spinal.lib.com.spi.SpiSlaveCtrl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.com.spi
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba3.apb.{Apb3, Apb3SlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{BusSlaveFactoryAddressWrapper, BusSlaveFactory}
* Created by PIC32F_USER on 02/08/2017.
case class SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics(dataWidth : Int = 8){
case class SpiSlaveCtrlMemoryMappedConfig(ctrlGenerics : SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics,
rxFifoDepth : Int = 32,
txFifoDepth : Int = 32)
case class SpiSlaveCtrlIo(generics : SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics) extends Bundle{
import generics._
val kind = in(SpiKind())
val rx = master Flow(Bits(dataWidth bits))
val tx = slave Stream(Bits(dataWidth bits))
val txError = out Bool()
val ssFilted = out Bool()
val spi = master(SpiSlave())
* In short, it has one read fifo and one write fifo.
* data -> 0x00 :
* - rxTxData -> RW[7:0]
* - rxOccupancy -> R[30:16]
* - rxValid -> R[31]
* - When you read this register it pop an byte of the rx fifo (mosi) and provide its value (via rxTxData)
* - When you write this register, it push a byte into the tx fifo (miso).
* status -> 0x04 :
* - txIntEnable -> RW[0]
* - rxIntEnable -> RW[1]
* - ssEnabledIntEnable -> RW[2]
* - ssDisabledIntEnable -> RW[3]
* - txInt -> R[8] Interruption which occur when the tx fifo is empty
* - rxInt -> R[9] Interruption which occur when the rx fifo is not empty
* - ssEnabledInt -> R[10] Interruption which occur when the SPI interface is selected from the master (ss falling edge).
* - ssDisabledInt -> R[11] Interruption which occur when the SPI interface is deselected from the master (ss rising edge).
* - ssEnabledIntClear -> W[12] When set, clear the ssEnabledInt interrupt
* - ssDisabledIntClear -> W[13] When set, clear the ssDisabledInt interrupt
* - rxListen -> RW[15] Enable the reception of mosi bytes
* - txAvailability -> R[30:16] Space avalaible in the tx fifo
* config -> 0x08
* - cpol -> W[0]
* - cpha -> W[1]
def driveFrom(bus : BusSlaveFactory, baseAddress : BigInt)(generics : SpiSlaveCtrlMemoryMappedConfig) = new Area {
import generics._
require(rxFifoDepth >= 1)
require(txFifoDepth >= 1)
require(rxFifoDepth < 32.KiB)
require(txFifoDepth < 32.KiB)
val busWithOffset = new BusSlaveFactoryAddressWrapper(bus, baseAddress)
val txLogic = new Area {
val streamUnbuffered = busWithOffset.createAndDriveFlow(Bits(8 bits),address = 0).toStream
val (stream, fifoAvailability) = streamUnbuffered.queueWithAvailability(rxFifoDepth)
tx << stream
busWithOffset.read(fifoAvailability, address = 4, 16)
val rxLogic = new Area {
val listen = busWithOffset.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), address = 4, bitOffset = 15) init(False)
val (stream, fifoOccupancy) = rx.takeWhen(listen).queueWithOccupancy(txFifoDepth)
busWithOffset.readStreamNonBlocking(stream, address = 0, validBitOffset = 31, payloadBitOffset = 0)
busWithOffset.read(fifoOccupancy, address = 0, 16)
val interruptCtrl = new Area {
val txIntEnable = busWithOffset.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), address = 4, 0) init(False)
val rxIntEnable = busWithOffset.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), address = 4, 1) init(False)
val ssEnabledIntEnable = busWithOffset.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), address = 4, 2) init(False)
val ssDisabledIntEnable = busWithOffset.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), address = 4, 3) init(False)
val ssFiltedEdges = ssFilted.edges(True)
val txInt = busWithOffset.read(txIntEnable & !txLogic.stream.valid, address = 4, 8)
val rxInt = busWithOffset.read(rxIntEnable & rxLogic.stream.valid , address = 4, 9)
val ssEnabledInt = busWithOffset.read(RegInit(False) setWhen(ssFiltedEdges.fall) clearWhen(!ssEnabledIntEnable), address = 4, bitOffset = 10)
val ssDisabledInt = busWithOffset.read(RegInit(False) setWhen(ssFiltedEdges.rise) clearWhen(!ssDisabledIntEnable), address = 4, bitOffset = 11)
busWithOffset.clearOnSet(ssEnabledInt, address = 4, bitOffset = 12)
busWithOffset.clearOnSet(ssDisabledInt, address = 4, bitOffset = 13)
val interrupt = rxInt || txInt || ssEnabledInt || ssDisabledInt
busWithOffset.drive(kind, 8)
case class SpiSlaveCtrl(generics : SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics) extends Component{
import generics._
val io = SpiSlaveCtrlIo(generics)
//Input filter
val spi = io.spi.slaveResync()
val normalizedSclkEdges = (spi.sclk ^ io.kind.cpol ^ io.kind.cpha).edges()
val counter = Counter(dataWidth*2)
val buffer = Reg(Bits(dataWidth bits))
} otherwise {
buffer := (buffer ## spi.mosi).resized
io.ssFilted := spi.ss
io.rx.valid := RegNext(counter.willOverflow)
io.rx.payload := buffer
io.tx.ready := counter.willOverflow || spi.ss
io.txError := io.tx.ready && !io.tx.valid
val rspBit = io.tx.payload(dataWidth - 1 - (counter >> 1))
val rspBitSampled = RegNextWhen(rspBit, normalizedSclkEdges.fall)
spi.miso.writeEnable := !spi.ss
spi.miso.write := io.kind.cpha ? rspBitSampled | rspBit
object SpiSlaveCtrl{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
new Component{
val ctrl = new SpiSlaveCtrl(SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics(8))
val factory = Apb3SlaveFactory(slave(Apb3(8,32)))
ctrl.io.driveFrom(factory, 0)(SpiSlaveCtrlMemoryMappedConfig(SpiSlaveCtrlGenerics(8)))
master(cloneOf(ctrl.io.spi)) <> ctrl.io.spi
// ctrl
// SpinalVerilog(new SpiMaster(SpiMasterGenerics(2,0,16)).setDefinitionName("TopLevelV"))
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