spinal.lib.com.uart.UartCtrlRx.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.com.uart
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.com.uart.UartStopType._
import spinal.lib._
object UartCtrlRxState extends SpinalEnum {
val IDLE, START, DATA, PARITY, STOP = newElement()
class UartCtrlRx(g : UartCtrlGenerics) extends Component {
import g._
val io = new Bundle {
val configFrame = in(UartCtrlFrameConfig(g))
val samplingTick = in Bool()
val read = master Stream (Bits(dataWidthMax bit))
val rxd = in Bool()
val rts = out Bool()
val error = out Bool()
val break = out Bool()
io.error := False
io.rts := RegNext(!io.read.ready) init(False)
// Implement the rxd sampling with a majority vote over samplingSize bits
// Provide a new sampler.value each time sampler.tick is high
val sampler = new Area {
val synchroniser = BufferCC(io.rxd,init=False)
val samples = History(that=synchroniser,length=samplingSize,when=io.samplingTick,init=True)
val value = RegNext(MajorityVote(samples)) init(True)
val tick = RegNext(io.samplingTick) init(False)
// Provide a bitTimer.tick each rxSamplePerBit
// reset() can be called to recenter the counter over a start bit.
val bitTimer = new Area {
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(rxSamplePerBit) bit))
def reset() = counter := preSamplingSize + (samplingSize - 1) / 2 - 1
val tick = False
when(sampler.tick) {
counter := counter - 1
when(counter === 0) {
tick := True
counter := rxSamplePerBit-1
// Provide bitCounter.value that count up each bitTimer.tick, Used by the state machine to count data bits and stop bits
// reset() can be called to reset it to zero
val bitCounter = new Area {
val value = Reg(UInt(Math.max(log2Up(dataWidthMax), 2) bit))
def reset() = value := 0
when(bitTimer.tick) {
value := value + 1
val break = new Area{
val stateCount = g.rxSamplePerBit*(1+8+1+2+1)
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(stateCount+1) bits)) init(0)
val valid = counter === stateCount
counter := 0
} otherwise {
when(io.samplingTick && !valid) {
counter := counter + 1
io.break := break.valid
val stateMachine = new Area {
import UartCtrlRxState._
val state = RegInit(IDLE)
val parity = Reg(Bool())
val shifter = Reg(io.read.payload)
val validReg = RegNext(False) init(False)
io.read.valid := validReg
//Parity calculation
when(bitTimer.tick) {
parity := parity ^ sampler.value
switch(state) {
is(IDLE) {
when(sampler.tick && !sampler.value && !break.valid) {
state := START
is(START) {
when(bitTimer.tick) {
state := DATA
parity := io.configFrame.parity === UartParityType.ODD
when(sampler.value === True) {
state := IDLE
is(DATA) {
when(bitTimer.tick) {
shifter(bitCounter.value) := sampler.value
when(bitCounter.value === io.configFrame.dataLength) {
when(io.configFrame.parity === UartParityType.NONE) {
state := STOP
validReg := True
} otherwise {
state := PARITY
is(PARITY) {
when(bitTimer.tick) {
when(parity === sampler.value) {
state := STOP
validReg := True
} otherwise {
state := IDLE
io.error := True
is(STOP) {
when(bitTimer.tick) {
when(!sampler.value) {
io.error := True
state := IDLE
}elsewhen(bitCounter.value === toBitCount(io.configFrame.stop)) {
state := IDLE
io.read.payload := stateMachine.shifter
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