spinal.lib.com.usb.phy.UsbDevicePhyNative.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.com.usb.phy
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.com.usb.UsbTimer
import spinal.lib.com.usb.udc.UsbDeviceCtrl.PhyIo
import spinal.lib.fsm.{State, StateMachine}
case class UsbDevicePhyNative(sim : Boolean = false) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val ctrl = slave(PhyIo())
val usb = master(UsbLsFsPhyAbstractIo())
val power = in Bool()
val pullup = out Bool()
val fsRatioExact = (ClockDomain.current.frequency.getValue.toDouble/12e6)
val fsRatio = fsRatioExact.round.toInt
io.pullup := io.ctrl.pullup
val timer = new UsbTimer(counterTimeMax = 0.084e-6 * 8, fsRatio) {
val oneCycle = cycles(1)
val twoCycle = cycles(2)
val fourCycle = cycles(5)
lowSpeed := False
val rxToTxDelay = new UsbTimer(0.084e-6*2, fsRatio){
val twoCycle = cycles(2)
val active = RegInit(False) clearWhen(twoCycle)
lowSpeed := False
val tx = new Area {
val encoder = new Area {
val input = new Area {
val valid = False
val ready = False
val data = Bool().assignDontCare()
val output = new Area {
val valid = False
val se0 = False
val data = Bool().assignDontCare()
val counter = Reg(UInt(3 bits))
val state = Reg(Bool())
when(input.valid) {
output.valid := input.valid
when(input.data) {
output.data := state
when(timer.oneCycle) {
counter := counter + 1;
input.ready := True
when(counter === 5){
timer.clear := True
input.ready := False
state := !state
when(counter === 6){
counter := 0;
} otherwise {
output.data := !state
when(timer.oneCycle) {
counter := 0;
input.ready := True
state := !state
when(!input.valid) {
counter := 0
state := True
when(input.ready) {
timer.clear := True
val serialiser = new Area {
val input = Stream(Bits(8 bits))
val bitCounter = Reg(UInt(3 bits))
input.valid := False
input.ready := False
when(input.valid) {
encoder.input.valid := True
encoder.input.data := input.payload(bitCounter)
when(encoder.input.ready) {
bitCounter := bitCounter + 1
when(bitCounter === 7) {
input.ready := True
when(!input.valid || input.ready) {
bitCounter := 0
val frame = new StateMachine {
val IDLE, TAKE_LINE, SYNC, DATA, EOP_0, EOP_1, EOP_2 = new State
val busy = this.isStarted
def doByte(current : State, value : Bits, next : State): Unit = current.whenIsActive{
serialiser.input.valid := True
serialiser.input.payload := value
when(serialiser.input.ready) {
IDLE whenIsActive {
timer.clear := True
when(io.ctrl.tx.stream.valid && !rxToTxDelay.active) {
//Avoid special signal reflection of the first bit of the frame
TAKE_LINE whenIsActive{
encoder.output.valid := True
encoder.output.data := True
timer.lowSpeed := False
when(timer.oneCycle) {
timer.clear := True
doByte(SYNC, 0x80, DATA)
io.ctrl.tx.stream.ready := False
DATA whenIsActive {
serialiser.input.valid := True
serialiser.input.payload := io.ctrl.tx.stream.fragment
when(serialiser.input.ready) {
io.ctrl.tx.stream.ready := True
when(io.ctrl.tx.stream.last) {
io.ctrl.tx.eop := False
EOP_0 whenIsActive {
encoder.output.valid := True
encoder.output.se0 := True
when(timer.twoCycle) {
timer.clear := True
io.ctrl.tx.eop := True
EOP_1 whenIsActive {
encoder.output.valid := True
encoder.output.data := True
when(timer.oneCycle) {
timer.clear := True
EOP_2 whenIsActive {
when(timer.twoCycle) {
timer.clear := True
val rx = new Area{
val filter = UsbLsFsPhyFilter(fsRatio)
filter.io.lowSpeed := False
filter.io.usb.dp := io.usb.rx.dp
filter.io.usb.dm := io.usb.rx.dm
val j = filter.io.filtred.dp && !filter.io.filtred.dm
val k = !filter.io.filtred.dp && filter.io.filtred.dm
val stuffingError = Reg(Bool())
val waitSync = False
val decoder = new Area{
val state = Reg(Bool())
val output = Flow(Bool())
output.valid := False
output.valid := True
when(state ^ filter.io.filtred.d){
output.payload := False
state := !state
} otherwise {
output.payload := True
state := False
val destuffer = new Area{
val counter = Reg(UInt(3 bits))
val unstuffNext = counter === 6
val output = decoder.output.throwWhen(unstuffNext)
counter := counter + 1
when(!decoder.output.payload || unstuffNext){
counter := 0
stuffingError setWhen(decoder.output.payload)
counter := 0
val history = new Area{
val updated = CombInit(destuffer.output.valid)
val value = History(destuffer.output.payload, 0 to 7, when = updated).reverse.asBits
val sync = new Area {
val pattern = 0x2A ^ 0xFF
val hit = updated && value === pattern
val eop = new Area{
val maxThreshold = fsRatio*3
val minThreshold = fsRatio*2*2/3
val counter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(fsRatio*8*3+1) bits)) init(0)
val maxHit = counter === maxThreshold
val hit = False
when(!filter.io.filtred.dp && !filter.io.filtred.dm){
when(!maxHit) {
counter := counter + 1
} otherwise {
counter := 0
when(counter >= minThreshold && !maxHit){
hit := True
val packet = new StateMachine {
val IDLE, PACKET, ERRORED = new State
val counter = Reg(UInt(3 bits))
IDLE.onEntry(waitSync := True)
waitSync := True
counter := 0
stuffingError := False
io.ctrl.rx.active := False
io.ctrl.rx.stuffingError := False
io.ctrl.rx.flow.valid := False
io.ctrl.rx.flow.payload := history.value
PACKET whenIsActive {
io.ctrl.rx.active := True
io.ctrl.rx.stuffingError := stuffingError
counter := counter + 1
when(counter === 7){
io.ctrl.rx.flow.valid := True
//Ensure that all activities on the bus are done before released the FSM
val errorTimeout = new UsbTimer(20.0*0.084e-6,fsRatio){
lowSpeed := False
val trigger = cycles(20)
val p,n = Reg(Bool())
clear := True
ERRORED whenIsActive{
io.ctrl.rx.active := True
p := filter.io.filtred.dp
n := filter.io.filtred.dm
when(p =/= filter.io.filtred.dp || n =/= filter.io.filtred.dm){
clear := True
rxToTxDelay.clear := True
rxToTxDelay.active := True
val timerLong = new UsbTimer(counterTimeMax = 21e-3*2, fsRatio) {
val factor = if(sim) 0.005 else 1.0
val resume = trigger(19.9e-3*factor)
val reset = trigger(9.9e-3*factor)
val suspend = trigger(2.9e-3*factor)
val oneBit = trigger(83e-9)
val threeBit = trigger(83e-9*3)
val hadOne = RegInit(False) setWhen(oneBit) clearWhen(clear)
val hadTree = RegInit(False) setWhen(threeBit) clearWhen(clear)
lowSpeed := False
val detect = new Area{
val current = filter.io.filtred.dm ## filter.io.filtred.dp
val previous = RegNext(current) init(3)
timerLong.inc := False
when(current =/= previous){
timerLong.clear := True
val isReset = current === 0
val isSuspend = current === 1
val resumeState = RegInit(False) clearWhen(current =/= 0 && current =/= previous) setWhen(timerLong.resume && current === 2)
val isResume = resumeState && timerLong.hadOne && !timerLong.hadTree && current === 1
val resetState = RegInit(False) setWhen(timerLong.reset && isReset) clearWhen(!isReset)
val suspendState = RegInit(False) setWhen(timerLong.suspend && isSuspend) clearWhen(!isSuspend)
io.ctrl.reset := resetState
io.ctrl.suspend := suspendState
io.ctrl.disconnect := False
io.ctrl.resume.valid := RegNext(isResume) init(False)
val tickTimer = new Area {
val counter = CounterFreeRun(fsRatio)
val tick = counter.willOverflow === True
io.ctrl.tick := tick
io.usb.tx.enable := tx.encoder.output.valid
io.usb.tx.se0 := tx.encoder.output.se0
io.usb.tx.data := tx.encoder.output.data
io.ctrl.power := io.power
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