spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.debug.DebugModuleFiber.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.debug
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.fiber._
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.RiscvHart
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.debug._
import spinal.lib.{OHMux, traversableOnceBoolPimped}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class DebugModuleFiber() extends Area{
var harts = ArrayBuffer[RiscvHart]()
def bindHart(cpu: RiscvHart) = {
harts += cpu
val ndmreset = Bool()
val p = DebugTransportModuleParameter(
addressWidth = 7,
version = 1,
idle = 7
val cmCd = ClockDomain.current
val debugBuses = ArrayBuffer[DebugBus]()
val thread = Fiber build new Area{
val logic = DebugModule(
version = p.version + 1,
harts = harts.size,
progBufSize = 2,
datacount = harts.map(_.getXlen()).max/32,
hartsConfig = List(DebugModuleCpuConfig(
xlen = harts.map(_.getXlen()).max,
flen = harts.map(_.getFlen()).max,
withFpuRegAccess = false
ndmreset := logic.io.ndmreset
for(i <- harts.indices){
val from = logic.io.harts(i)
val to = harts(i).getDebugBus
// from <> to
// to.dmToHart.removeAssignments() <-< from.dmToHart
from.halted := RegNext(to.halted) init(False)
from.running := RegNext(to.running) init(False)
from.unavailable := RegNext(to.unavailable) init(False)
from.haveReset := RegNext(to.haveReset) init(False)
from.exception := RegNext(to.exception) init(False)
from.commit := RegNext(to.commit) init(False)
from.ebreak := RegNext(to.ebreak) init(False)
from.redo := RegNext(to.redo) init (False)
from.regSuccess := RegNext(to.regSuccess) init (False)
to.haltReq := RegNext(from.haltReq) init (False)
to.ackReset := RegNext(from.ackReset) init (False)
to.hartToDm >-> from.hartToDm
to.dmToHart <-< from.dmToHart
to.resume.cmd <-< from.resume.cmd
to.resume.rsp >-> from.resume.rsp
//Assumes only one interface is used on the field
logic.io.ctrl.cmd.valid := debugBuses.map(_.cmd.valid).orR
logic.io.ctrl.cmd.payload := OHMux.or(debugBuses.map(_.cmd.valid), debugBuses.map(_.cmd.payload), true)
for(db <- debugBuses) {
db.cmd.ready := logic.io.ctrl.cmd.ready
db.rsp << logic.io.ctrl.rsp
def withJtagTap() = {
val db = DebugBus(p.addressWidth); debugBuses += db
Fiber build new Area {
val logic = DebugTransportModuleJtagTap(
debugCd = cmCd
db <> logic.io.bus
val jtag = logic.io.jtag.toIo
def withJtagInstruction() = {
val db = DebugBus(p.addressWidth); debugBuses += db
Fiber build new Area {
val logic = DebugTransportModuleTunneled(
p = p,
jtagCd = ClockDomain.current,
debugCd = cmCd
db <> logic.io.bus
val instruction = logic.io.instruction.toIo
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