spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl.DCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl
import java.text.AttributedString
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.{Axi4Shared, Axi4Config}
import spinal.lib.bus.avalon.{AvalonMM, AvalonMMConfig}
case class DataCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int){
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
def getAvalonConfig() = AvalonMMConfig.bursted(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = memDataWidth,
burstCountWidth = log2Up(burstSize + 1)).copy(
useByteEnable = true,
constantBurstBehavior = true,
burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly = true,
maximumPendingReadTransactions = 2
def getAxi4SharedConfig() = Axi4Config(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
useId = false,
useRegion = false,
useBurst = false,
useLock = false,
useQos = false,
useLen = false,
useResp = false
val burstLength = bytePerLine/(memDataWidth/8)
object DataCacheCpuCmdKind extends SpinalEnum{
val MEMORY,FLUSH,EVICT = newElement()
case class DataCacheCpuCmd()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val kind = DataCacheCpuCmdKind()
val wr = Bool()
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
val mask = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth/8 bit)
val bypass = Bool()
val all = Bool() //Address should be zero when "all" is used
case class DataCacheCpuRsp()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(p.cpuDataWidth bit)
case class DataCacheCpuBus()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (DataCacheCpuCmd())
val rsp = Flow (DataCacheCpuRsp())
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DataCacheMemCmd()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val wr = Bool()
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(p.memDataWidth/8 bits)
val length = UInt(log2Up(p.burstLength+1) bit)
case class DataCacheMemRsp()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(p.memDataWidth bit)
case class DataCacheMemBus()(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (DataCacheMemCmd())
val rsp = Flow (DataCacheMemRsp())
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
def toAvalon(): AvalonMM = {
val avalonConfig = p.getAvalonConfig()
val mm = AvalonMM(avalonConfig)
mm.read := cmd.valid && !cmd.wr
mm.write := cmd.valid && cmd.wr
mm.address := cmd.address(cmd.address.high downto log2Up(p.memDataWidth/8)) @@ U(0,log2Up(p.memDataWidth/8) bits)
mm.burstCount := cmd.length
mm.byteEnable := cmd.mask
mm.writeData := cmd.data
cmd.ready := mm.waitRequestn
rsp.valid := mm.readDataValid
rsp.data := mm.readData
def toAxi4Shared() : Axi4Shared = {
val axiConfig = p.getAxi4SharedConfig()
val mm = Axi4Shared(axiConfig)
// mm.sharedCmd.valid := cmd.valid
// mm.sharedCmd.write := cmd.wr
// mm.sharedCmd.addr := cmd.address(cmd.address.high downto log2Up(p.memDataWidth/8)) @@ U(0,log2Up(p.memDataWidth/8) bits)
// mm.sharedCmd.len := cmd.length-1
// mm.byteEnable := cmd.mask
// mm.writeData := cmd.data
// cmd.ready := mm.readwaitRequestn
// rsp.valid := mm.readDataValid
// rsp.data := mm.readData
class DataCache(implicit p : DataCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val cpu = slave(DataCacheCpuBus())
val mem = master(DataCacheMemBus())
val flushDone = out Bool() //It pulse at the same time than the manager.request.fire
val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,cpuDataWidth)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val memTransactionPerLine = p.bytePerLine / (p.memDataWidth/8)
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
class LineInfo() extends Bundle{
val used = Bool()
val dirty = Bool()
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
val tagsReadCmd = UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits)
val tagsWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) bits)
val data = new LineInfo()
val tagsWriteLastCmd = RegNext(tagsWriteCmd)
val dataReadCmd = UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits)
val dataWriteCmd = Flow(new Bundle{
val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(log2Up(wayWordCount) bits)
val data = Bits(wordWidth bits)
val mask = Bits(wordWidth/8 bits)
tagsWriteCmd.valid := False
dataWriteCmd.valid := False
io.mem.cmd.valid := False
val ways = Array.tabulate(wayCount)(id => new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val data = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bit),wayWordCount) //TODO write mask
when(tagsWriteCmd.valid && tagsWriteCmd.way === id){
tags(tagsWriteCmd.address) := tagsWriteCmd.data
when(dataWriteCmd.valid && dataWriteCmd.way === id){
address = dataWriteCmd.address,
data = dataWriteCmd.data,
mask = dataWriteCmd.mask
val dataReadRsp = data.readSync(dataReadCmd)
val dataReadedValue = Vec.tabulate(ways.length)(id => RegNext(ways(id).dataReadRsp))
val victim = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(new Bundle{
val way = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
requestIn.valid := False
val request = requestIn.stage()
request.ready := False
val buffer = Mem(Bits(p.memDataWidth bits),memTransactionPerLine << 1) // << 1 because of cyclone II issue, should be removed //.add(new AttributeString("ramstyle","M4K"))
//Send line read commands to fill the buffer
val readLineCmdCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val dataReadCmdOccure = False
val dataReadCmdOccureLast = RegNext(dataReadCmdOccure)
when(request.valid && !readLineCmdCounter.msb){
readLineCmdCounter := readLineCmdCounter + 1
//dataReadCmd := request.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low) Done in the manager
dataReadCmdOccure := True
//Fill the buffer with line read responses
val readLineRspCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
when(readLineCmdCounter >= 2 && !readLineRspCounter.msb && Delay(dataReadCmdOccure,2)){
buffer(readLineRspCounter.resized) := dataReadedValue(request.way)
readLineRspCounter := readLineRspCounter + 1
//Send buffer read commands
val bufferReadCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine + 1) bits)) init(0)
val bufferReadStream = Stream(buffer.addressType)
bufferReadStream.valid := readLineRspCounter > bufferReadCounter
bufferReadStream.payload := bufferReadCounter.resized
bufferReadCounter := bufferReadCounter + 1
val bufferReaded = buffer.streamReadSync(bufferReadStream).stage
bufferReaded.ready := False
//Send memory writes from bufffer read responses
val bufferReadedCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(memTransactionPerLine) bits)) init(0)
val memCmdAlreadyUsed = False
when(bufferReaded.valid) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := True
io.mem.cmd.address := request.address(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
io.mem.cmd.data := bufferReaded.payload
io.mem.cmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
when(!memCmdAlreadyUsed && io.mem.cmd.ready){
bufferReaded.ready := True
bufferReadedCounter := bufferReadedCounter + 1
when(bufferReadedCounter === bufferReadedCounter.maxValue){
request.ready := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
readLineCmdCounter.msb := False
readLineRspCounter.msb := False
bufferReadCounter.msb := False
val manager = new Area {
io.flushDone := False
val request = io.cpu.cmd.haltWhen(haltCpu).stage()
request.ready := !request.valid
//Evict the cache after reset
val waysHitValid = False
val waysHitOneHot = Bits(wayCount bits)
val waysHitId = OHToUInt(waysHitOneHot)
val waysHitInfo = new LineInfo().assignDontCare()
//delayedXX are used to relax logic timings in flush and evict modes
val delayedValid = RegNext(request.isStall) init(False)
val delayedWaysHitValid = RegNext(waysHitValid)
val delayedWaysHitId = RegNext(waysHitId)
val waysReadAddress = Mux(request.isStall, request.address, io.cpu.cmd.address)
tagsReadCmd := waysReadAddress(lineRange)
dataReadCmd := waysReadAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low)
dataReadCmd := victim.request.address(lineRange) @@ victim.readLineCmdCounter(victim.readLineCmdCounter.high-1 downto 0)
val waysRead = for ((way,id) <- ways.zipWithIndex) yield new Area {
val tag = way.tags.readSync(tagsReadCmd)
//Write first
when(tagsWriteLastCmd.valid && tagsWriteLastCmd.way === id && tagsWriteLastCmd.address === RegNext(waysReadAddress(lineRange))){
tag := tagsWriteLastCmd.data
waysHitOneHot(id) := tag.used && tag.address === request.address(tagRange)
when(waysHitOneHot(id)) {
waysHitValid := True
waysHitInfo := tag
val writebackWayId = U(0) //Only one way compatible
val writebackWayInfo = Vec(waysRead.map(_.tag))(writebackWayId)
val cpuRspIn = Stream(new Bundle{
val fromBypass = Bool()
val wayId = UInt(log2Up(wayCount) bits)
cpuRspIn.valid := False
cpuRspIn.fromBypass := False
cpuRspIn.wayId := waysHitId
//Loader interface
val loaderValid = False
val loaderReady = False
val loadingDone = RegNext(loaderValid && loaderReady) init(False) //one cycle pulse
val victimSent = RegInit(False)
victimSent := (victimSent || victim.requestIn.fire) && !request.ready
val flushAllState = RegInit(False) //Used to keep logic timings fast
val flushAllDone = RegNext(False) init(False)
when(request.valid) {
switch(request.kind) {
import DataCacheCpuCmdKind._
tagsWriteCmd.valid := True
tagsWriteCmd.way := 0
tagsWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := False
when(request.address(lineRange) =/= lineCount-1){
request.address.getDrivingReg()(lineRange) := request.address(lineRange) + 1
request.ready := True
when(delayedValid) {
when(delayedWaysHitValid) {
tagsWriteCmd.valid := True
tagsWriteCmd.way := delayedWaysHitId
tagsWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := False
request.ready := True
is(FLUSH) {
when(request.all) {
victim.requestIn.valid := waysRead(0).tag.used && waysRead(0).tag.dirty
victim.requestIn.way := writebackWayId
victim.requestIn.address := writebackWayInfo.address @@ request.address(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
tagsWriteCmd.way := writebackWayId
tagsWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := False
when(!victim.requestIn.isStall) {
request.address.getDrivingReg()(lineRange) := request.address(lineRange) + 1
flushAllDone := request.address(lineRange) === lineCount-1
flushAllState := True
tagsWriteCmd.valid := True
} otherwise{
//Wait tag read
flushAllState := False
request.ready := flushAllDone
io.flushDone := flushAllDone
} otherwise {
when(delayedValid) {
when(delayedWaysHitValid) {
request.ready := victim.requestIn.ready
victim.requestIn.valid := True
victim.requestIn.way := writebackWayId
victim.requestIn.address := writebackWayInfo.address @@ request.address(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
tagsWriteCmd.valid := victim.requestIn.ready
tagsWriteCmd.way := writebackWayId
tagsWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := False
} otherwise{
request.ready := True
io.flushDone := True
is(MEMORY) {
when(request.bypass) {
when(!victim.request.valid) {
//Can't insert mem cmd into a victim write burst
io.mem.cmd.valid := !(!request.wr && !cpuRspIn.ready)
io.mem.cmd.wr := request.wr
io.mem.cmd.address := request.address(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0,wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.mask := request.mask
io.mem.cmd.data := request.data
io.mem.cmd.length := 1
cpuRspIn.valid := !request.wr && io.mem.cmd.fire
cpuRspIn.fromBypass := True
request.ready := io.mem.cmd.fire
} otherwise {
request.ready := False
} otherwise {
when(waysHitValid && !loadingDone) { // !loadingDone => don't solve the request directly after loader (data write to read latency)
when(request.wr) {
dataWriteCmd.valid := True
dataWriteCmd.way := waysHitId
dataWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low)
dataWriteCmd.data := request.data
dataWriteCmd.mask := request.mask
tagsWriteCmd.valid := True
tagsWriteCmd.way := waysHitId
tagsWriteCmd.address := request.address(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := True
tagsWriteCmd.data.dirty := True
tagsWriteCmd.data.address := request.address(tagRange)
request.ready := True
} otherwise {
cpuRspIn.valid := !victim.dataReadCmdOccureLast
request.ready := cpuRspIn.ready && !victim.dataReadCmdOccureLast //dataReadCmdOccure to avoid the case where flush,then read will victim use data read
} otherwise {
request.ready := False //Exit this state automaticly (tags read port write first logic)
loaderValid := !loadingDone && !(!victimSent && victim.request.isStall) //Wait previous victim request to be completed
when(writebackWayInfo.used && writebackWayInfo.dirty) {
victim.requestIn.valid := !victimSent
victim.requestIn.way := writebackWayId
victim.requestIn.address := writebackWayInfo.address @@ request.address(lineRange) @@ U((lineRange.low - 1 downto 0) -> false)
val cpuRsp = cpuRspIn.m2sPipe()
val cpuRspIsWaitingMemRsp = cpuRsp.valid && io.mem.rsp.valid
io.cpu.rsp.valid := cpuRsp.fire
io.cpu.rsp.data := Mux(cpuRsp.fromBypass,io.mem.rsp.data,dataReadedValue(cpuRsp.wayId))
cpuRsp.ready := !(cpuRsp.fromBypass && !io.mem.rsp.valid)
//The whole life of a loading task, the corresponding manager request is present
val loader = new Area{
val valid = RegNext(manager.loaderValid)
val wayId = RegNext(manager.writebackWayId)
val baseAddress = manager.request.address
val memCmdSent = RegInit(False)
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
io.mem.cmd.valid := True
io.mem.cmd.wr := False
io.mem.cmd.address := baseAddress(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.length := p.burstLength
when(valid && io.mem.cmd.ready){
memCmdSent := True
when(valid && !memCmdSent) {
victim.memCmdAlreadyUsed := True
val counter = Counter(memTransactionPerLine)
when(io.mem.rsp.valid && !manager.cpuRspIsWaitingMemRsp){
dataWriteCmd.valid := True
dataWriteCmd.way := wayId
dataWriteCmd.address := baseAddress(lineRange) @@ counter
dataWriteCmd.data := io.mem.rsp.data
dataWriteCmd.mask := (1<<(wordWidth/8))-1
memCmdSent := False
valid := False
tagsWriteCmd.valid := True
tagsWriteCmd.way := wayId
tagsWriteCmd.address := baseAddress(lineRange)
tagsWriteCmd.data.used := True
tagsWriteCmd.data.dirty := False
tagsWriteCmd.data.address := baseAddress(tagRange)
manager.loaderReady := True
//Avoid read after write data hazard
when(io.cpu.cmd.address === manager.request.address && manager.request.valid && io.cpu.cmd.valid){
haltCpu := True
object DataCacheMain{
def main(args: Array[String]) {
implicit val p = DataCacheConfig(
cacheSize =4096,
bytePerLine =32,
wayCount = 1,
addressWidth = 32,
cpuDataWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32)
new WrapWithReg.Wrapper(new DataCache()(p)).setDefinitionName("TopLevel")
implicit val p = DataCacheConfig(
cacheSize =512,
bytePerLine =16,
wayCount = 1,
addressWidth = 12,
cpuDataWidth = 16,
memDataWidth = 16)
new DataCache()(p)
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