
val length = Reg(UInt(lengthWidth bits)) init(0)
val port = ram.writePort
port.valid := False
val error = RegInit(False)
val drop = RegInit(False)
when(io.push.stream.fire && io.push.stream.error){
error := True
val doWrite = False
state := state + 1
length := length + pushWidth
for(i <- 0 to ratio-2) when(state === i){
buffer(i*pushWidth, pushWidth bits) := io.push.stream.data
when(state === ratio-1){
doWrite := True
val full = isFull(currentPtrPlusOne, popPtr)
drop := True
} otherwise {
port.valid := True
port.address := currentPtrPlusOne.resized
port.data := io.push.stream.data ## buffer
currentPtr := currentPtrPlusOne
val cleanup = RegNext(io.push.stream.lastFire) init(False)
val commit = RegNext(cleanup) init(False)
io.push.stream.ready := !cleanup && !commit
when(cleanup && state =/= 0){
doWrite := True
when(error || drop || full) {
currentPtr := oldPtr
} otherwise {
oldPtr := currentPtrPlusOne
currentPtr := currentPtrPlusOne
port.valid := True
port.address := oldPtr.resized
port.data := B(length).resized
error := False
drop := False
state := 0
length := 0
io.push.drop := drop || commit && full
io.push.commit := commit
io.push.error := error
val pop = popCd on new Area{
val currentPtr = Reg(UInt(ptrWidth bits)) init(0)
val pushPtr = pushToPop.io.output.toFlow.toReg(0).addTag(crossClockDomain)
popToPush.io.input.payload := currentPtr
val cmd = Stream(ram.addressType())
cmd.valid := !isEmpty(currentPtr, pushPtr)
cmd.payload := currentPtr.resized
io.pop.stream << ram.streamReadSync(cmd, crossClock = true)
currentPtr := currentPtr + 1
val stats = new Area{
val drop = PulseCCByToggle(
input = push.commit && push.drop,
clockIn = pushCd,
clockOut = popCd
val error = PulseCCByToggle(
input = push.commit && push.error,
clockIn = pushCd,
clockOut = popCd
val drops, errors = Reg(UInt(8 bits)) init(0)
drops := drops + U(drop && drops =/= drops.maxValue)
errors := errors + U(error && errors =/= errors.maxValue)
drops := 0
errors := 0
io.pop.stats.drops := drops
io.pop.stats.errors := errors
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